
Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hello there my crafty friends!  We are now getting into the Christmas card making season I think.  You need to have started them by now I think to have an enjoyable relatively stress free Christmas, but I will be like a broken record every week reminding you! LOL  If you need an elegant card that doesn't take too much time, today's giveaway id the card for you!  I started by cutting a piece of coconut white card then cutting a diagonal cut across it.  The top half I embossed with the Wild Poinsettia embossing folder for texture.  I added some mounting foam to the back and then adhered it to another piece of card stock.  Next I cut the Garland Edger in gold mirror card, extending the length so that it reached across the card on the diagonal.  I glued it into place just under the embossed area.  I added mounting foam to the other side of the card from the diagonal cut and adhered it below the garland edger.  I made three poinsettias cut from red card covered in Red Glitter Kiss.  I assembled them and added them to the lower portion of the card with white Holly Swirls as accents.  White and gold mats and layers were added to complete the card.  The finished dimensions are 6" x  8 1/4" in size.  Leave a comment to be entered into the drawing to win this one.  All for now, Sue x

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