
Friday 24 February 2017

You're Special To Me

Hello there my crafty friends!  You had a quick glimpse of this one during one of the blog die launches, but I thought it deserves it's own day on the blog!  You will have to imagine a pretty lavender sort of colour here though, because try as I might, the wisteria card always looks grey when I photograph it!  I do apologise as I know it is the photographer (aka me!) as I just can't get the light right with this colour!   I selected a piece of wisteria card and embossed it with the Butterfly Dreams embossing folder.  I used the centre of the Madeleine die set to create a round frame with detail for my sentiment.  I attached it in the centre of the card with foam.  I cut four of the Starflower Cluster in black and cut the matching flowers in white and attached them behind.  I added mounting foam to all of them and arranged them around the centre sentiment.  I did some further matting with white, black and wisteria to complete the card. and added pearls to all the corners and flowers as accents.  The finished dimensions are 7 1/2" x  7 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Lovely card Sue, very beautiful.
    Janice, hope you and hubby had a wonderful anniversary.
    Elaine, a big hug for Andrew, I feel his disappointment so much.
    Hope Babies Lola and Soohia Anna are settling well and thriving fir their adoring grandmammas. So wonderful to watch them grow.
    June, you take care when out in these awful winds, it will be a battle for you to walk.
    Tina and NannaTina, thinking of you, hope you are both alright .
    Laine, glad you are feeling better, Yvonne's gallivanting is leaving me breathless but it is nice to hear that she is getting out and about.
    Maureen come back to defend your reputation, Diva, strop, man mad, don't let them get away with that, miss you.
    Donita, hope your tv and Internet are up and running well.
    Take care everyone, it's cold, wet and windy, stay safe. Hugs to all especially missing and poorly friends.

  2. Well Sue it looks fabulous even in grey! I'm sure we can all imagine it in wisteria too. Fabulous card.
    Hope everyone is keeping safe and warm.
    Crafty hugs.
    D xx

  3. That's just gorgeous Sue.

  4. Morning Sue.
    A beautiful card Thank you.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  5. Morning Sue, a gorgeous card, I can see the wisteria colour.
    Nancyd xx

  6. Love the design and the colours.

  7. What a pretty card Sue those flowers are fabulous. Hope you are keeping well, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Dear Sue and fellow admirers,

    Oh yes! This is so beautiful, it makes me weak in the knees. Well actually my whole body is sore from cleaning all night. Didn't gat anything installed because they discovered they'll need a bucket truck, and they don't know how far up the road they'll have to go to join hands with civilization.
    I hope everyone came through the storm in fine shape.

  9. GM Sue. Very pretty card as always.

  10. Hi Sue
    Lovely card, very pretty.
    Jan x

  11. Morning Sue. The sentiment is on its way straight back atcha ☺
    Firstly the butterfly folder is just so pretty, adorable in real life I love using it I really do.
    Today's card makes a real statement it almost 'shows' off and why not, I too think it needs it's day here, it needs all the compliments it deserves, as for the photographer, you're not alone, I find wisteria so hard to show its true beauty but I think most of us know what a delicate shade it is but for the newer crafters don't be put off by the stills lol believe us all when we suggest adding it to your stash you won't be disappointed that's for sure 😉
    Hope you are all prepared for a possible song and dance tomorrow Sue, and I look forward to seeing it lol.
    Sending hugs as usual. Happy Friday xxx

  12. Good morning Sue wow what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
    I like how you have used the dies they are so pretty

    Have a lovely day

    Debs Cards xxx

  13. That's a really lovely card Sue. I know what you mean about the wisteria card. I can never get it to photograph well either. It's a shame because it's such a pretty colour in real life!

  14. Very pretty card. What a lovely way to use this die!

    Maggie B xx

  15. Gorgeous card Sue xx love how you've used the starflower cluster xx love Kim D

  16. Gorgeous card, love everything about it.


  17. A real eyecatching card Sue. Doesn't matter how the colour has come out in the photos. It is most likely the light you are taking the photo under. Love how you used the starflower die,sets the stage beautifully. Have a wonderful day.

  18. This card is amazing, very striking, I love it.
    Annette x

  19. Hi Sue
    Your flower clusters are such useful dies and give very pleasing cards however they are used.

    Heather R Oxfordshire

  20. Morning Sue, don't worry about your photography Sue, at least you manage to get the whole card photographed and beautifully too. I manage to do little bits and pretend that I'm showing a close up .lol Love the wisteria card, fingers crossed that it won't go the same way as the blush.
    Lovely card ,dies flowers and background. Hugs xx P Austen

  21. Hello Sue and all
    Love this design and the black contrast makes it such a stand out - fabulous!!!
    Muriel x

  22. Lovely card Sue, beautiful.

  23. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful design in a lovely colour combination.
    Thank you everyone for the anniversary wishes.x

  24. Wonderful card even in grey ☺! A really lovely card design. Debra x

  25. Hi Sue
    Love this card, the Black is striking against the Lilac.
    Chris xx

  26. Morning Sue,
    A very pretty card today and I can just see that it is Wisteria which is a lovely colour.
    That flower die is so versatile, thank you for the instructions and inspiration. So looking forward to watching your show tomorrow.

    Hugs xxx
    Dawn Searle

  27. Good Morning Sue and all. Beautiful card this morning, the butterfly dreams embossed back ground is stunning along with star flower die . More I want on my list....... Wendy

  28. Hi Sue,
    what a lovely card... I've got the starflower die but haven't thought of using it this way.... certainly shall do so now!
    Hugs, Rose

  29. Good morning Sue this is a stunning card I love the design and the dies are amazing. The colour is very pretty too. I am looking forward to your shows. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  30. A very pretty card Sue,and a lovely sentiment .

    I hope you are all safe from Doris, my what a lot of destruction and havoc she caused .

    Saba, Nice to know you are enjoying the thrills of a Ninja Warrier.

    Dragonsnap ,i hope Lola is ok now and thriving .xx

    Lorraine sending you big hugs .

    Carmen,Thank You , i hope your Co worker is doing well after his surgery sending him big hugs.

    Sending hugs to all especially my besties and missing friends .
    Elaine H X

  31. What a pretty card Sue. I love my Starflower cluster die and use it so much that I am sure it will wear out soon! Have a lovely weekend.

  32. Hi Sue
    A lovely card. The little flowers are so cute! Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  33. Good morning Sue
    I love the way you've used the starflower die its looks so pretty! I agree this card needs its own show! I'm so excited we are going to be seeing you tomorrow!!!!!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  34. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely card today, I am rubbish at photographing my cards but it doesn't matter. When I looked at this it reminded me of 2 different things, a giant embellishment that crafters consortium make (I think their name is) the one with the lovely gems all around it, or a wrought iron gate with a crest on it. Amazing what goes through your imagination isn't it, but I really do like it and it certainly does deserve it's day on the blog.

    Looking forward to your Hochanda show tomorrow, you so inspire me and everyone who adore your work.

    Pam I didn't go out in the storm, watched it through window and on the news, terrible. Now this morning it is a lovely blue sky.

    Special hugs to everyone who needs them including the little babies who bring so much joy.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  35. Absolute Winner, love this card, it deserves a day all of its own, if only to give everyone a chance to study it carefully, so as to appreciate every element.
    Thanks Sue for the inspiration.
    Looking forward to seeing you on our screens, but most of all looking forward to having a chat a Ally Pally, counting down the weeks now!

  36. Wisteria is such a pretty colour, it may not photograph well but we all know that. A gorgeous card Sue. Thank you. Xx


  37. I
    The card looks lovely, even in grey, so I imagine
    to see it 'real' makes it superb!!!

    Doreen x

  38. Pretty card Sue. The starflower cluster die is gorgeous. Looking forward to your show tomorrow. Xx

  39. Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, can definitely imagine the wisteria colour. Don't worry about your photography, at least you haven't got a finger in the picture which is something I usually manage to get in!
    Pam, you've said everything perfectly, as usual, so I'm going to just echo your comments. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  40. Loving this one Sue just beautiful x

  41. Deb E Isle of Wight24 February 2017 at 07:58

    Another stunning post - there's been some beautiful ones this week...

  42. Good morning Sue and all your crafty crew
    Oh my what a lovely card i have this die my little bro got it for me at Christmas but i would never have thought of using it in the way you have
    I think i need to have a play with my dies
    Have a wonderful day Sue
    Hugs to all that need one
    Theresa G xx

  43. A very striking creation card, a conversation piece definitely!

  44. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card, very striking.
    B xx

  45. Morning Sue, a really beautiful card. It is a statement piece, the flowers are so pretty. Off to Farnborough craft show today so I am glad that the wind has died down. Looking forward to your shows on Hochanda.

    Love Rosemarie X X

  46. Pretty looking card Sue-the embossing folder is really nice.

  47. Morning Sue,
    All of your cards deserve their day, just like this gorgeous one, so pretty.

  48. Beautiful card. The starflower cluster die is stunning.

  49. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely exquisite card & I also love the wisteria card. Your flowers are beautiful as usual & always add a great focal point. Yvonne xx

  50. Love this one Sue, gorgeous, xxx

  51. Hi Sue,

    Very pretty card this morning - I love the Starflower Cluster, it's so dainty and works so well as a surround for your focal point...I know what you mean about the Wisteria showing up as grey but I find it works well if I add some pink somewhere in the overall design - that seems to bring out the warmth in that shade...

    Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow on Hochanda but why only the one show?...


  52. Beautiful card!
    Love the effect of the Starflower Cluster die here, just gorgeous :))

  53. A true beauty this card sue I love the die and the sentiment but what you have achevied is stunning thank you so much
    Love always June horrocks xxxxxxx

  54. Hi Sue - what a delicate card this is and I absolutely adore the wisteria card. It is such a pretty and dainty colour. Thank you for another beautiful card today. Sending best wishes

  55. what a beautiful card Sue
    Hugs, Vick x

  56. What a beautiful card. I understand your frustration with photographs.

    Anne (Northampton)

  57. Good Morning Sue
    Love this card even Grey it still looks lovely!
    Love Marg

  58. Hello Sue
    A very pretty card this morning and I really must remember to use the die in this way.
    The Starflower Cluster is such a useful little die and I have used it many times.
    Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda tomorrow, such a pity you are only on for one show!
    Lesley S x

  59. Beautiful card, the frame looks stunning x

  60. Good morning. Sue. It's a beautiful sunny morning here in north east fife, a change from yesterday when we had snow.
    Now on to today's goorgeous card, don't worry about how the photograph is showing it we can all see its beauty.
    Norah, I hope your new tablets are starting to work! Rest please we need you better for our meet up, you now have competition with Maureen over these new trolly bags you both have invested in..
    Enjoy your day everyone.
    Hazel X

  61. Very pretty card. I do like how you have used the starflower die In Such a different way; it just shows what a little imagination can achieve. Something I lack so keep the ideas coming!!!!!!

    Just a thought! Would photographing under a white craft light only make any difference to getting the colour? I will have to try, I think I have some wisteria card in my stash.


  62. A really lovely card, love the wisteria and black together.
    I have this die so must have a play with it.

  63. Hi Sue
    Very pretty card which deserves to have its day! The starflower cluster is gorgeous. Love and hugs Alison xxx

  64. Morning Sue, such a pretty card and what a great way to use the Star Flower Cluster, I don't have this die but will have to try it with the Petite Peony Die.

  65. Good morning Sue such a pretty card the starflower die is beautiful I love the wisteria card the colour is so delicate I'm looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda
    Hugs to all

  66. Wonderful card, and I just love the Starflower Cluster arrangement!!

  67. Hi Sue, Very Beautiful card . love Jean Z xxxx

  68. Morning Sue, lovely card, as you said it does look a bit grey, but we know how,lovely the wisteria colour is.
    It is a lovely frosty sunny morning here, such a change from yesterday.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  69. Morning Sue, a lovely eye catching card. I love the Starflower cluster and find it so versatile xx

  70. Morning Sue and fellow crafters,

    A gorgeous card today Sue, wisteria is such a delicate colour and I can see it clearly. Jamie, No. 1 grandson, altered the colour pitch on my PC and now I can see shades that others can't so much better.

    Typing this whilst listening to Herman & the Hermits from the sixties on YouTube.
    Bright and cheerful music to start the day.

    Well Doris missed us out here in my little corner of Somerset. Was quite windy all morning so washing out on the line and got it all dried to air off inside. Late afternoon the wind changed to very gusty, no damage done this morning upon opening the blinds so I think we got off quite lightly compared to other parts of the country. The poor lady in Wolverhampton's family must be devastated to lose her in such a violent manner. Condolences to any of the family that follow you Sue.

    Gurt big hugs to all in need of one. I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  71. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card today, such pretty dies and of course a lovely coloured card. This colour is always sold out in the local craft shop so must be popular! Have you tried using a light wave to add light when you take photoes? They are a great piece of kit. Hope you have fun on the tv.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Cheryl hermins hermits that brings back memories, my grandad called me his Sunshine Girl! It's on my Spotify list! Xxx

  72. Wisteria is such a lovely colour nice caard not one of my favourites but nice all the same.
    Elizabeth Bennett

  73. fantastic card ,love the colours ,Laura O

  74. stunning card . love the colours even showing as grey looks gorgeous . I have a similar die lije this think it is a daisy one will give the card a try with mine . Thank you for the idea. love yvonne bennett xx

  75. Morning Sue

    I love this card and also love to use the wisteria foundation card. I keep forgetting to order the 'star flower cluster arrangement' but have now added it to my CE's order!

    Looking forward to your Hochanda show :)

    June x

  76. Hi Sue. I remember seeing this card before and admiring it. Very pretty card and I love the central sentiment element and also how the flowers really pop against the background.


  77. Morning Sue, Didn't have any internet access yesterday, it was one of those 'grrrrrr' days haha. Today's and yesterday's cards are, as always, very beautiful.
    Enjoy your day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  78. Firstly, my apologies to Sue for this particular post but if other crafters are anything like me and set their mind on buying a particular item etc etc, so,


    Hi Diane, I stock the Wisteria Foundation Card, if I can help you. You can contact me either via Facebook (Poppyfield Card Crafts) or my blog: http://poppyfieldcardcrafts.blogspot.com

    Happy crafting everyone!

  79. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. So pretty and delicate the sunflower cluster. They stand out against the background. I love it. My favourite colours in the lavender, lilac and purple spectrum.

  80. Hi Sue. What a lovely way to use your star cluster die. This is the die which is not getting put away at the moment. SueL x

  81. I have just sent for the star cluster die so now I know another way I can use it. This is a stunning card, in wisteria or grey - still stunning lol.

    Helen x


  82. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card so pretty love the wisteria colour lovely.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  83. Hello Sue, a beautiful and striking card, love the design and colours. Bx

  84. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card and I love the design, I have the petite peony cluster so I might try that. Looking forward to your show tomorrow

    Pam I will just echo your comments as you say it so well
    Tracy enjoyed chatting to you on face time and looking forward to meeting you on Thursday, Pam you're welcome to join us just hop on a flight to Belfast!!

    Love and hugs to everyone

  85. Hi Sue and everyone

    A lovely card. I remember this one from the launch and agree it definitely should have its own day on the blog. I love the wisteria colour, but it does look grey on my screen, but I think it looks nice in grey too. Sometimes grey is so underrated I think and can look really classy.

    Looking forward to your show on Hochanda Sue.

    Love Helen xxx

  86. Hi Sue
    A very lovely card, and the wisteria card looks lavendar to me, on my laptop. You just have to move the screen about.
    Margaret xx

  87. Beautiful card, I use try making a card using this idea xx

  88. Good morning Sue, love, love, love, today's card. Colour might seem a bit grey but the card is beautiful, we can imagine the true colour.
    Beautiful day in the North East of Scotland, surrounded by snow but not in the viallge Hey! Ho! the sun is shining what more could we want.
    Maureen and Norah have bought nice new bags for our next Meet Up, might need to go have a look for one for ME!!
    Pam, I will echo the comments in your brilliant Summary
    Have a wonderful day everyone
    Patricia xxx

  89. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card,lovely ideas,I haven't got the flower cluster (yet!) but will try with another flower die as I like the idea.
    Thank you
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  90. Simply beautiful. Thank you, Sue. X

  91. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Youve Done It Once Again You've Created A Spectacular Card I Love The Colour Palette
    I Love How You Use Your Creative Juices To Share Your "Masterpieces" With Us We Are
    All Extremely Lucky. Today's Card Is "Stupendous" And "Luxurious" Just Love It....
    I'm Completely Excited As I Have All The Products You've Used Today, But As
    "Rose In Chester" Mentioned I Would Never Have Thought Of Using "The Starflower Die"
    This Way, So Thank You So Very Much For The Inspiration.
    "Products Used Today":-
    "Black, Wisteria, Coconut White, Foundation Card"
    "The Butterfly Dreams Embossing Folder" Just Awesome
    "The Madeline Die" Very Beautiful
    "The Star Of The Show "The Starflower Cluster"
    "Today's Card"
    I'm Sending The Sentiment Right Back To You Its Perfect For Someone Like Your Self
    Also Like All Your "Tremendous Followers" I'm Thrilled You Decided To Share This "Remarkable Card" With
    Us On Your Blog.
    I Love The Exceptionally Beautiful Wisteria Card I Loved How You Started Your Card By Taking Your
    Wisteria Card And Placing It In Your "Butterfly Dreams Embossing Folder" Just Terrific Such Stunning Detail
    As With All Your Embossing Folder's.
    Then You Used The Centre Of "The Stunning Madeline Die" Cutting In Black, With This You Created An
    Awesome Frame To Surround Your Perfect Sentiment, You Then Placed This Into The Centre Of Your Embossed
    Background, Adding Mounting Foam For Height, You Then Cut Out "Four" Of "The Extremely Striking "Starflower Cluster"
    In Black, Which Is Perfect They Look Amazing Next To Your Wisteria Card, You Then Cut Out The Matching Flowers From
    "The Starflower Cluster" In Coconut White, And Then You Attached Them In The Area Made At the Back Where They
    Sit Just Perfect So When You See Them From The Front They Look Tremendous.
    Once Again You Added Mounting Foam To All The Flowers, And Then You Arranged Them Around Your Sentiment, So
    The Flowers Were Next To Your Sentiment, Leaving All The Beautiful Leaves, Curly Que's Standing Proud And Meeting
    The Edge Of Your Extremely Beautiful Embossed Background, You Then Added Pearls To The Centre Of Your Flowers And
    The Four Corners Of Your Exquisite Card, Adding Your Mat/Layering Of Black/White/Wisteria And Your Wonderful
    Signature Piercing, Fabulous Size "Seven Half By Seven And Half"
    What Can I Say That I Haven't Said So Many Times Before You're "Pure Genius"
    I Love Your Work "Your Blog Inspires Me Daily I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do "Thank You" So Very Much"
    Sue Take Great Care, I'm So Looking Forward To Seeing You Once Again On Hochanda
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin And Heather
    Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗 For Yourself
    Love From Sam xxx

  92. Lovely card Sue, especially like the embossing folder - not seen that one! The wisteria colour is beautiful & really sets off the flower clusters. I have the daisy cluster so will give this a go. Thank you Sue, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

    Hope everyone is safe after 'Doris' someone sure had upset her!

  93. I remember this card well as I bought both of the dies after seeing in previously. Love the way the star flower cluster die pieces goes together. I have found the Madeleine die so useful and bought one for a friend as a gift.
    Thanks for another reminder of this lovely card.
    Stephanie K

  94. Great card, I have this floral die and so useful


  95. So pretty and I love all the flowers, thank you, Sue

  96. A very pretty card. The color of the Wisteria cardstock is a lovely lavender which color I adore. Wishing you a terrific weekend. Looking forward to your show/s on Hochanda this weekend.

  97. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Very pretty card sue x being the proud owner of a few sheets of wisteria card I know how beautiful it is for real so don't worry about the photos x I love my daisy cluster so may try something similar as I don't have the starflower x thankyou so much sue for your daily inspiration and am really looking forward to your show tomorrow x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  98. Hi Sue
    I remember this card it is so pretty I love the colour scheme its one of my favourites. Thank you for all your great inspiration.

    With best wishes

    Elaine Ann

  99. Beautiful card Sue, have this die and not used it yet, really must get going

  100. Lovely card! I love how you used the corner dies! Very eye catching! TFS!

  101. I really am going to have to find another exclamation other than 'Wow' for all these lovely card examples, but as my brain is taking a vacation, good old Wow will have to suffice. Love it. I feel a pinched idea coming on!!! Thanks Sue xx

  102. Hi Sue oh this is a delightful looking card . I don't have the starflower cluster die but I do have the daisy die I think I will try to see if that works . Looking forward to seeing you on Hochanda tomorrow.Thanks for sharing. Pam I visited Sophie Anna yesterday she is doing fine thanks .Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

  103. Lovely card I love the colours Wisteria is one of my favourites

  104. Lovely card, the butterfly embossing folder is gorgeous

  105. This is just so pretty, with the wisteria card, a lovely subtle colour with the black...a brilliant idea for me to try, thank you Sue, a stunning card as usual...luv Ursula xx

  106. Hi Sue, the Starflower Cluster is a very pretty die and you have created a lovely card with it. I have some wisteria card, it is one of my favourites so I am able to imagine the true colours of your card. I have trouble photographing purple, it always comes out blue no matter what type of lighting I use so I don't blame the photographer, I blame the equipment!


  107. Hi Sue,
    You have created a beautiful frame using the Starflower Cluster.
    I have the die so I can have a go.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I can't wait to see your show on Hochanda tomorrow.
    Véronique L

  108. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. I think this is such a pretty Card using one of my favourite dies. The colour combination is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  109. Love the frame from the star cluster die. Looks good as grey so I bet it is really stunning in real life

  110. Hi Sue,
    Very different but still very pretty.
    Beverley W

  111. Hi, Sue,
    Another very dramatic card today. Yes, the background does look grey but it's still pretty fantastic...love it!!
    Bejay xx

  112. Hello Sue,

    What a pretty card this morning. Such a interesting way to use the Starflower Cluster, makes me wonder what a card would look like with the clusters facing the opposite direction and done with the Noble Circles. Might just have to try that myself. The Butterfly Embossing Folder is one of my favorites, it is both delicate and whimsical at the same time. Perfect combination.

    Have a wonderful day.


  113. Gorgeous card. Unusual colour combination. X

  114. Beautiful card, Sue, love your use of the starflower cluster. Feeling a need coming on!
    Sorry late, been a very long day. Not read comments but hope everyone's okay and not too battered by Doris. Was very windy here but thankfully no damage.

    'P' in Wales

  115. Love the pretty starflowers, what a great way to use them x

  116. Beautiful card design Sue, and I love the colours.xx

  117. Hello Sue,
    Love your card, Sue! It certainly does deserve its own day on the blog! Great use of the dies! Love the strong contrast too. The wisteria card looks lavender to me, on my computer. Thanks for sharing.
    Elaine H – The surgery went well and the Kid is doing fine. This is his nick name not only because he is the youngest in our office but we adopted him. His family is thousands of miles away. His mom tried to come here but she couldn’t get her visa. I cannot imagine what she went thru all these months and it’s not over yet. So, we became his second family. Hugs to you, too.
    Laine – if you really didn’t comment on Wednesday just to give the rest of us a chance to win that beautiful card, all I can say is WOW! Then you are right, you are a kind person and you made me feel bad … no, let me rephrase it, you almost made me feel bad calling you a trouble maker. In the meantime, I did my homework by reading some old posts to figure out who the true Troublemaker Queen is! A difficult task I have to say, but Saba’s comment yesterday made it clear… dear Laine you won the title! It is what it is!
    PP/Yvonne – feel better and come back. We miss you! We need you. It ‘s not easy to cope with Laine’s “kind, understanding and optimistic monologues”!
    You are all special to me!
    Still a newbie to Craft / Not longer the newest and the only Canadian Wilsonette

  118. Hello Sue,
    I'm a bit late today! It's been manic Friday again!
    Today's card is beautiful. Why didn't I think of doing that??? I don't actually have that actual Die but I have the daisy one which I love ! It's hard photographing cards! Sometimes after I've taken a photo I think the whole card is skew whiff - that's not straight to those overseas!! Lol!
    However , when I check the card is straight. - it's my photography!
    Oh Sue, I got the Lattice Frame Die set which goes with the Shadow Box Sets and I've made my husband's birthday card this afternoon! The frame makes all the difference in the world! Buy them ladies/ gentlemen , you won't regret it! I know it's what is called a " considered purchase " but it's well worth it! One of the window boxes ( with the tulips) from the latest release fits in the Shadow box! I'm chuffed - can you tell! Oh and the topiary tree - either one- fits too! My husband loves our garden! Your Dies are amazing as are you because the fact that these fit isn't an accident!!
    Carmen - so pleased you posted before me as I usually go back to see what you have said and then post on the wrong day!! Thank you for considering the Elderly!! Lol!
    Scottydog! - you are right someone had real riled Doris! She wreaked havoc in our garden! I'm just thankful the trees are still standing!
    Pam - thanks again for all you do!
    I'm sure I've forgotten lots but I'm sorry if it's anything important!
    Love to all lovely friends on the blog! Even the troublemakers PP and Lorraine!! Xx
    Love Myra xxx

  119. i love the grey here as it gives it a very monochrome look. very pretty, hugs xx

  120. Hi Sue. A beautiful card and it should have its day on the blog. The black Star Cluster just makes everything pop. Hoping to see some more of your gorgeous cards from your new die release as some of them i am having trouble with trying to work out how you have made them or it could just be an age thing with me LOL. Have a great weekend everyone.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  121. Hi, another eyecatching card from you, love how you have used the starflower cluster. Carol x

  122. Love the starflower die. I now have one in my stash. very versatile.
    Just wondering Sue, do you ever use the small center dies in a different color to accentuate the flowers and leaves??

  123. Sorry to be so late. Very busy day today and same tomorrow. Beautiful card today Sue. Thank you. Will have to watch tomorrow's show on catchup as will be doing a workshop with John Lockwood.

  124. Hello Sue

    This is a lovely card. I do like the Starflower die and might have to put this on "the list".

    Jan from NSW (Australia)

  125. The Starflower die looks so pretty here.

  126. Beautiful card love the design and colour .
    Catherine xx

  127. Hi Sue, Was AWL yesterday so double pleasure today love this card. So pretty

  128. Gorgeous card Sue.

  129. Sue this is stunning, love how you have arranged the beautiful die cuts.
    Definately another one i need to get.
    It does look a little grey but i have the wisteria card and so can tell
    how lovely it looks.

  130. I have that flower die and love it, looks fab here

  131. Hi Sue,

    I am very late in commenting on this card. I found it in my e-mail list, ready to be
    deleted. How could this happen? I am glad that I found it, as soon as I saw it it is gorgeous Just my kind of card.

    Love it !

    Love Dorothy
    of Baldock
