
Tuesday 25 June 2019

Double Mermaid Card

Hi bloggers!  If you love mermaids, you will really love this card with double mermaids!  What a great card to send to any friend too!

The finished dimensions are 5 1/2" x  6 3/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Super card and love the background also it deserves a special mention! x

  2. Great card Sue the colours look great, I must get mine out and make more of them . You have inspired me. Take care Vi X

  3. Hello Sue, gorgeous card.
    Marion S x

  4. Morning Sue, a superb card, love the mermaids with the triple layer background. Off to watch the video. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  5. Hi Sue along with raising smiles you're so good at raising memories too, and by taking just one look everyone can feel the happiness of one certain memory. You bring these gorgeous myths to life so beautifully Sue and the little seahorse clinging to the kelp is so realistic, just like you see in the amazing underwater documentary. I've never heard Lottie speak about mermaids or the little one's that walk through the monthly market so I'm torn, do I buy them just in case or add a collection of dies that I know for certain I will use again and again? In the meantime I'm looking forward to watching you put this beautiful sample together as your tv demo's are really missed. Have a lovely day whatever your plans xxx

  6. Morning Sue, thank you for the video, lovely card. I have used this set for my granddaughter Erin’s birthday card. Love Jean xxx

  7. Hi Sue
    A lovely fun card.
    Catherine v94

  8. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, love these mermaids and accessories, the embossing on the dies is perfect, will watch the video later.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  9. Hello Sue and all
    I just love these mermaid sets and just wish I could think of someone to send them to. I have one granddaughter, too old now, they are such fabulous sets and i still watch your videos with interest as there are always lots of hints and techniques to be learned.
    Muriel x

  10. Hello Sue, such a pretty mermaid swimming around to her hearts content. Great little card for lots of ages xx

  11. Hi Sue, a lovely fun card today. Love the mermaids and the background is brilliant.

    Barbara V

  12. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Fantastic card Sue x the mermaids are so pretty and the peeking seahorse so cute x looking forward to watching the video x thankyou Sue x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  13. Yes sue I do like mermaids and faireys so this is a yes for me look forward to the video love the background
    Thank you love june horrocks xxxxxxxxxx

  14. Marie P. from Longridge25 June 2019 at 07:56

    Good morning Sue and all.
    A gorgeous card and a wonderful video. It actually looks like the 2 mermaids are playing together and brings back memories of my Sister and I playing in the bath with our wind up mermaids. (That memory is 80 years old)
    Another hospital appt. this morning so I'm off for now.
    Marie P.

  15. Good morning Sue
    Such a cute card it made me smile!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  16. Good morning Sue,
    A truly magnificent card today with your beautiful mermaids & the little sea-horse. Yvonne xx

  17. Good morning Sue Fabulous card the background is lovely & the mermaids are beautiful

  18. Love everything about this card;
    the beautiful mermaids, the great background and the prettty colours :))

  19. Hi Sue - this is another sweet mermaid card, just wish I had someone I could send this sort of card to though. Best wishes

  20. Good Morning Sue. What a lovely card and video today Sue... something lovely to cheer us all up on this horrible morning. Although I think your lovely little Mermaids would be very happy swimming along just down my street. Gorgeous sample card Sue.
    Thankyou to every one for your lovely wishes for our wedding anniversary. Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  21. Morning Sue,
    Gorgeous card.

  22. Pauline Austen25 June 2019 at 09:55

    Ohhh Sue, this is such a lovely card to brighten up a wet miserable day here. I'm in a similar dilemma to Steph,do I buy them or wait until I have someone to send a card like this, to?
    Great video, as always. Hugs xx Pauline

  23. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I love it. That underwater scene is gorgeous. Have a great day. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  24. A little girls dream, a card that is actually a picture to keep, it is really lovely Sue....luv Ursula xx

  25. Hi Sue. As you know, I am not particularly a mermaid fan, but this card is so fab otherwise, I would be adding some fish or dolphins to it instead.


  26. Hi Sue

    A cute card this morning.

    Love Helen xxx

  27. A very pretty card and the little seahorses are just perfect to go with those mermaids.

    Hugs Helen xx

  28. Hi Sue
    For me it’s the ocean wave background that really makes this lovely card, thank you for the great video too

    Love and hugs to everyone

  29. lindyloo12Somerset25 June 2019 at 13:14

    Cant get enough of your mermaid cards Sue as they are all so lovely.

  30. I love your mermaid cards. They’re such fun! X

  31. wonderful card Sue, do love mermaids xx

  32. Suzzette Yandle25 June 2019 at 14:15

    You have the best mermaids and sea elements on the market. Love the tiny sea horse. Such detail and lots of fun. Great video. Thank you.

  33. A cute and very pretty card.


  34. A cute little person card.

  35. Hi Sue, I love the fun element of these cards. The Ocean Wave background is great and your mermaids are the best I have seen - the copycats don't get a look in.


  36. beautiful card Sue, love the whimsical touch!

    Lori from Canada

  37. Hello Sue
    Another lovely,fun card I have watched your video and as usual you give such good advice this time cutting off the tail to make the next layer easier to apply.

  38. Deb E Isle of Wight25 June 2019 at 18:46

    Love this range of dies and the post showcases brilliantly. A lovely card.

  39. Very unusual card and very pretty xx

  40. Hi Sue, Beautiful !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  41. Cute card sue. Laura O Springfield

  42. Rose in Chester26 June 2019 at 01:23

    Hi Sue,
    I love them.

  43. Fabulous card, love so much these dies! Great colouring on the mermaids!

  44. Hi sue fabulous card love the design and colours. Thanks Helen xxx

  45. Sorry Sue but this ones not for me. The top half is lovely and so is the bottom half but to me the top looks masculine and the bottom feminine and they don't go together. I can see by other comments I am alone in this but alas we cannot all like the same things - Sorry :o(

    Love and Hugs Helen xxx

  46. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOppppppppppppps not sure what I did wrong there but the comment does not refer to the mermaid card. The above comment was for "All the Best", Thursday card. Can I go back to bed and start again please.

    Hugs Helen xxx

  47. dj from kettering28 June 2019 at 10:39

    Lovely card, but mermaids don't do
    it got me,

    Doreen x

  48. These were the dies I thought I could resist but with all your lovely samples, I did get them. I love the turtle from the sets also. This card is fun and pretty.
    Stephanie K

  49. Hi Sue.
    Thank you a great card, and video.
    Have fun Kitty.
