
Thursday 27 June 2019

All The Best

Hi bloggers!  I am showing off one of the Stamps To Die For with this card.  I started by embossing some teal card with the Checkerboard Pinpoint Embossing folder.  Next I cut a Herringbone background die  out of white card and cut the sections in parts and crisscrossed them to form a wide border.  For the focal element, I stamps the Vivian's Royal Wreath STDF in black and cut it out with the matching Vivian die.  While still in the die, I inked it with Peacock Feather Distress Oxide ink.  I removed it then cut the centre out and added foam to raise it.  I attached it to the top of the card, then cut a Pierced Flag out of vellum.  I cut the All The best sentiment in white and glued it to the vellum flag and attached it to the inside of the stamped frame.  I made two flowers using the Petite Forget Me Nots and inked the edges lightly with Peacock Feather.  I added the flowers to the left of the border and used the Wildflower leaves to add a few accents around them.  The card was completed with white, Teal and black card mats and layers. The finished dimensions are 7" x  8" in size.

We haven't had any group questions in awhile!  How about what is your favourite guilty pleasure??  It can be absolutely anything, come on, spill it!!   All for now,. Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Hi Sue, gorgeous card and the colours look great. Take care Vi X

  2. Beautiful cards Sue, love the colour. My guilty pleasure is time to myself to do as I please xx Hazel

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Sue love this card its gorgeous x

  5. Hiya Sue. Oh my word I love the Teal cardstock it's so deep and delicious. There is absolutely nothing to dislike about today's inspiration, from the pin point folder so tactile and the new stamp to the final touch - was it the leaf or the piecered flag with sentiment it's all really beautiful, what a lovely start to my day thank you. Hope your day is full of sun laughter and fun xxx

    My favourite guilty pleasure is having a good day at market or having a big order enabling me to visit my local independent craft shop and treat myself to a pack of cardstock or a die that I can tick off my keepers list or anything I've been saving for, that's my greatest pleasure but guilty - I'm not sure lol maybe hiding a craft purchase then pretending I've had it ages lol guilty and deceptive?

  6. Hi Sue, lovely card this morning. The colours are lovely and the little forget-me-knots are so sweet. My guilty pleasure is salted caramel ice cream.

    Barbara V

  7. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, such a beautiful sample this morning, love the colour choices you have used. The stamp is really lovely. I like the flower too.

    My guilty secret is keep buying anything craft related, especially dies, do you think I am alone !!!

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  8. Hello Sue, what a creative and lovely card, perfect colour combo, the stamp has such a great vintage feel to it. My guilty pleasure, is little pots of salted caramel dessert that you get at Aldi. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  9. Good Morning sue and all
    What a stunning card this morning and one of my favourite card stock colour Teal which always works beautifully with a pop of black. The fine detail from pinpoint embossing folder really shows the detail.
    My favourite guilty pleasure is treating my self to new dies when I have save up to buy a few and course they have to be Sue wilson dies. I go to craft event once a year and go a little naughty.
    Crafty hugs to all, Wendy

  10. Pauline Austen27 June 2019 at 06:53

    Morning Sue, another super sample to start this lovely sunny morning.
    My guilty pleasure is eating a chunky Kit Kat biscuit whilst on a diet. Hugs xx Pauline

  11. Hello Sue
    Lovely colours this is not my favourite die(it's not square). My guilty pleasure is definitely buying crafty things I have been squirrelling away money for months to spend at the NEC even though I have a lovely husband who wouldn't mind. Like so many others I also love ice cream

  12. Hello Sue, a gorgeous card, lovely to see the teal card it is one of my favourites.
    My guilty pleasure, like June Smith, is buying craft products especially your dies.
    Marion S x

  13. Hi Sue
    Well it’s been a while - sorry bout that - and Wow what a beauty to greet me on my return. I had a busy few weeks then fatigue decided to take hold just to bring me down to earth!
    I love the teal colour, it is stunning. The STDF is a real beauty and the Peacock Feather ink is the most perfect colour match. I have a lot of vellum in my stash and very rarely use it and when I see it used in a card I really do think it looks so classy.
    Everything about this card is delightful x
    Guilty pleasure - hmmm. Now this is a tricky one. Partly because I decided a while ago not to feel guilty about things that make me feel good or that I enjoy! I would probably have to say crisps! Not the little every day boring packets. I am talking the family size ‘posh’ crisps. The ones that are supposed to be for sharing. SHARE - not a chance. The guilty bit comes in when I eat more than one packet (still not sharing)! It doesn’t happen very often x
    We are in for glorious weather today and the birds have been chirping their appreciation for a while now!
    Happy Thursday everyone
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  14. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful card with your beautiful dies & stamps. My guilty pleasure is buying your beautiful dies & topping up my crafty stash.Yvonne xx

  15. Gorgeous card, really lovely.

    My guilty pleasure is reading-I’d love more time to sit & read but I enjoy the time I do have at the moment(I work full time).


  16. Good morning Sue,
    WOW! A striking and colourful card that would be a great mantle pleaser.
    My guilty pleasure, like so many, is treating myself to a new die set and also Galaxy chocolate. Looking forward to hearing what yours is Sue.x

  17. Hi sue love this stunning card the stunning die the beautiful colours imagine receiving this as a gift I love the flowers I must get the forget me not die I gave packets of these seeds of forget me nots at my brothers funeral in May
    My guilty pleasure is buying yours and Julia’s dies and saying I’ve had them ages shame on you june 😂😂
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxx

  18. Good Morning Sue. Ohhh wow what a beautiful combination of colours. I just love the teal card. Ideal for men and women. Beautiful use of dies and stamps .Thankyou Sue
    My guilty pleasure... I love to read in bed until late...but not without a tub of M & M's on my bedside table...Naughty but nice. Sending hugs and best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds.

  19. Hi Sue,

    beautiful coloured card…
    The flowers are fabulous as well.
    And sorry, I only have pleasure - no guilty pleasure. ;-))

    Rolf xxx

  20. Marie P. from Longridge27 June 2019 at 07:40

    Good morning Sue and what a lovely sunny morning it is.
    Today's card is beautiful in every way, I just wonder how you keep coming up with such wonderful creations.
    As for guilty pleasures I would have to share that between crafts and health. On the craft side it's buying dies that I really don't NEED and maybe won't ever have time left in my life to use. My health one is having a shower when there is no-one else in the house (I live alone)
    I am a fall's risk but sometimes I just can't resist the pleasure.
    Weird eh?
    I would love to know yours Sue
    Marie P.

  21. Love the colour and background embossing folder.
    My guilty pleasure- difficult one now I’m on my own and can please myself, but it always used to be having new craft stuff.

  22. Beautiful card, gorgeous colour. My guilty pleasure is going out for coffee and ending up at a craft shop, ( not planned, really)lol and having some crafty goodies to look at when I get home, hugs CAFE LATTE. Xxx

  23. Craft stash! is my guilty pleasure, possibly love it just too much! x
    is that possible ? ha x Oh and plastic boxes !! which other non crafters/visitors find extremely odd! x

  24. Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous card, love the colours used. My guilty pleasure is buying your lovely dies and other crafting goodies. Love Jean xxx

  25. Hello Sue, love how you've created the border it just makes the card so striking. More like guilty pleasures I think. I do love peace and quiet lost in my only little world. I also love friends and shopping and lately buying a coffee and watching the world go by. Xx

  26. Hello Sue and all
    I just love everything about this card, i have the EF and use it often. I also love how you have coloured the STDF, the colours, flowers, oh ! Everything
    Since retiring my life seems to be one big guilty pleasure but top of the list would have to be our little holidays - whenever we want - not having to apply for leave lol !
    What is yours Sue?
    Muriel x

  27. Good morning Sue beautiful card I love the colours what isyou guilty pleasure that's a tricky one I love yoghurt covered peanuts & raisins or snickers bars but also love visiting my local craft shop to purchase new dies

  28. Hi Sue
    A lovely card.
    Guilty pleasure? I think one reaches a certain age and realises we are entitled to that pleasure without the need to feel guilty. A really good cup of coffee with a square of dark chocolate gives me lots of pleasure.
    B xx

  29. Beautiful card, Sue.
    My family live in Spalding so my guilty pleasure is calling in at Coleman's Warehouse on the way through!

    Anne (Northampton)

  30. A very dramatic card.

    Guilty pleasure? Seeing and buying something that screams 'you want' despite my brain saying 'you don’t need and have nowhere to put it'!


  31. Hi Sue - this is such a striking card and the stamps and dies always look so good when used together. My guilty pleasure is buying yet more dies and using them takes precedence over the day's housework. Sending best wishes

  32. Morning Sue,
    Lovely card.
    I have got to the age where I don't feel guilty about what I eat or what I buy for my crafting stash. But I do have weakness for anything savory crisps and salted peanuts.
    Hve a good day.

  33. Think this would make a Great card for a man, not too fussy, but striking, love that teal colour. My guilty pleasure is having a cream tea while trying to lose weight! Lol!

  34. Hi Sue, a great card. Love the colour and Vivian's STDF looks perfect.

    Guilty pleasure? I have to divide it between buying more craft stuff than I will ever use and sitting in the sunshine reading a new book whilst eating a bowl of caramel vanilla with fudge pieces when I should be ironing or gardening :-)


  35. Rose in Chester27 June 2019 at 10:47

    Hi Sue,
    Wow, that teal makes a change from the restful blue/violet of the previous post. I like it though and that herringbone die is fab.
    Guilty pleasures? What guilty pleasures? Does loads of different flavours ice cream with whipped cream and one of those thin wafers on top, eaten in an Italian Ice cream parlour of which we have a few excellent one in Hameln (My home town in Germany), count??

  36. Really lovely card.
    My guilty pleasure has to be ice cream, or choc ices but best of all vanilla ice cream blended with Baileys into a drink, yum yum!! I don’t feel guilty about buying lots of craft stuff because it’s my hobby and others get pleasure from receiving the creations from them.
    Doreen R

  37. Hi Sue this is a stunning card I love it. Those dies are gorgeous. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  38. Hi Sue
    I love teal, black and white together and the checkerboard pinpoint embossing folder is one of my favourites so this card gets the thumbs up from me
    Apart from buying your dies which is just a pleasure, my guilty pleasure would be relaxing with a good book, a glass of wine and a large bar of chocolate

    Love and hugs to everyone

  39. Hi Sue, Lovely card. Love Jean Z xxx

  40. Love the card Sue, the colors are wonderful!
    My guilty pleasure is cashews, even though my doc says really NO.

  41. Beautiful card Sue! My guilty pleasure is spending way too much money on crafting supplies! Love to build my stash when I can!

    Lori from Canada

  42. The teal and black card is so striking, a most beautiful card....My guilty pleasure, I spend money, too much, in my craft room, I spend a lot of time in my craft room, and I love it, hence my guilty pleasure....luv Ursula xx

  43. Fab colours on today's card Sue. My guilty pleasure....ignoring the housework and going out playing on my motorbike instead ;)

  44. lindyloo12Somerset27 June 2019 at 17:56

    Hi Sue Love the card, the colours are so lovely and crisp. My guilty pleasure besides chocolate which I have not touched for over 8 weeks now as I am trying to lose weight is that I love the programme Four In A Bed about B&B's on Channel Four!

  45. Gorgeous card I really must get that heringbone die xx

  46. Hi Sue. Great colours today and I love the embossing folder and also the herringbone die. My guilty pleasure is New York Cheesecake - very naughty as I am diabetic and that is about the worst thing I can eat!!!


  47. Deb E Isle of Wight27 June 2019 at 20:34

    Beautiful card and particularly love the colour ways. Guilty pleasure - has to be a bag of Aero bubbles - not a share bag as far as I'm concerned lol...

  48. Suzzette Yandle27 June 2019 at 21:53

    Rich colors today on this design. I like Vivian's Royal Wreath STDF. Thanks for sharing.

  49. Really lovely card!Love the colors.

    Guilty pleasure - till 2 years ago buying shoes. Then I discovered your blog, fell in love with your products ...

    Hugs from Toronto

  50. Beautiful card I love that teal card I really must hoik out my embossing folders more often!
    My guilty pleasure is I suppose spending far too much on craft goodies

  51. A beautiful card Sue. My guilty pleasure would have to be a bar of plain chocolate as my dessert before bed!! xx

  52. Good morning Sue
    Only now catching up on the blog, beautiful card in my absolute favourite colour! My guilty pleasure is watching all The real housewives shows, haven’t got a favourite just watch them all lol!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  53. dj from kettering28 June 2019 at 10:32

    Lovely card & colours, love the teal card.
    Guilty pleasure; chocolate, then craft goodies!!!

    Doreen x

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Luscious card in a beautiful color. There, that was what I meant to say.The Stamps To Die for, always add a special look to a die.
    Besides chocolate and craft dies by Sue Wilson, I will add peppermint ice cream which I crave but seems to be only available around Christmas.
    Stephanie K

  56. Hi Sue lovely card and lovely colour. Thanks Helen xxx

  57. Still playing catch up Sue.
    A beautiful card, brilliant colour.
    My guilty pleasure is ice cream, and craft shopping.
    All my Birthday money has gone on your new die collection.
    Hurry up postie, take care Kitty.
