
Monday 10 August 2020

Thinking Of You

Hi crafters!  I started with a piece of coconut white card and used the Elemental Swirl stamp and randomly stamped it all the way around the edge of the card using a Black Archival ink pad.  I covered it with a sticky adhesive sheet and then coated it with Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz.  Next I cut two white squares using the Double Stitched Squares and cut a thin black mat to go under them.  I cut the Joanie die in white five times.  I glued four of them into the corners of the square mat, allowing them to overlap in the centre.  I cut the Joanie die in black and offset it behind the fifth Joanie die, then added a Sky Blue backing.  I cut the outermost decorative die in the set in white and seated the Joanie die in the middle of it, then added it with foam to the centre of the card.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the Decorative Flag die.  I turned the die around and cut the other end with the fork tail too then added it with foam across the centre of the Joanie die.   I added a small blue flower from the Blossom Patch set.  The card was completed with white, black and sky blue mats and layers.  The finished dimensions are 8"  x  8"  in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. What a way to start the week. So much love and work has gone into this inspiration and you must be singing so loud Sue it's gorgeous. I've always thought that having a black shadow behind your intricate dies shows their design to its best and how much work has gone into them. This is a real Sue Wilson design and one I will never get tired of seeing here in your blog.

    Marie, hope yesterday was a very special day and you got as spoilt as your great granddaughter.

    To all our family here STAY SAFE KEEP CRAFTING xxx 💕

  2. Hi Sue, beautiful card. Love the black and white and the way you have used the dies is amazing.

    Barbara V

  3. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, what a great deal today, 2 samples, thank you. This one is fantastic, love the Joanie die set and all the bling, I want to try this one out so have added it to my list of things to make.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  4. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a very pretty card it is lovely.
    Take carestay safe and have fun Kitty.

  5. Love this one sue all tha bling my type of card imagine receiving this beauty on your special day
    Thank you sue love always stay safe my dear friendsxxxxxjune horrcks

  6. Wow, this is a gorgeous sample using the Joanne die, very pretty. Thank you for two cards today
    Marion S x

  7. Morning Sue, love this card. The Joanie die is so pretty and is a must now on my long list. I'm going to try your background idea though. Thank you. Hugs xxx Pauline


  8. Love the sparkle over the inked design, Sue, and
    The Joannie die is gorgeous!

    Stay safe,

    Doreen x

  9. Hello Sue and all
    What a lovely card, great colours and your black shadow always makes the design pop. Joanne looks lovely, the stamping and bling really add to the overall effect, what a beautiful bonus card for today !
    Muriel x

  10. Oops Sue! Didn't see the gorgeous Angel. (Only been out of bed for 5mins)
    I love her but I think that I might have mentioned this before.lol
    With your permission, I will give this card a go. Hugs xxx Pauline

  11. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Beautiful card Sue x I love how you have used the joanie die as the background and the focal point on your card and the black shadow really highlights the fabulous details x thankyou Sue x
    Stay safe and keep crafting x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  12. Hello again Sue. I love the effect of lace from this beautiful die. The sentiment is just so meaningful as well. Xx

  13. A lovely card I really like how the Glitterbitz really softens the black on the background

  14. Good morning Sue,
    This card shouts out to me that this is a traditional Sue Wilson style. I totally love this style of card, truly beautiful. Yvonne xx

  15. Hi SUE
    Well I think this is a fantastic die joanna and doing the stamping on the background is so outstanding, l wish I could use those sticky sheets haven't got a clue.
    Owlish Xx

  16. An absolutely gorgeous card! When I scrolled to the bottom of your post I noticed the Christmas Angel card - another lovely sample - and thought I must have missed a day until I read on!
    Doreen R

  17. Hi Sue
    You are spoiling us today with two beautiful cards, like Doreen I thought I had missed a day lol

    Love and hugs to everyone

  18. Hi Sue. What a pretty card today, I love the Joanie die as it is so delicate and it really lends itself to this design with the extensions in the corners.


  19. Hello Sue
    Like some of the others I thought I had lost a day I think your first card is lovely a true Sue Wilson beauty. The second card is nice but angels are not my favourite thing. Marie I hope your christening went well. Take care everyone x

  20. Hi Sue and everyone, what a treat 2 cards today. Beautiful card i love the layered Joanie dies in the corners overlaid with the black shadowed one and of course the sparkles in the background hugs Donna x

  21. Hi Sue such a very pretty card the Joanie die is beautiful the black shadow really makes it pop

  22. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I love it. Those dies are gorgeous. Have a good week. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  23. What a most wonderful technique you have demonstrated to us here Sue, it is a most beautiful card in the end, one I will definitely replicate...thank you so much for the inspiration...luv Ursula xx

  24. What a lovely card showing a way to expand our die collection for a very different take. I really like the stamps you used also for the sentiment.
    Have a good week start and everyone stay safe,
    Stephanie K

  25. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card. I have that swirl stamp too....reminder to myself....use it more! Love the bling too.

    Love Helen xxx

  26. A very sophisticated card Sue!!!

  27. Hi Sue, well that was a surprise today seeing two cards. Both lovely, your angel pretty as always and I love the stamped and glittered background made for Joanie.


  28. Beautiful combination of layers, textures, elements, depth and created backgrounds. Lovely. Hugs

  29. I really love the beautiful focal point and that it’s multiple layers. Lovelycard!

    Sandra Smith
    Queen Creek

  30. Hi Sue
    Very big and beautiful card. Everything works so well
    together. This is a real Sue card.
    Hope you alright.
    hugs Maria x

  31. A very beautiful card today with so many details and everything works so well. Love it.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  32. Hi Sue,
    this a fabulous - Everything works so well together, I love love love it.

    And the colours as well.

  33. Marie P. from Longridge12 August 2020 at 08:19

    Hello there ,
    I don't know how I missed commenting on this one Sue,it is so beautiful and so obviously SUE WILSON. I must have still been in Cloud Cuckoo Land from having been out .
    Despite Corona and all it's ramifications,like wearing a mask, Social distancing (and the Priest not wearing 'the loop' so I couldn't hear a thing) I was so thrilled to just BE THERE.
    Marie P.

  34. Hi Sue
    I really love this one Sue it’s so so pretty the colours and the design are just perfect
    Thank you for your continued inspiration Sue
    Please take care my friend
    Theresa G
