
Tuesday 21 March 2023

Tiger Lily Stampcuts

Hello bloggers!  How about these beautiful Tiger Lilies!  These come in a variety of colours in real life so you will see my samples in different colours as well.  I have even coloured one sample to look like Rubrum Lilies, which is one of my all time favourite flowers!  I like that these give you that bit of ability to make them look so different too.  If you are a Lily fan as I am, just leave a comment on this post and your name will be included in the drawing to win the entire collection!  Day one is complete but we do still have another full day and a bit more coming your way.  I shall return at 6am to start the second day of this launch.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Wonderful card Tiger lily my favourite
    Elizabeth Bennett

  2. Evening Sue and all Wilsonettes, wow, what a beautiful sample this is with the tiger lily, really and truly it is so beautiful and the frame and colours you have used are stunning.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  3. Oh Sue, you've given us a fabulous day thank you and tomorrow will be another fabulous day, full of fabulous designs xxx

  4. Hello Sue
    Your flowers are beautiful I have loved everyone I can't wait for tomorrow Sue you are amazing.

  5. Ah this lily is gorgeous, can see more flowers dies being added to my collection...beautiful card...luv Ursula from Verwood xxx

  6. Well I was having difficulty deciding which one was my favourite today but this has helped me make my mind up. The fact they can be many different colours like the petunias just makes them so versatile. I noticed today me Easter lilies have just started to shoot but unfortunately won’t be out for Easter. Thank you Sue. An excellent first day.

  7. Eunice from Edmonton21 March 2023 at 18:20

    What a way to kick off your launch Sue! The Tiger Lily die is truly amazing but so are all the other dies!! Really hard to pick a favorite so one must have all of the dies so far!

  8. Stunning card and stampcut, Sue xx Hazel Nottm

  9. Good evening Sue.
    A lovely flower die set and card thank you.
    Take care Kitty.

  10. Lillies are beautiful. WakeyL

  11. Good evening Sue,
    A stunning card & another one that can be many colours. Yvonne xx

  12. Oh wow, these lilies are beautiful, and I love the card - the sparkle yellow edge works really well.
    B xx

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is absolutely gorgeous! Love the whole
    design, including those beautiful lilies!
    Sharon in Toronto

  15. Good Evening Sue. How lovely to see all these flowers in one big bunch on this lovely blog. And all in their floral glory. Everyone of your samples today has been a gorgeous refreshing lift up for us all. Thankyou Sue. Someone is going to be very lucky to win this set. Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  16. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card to finish the first day of your new release, loving the tiger lilies

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  17. All of the new flower dies are great. Sure like this tiger lily. MaryJean Smith

  18. Beautiful lilies another favourite!
    Lynne L Haverfordwest

  19. Hi Sue,

    love lilies and your card very much.

    Rolf xxx

  20. Love lilies even if some people think they are a funeral flower, so much variety in them now.

  21. The Stampcuts Tiger Lilies are just outstanding and your card shows them fact so well!! It's an amazing collection, with a very clever choice of flowers! Quick and easy to use, a detailed look and a very accurate design, the whole release is surely a winning.

  22. What a lovely card and die. Today’s launch has been brilliant. X

  23. Another fabulous sample, the Tiger Lily is stunning. Looking forward to tomorrow
    Marion S x

  24. dj from kettering21 March 2023 at 19:58

    The tiger lily is a stunning end to this day's
    launch, glorious!!

    Doreen x

  25. Deb E Isle of Wight21 March 2023 at 20:03

    Didn't think you could surpass the petunias but these tiger lilies are stunning as is the post. Loving the whole collection so far and it amazes me how you keep designing such original ideas...

  26. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Another beautiful stampcut Sue x such a pretty card too x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  27. Hi Sue
    Love your colours and card and I'm think these tiger lily are fantastic on your card.
    Owlish p Xx
    From The Bonnie Land of Scotland

  28. Hi Sue - these are absolutely gorgeous too! I adore lilies! Colleen xx

  29. These are beautiful too. Elly Booij

  30. Fabulous card and more beautiful flowers.

    Liz Cavill ~ Crafty Sunflower xx

  31. Hi Sue

    These tiger lilies are gorgeous. The card is beautiful with the lilies resting on that gorgeous new oval die cut. Love the colours you’ve used, but as you say there could be so much variation in colours to make Rubrum Lilies, or stargazers or other colours too. I’m definitely a Lily fan.
    Looking forward to seeing tomorrows new products.

    Love Helen xxx

  32. Hi Sue, your tiger lilies are gorgeous and this card is lovely. You have given us a whole bouquet today, thank you.


  33. Love all varieties of lilies, one of my favourite flowers
    This card is just gorgeous. Thank you Sue for all your inspiration
    Marlene O

  34. Hi Sue,

    Gorgeous lilies and a beautiful card.

    Barbara V

  35. Good morning Sue
    Todays card and die are absolutely beautiful!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  36. A lovely lily stampcut. They look fabulous on that gorgeous looped oval background. X

  37. I love lilies too. Simply stunning.


  38. I love lilies as they give such a gorgeous smell. Stunning card
    Karen xx

  39. Hello Sue, such a classy card, lilies are beautiful, I love the scented ones. Bx

  40. Hi Sue,
    I am a big fan of Stampcuts and flowers - a great combination. The Tiger Lily card is beautiful. I definitely want to add this to my collection
    Be well and stay safe.

  41. Hey Sue
    I have to admit Lillies are one of my favourite flowers! Gorgeous.
    Sam Salter

  42. Susan Foster Croydon22 March 2023 at 09:53

    Beautiful card! The tiger lily is a favourite
    Susan Foster Croydon

  43. Love the tiger lilies! Beautiful card!

  44. Gorgeous, Sue. I love all kinds of lilies but can't grow them because of my cats. This design makes a wonderful card.
    Bejay from Truro xx

  45. lindyloo12Somerset22 March 2023 at 12:33

    Who doesn't love a tiger lily, beautifully presented!

  46. My favourite flower by far the Lily ,these are beautiful xx

  47. Love these lily flowers. Beautifully done! Hugs.

  48. Love tiger lily, this is gorgeous.
    Cherry McNamee

  49. Lilies are so beautiful! I grow some in my front yard!

  50. Hi Sue,
    Tiger lilies are possibly my favourite flowers, this stampcut is now on my wish list.
    Tooth Fairy Jo.
