
Friday 22 January 2021

Just Because

Hello bloggers!  The next die release is the Just Because mini expression.  You can probably see a theme here with the sort of upbeat sentiments that I was going for.  I just think that we need a bit more of this positive reinforcement with all that has been going on for the past year, don't you?  It seems like a perfect time to me to send handmade cards to your friends and family for no reason, just because!  If you are on the same page with me here, just leave your comment on the post and let me know.  I would also love to hear what you think of the release too.  Do you have a favourite yet?  I know it is just a mini expression, but like I have said before, someone has to win it, it might as well be you!  We have one more post for the day and that will be along at 6pm today.  I hope you will be able to pop back by the blog for a peek.  All for now, Sue x



  1. Beautiful and I love the bright colours.


    Zoe in Pencoed x

  2. Nice sentiment
    Stay safe and well
    Elizabeth Bennett

  3. Afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes, another super duper sentiment die, very useful.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  4. Hi Sue

    A great sentiment, definitely what everyone needs right now. Positivity definitely helps. Great colours on the card too and of course love your daffodil dies.

    Love Helen xxx

  5. Deb E Isle of Wight22 January 2021 at 15:11

    Another must have die for a collection just like the previous one and is appropriate in the current circumstances.. Once again love the post to show it off.

  6. This sentiment compliments the 'you are so special' die so well! WakeyL

  7. Just Because is one of the best reasons to send a card. I always get happy, surprised phone calls when I do...
    Stephanie K

  8. I'm definitely on the same page as you Sue its nice to send those close to you a card 'just because'. Love the sentiment

  9. Hi Sue.
    A lovely sentiment
    Yes sending a little card is all we can do at this
    terrible time.Stay safe Kitty Davies.

  10. Love the just because die set, gorgeous card too sue xx Hazel Young Nottm

  11. Marie P from Longridge22 January 2021 at 15:42

    A lovely sentiment Sue and so very apt for these difficult times.
    It could be used on so many different backgrounds couldn't it?
    Thank you Sue.
    Marie P.


  12. We certainly need a bit uplifting and this sentiment certainly fits the bill - will have many uses I'm sure xx

  13. Hi Sue
    A great mini sentiment that wil be used time and again. Love the card, I can’t tell you how much I’m loving this new collection and so far they are all favourites

    Love and hugs to everyone
    Pat L, Belfast

  14. I like this expression 'just because' xx

  15. this will be on my to get list Sue, just what I need xx

  16. A beautiful sentiment for these difficult times As other people have said it be used with all sorts of backgrounds
    Do I spy some new flowers...?

  17. Hi Sue, another brilliant sentiment and so apt for these difficult times. Love the daffodils on the beautiful cards.

    Barbara V

  18. Eunice from Edmonton22 January 2021 at 16:23

    Sue it is so hard to pick a favorite!!! I believe that all the sentiments are a must have!!!

  19. I absolutly love all of the mini expression collection. This will be another "must have" in my stash.

  20. Hi Sue,
    Another beautiful card. I love sentiment dies. This has been a great release so far. I love all the Slimline dies as well as all the sentiments. I can never have too many sentiments.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Robin from Riverside

  21. Love your bright card sue the sentiment is lovely can be used so many times to make someone feel better thank you sue love always stay safe my friends
    June horrocks xxxxxxxxxx

  22. Another beautiful sentiment, always useful!

  23. Hello Sue, Just Because is a great sentiment at any time but especially so now
    Marion S x

  24. This is a perfect sentiment and very much needed. I love the bright card too x

  25. Love your mini expressions!
    Beautiful card:))

  26. Hi Sue, I love this bright and cheerful card. 'Just Because' is a very useful sentiment.


  27. Hi Sue this is a gorgeous card. I love it. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  28. Great sentiments, lovely bright colours, hopefully to cheer everyone up


  29. A gorgeous card and, once agian, a lovely and apt
    sentiment. These small dies will be so useful.

    Stay safe,

    Doreen x

  30. Evening Sue, Beautiful card and lovely die. It's great to be able to use some of the old dies. A

  31. Hi Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    another gorgeous card and sentiment

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Hope you all have a good evening and stay safe

    Hunnymummy54 MK

  32. Hi Sue,
    Another gorgeous card and sentiment xx
    It's impossible to name a favourite, I like them all.

  33. This one can mean so much....definitely one for my collection....luv Ursula from Verwood xx

  34. Hello Sue
    The perfect sentiment and a lovely cheerful card. These dies work so well together.

  35. Good evening Sue,
    A beautiful bright card with a lovely sentiment. Yvonne xx

  36. We don’t send enough of this type of card. Another great sentiment and lovely card
    Karen xx

  37. Good Evening Sue. Just because we all need cheering up ... Just like you have just cheered me. Lovely cheery colours and why not send someone a lovely card just because you can. I love it. Thankyou Sue. Someone is going to be very lucky to win this set.Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds. PLEASE STAY EXTRA SAFE EVERYONE 🙏 🙏 🙏

  38. Hi SUE
    Another great card and another great die loving these samples
    Owlish Xx p

  39. Hi Sue Yes Iagree we all need something to lift our spirits and what could be better than a gorgeous card like this one with a cheerful message Another very useful sentiment die
    Lynne L Haverfordwest

  40. Beautiful card and a really useful sentiment die.

    Liz Cavill - Crafty Sunflower xx

  41. I keep thinking I have a favourite.... Then another pops up!

  42. Hi again Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    A great sentiment Sue x I can see this die used alone or teamed up with many of your other sentiments x thankyou Sue x
    Stay safe and keep crafting x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  43. Hello Sue, great card, love the colours and sentiments carol E xx

  44. Love this card, Sue! It is bright and beautiful and I really love the Decorative Squared Rectangles and the Decorative Rectangle Aperture. But my favorite is the Decorative Oval Aperture. I fell in love with your sample and I plan to make a card just like that one.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  45. Another great sentiment and lovely card. Certainly would lift the spirits xx

  46. Hi Sue. I have to agree with you that this is the perfect sentiment for when you want to send someone a card to cheer them up.

    Lisbeth (from Beckenham)

  47. Hi Sue
    Another sentiments die that I would definitely use.
    I have made several thank you cards to give to shop assistants and the just because die would be perfect.
    Thank you Sue
    Please take care my friend
    Theresa G

  48. Agree with what you write and post Sue -lovely idea x

  49. Hello Sue and all
    Loving these slim cards and this sentiment is perfect for now
    Oz Muriel x

  50. Hi Sue, certainly a card with the wow factor, and such a beautiful sentiment. What you say about sending cards for no particular reason right now is so very true. Bx

  51. Another lovely card Sue, can see this die being very popular. xx
    Maggiemay Tasmania

  52. lindyloo12Somerset23 January 2021 at 09:59

    Another really great sentiment, love the card too!

  53. Very useful die for all cards. Love it
    Emily Newt

  54. Super card and versatile die
    especially today!
    Sharon in Totonto

  55. Such a pretty card. I've been sending many more "just because" cards this past year so this will be a super die to have xx

  56. Just Because...I think this sentiment is the perfect sentiment to use to send a card letting someone know you care. It’s simple but It says everything you need and I like the use of two different fonts.

    Sandra Smith
    Queen Creek
