
Wednesday 13 April 2022


Hello bloggers!  The next set on offer is the Neptune die set.  There are a whopping nine dies in this set, including Neptune of course, an octopus, a dolphin, several accessories for Neptune including a trident, crown, seashells and waves to use.  I love that this set works so well with all the other nautical themed sets from previous releases as well as being fairly gender neutral too.  Think of those pesky guy cards we all need to make from time to time and I think the Neptune set might be a real go to die set to use!  I have also forgotten to mention that the Pintest button is on all the posts so if you would like to save any of the samples for later inspiration, please feel free to do so!  The next post will be along at 3pm UK time today, hope to see you back here then!  All for now, Sue x


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  1. Great die set, so much fun you can make with it :))
    Lovely card as well.

  2. A lovely idea Sue but I'm afraid it's not for me, I'm sure it will sell well, but we have no boys in our family into this as a leisure activity nor do I know of any customers that would suit this collection.
    Have a good day whatever you're doing xx

  3. Such a fun set. Sends my imagination into overdrive.

  4. Hi Sue

    What an unusual set of dies. They look great used on this card.

    Love Helen xxx

  5. Love it, love it, love it...luv Ursula from Verwood xxx

  6. Afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes, your onto another winner with this one, my grandchildren who are all around 20's would love to receive a card with these on, especially the grandsons, and my sons also, they never want to be left out ha ha, great idea and one that will be very useful xx

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  7. Loving Neptune a wonderful set of dies
    To go with the collection
    Stay safe
    Elizabeth Bennett

  8. Wow, Morning Sue, when I opened up this morning and saw this card its the first thing I said. What a great card. King Neptune will go great with the mermaid dies as well. great sentiments again. Great dies for scenes this launch. A

  9. Hi Sue
    A great card and die set.
    B xx

  10. Hi Sue, another fantastic set of dies that will be really useful, I love them! Love Jean from Corsham xxx

  11. Deb E Isle of Wight13 April 2022 at 13:13

    Fab die set to go with this collection and a great post to show them off. I reckon the fish and the diver must be coming soon lol....

  12. Susan Foster Croydon13 April 2022 at 13:14

    A great set of dies to go with all the frames. Love it
    Susan Foster Croydon

  13. Good afternoon Sue,
    Love these fun cards & dies. Yvonne xx

  14. Hello Sue
    These dies are so useful and different.Take care everyone x

  15. Hi Sue,

    Another lovely die set will go very well with the all the previous dies in this launch. Love the accessories. Great car£ too.

    Barbara Very

  16. This set has a very cute dolphin & octopus but I don't think I'd use Neptune. All the accessory dies are very useful however.
    Stephanie K

  17. Hi Sue this is a fantastic card. I love those dies. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  18. Hey
    Wow, these are so different…and that’s what I love about them!! Fab card!!
    Sam Salter

  19. Super card. Another set which I need to buy.
    Loving this launch Sue.
    Crafty Hugs. Pauline from Teesside x

  20. Hello Sue.
    Thank you another great die set and card.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  21. Awesome die set! Love these underwater creatures!

  22. Afternoon Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    Another lovely card, loving all these new dies

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Hope you all have a good day and stay safe

    Sharon Casey Milton Keynes

  23. Eunice from Edmonton13 April 2022 at 16:58

    Fantastic die set Sue, love your card!! This die set is one of those that just keeps on giving!!

  24. Good Afternoon Sue . Another brilliant idea put into practice and just great for the men. I am not really a lover of the sea things but you have given me food for thought with these new dies. Thankyou Sue. Someone is going to be very lucky to win this set.
    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  25. Fabulous card and die set Sue xx Hazel Nottm

  26. Hi Sue - loving these accessories! They are so useful, and are something that you can never have too many of lol! Colleen xx

  27. Hello Sue, what an absolutely amazing set of dies, love it, and you card just makes them look extra special. I have a Jumping Dolphin tattoo, one of my favourite marine animals. Bx

  28. All the detail on this card is awesome. This is an amazing card. Hugs.

  29. Another lovely card and die set.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  30. Great sea themed dies. Anything with a dolphin has my vote
    Karen (Devon Dumpling) xx

  31. Hi Sue
    A brilliant card today loving the Neptune dies.
    Owlish p Xx
    From The Bonnie Land

  32. Rose in Chester13 April 2022 at 20:00

    Hi Sue
    The Neptune dies are brilliant, especially for the guys

  33. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Another brilliant set of dies Sue x I love the Neptune die and dolphins have always been my favourite and I feel so blessed to have actually seen some on our last florida trip x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  34. Another fun set
    Glennis in nz

  35. Another striking launch. Really perfect with all the other nautical die sets!

  36. Brilliant design, showcasing another fabulous set of dies.

    Liz Cavill - Crafty Sunflower xx

  37. Another fab set and love the design

  38. Ooh, another unique die set to go with the undersea dies.


  39. Wow, I love the way you inked up the Neptune die to really show him off. This would make great projects for an under the sea party theme.

    SHartl in CA

  40. A great card, especially for men.

  41. Hi Sue
    Another great set of dies, love the dolphins in particular

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  42. Hi Sue and everyone what an absolutely fantastic card ! I love it, it reminds me of the film Aquaman, and I could sit and watch that all day lol.
    These dies are great for loads of different people and card styles. I get asked for some of the strangest designs and I am sure I can think of several people who would love these sort of cards already.

    Hugs to all
    Donna xx

  43. Hi sue,what a great card, dies to use for all my guy cards. Babs brucies babe

  44. This set gets my vote just for the dolphin! I like the little clamshell too, imagine popping a pearl embellishment inside that.
    Neptune brings back special memories - I played him in a school production many moons ago!

  45. Loved this card Sue. Very interesting set of dies xxx

  46. Love this Neptune. I can see using it with my mermaids

  47. The Neptune dies are brilliant. Your card is lovely too
    Love Rosie from Chorley xxxxx

  48. Hi Sue,
    Your card is beautiful. I love the Neptune dies. Nothing like this in my collection. So versatile.
    Be well and stay safe

  49. Hi Sue,

    that´s a beautiful card and die set as the others are.

    Rolf xxx

  50. Hi Sue,
    The Neptune die set is great fun.
    VĂ©ronique L
