
Tuesday 20 June 2023

June Die release blog Launch winner

Hello bloggers!  I have a clean and simple card to share with you today.  I cut the Poinsettia Scalloped Border in white.  I glued the border to the bottom of a piece of white card.  I inked the Iris Stampcut die with a black water based ink and cut it in the die cutting machine.  I used Alcohol ink markers to colour the image.  I shadowed it with a black die cut then  attached it to the right side of the card.  I cut the Just Because sentiment in both Iris card and black card.  I shadowed it with the black die cut then glued it to the left side of the card.  I added a few water crystals as accents.  The card was completed with white mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4"  x  8"  in size.  

 The winner of the June die release blog launch is..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

                                                                  Helen Bell!!!

Congratulations!  Please contact me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your winning die collection.  All for now, Sue x

                                                      Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Beautiful card Sue xx Hazel. Congratulations Helen xx

  2. Many happy congratulations to you Helen I'm thrilled for you, enjoy your gift xx

    I absolutely love today's inspiration Sue, it's clean, fresh, and with the touch of iris cardstock and beautifully shaded iris stampcut this is as near to perfect as anything can get.

    Love to all that visit and leave a comment today xx

  3. Simple and elegant 💙

  4. Morning Sue.
    A beautiful card.
    Congratulations Helen have fun.
    Take care Kitty.

  5. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, stunning card, beautiful colour choice too.

    Congratulations Helen on winning the June release, enjoy your prize. x

    Stay safe, healthy, and happy, Love June Smith xxx

  6. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Beautiful card Sue x the iris look so pretty and I love the scalloped border x
    Huge congratulations to Helen, enjoy your goodies x
    Thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  7. Hi Sue
    A lovely card.
    Congratulations to Helen.
    B xx

  8. Hello Sue
    This is a lovely card I do like your flowers. Congratulations to Helen. Hugs to all that visit today x

  9. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful card today & the iris's are just so realistic. Congratulations to Helen, enjoy crafting with your fabulous dies. Yvonne xx

  10. Hi Sue,

    A gorgeous card, lovely bright colours. Congratulations to Helen, Enjoy your dies.

    Barbara V

  11. Good Morning Sue and all that visit this morning.
    A lovely card this morning. Looks a very clean and fresh looking card that I would love to receive myself.
    Congratulations Helen. I think you are going to be very busy with your gift.
    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today. Please stay safe and well 🙏 .
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  12. Congratulations Helen!

    Thank you Sue for all your wonderful ideas - I find them always adaptable and useful.


    Maggie (York UK)

  13. Many congratulations Helen - enjoy! This is a gorgeous card - love how you have coloured the iris too Sue - just beautiful! Colleen xx

  14. Morning Sue, what a beautiful card today, love the Iris Stampcut die. Congratulations Helen, enjoy your prize. Take care everyone. Bx

  15. Lovely card. Congratulations to Helen.

  16. Fabulous card, love how the Iris Stampcut looks with that scallop border.
    Big congrats to the super-lucky winner!

  17. dj from kettering20 June 2023 at 08:56

    Love the card today, and congrats to Helen.

    Doreen x

  18. Lovely clean and simply card
    Congratulations Helen Bell on your new toys enjoy
    Elizabeth Bennett

  19. Deb E Isle of Wight20 June 2023 at 09:33

    A gorgeous post, love the simplicity of this one and that border is stunning. Congrats to Helen - enjoy ....

  20. Hi Sue
    A beautiful clean and simple card, the scalloped border adds a touch of elegance

    Congratulations Helen, enjoy your Christmas crafting with all those gorgeous dies

    Love and hugs to everyone

  21. Hi Sue
    Another fantastic card today loving your colours,
    Congratulations to
    Helen Bell .
    Owlish Xx

  22. I just love this card for the simplicity of it, done in my favourite colours. Thank you Sue.

    Congratulations Helen Bell, I know you will enjoy your prize, have fun.

  23. Hello Sue,
    Gorgeous card, love the border and the colours you’ve used.
    Congratulations Helen enjoy your prize.
    Tooth Fairy Jo. xxx

  24. Congratulations Helen, have a great time with your prize....luv Ursula xx

  25. Good morning Sue
    Beautiful card! Congratulations Helen! Sorry I missed your launch Sue I’ve just checked the posts I’ve missed and everything looks awesome.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  26. Hi Sue
    Fabulous card theiris stampcut is beautiful
    Congratulations Helen!

  27. Congratulations Helen! You won an awesome prize.
    Stephanie K

  28. Hi Sue

    What a wonderful surprise to scroll down and see my name as the winner! I am over the moon! Thank you so much Sue. I am so looking forward to them arriving.

    Thank you to everyone for your kind words and congratulations. I will definitely enjoy using them.

    A beautiful card today. I love the poinsettia scalloped border and the iris look gorgeous. The water crystals always remind me of old birthday and anniversary cards from years ago. I think they used to often be on padded cards.

    Love from a very happy Helen xxx

  29. Beautiful card; congratulations Helen. WakeyL

  30. Lovely card, congrats to Helen

    From hellma(Helen bell)

  31. so pleased for you helen xxxxx

  32. enjoy your gift Helen so pleased for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjune horrocks

  33. Hi Sue, a beautiful card, I love the simplicity of it and the Iris Stampcut is gorgeous.

    Helen Bell - Congratulations on your win, you are going to have so much fun making gorgeous Christmas cards.


  34. Wop Wop Congratulations Helen for winning the
    June collection!! Have fun crafting with the
    new "stuff" 😃
    Maria x
    ps. Anyone going to the NEC on Friday and Like to have
    lunch together ?

  35. Lovely card.
    Congratulations Helen. X

  36. Beautiful card today :))
    Congratulations to the lucky winner of the die launch!

  37. Love the simplicity of this lovely card.
    Congratulations to Helen Bell, enjoy your wonderful prize
    Marlene O

  38. lindyloo12Somerset21 June 2023 at 13:20

    A beautiful card - congratulations to Helen.
