
Thursday 20 May 2021

I Love Hanging Out With You

Hi bloggers!  Another cute sloth card (at least I think sloths are cute!)  I started with a piece of arctic blue card and embossed it with the Fan Palms embossing folder.  Next I stamped the Sloth stamp and cut it out with the matching Sloth die.  I used Distress Markers to colour the stamp (Tumbled Glass, Antique Linen, Forest Moss and Gathered twigs).  I added a white background behind the sloth that I used Tumbled Glass ink with a smoothie to add subtle colour.  I cut out the vines from the Cheeky Monkey die set and inked the leaves with Forest Moss ink.  I stamped the sentiment and tag from the Wild About You clear stamp set and cut it out with the matching Safari Tag die.  I coloured the tag with Tumbled Glass then  attached the tag at the top of the card and added the vines coming from underneath it.  The sloth was attached with mounting foam below the tag.  The card was completed with white and Arctic Blue mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 6 3/4"  x  8 1/2"  in size.  All for now. Sue x

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  1. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a very cute card I love this little guy.
    Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.

  2. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, another lovely card using the sloth, and the sentiment is perfect for him hanging from the vines.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  3. Hi Sue,

    A cute Sloth card. He is so sweet. Love the embossing folder too.

    Barbara V

  4. Cute, adorable, hilarious, loveable all rolled in to one animal, if they were house pets I for one would spend my day cuddling him/her or I'd have an annual pass for the Florida zoo so I could visit as often as possible just to sit and watch them, obsessed yeah possibly but there are worse things to be obsessed about lol. Every time you post a sloth sample Sue I'm like a Cheshire cat smiling ear to ear, thanks for making me smile 🙂 xxx

  5. Hello Sue, a really lovely card. The sloth is so cute and has the most adorable smile which you have captured in your stamp
    Marion S x

  6. Morning Sue, I think Sloths are cute too, and your card is fab, love the embossing folder design. Take care and stay safe everyone. Bx

  7. Wonderful card, he looks so happy.
    Valerija xx

  8. Marie P. from Longridge20 May 2021 at 07:18

    Good Morning Sue and all.
    I just love the smile on the face of the Sloth. As soon as he/she popped onto my screen I
    smiled too. I love the way you have put the whole card together Sue. You are the BEST.
    Marie P.


  9. Good morning Sue,
    A fabulous card with your beautiful Sloth. Yvonne xx

  10. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a great card using the Sloth today I think he is so cute

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Hope you all have a good day and stay safe

    NannaShaz54 in MK

  11. Hello Sue, such a cheeky face and fun sloth. Like the colours and embossing folder too xx

  12. A great card and perfect for sloth lovers Am I one of them? I’m not sure

  13. Hi SUE
    You're sloth card is brilliant they are very likeable Animals love the way you got him hanging on to the die cut frame.
    Owlish Xx

  14. djfromkettering20 May 2021 at 09:01

    A really cute card, and he/she does make me smile!! The
    background is lovely too, would never have thought to
    use fans behind an animal.

    Stay safe,

    Doreen x

  15. I agree Sue, beautiful creatures and card. WakeyL

  16. Good morning Sue Lovely card the sloth is so cute he makes me chuckle I like your background too

  17. Hi Sue and everyone what an adorable card you've made today. This little guy makes us all smile. A great background too and love how you draped the vines around the sentiment.
    Donna xx

  18. Love your card sue and his little smiling face just makes me smiler too at the moment I have a little blue tit trying to feed 9 babies she has in her nest thank you sue you are indeed the best love always stay safe my friends xxxxxxxx june horrocks xxxxxxxxx

  19. Hi Sue this is a cute card that I'm sure lots of children will love,and a great sentiment to go with it.x

  20. Hello Sue
    Your sloth is such a cheeky animal,the card is lovely.Take care everyone x

  21. Cheekily cute! That is a lovely embossing folder too in the background.
    Doreen R

  22. Hi Sue, your cheeky and smiley Sloth has brought a smile to everyone's face today. He is so loveable and I love today's sample.


  23. Love this little fellow swinging into my living room this morning. The vines are perfect for this card.
    Everyone have a fabulous day. I am actually going to see crafty friends that I have not seen in over a year. YAY, vaccine.
    Stephanie K

  24. Deb E isle of Wight20 May 2021 at 12:49

    Great post and the sloth is so cute.....this collection is may favourite.....

  25. Hi Sue

    Great card, he always makes me smile.

    Love Helen xxx

  26. Another great sloth card. I just think he has a cheeky look about him as if to say what mischief can I get up to next! Thank you Sue.

  27. Good afternoon Sue this is a gorgeous card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  28. Rose in Chester20 May 2021 at 15:00

    Hi Sue,
    such a cutsy card, I love that sloth............


  29. Hi Sue
    Happy Thursday everyone x
    Oh my goodness - he is so cute. Gorgeous card x
    As of Monday we are allowed to ‘hang out’ with our friends indoors which I have to say is so welcome. I have really missed face to face conversations and I have quite a few coffee dates over the next week or so. So excited x
    Crafty hugs x
    Yvonne x

  30. Oh he is so cute, lovely card.....luv Ursula xx

  31. Hi Sue
    Lovely cute card and the sentiment is so apt

    Love and hugs to everyone

  32. This little guy is just adorable! Your card is fun and could be sent to anyone at any age!

    Sandra Smith
    Queen Creek

  33. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Wonderful card Sue x you have captured such a cheeky smile on your sloth you can't help but just smile x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  34. Love the sentiment. I would love hanging out with this adorable sloth!

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  35. Such a fun card Sue, and what a cute little face he has.
    Annette x

  36. lindyloo12Somerset21 May 2021 at 13:12

    A really cute card!

  37. Your Cheeky monkey card is so adorable
