
Wednesday 5 October 2022

Happy Birthday

Hi bloggers!  I embossed a piece of black card using the Balloons Embossing folder.  Next I used Alcohol inks on Yupo cardstock.  I put a couple of drops on a felt applicator tool and swiped it diagonally across the Yupo.  I used Sunshine Yellow Sunset Orange, Flamingo, Lettuce and Turquoise alcohol inks.  After completing the entire piece, I used the large Balloon from the Birthday Balloons die set.  I also cut out the Noble Happy Birthday sentiment.  I cut a string for the balloon using the Dotty Balloons set.  I attached the string to the balloon then added the balloon to the background with mounting foam.  I used mounting foam to attach the Happy Birthday too.  The card was completed with white and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7"  x  8 3/4"  in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Fabulous card Sue, love the contrast xx Hazel

  2. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, well this is certainly a colourful balloon Happy Birthday card today, not sure about the black background, if it was me I might try a lighter grey, love all the other colours and have the dies so can have a play.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  3. Hi Sue, loving this birthday inspiration and the first thing that really struck me was the colour choice, I know there are 100's of colourways to use on a design like this but the first thing I thought of was that it was perfect for a birthday on Pride day, for a trans, gay family member or friend it's such a happy sample, I love it.
    Hope you are well.
    Stay safe everyone xx

  4. Morning Sue.
    A big bright and bold card thank you.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  5. Hello Sue
    This is so lovely and colourful it's amazing. Take care everyone x

  6. Hi Sue
    A lovely bright card. I’m not a fan of black so might try a dark navy instead, or even a bright royal blue as a contrast colour.
    B xx

  7. Good morning Sue,
    A very bright & colourful Happy Birthday & Balloon which really pops with the black background. Yvonne xx

  8. Morning Sue,
    WOW! Your card really made my sleepy eyes pop when I opened your blog this morning.
    Lovely colours.
    Crafty Hugs, Pauline x

  9. Morning Eileen, lovely bright card! Love Jean xxx

  10. Loving this colorful, cheery, fun card! Judy from Prosser

  11. Hi Sue

    A lovely bright and bold card. It reminds me of those scratch art projects where you remove black to reveal what’s underneath.

    Love Helen xxx

  12. Deb E Isle of Wight5 October 2022 at 08:45

    Loving the post but not sure on the black - and I'm a black fan - however its something I'd give a go and possibly use white....

  13. Hi Sue
    Brilliant card today loving your colours so fetching.
    Owlish Xx

  14. Morning Sue - I absolutely love this! So cheerful, and you can’t go wrong with rainbows 🌈! Colleen xx

  15. Great card, your colour choice really showcases your dies

  16. What a lovely bright colourful card especially on a dark rainy day like today! I like the black I think it really sets the other colours off nicely. Thank you Sue.

  17. Fabulous card, love the choice of rainbow colours!!

  18. Yet another great card, WakeyL

  19. Lovely bold card, the choice of colours for the balloon are great...luv Ursula xx

  20. dj from kettering5 October 2022 at 11:00

    Love the rainbow colours, such a happy card.

    Doreen x

  21. Hi Sue, considering that it took me years to be comfortable using black on my cards you would think that I would not like this card - no such thing, I love it! The rainbow colours for the balloon and sentiment really stand out in a way I don't think they would on many other colours. Suitable for anyone but especially those pesky males :-)


  22. Hi Sue
    Love this bright and bold card and the black makes the colours pop

    Love and hugs to everyone

  23. What a great masculine card Sue, love the colors you used on the Upo paper!!

  24. Hi Sue
    What a fabulous card!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  25. Good Afternoon Sue . You just can't go wrong with balloons and of course the Noble Happy Birthday Die. A wonderful card especially ... as everyone else has said ... for the men.
    I love the balloon embossing folder... I feel another spend coming along.
    Thankyou Sue. Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone who needs them today.
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds

    One more week to go then home. Just watching the beautiful Turkish Sun setting with a lovely glass of wine . Perfect.

  26. You can't go wrong with this design, regardless of the colors you choose or the age of the recipient. Thank you, Sue, for the inspiration.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  27. This is another fun card and I love the bright colors against the black balloon background. Hugs.

  28. Awesome card! Take care xxx💖💖💖

  29. Hi Sue,

    Beautiful card. Love the bright colours on the black background.

    Barbara V

  30. Great card, love the bright colours
    Marlene O

  31. Great, bright colors on a black card. Very eye catching.
    Have a great day!
    Stephanie K

  32. lindyloo12Somerset7 October 2022 at 12:11

    Love the bright colours against the background!

  33. lindyloo12Somerset7 October 2022 at 12:12

    Love the bright colours against the dark background!
