
Sunday 24 June 2018

Thanks For Being My Friend

Hello crafters!  Sorry to say but we are back to one post per day now!  It does sort of get the adrenaline going with three or four posts a day, doesn't it!  I am easing back into our once daily posts with this simple card.  I started by cutting four Meandering Twig Borders in white and adding them to a white card covered with a sticky adhesive sheet background.  After adding the dies, I filled in the exposed adhesive with Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz.  Next I cut the Bella die twice in Cobalt blue card, three times in black and once in white.  I cut the centres out of all of them but the white one.  I used the black die cuts to shadow the two blue and one white one, then I attached the blue ones to the background on the sides.  I added mounting foam to the white one and attached it in the centre.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the octagonal die in the centre of Bella.  I added a slightly larger blue mat to it then added it to the centre of the card.  I finished it off with black, blue and white mats and used a fine tipped black pen to squiggle the border.   The finished dimensions are 6 3/4" x  9" in size.  All for now, Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. GM Sue. Great card. Thanks for the blogathon. Fab new dies as always.

  2. Hi Sue
    Hi everyone just thought I would pop in after the release of the new christmas dies, I have bought 3 of the sets so cannot wait for school holidays to play. Your card today is stunning I have been playing so I have managed some crafting but as I'm my mum's carer and I also look after my grandson 5 days a week so his mum can work as a school cook so my days are very busy and keep saying I'm going to pop in and see Sue's cards and when I did it was launching her new collection so I've waited till it finished, you have some stunning die I have bought the poinsettia background, garland and happy christmas dies and while I have 6 weeks break from grandson I'm hoping to get all my cards done for christmas. It us now nearly 19 months since I lost my lovely Mick where has the time gone I'm just taking each day as it comes but mum and Ashton keep me going, Mum goes to a group at our local hospice every Monday and she's loving doing crafts and has made some beautiful things with the help of the staff so I've also been sorting out my stash and taken lots to them.
    Sending you all huge hugs
    Love Tina xxx

  3. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a beautiful card today love the die and the pop of colour really sets it of and I love the way you made the background with the twigs die looks stunning.

    Sending love and healing hugs to all that need them xx

    Have a good day all
    Hunnymummy54 from MK

  4. This is a lovely card. When you started telling how to make it I wondered how it would be to put all of your die set names in one hat, all the techniques in another, colors in another, floral elements and greenery in two more and embellishments in yet another. Then draw two die sets, one for the central element and one fo fashion a background, and use the technique you get in the next drawing, in a color scheme from drawing two colors, with a floral and foliage garnish and pearls or glitter or beads.

    Wouldn't that get our creative juices flowing!

    Anyway, thank you again for the amazing June 2018 launch.

    Enjoy the new week with new adventures!


  5. Hi sue,
    I have the Bella die so I may have to try and copy, doubt it will be as stunning as yrs but will have fun trying, thankyou for all the gorgeous dies and cards you've made over the last couple of weeks

    Di Di from broadstairs Kent

  6. Really like this, Sue. The colours are fantastic and love the use of glitterbitz. Really enjoyed the last few days and I'm definitely thinking about Christmas now!

  7. Good Sunday Morning Sue

    Well what a marathon release and how spectacular as usual. I expect although you aren't posting several times a day you will be flying over for your shows so have a safe flight my friend.

    Today's card is lovely. The background is very effect created like that; must try it myself.

    Enjoy your day wherever you are.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  8. Lovely card this morning! Always love your use of the Meandering Twig die and Glitterbitz :). Debra x

  9. Morning Sue
    Lovely card, I do like the way you have created the background. I must try this myself
    I have enjoyed the last few days, and can't wait until the goodies I have ordered arrive
    Pat x

  10. Deb E Isle of Wight24 June 2018 at 07:00

    Beautiful post this morning and love the use of the meandering twig border to help create the background. Gorgeous....

  11. Hello Sue and all
    A lovely card to get back to “normal” lol. Great colours, dies and techniques.
    So lovely to hear from you Tina, you sure are busy and I really hope you get to do some crafting in the school holidays.
    Thank you again Sue for a fabulous release, am sorting out which ones I need now that we have your inspiring samples to help with the decisions.
    Love your design system Donita
    Muriel x

  12. Gorgeous card Sue and love that background technique, must have a go. Have a great day and rest up if you can, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. Good Morning Sue
    May I say what a beautiful card to wake up to this morning , I would not call your card simple but stunning. The colours you have used with the Bella die work so well together and the added sparkle with the meandering twig finish the card of.
    Hope you get to put your feet up after amazing launch.
    Crafty hugs and well wishes to all......Wendy

  14. What a lovely idea for the background. Love the card.

  15. Hi Sue
    A lovely card, great background.
    B xx

  16. Good morning Sue,

    A beautiful card using a lovely shade of blue, gorgeous.

    Hope you are able to squeeze in a little me time before your shows at the end of the coming week.

    Marion S x

  17. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful and striking card with a very effective way of creating a background. x

  18. Love these colours as a bright card is always welcome. And the glitter is an added extra

  19. Morning Sue. Welcome back Tina. Well, my brain was frizzled trying to remember each post and yes there was a few times I completely forgot until I looked at the clock ! Aging is chasing me fast now and oh boy I don't like it much, so my brain will be pleased it's one post per day but selfishly I really love ALL the inspiration 4 times a day. What a collection you've given us (and I think I'm frazzled) !! Lol. I felt awful being choosy but at the same time why would I want a precious Sue Wilson die that I know I wouldn't use when so many other crafters would be wishing and hoping they were chosen. It's market day, my first this year due to health getting on the way so I'm keeping everything crossed that the beautiful weather will bring the visitors and in turn like what I've done all thanks to your amazing dies and enable me to get a few extra £'s in my craft tin.
    Thanks for some wonderful festive dies most that we can use all year,now if that's not value for money then I don't know what is and only YOU think about giving your followers that - Thank you so much xxx

  20. A great card Sue. I have both dies you have used, they are great dies. Thoroughly enjoyed the last few days on your blog, so many ideas, thank you. have a good day. Xxx

  21. Hi Sue - this card really stands out with the beautiful cobalt blue. I love the way you do your backgrounds, they are so effective. It's been great to see all your new dies and I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful samples. Sending best wishes

  22. Hi Sue, A beautiful card to bring us “back to normal” the colours are gorgeous and I so love the dies.

    Barbara V

  23. I do like the ways you use the Meandering Twig die.

  24. Fabulous card Sue, it looks amazing with that sparkling background and those colours combo! Great design and love the frame!

  25. Good Morning Sue. Whew that was some marathon.....but I loved every minute. I kept clock watching to make sure I didn't miss anything and lo and behold I don't think I missed one single post. What a real beauty we have this morning though. Right up my street this one. blue.... lace.... do I need to say more other than stunning. Sending best wishes to everyone. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  26. Morning sue and everyone.
    Well it may be back to the normal one card a day, but it's a beautiful card. I do like the two colours of blue that you have used. It really does it justice.
    Enjoy your day everyone. Xxx

  27. Lovely card today and what a stunning colour! Thanks for all the latest release - what a collection!so its back to "normal" for us al till the next time. Take a break Sue and rest up before the next mayhem, you have certainly earned it! xx

    Maggie B

  28. Good morning Sue
    What a beautiful card and the colours are so pretty! Thank you for bringing us such amazing new dies you certainly design as crafter and bring us versatility with each set.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  29. Stunning card, absolutely gorgeous.


  30. Morning Sue,
    Pretty card. your Christmas dies are gorgeous I really enjoyed seeing your lovely cards.

  31. What a simple effect & that cobalt blue on that lovely background really does stand out. A lovely card to get us back in the daily groove! Thank you Sue for all your inspiration. What would we do without it!

    Welcome back Tina.

  32. Morning Sue, Thanks again for a great launch, really enjoyed all the posts. Now back to normal and a beautiful card to start with. I do have the meandering twig die but not used it yet, but will use it tomorrow when my friend pops over to craft with me. Have a lovely Sunday with this gorgeous weather. Love Jean xxx


  33. Hi Sue. What another beautiful card
    love the blue. Mavis L x

  34. Hi sue it will be hard back to one after the brilliant launch of Christmas dies verses etc you mus be so proud thank you x
    Today’s card is beautiful sue the colours and the beautiful dies thanks for everything
    Good luck on the market Steph xxxx
    Love June Horrocks xxxxxx

  35. Lovely card, and the Bella die is so beautiful :))

  36. Lovely card, Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  37. A beautiful card. I specially like the way you have created this background.


  38. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful meandering twigs die card today. The blue really makes the card pop. Thank you Sue for your fantastic blogathon of which I have a list as long as my arm of must haves. I have received a few which I will be making some of my cards soon so I get them all made in time . Yvonne xx

  39. Hi SUE
    I love this card and colours it always fascinate me how u build up ur dies bec
    when I do it some how looks bulky

    Joy Xx

  40. dj from kettering24 June 2018 at 09:06

    I have enjoyed the last few days, mind you, I had to
    play catch up a few times, when I forgot to check!!
    Love todays card; colour and the background are really

    Doreen x

  41. Hi Sue, Great launch of the new dies going to be spending again I think . love this card so pretty. love Jean Z xxx

  42. Good Morning, Sue
    A beautiful card this morning using the gorgeous Bella die and that lovely Meandering Twigs background not to mention the Cobalt Blue card.
    Although I do not start Christmas Cards until October I have really enjoyed seeing your latest release and making my choices!
    Thank you so much for your kindness and generousity in holding the Christmas Giveaway, it is very kind of you.
    Hope you and everyone else have a great Sunday!
    Lesley S x

  43. Hi Sue,

    What a lovely card to ease us back to normality!...the Bella die makes a great base for the sentiment and that frosted Meandering Twig background sets it all up beautifully....and I'm really liking your squiggly lines!

    Welcome back Tina...


  44. Beautiful card, love the Bella die

  45. Hi Sue,
    A really beautiful card that any friend would be delighted to receive.
    The blog launch has been great, full of wonderful inspiration,
    thanks for sharing,

  46. it's a very beautiful and elegant card Sue
    Gr Karin

  47. I love this card. I have seen you use the three circular dies in this way before and I have lots of different ones so I really must try it.

    Hugs Helen xx
    lol back to just my name now.

  48. Gorgeous card. Thank you for such a wonderful die launch, your dies get better and better and still value for money.
    Hugs RAG TIME xxx

  49. Rose in Chester24 June 2018 at 09:49

    Hi Sue,
    I'm working through my withdawals now and getting used to one card per day.
    But this card is beautiful, and I can use the little squiggle, my distressing the card with scissors always works out weird.
    The little Mandering Twigs is such a beautiful day, as a background and as a focal point.


  50. Hi Sue

    Stunning card today, colourwise and with the dies you have used. I have always thought the meandering twigs form the most attractive backgrounds.

    Heather R Oxfordshire

  51. Well after the marathon of cards for the release you bring us another delightful creation and no doubt you are in the throes of planning your next release!! The blue and white with the pop of black and all the sparkly bits is so fresh looking. Love from Jackie xx

  52. Hi Sue,

    again a beautiful card... and very delicate.

    Rolf xxx

  53. Stunning card, love the shadow look.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  54. Hi Sue. Back to normality and also the problems with my laptop have been fixed! What a great card to show off the beauty of this lovely die


  55. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Simple it certainly is not, but full of intricate detail and lots of dimension.

  56. Hi Sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Beautiful card Sue x I love the Bella die and I think its an ingenious idea what you have done with the meandering twigs in the background x it always looks like a stunning embossing folder x thankyou so much for a fantastic launch , all the new dies are wonderful and I think they will be really popular x
    Welcome back Tina x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w in Berks xxx

  57. Hi Sue

    Yes, it’s a shame we’re back to single postings. However, we are guaranteed fabulousness once a day so that can’t be bad can It?

    Lovely card, great colours and like how you’ve done the background.

    Welcome back Tina x

    Love Helen xxx

  58. Great card using great dies. The colours are perfect. It's very intricate and pretty.


  59. Lovely card I've just remembered I need to make my son in law a birthday card so will have to put my sewing away today


  60. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, a beautiful sample today, your so clever, I think I have said this before but doesn't hurt to say it again does it.

    Just arrived home from a week in Devon, it was glorious, such an amazing place. Hubby is now doing the washing so I can catch up with all my emails etc.

    Tina, lovely to have you back, cannot believe it is 16 months since you lost your lovely Mick, you Mum sounds like a diamond and also your grandson, they all help don't they.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  61. A lovely card and thank you for all the lovely dies up for grabs!

  62. Hi Sue
    Nice to see how you have used the meandrering twig border die to create the background on this simple but lovely card
    Margaret x

  63. Hi Sue,
    Gorgeous card,lovely colour's & beautiful background ,I must try to do this sort of thing.
    Thank you for a wonderful variety of Christmas die's,
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  64. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card, love the squiggly line around the edge although I'm sure if I tried it it would look a right mess. Thank you again for the last number of days, it will take a while to get used to one post again
    Tina, welcome back. It sounds as if your days are full and keep you busy. Enjoy using Sues new dies once the school holidays start xx

    Love and hugs to everyone

  65. Hi Sue beautiful card the meandering twigs make a gorgeous background
    Tina welcome back good to hear from you hope you manage to get all your Christmas cards done in the holidays sounds like you are a busy lady!

  66. Hi Sue what a lovely card and sentiment. Love how you created the background
    Wendy x

  67. Hi Sue this is a stunning card I love it. Those dies are amazing. I did enjoy the Christmas launch and I have my eye on some die sets. They are bound to be popular. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  68. Great technique, love the background made like this and then Bella on top, looks amazing...luv Ursula xx

  69. Such a lovely card and my favourite colour combo. Thank you Sue xx

  70. The Bella die is quite eye pleasing, enjoy your color choice as well Sue.

  71. I have this background die, so off to try it out for a Christmas card or two.

  72. Love the navy and white and the texture created by the various die cuts. Beautiful!

  73. Hi Sue gorgeous card for us today.The Navy & White is one of my favourite colour combo. Love the Dies
    Love Lynda xx

  74. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    🥇For Your Tremendous 2016 Blog/🥇For Your Phenomenal Cutting Dies
    First I’d Like To Thank You For The Extremely Exceptional 2018 Festive Cutting Dies
    Your Luxurious Cards Each/Every One Being Truly Magnificent Each Card Has Been A Pure Masterpiece
    Famous Products Used In Today’s Card:-
    “Creative Expression 12”/30 cm Ruler”
    “Creative Expression Coconut White/Colbalt Blue/Black Foundation Card”
    “Creative Expression A4 Sticky Adhesive Sheet”
    “Creative Expression Mounting Foam”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Specialists Dries Clear Acrylic Glue”
    “Creative Expression Cosmic Shimmer Frosted Sparkle Glitterbitz”
    “Creative Expression White Self Adhesive Flat Backed Pearls”
    “Fine Tipped black Pen”
    Famous Cutting Dies Used In Today’s Card:-
    “Sue Wilson’s Meandering Twig Die Set” (From The Finishing Touches Collection 1 Cutting Die)
    “Sue Wilson’s Bella Die Set” (From The Frames/Tags Collection 3 Cutting Dies)
    Short Comment Today Sue, Weather Is Outstanding So I’m Making The Most Of It, Doing The Garden!!!
    Take Great Care My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Extremely Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx
    Sue, Keep Up With All Your Outstanding Cutting Dies/Cards/Video Tutorials Which I Just Love, As I’ve Mentioned Your
    My Mentor I’m In Total Awe Of You.........Your A Superstar...............

  75. Beautiful card today Sue and lovely colour choice


  76. I love this card and Bella is a new favorite. White with the perfect blue shade works for me every time. Why do I always look at "squiggle lines" and feel that I will ruin my card in I tried it? I need to just dive in and do it.
    I am back from Montana by car. It was a long drive. We did over 4,000 miles round trip to visit 3 days with the new grand baby. He was a cutie and worth it. We also were able to stop on the way home in a town where I lived as a child in Illinois. Fun to see my old house and school. A good vacation but glad to be home and glad to have good Internet again.
    Everyone, have a great Sunday evening,
    Stephanie K

  77. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card for us today. I think it is us who should be saying thank you to you for the past few days and for giving us the chance to win your beautiful dies. I must admit that I didn't comment on all of them, because as gorgeous as they were, there were some that I personally wouldn't use, so I thought it unfair to be be considered for those - I'd rather they went to a home where they would be used.
    Sending love and hugs to all on this beautiful sunny day, Alison xxxx

  78. Hello Sue
    I love the blue and white combination.
    I apologise for being haphazard with my comments my lovely mum has had a stroke so lots of time at hospital.

  79. Hi Sue, a beautiful card to bring us back down gently after the launch. The cobalt blue is such a rich colour and shows Bella off to perfection. I love your backgrounds made from the Meandering Twig Borders and Glitterbitz, they are great.

    Tina - welcome back and I hope we will 'see' you regularly again.


  80. I love the way you have made the background. It’s so pretty and sets of the focal elements beautifully. X

  81. Love the twiggy background, what a good use for the Twig borders. Beautiful card in that blue, very striking X

  82. Hello Sue.

    Lovely card, I like the Meandering Twig die more and more every time I see it. I really like your squiggle border, very effective. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  83. Pauline Austen24 June 2018 at 18:56

    Great background Sue. I really must try this. Like your colour scheme and the way you have used the Bella die. Your launch has been fantastic and I have a list as long as my arm of those dies I would love to own. Hugs xx Pauline from Teesside

  84. You deserve a rest after that release
    A gorgeous card and I love the squiggle o the background!Makes a refreshing change from glitter etc

  85. Pretty twiggy background.

  86. Evening Sue, Beautiful card and I love that twig. Just want to thank you for a great Christmas launch again. Still looking at those cards. A

  87. Hi Sue, A beautiful card, and I adore how you have put the berry branch twig atop the beautiful glittery background, and the die-cuts complete beautifully.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  88. A lovely card Sue. A nice calm card after the hectic die launch. Phew !

  89. Beautiful card Sue! Love the colours.

    Really enjoyed the launch, sad to see it finished.

  90. Hi Sue
    Love the Balla die done in these colours and offset, really makes a statement. You’ve really gone to town with these new Dies. A great launch pad for your new collection. Thanks for sharing and giving us the chance to win a set,

  91. Great card today sue. Beautiful colours and beautiful dies. Laura O Springfield

  92. Hi Sue,
    Striking card today. Love the use of the meandering twigs as a background.
    Best wishes


  93. Hi Sue,
    A lovely elegant card, The Bella die looks beautiful used in this way.
    Di B.x

  94. Welcome,back Tina. It was a fabulous launch Sue. Thank you so much. Love today’s card

  95. Hello Sue, really lovely card. Thank you for all your hard work with the release of your Christmas dies Hope you can have some kind of a rest. x

  96. What a week it's been. This is a lovely card. I hope I have managed tk do them all whilst enjoying my French food and wine.

  97. Beautiful card Sue. Love your meandering twigs background. A wonderful launch Sue so thank you again. Look forward to your shows on Hochanda at the end of the week.
    Welcome back Tina and Crewe Trish, sorry to read of your mother's illness. Hope she recovers soon. Xx

  98. Sue this is beautiful, i love the meandering twigs in the background and i adore the centre dies.

  99. Hi Sue
    We may be down to 1 post but what a post it is x
    The meandering twigs are stunning and give such a sophisticated background to show case beautiful Bella. The cobalt is striking x
    Tina - lovely to see you x
    Crewe Trish - sorry to hear about your mum x
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  100. Elegant and beautiful, how else would be a card created with Bella?

    Tina - Welcome back.
    Crewe Trish - Sorry to hear about your mom.Hope she will feel better soon.

    Hugs from Toronto to you all and special hugs to all missing friends.
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  101. Latenight SandyH25 June 2018 at 04:35

    Gorgeous card. The Meandering Twig Borders make such a lovely background.
    Take care everyone.

  102. Marie P. from Longridge25 June 2018 at 09:00

    Good morning Sue and all Wilsonettes.
    A gorgeous card Sue and I do have the die so I'm hoping to use it in the very near future. I am so glad to have this card making hobby as I had reached the point of thinking I couldn't DO anything because of my deteriating vision.
    I'm even more glad to have become a member of your bloggers and I thank you sincerely for being a part of my day.
    Marie P.

  103. Absolutely gorgeous card. Thanks to you!
    Doreen R

  104. Beautiful card Sue hugs Johanna

  105. Hi Sue, a beautiful way to ease back in to none festive cards, love the blue and white. I have really enjoyed the latest releases of your beautiful dies. Bx
