
Monday 26 July 2021

Please Let It Snow

Hi bloggers!  It seems a strange title for a post in the middle of summer, but if you helps you get a start on your festive cards, then it's worth it!   LOL  I started with the background and drizzled dries cler glue all over a piece of clear acetate.  I used Beyond Blue Pixie Sparkles and mixed it in with the glue, then covered it with scrunched up white tissue paper and set it aside to dry.  Once dry, I cut six of the snowflakes from the Layered Snowflake Background in white and glued them all over the acetate.  I used the Snow Die /Stamp combo and cut it in black and glued it to the bottom corner f the card.  I stamped the rest of the sentiment and cut it out with the tag die from the set and mounted it above.  The card was completed with white and black mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/4"  x  8 1/4"  in size.    All for now, Sue x

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  1. Hi Sue yep we're not as use to this extreme heat in the UK like other countries that's a cert but we're useless in the snow too, our country stands still, can't cope lol so maybe just cooler would be wonderful for now just like your new snowflake die, it's really pretty and can be snipped for large or small corner use, I love the tiny stitching round the edges, it's so different buy so pretty too. Take care everyone and enjoy whatever you're doing xx

  2. Snow sounds wonderful at the moment. Gorgeous card Sue xx

  3. Hi SUE
    Loving your card today along with the colours, l like your idea of the acetate and then scrunched up paper. Snow no l don't think so it may be rather 2 warm for me and others but our winters are way 2 long without wanting snow, and 2 be honest with you l haven't stopped making Christmas cards all year.
    Owlish Xx

  4. Morning Sue, the background and snowflakes on this card are fantastic combination. I think some people would have been glad of a few snowflakes during the last couple of weeks of heat. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  5. Hello Sue
    I really like the stitched snowflake it is so pretty. We had rain all day in bogna Regis it was a lovely change.Take care everyone x

  6. Marie P. from Longridge26 July 2021 at 06:56

    Good Morning Sue and all
    SNOW??? I don't think so. The card is lovely for sure But although I know that snow in it's pristine form is beautiful I will be happy to keep it to the cards. I love the background on this one and the snowflakes show up so well.
    Thank you Sue.
    Marie P,


  7. Good morning Sue
    The background is awesome and one I must try, I love the snowflake die it’s so intricate and prettty!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  8. Wow snow I think that would be nice at the moment but we will keep it on your. Beautiful card at the moment it’s a very pretty card love the shade of blue fthank you sue love alway stay safe my friends june horrocks Xxxxc

  9. Hello Sue, a very pretty Christmas card, love the stitched edge to this snowflake. Like Crewe Trish, we had rain all day just along the coast at Worthing which has cooled us down a bit.
    Marion S x

  10. Beautiful card, a very striking design. I love using blue and white for Christmas cards. xx

  11. Hi Sue, gorgeous card. Love the background, especially the colours. The snowflakes are beautiful and the white against the backgro7nd is superb.

    Barbara V

  12. Hi Sue
    No snow please.Just lovely snowflakes on your pretty card.
    Thank you
    Jan x

  13. Pretty card I love this technique I bet it really shimmers in real life

  14. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, I am loving this one with the beautiful background you have created, so clever, and then the snowflakes in white and finally the sentiment 'Please let it snow' has got to be the icing on the cake, I love the word please on this one, not seen that before.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  15. Good Morning Sue. Ooooohhhhhhh its been so long. My all time favourite.... Blue and white and lacey This is beautiful be it snowflake or lace doily. I love it. And yes another prompt to start making out Christmas cards ... Although it does seem strange in this heatwave. Thankyou Sue.
    Our Advanced line dance class re-opens again this afternoon Hooray ... So it looks like revision for us this morning.
    Sending hugs 🤗 and best wishes to everyone who needs them today.

    Kind regards Ann Toppcards in Leeds.

  16. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Wonderful card Sue x the background is beautiful and looks perfect with the pretty snowflakes x I don't particularly wish for the snow at the moment but some of that lovely florida air con wouldn't go amiss ! Thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  17. Good morning Sue,
    Beautiful card, I love the stitch details on the Snowflake & your fabulous background. Yvonne xx

  18. Hey
    Beautiful card…I love this die set so much! Funnily enough I made a start on my Christmas cards this weekend!

  19. Good morning Sue this is a gorgeous Christmas card. Have a good week. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  20. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a beautiful Christmas card to start the week with

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Hope you all have a good day and stay safe
    NannaShaz54 in MK

  21. Deb E Isle of Wight26 July 2021 at 09:27

    Beautiful post and love the 'simplicity' of it....

  22. You always seem to create the most beautiful backgrounds. Lovely Card. WakeyL

  23. Hi Sue and everyone ohh what a pretty card, I just love Christmas cards. The background looks stunning, I bet its even more beautiful in real life and the new snowflake die is just so pretty. Im hoping to do a couple of birthday cards later today and then I can make a start on Christmas cards.
    Thank you Sue for all your gorgeous inspiration.
    Hugs to all
    Donna xx

  24. Hi Sue

    It does seem strange to think about snow yet, but it’s a fab card. Great colours and background technique. The snowflakes look great against the blue.

    Love Helen xxx

  25. Hi Sue
    Love the beyond blue pixie sparkle background with the lovely snowflakes. My order of your new Festive accessories and the mini Merry Christmas arrived this morning so I’m all set to make some slimline Christmas cards

    Love and hugs to everyone

  26. I love this technique, very quick easy card to make. Thank you Sue, beautiful....luv Ursula xx

  27. Lovely card - but please don’t (let it snow)!
    Doreen R

  28. Hi Sue, I love both the detail in the snowflake from the Layered Snowflake Background and the design of this card. I think it will look better IRL as you would get the sheen from the acetate and sparkle from the pixies, I know photos don't always do justice to your creations.


  29. hi Sue really like this card, but not sure about the sentiment yet. Will be having a go at the background technique.

  30. Such fresh card! :) Just perfect in these days too hot! Love the snowflakes and the background!

  31. Hi Sue
    A wonderful card, fabulous background. I love the snow ❄️ hoping to get to Austria in January next year.
    Maria x

  32. Hello Sue and all
    Love the background and snowflake on this beautiful card.there was snow about an hour from here on the weekend, howling wind - it was so cold. I am just waiting for our summer and Christmas. I have even counted 68 days to daylight saving lol !
    Muriel x

  33. So bleu and beautiful winter card. I love those snowflakes and I'm glad they're just on the card, not outside. Not yet. As beautiful as winter is, I love summer.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  34. Hi Sue, I love snowflakes for Christmas cards and these are stunning with so much detail. Love the background too, thanks for sharing how you created it.


  35. What a pretty card! It's a nice reminder that the heat doesn't last forever. I can't wait to try the technique with tissue paper. This die will be on my shopping list. Most of mine are smaller snowflakes.

  36. Love this card Sue, but I refuse to start festive cards just yet!!!!

  37. Rose in Chester26 July 2021 at 19:13

    Hi Sue,
    The card is lovely, apart from the snow, I would have to put NOT snow.

  38. A great card but please - no snow or at least snow that doesn’t linger for ages! X

  39. Lovely crisp looking festive card. #ILoveParticraft

    Zoe in Pencoed x

  40. Hi Sue
    Christmas is coming Lol
    Another beautiful card Sue loving the snowflakes
    And the background it’s lush
    Please take care my friend
    Hugs Theresa G

  41. Love the cool colours and the card design x

  42. Love, love, love, this! Take care xxx
