
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Finishing Touches

Hi bloggers!  The next die in the Finishing Touches category is the new Spring Foliage.  This set is extremely versatile with it's two sets of tiny flowers that can be added to the foliage or used by themselves as small embellishments.  Shown here cut in varying shades of green, the vine works great used in conjunction with the new 3D Arched Window/Door die set.  It can be easily used around floral arrangements as well.  I know it will be a real go to die set.  Leave a comment if you fancy a chance at winning this one!  Well this just leaves us one last post today that will be popping on to your screens at 6pm.  It is not only the last post for the day but the final post of the blog launch as well.  I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us back here for it then!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Love this die and card, a very versatile die.

    Sandy (tort)

  2. love it enough said
    Elizabeth Bennett

  3. Good Afternoon Sue, that die set is just fabulous for a new home card, and youve created a really gorgeous card with them. Hugs Shirleyxxxxxx(Coleford)

  4. Great die set, love the use of the leaves to make more of a focal point and having the little flowers is so useful x

  5. Hi Sue, this is a great die, one that will be used over and over again, love the fact that there are two different flower styles in this die set, so just increased the versatility of the die. I can see this finding a welcome home in my stash.

  6. This look like another useful die,a lovely card that would fit a few different occasions

  7. Sue, as always lovely dies, with so much versatility. could make a good background with them.

  8. GA Sue. Love this one. On my list at or very near the top I think!

  9. tiny flowers and leaves are always handy

  10. I can really see how useful this die could be.Great card. Will be sad to see the end of these releases and demos.

  11. Hello Sue
    I find leaves so useful on all cards, looking forward to new Embossing Folders too!
    Love Marg in ( Bristol)

  12. Hi Sue
    A gorgeous card and fabulous dies. I love the little flowers that go with it, making it so versatile.
    B xx

  13. Wow! What a stunning card Sue. The spring foliage hanging down from the top looks spectacular. This die set is a must have for me. I love using tiny flowers in my papercrafting, but at the moment rely mainly on cheap paper punches meant for occasional use. These break easily & I worry about the ecological effects of disposal. Now, I will be able to have tiny pretty flowers guilt free. Thanks so much Sue. Theresa x

  14. Ooh I'll be able to use this for all sorts. It's so "snippable" great card again Sue.

  15. Afternoon Sue and all Wilsonettes, what a wonderful addition these dies are, the foliage always adds that final finish to a card, so these dies will bring so useful.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs June Smith xxx

  16. Hi Sue, this die set is so gorgeous!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  17. Want it need it LOVE IT. Oh Sue I loved this sample on its first outing and it made me smile, what a gorgeous house warming or welcome home card this would make, worthy of popping in a box frame as a keepsake. This collection of spring time loveliness makes the most stunning frame for your new door or window, I'm just itching to treat myself soon, need to check the state of my craft debit card, but with very few visitors to market at the end of 2016 & the same for the first market of the year I'm not holding my breath lol. Oh well, it really will be the finale (I too mis-read yesterday's post) thinking I'd read last post - yeah, last post of the day you dumb fool NOT last post of the launch so I thought you were doing something different omitting the FT collection ! Age has an awful lot to answer to ! Anyway, I just know the 6pm show will be worth waiting for, until then hugs to you Sue and welcome to all new bloggers x

  18. What a wonderful foliage and sweet flower set. The card is beautiful. Another one for the must have list.
    Love Val in Spain xxx

  19. Really a super-versatile die set, these branches with leaves will look amazing with any flower and even themselves, as you show in your card! Lovely little flowers, too!

  20. Good afternoon Sue,
    A beautiful card, ideal for a new home. Yvonne xx

  21. I think foliage can really make a card and this looks so versatile. Love the card - it could be used for so many occasions.
    Crafty hugs.
    D xx

  22. Hello Sue,
    These sets are just gorgeous and the icing on the cake with many other Dies! That's where you got your tiny flower from which was on a Sentiment the other day! Strangely , it was the first thing I noticed! You do Finishing Touches like nobody else! I love the Topiary Trees too.
    Ooh Sue, I have a List!! Ha ha! The card is gorgeous - so pretty and uplifting!
    Diane - are you still following me???
    Love to all, Myra ( Friend of Maureen! )

  23. Good Afternoon Sue
    What a fabulous card. I love the small flowers in the die set. So useful.
    Karen in Telford xx

  24. Hi Sue
    May I say that this launch has been fantastic because of the unusual sets of dies and this one will be so useful. I love the door/window it's so different and so creative.
    Thanks Sue.
    Jan x

  25. As I said in my last post I just have to have the finishing touches, and love these new leaves Sue. Love the card too he he.

    Hugs Helen

  26. Hi Sue. A beautiful card for a New Home. This die set is going to be so versatile for so many different cards. Cant believe the next post is the last of your new launch the days have just flown by but as you can tell by all the lovely comments your new dies have gone down a great success. Its just now we have to get to the nitty gritty and decide which ones to buy first LOL.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  27. Really beautiful card Sue and I just love these foliage dies xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  28. Hi Sue,
    I wish that I had this lovely spring foliage set now, as I am making a new home card for a friend. It is so useful in so many ways.
    I really don't know how you think and design all of these beautiful dies for us, but I am so pleased that you do.

    Love and hugs xx
    Dawn Searle in Cambridge

  29. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card and die set.
    Wendy IOW Downes

  30. Another pretty die. It's always useful to have different types of foliage.

  31. Wow. Stunning card Sue and as you say the foliage and small flowers will be so useful. The foliage frames your window die so well and I love the stamp you have used behind the window. See you later for your last post. I think this launch has been very popular and it is going to be very difficult for us all to make choices.
    Marion S x

  32. I love the way this goes so well with the window set.
    Jen from Bognor

  33. Gorgeous card, lovely foliage and flowers. Snowy xx

  34. The foliage is brilliant. The little bit to be added are fantastic and such a good idea congatlulations.

  35. Hi Sue
    Pretty card and these dies are a must-have
    Pat x

  36. Well I think this whole card is beautiful. Once I have got the door & window die plus the extras with the topiary tree & cat then this's will have to be my next purchase. I can see that it will be so useful with any flower bouquets and would be useful in your flower basket so it has to be a must have. Thank you so much Sue.

  37. Really gorgeous card. Love the die too. X

  38. Hi sue.
    Georgeous card. I love these finishing touches. This ones like a 3 in one. Great value for money and a quality product made by the queen of craft!!!
    Such an amazing collection once again. I hope u never run out of ideas lol xx

  39. Hi Sue, Love this card and the Spring Foliage is so pretty and I did spot it earlier on some of the other window cards. I think it will go very well with the Blossoming Branch from one of your earlier releases. I must find your 'stone wall' and see if it is a mask or embossing folder.


  40. Hi Sue, love these window frame cards and this die set goes great with them.
    Nancyd xx


  41. I can see this being used a lot!!! Even on Christmas cards too, would make a lovely wreath!

    Doreen x

  42. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    What Can I Say Sue Other Than You've Truly Blown Me Away
    This Die Set Is Just Perfect For Anyone Card "The Extremely Beautiful Spring Foilage"
    Just Outstanding.
    I Just Love The Extremely Exquisite, Elegant Card, I Love How You've Used A Mask And
    Texture Paste To Create Your "Faux Wall" Which Looks Stunning, I Love How You've Used Your
    "Arched Window" This Time With A Stamp Looking In Using "The Home Sweet Home Stamp"
    It Stamps Just Perfectly So Many Details Within The Stamp, The Very Beautiful Fireplace The Extremely
    Comfortable Chair, With The Open Book, Last But Not Least The Dog In Its Basket, (I've Stamped This Twice
    Cutting Out The Dog So I Can Place It Along Side The Other Dog! With Us Having The Two Dogs)
    I Love The Two Topiaries Ether Side Of Your Arched Window The Embossed Detail On The Window
    Is Tremendous.
    Sue Thank You For All Your Extremely Hard Work I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do
    Sue Lots Of Love And Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx

  43. Already bought these as they're just perfect for my cards. I love the tiny flowers. An absolutely gorgeous card Sue! Debra x

  44. Hello Sue,
    Fabulous set of accompanying dies, or should I say finishing touches? So many great dies, so many decisions!!
    Myra, I'm following you, Diane's lost the trail - put down more crumbs ha ha.
    Maureen (Myra's pest!!) xx

  45. Hi Sue, i just love this window die and the finishing touches....mine has just arrived and to say i am excited, is an understatement!! I cannot wait to have a play with these gorgeous dies....Love Rosie from Chorley....xxxx

  46. Hi Sue, a lovely card. A very versatile set of dies to add the finishing touches to our cards.

  47. Hi Sue,
    What a great die set. I love the little flowers.
    The set will be useful in so many ways.
    Véronique L

  48. This card is beautiful sue I love the foliidge you have made a beauty thank you see you at six sue xxxxxxlove June horrocks xxxxx

  49. Hi Sue, very pretty dies that will finish a card off beautifully xx

  50. Hi Sue,
    What a versatile die set this is, I love the card.
    Hugs, Rose

  51. Like this as I think the 'finishing touches' really make a card. Thanks Sue. x

  52. Hello Sue , another great die from the Finishing touches collection. I can also Spring Foliage being one of them dies you go to time after time. The card you have created is stunning. Wendy

  53. Hi Sue must admit I did not pay much attention to the foliage die .Did not realise the size .It is just perfect for the window.I would love to be sitting in that chair.Gloria ( sidcup ) xx

  54. Beautiful scene created on this lovely card! Love the greenery and window!

    Denise Bryant in California

  55. A beautiful leafy die that looks very realistic layered up. Great idea to include the separate flowers.x
    Janice K AC Bucks

  56. Hi Sue
    Love it, need it, want it!! Gorgeous! Your card is stunning. What a fabulous montage of dies and stamp.
    Thanks for sharing.

  57. Hi Sue
    Love this die I haven't any foliage dies so would love this thetiny flowers are so preety


  58. What a gorgeous card, Sue. Love the dies - so useful.

    Anne (Northampton)

  59. Hi Sue, what a lovely card. This will be a very useful set of dies to have.

    Susan, Pitmedden, Aberdeenshire

  60. Oh my goodess Sue that card is so special, love the die too, so real looking. x

  61. Foliage stamps are really useful. Lovely card.

  62. Hi Sue, just perfect to go with floral arrangements or as you used it. Lots of uses for this one.

    Love Rosemarie Fishlock X X

  63. Karen Derbyshire1 February 2017 at 16:31

    I just love this card!

  64. This card is beautiful sue ,i must say the foliage looks spectacular and the flowers will be so useful .
    Elaine h x

  65. Such pretty foliage and those mini flowers will have a million uses

  66. Hello Sue
    definitely one of my favourites can't wait until 6pm

  67. Hi Sue
    These finishing touches are great,love the little flowers
    Lovely card
    Best wishes
    Karen M Devon

  68. Lovely, the sort of thing I would use a great deal.

  69. Deb E Isle of Wight1 February 2017 at 16:44

    I think this is one of those must have die sets and I want it !!!! Right up there on the top of my wish list as they are so versatile for all sorts of cards and occasions...Think they have to be one of my favourite sets so far...

  70. love how you have used these dies to make a gorgeous card Sue.

    Janina x

  71. Lovely card Sue and the pretty foliage and flower die will be a necessity . Xx

  72. Beautiful Sue A great addition I like how the flowers are one die - no small fiddly dies that can easily get lost

  73. Love this foliage, so useful on so many cards! One of my favourite sets!

    Maggie B xx

  74. Hi Sue
    Really beautiful card and I love the stamped scene inside the window, the spring foliage is a must have especially with all those little flowers.

    Maureen you and Myra do make me smile with your witty comments

    Love and best wishes to everyone
    Pat L in Belfast

  75. Hi Sue
    What beautiful Finishing touch such a useful set of Dies.
    Such amazing card showing all it's glory & so useful for many cards.❤️️
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

  76. Hi Sue

    Do admire this "setting a scene" theme, cards are not just cards any more.

    Heather R Oxfordshire

  77. This is a "go to " die for numerous occasions. Foliage dies are always welcome in my stash. Another must have . Hugs X P Austen in SA

  78. I can't resist anything to do with flowers and foliage and these are so pretty. A must have for me.
    X Chris K

  79. Love this card especially with the foliage around the door so gorgeous xxx love yvonne bennett xx

  80. Stunning card and die set Sue xx hazel young nottm

  81. Hi Sue
    Love the Spring Foliage dies, and I can see them getting lots of use
    Margaret x

  82. Oh wow Sue this is another gorgeous card. I love the die set the foliage and flowers are amazing. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  83. A beautiful card, love how you have used the die

  84. HI SUE

  85. Cute die I love foliage does the help finish great cards


  86. it's very beautiful and great decoration Sue

    Gr Karin

  87. Hi Sue, This is a beautiful foliage set, leafy branches and tiny flowers, beautiful !! I must say I love the scene behind the window/door, I hope you are going to tell us what they are !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  88. What a fab die set and I think the window is nearly at the top of my wish list but the foliage is right behind. Luv jxxx

  89. Hi again sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    What a wonderful useful set sue x these are definately a must have for me x I could use these all year round and so many in the set too x the card is beautiful and love all the details with the other dies x intrigued as to how you achieved the wall x
    Thankyou sue x
    Theresa w in berks xxx

  90. Oh so useful die set!
    Cosy scene works well through the window!
    Sad we are nearing the end!
    Big hug
    Julie Elli

  91. Wow, this is going to be most useful and so dainty too, can see it with the new chrysanthemums....a most beautiful card using the door again as well....thanks Sue..luv Ursula xx

  92. These dies are going to be so useful.
    Love the vine it finishes off the window perfectly.

    Sue James.

  93. Goregous spring foliage dies, will be top of my wish list. Card is pretty special too!

    Janet Wilson in Menston

  94. Hi Sue
    A lovely spray of foliage that will be so useful to put on gorgeous cards like yours!
    Lesley S x
    West Sussex

  95. Hi Sue,
    Spring is in the air!
    This set from finishing touches will transform a dull card into a vibrant array of colours, it's just wonderful...
    L Dewar

  96. Hi Sue the card is very pretty the foliage is lovely Such a useful die with two types of flowers as well as foliage
    Lynne L Haverfordwest

  97. Lovely die, lovely card, nice embossing folder in the background.
    Annette x

  98. Hi Sue,
    Another useful finisher die, love your card, can see this for Christmas.

  99. Love the card, the leaves look very realistic, I dont know which dies to choose!!!

  100. Love your dies and cards!

  101. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous how you've used the dies to create trailing foliage on this beautiful card

    June x

  102. Beautiful card, and I love your new "Finishing Touches
    - so pretty and versatile all of them!
    Thanks for this gorgeous new collection of dies, Sue,
    just too many to put on my wish list ;))

  103. A really lovely die and card, hugs Johanna from Widnes

  104. Love the tiny elements, great die for lots of cards

  105. That card is lovely and the greenery looks so realistic.xx

  106. Hi Su, beautiful card, these dies are the perfect finishing touch to the window die. A marriage created by SW.

    Love Brenda xxx

  107. Beautiful! I always love lots of leaves and florals, and these dies will make darling sweet floral additions to our creations!

  108. Hi Sue, another lovely and useful die set.

    Barbara V

  109. Some more much needed flowers and foliage xx

  110. This is a must have for all card makers!! Very useful die set!

  111. Oh wow I love this finishing touches collection .. I could live in this cozy home lol Ivy from Lincolnshire x

  112. Good evening Sue,
    these dies are great for adding that wee flourish of flowers where big ones won't do and with there being two different kinds in the set, we can match them up to what ever takes our fancy or for adding in addition to larger dies for those spots that need a pathway of flowers, there again the leaves look so lovely on their own so i can see them being very useful. Thank you flower for a much needed set of tinies.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil Village)

  113. I love the foliage on this beautiful card and the tiny flowers will have so many uses. Gorgeous! Annette the Lancs lass.


  114. Hi Sue

    Lovely card

    Nice set of foliage dies


    Annx without an "e"

  115. Lovely card, Sue...and lovely foliage dies. The tiny flowers are a great idea. Nanny Jo N Ireland

  116. Hello Sue,
    What a welcoming setting you have created for us with this card. The Spring Foliage are just what they are, the perfect "Finishing Touch" to a stunning card.
    Beverly in the USA

  117. Am loving the little flowers, they will be a great addition to anyone's collection, sometimes a bigger flower is just too much on a card

  118. Good evening Sue,
    Loving these for little Dies, perfect finishing touches for lots of cards.
    Patricia xx

  119. love these dies, they are so pretty

  120. Such a gorgeous card with the lovely foliage dies creating such a realistic look. You do excel with your dies Sue.

  121. Wow!!! This is a stunning card. These dies are going to be very useful
    Karen xx

  122. Love the foliage. It's gorgeous.

    Annie P

  123. What a fabulous card. Love the foliage die set, so very useful.

  124. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Love the card, so cosy and homely. Like to have this die to finish of
    many of my cards. TFS !

    Crafty hugs to you all,
    Maria x

  125. Great set, Sue. As Tracy says - a three in one.

    'P' in Wales

  126. Another great die to add to our foliage collections, another fabulous card too Sue
    Julie x

  127. Great new shapes for these finishing touches Sue, lovely card too,

    thank you,

    lots of love craftyn Crazi Witch

  128. this is again a very useful die set. i spy that embossed background again. where is it from? hugs xx

  129. The way you used the vines looks wonderful. Also love when tiny flowers can be placed on them.

  130. Hi Sue,
    Simply gorgeous, love Alison xx

  131. Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    Wow, what a gorgeously atmospheric card, the new stamp sets are just stunning, they look wonderful with the Arched Window die. The foliage die will be eternally useful, the little blossoms are so cute. I can see plenty of layouts where this die will be a godsend, you really cannot have enough flower and foliage dies, this one will be top of my list.

    Love and crafty hugs,


  132. Gorgeous card & a brilliant set if dies to use on many cards.


  133. You can never have too many different types of foliage and this set has the added bonus of blossoms and I can see it being very useful.


  134. Love the way you have built up the scene with all your dies and the foliage looks so realistic. Love from Jackie xx

  135. Can't go wrong with. This, and clever to have one die to multicut the flowers in a different colour of card.

    Elizabeth.....recently moved to Nottingham.....

  136. Hi Sue and everyone

    A really cute card. The spring foliage die set is lovely. You can definitely never have enough foliage or flowers, and these teeny flowers are great. You certainly are the Queen of finishing touches, no one does it better.

    Love Helen xxx

  137. Hi Sue. Foliage is a "go to", it just finishes anything floral. Sue xxx

  138. Another useful set. I do like the topiary.

  139. What a great die set! I can see so many uses for it on cards, layouts and mixed media! Love the sort of Greek Isle look on this pretty card!
    Sandra Smith

  140. Love this! Was just looking today for smaller flowers and leaves. Brill! Thanks a lot

  141. Love this! Was just looking today for smaller flowers and leaves. Brill! Thanks a lot

  142. More great foliage ......can never have enough beautiful foliage...love the card too!

    Roisin D

  143. Hello Sue and all
    Great finishing touches set again, I often use the little flowers from the delicate garden frame so these will be a real "go to". The card is gorgeous too sue
    Muriel x

  144. One can never have enough leaves and flowers dies - and I love this Spring Foliage set!! So many ways to use them. And what a fun card! Judy from Prosser

  145. Hi Sue. Another very useful die. I have just brought your Blossoming Branch and love it. SueL, Derby x

  146. Another lovely finishing touches die and lovely card showcasing it.
    Doreen R

  147. Really like this set of dies. Looks very useful. Thank you Sue.

  148. Great card, beautiful die set.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  149. Love this card.

  150. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful die set, really lovely and so useful. The card is fabulous, I like the idea of peeking through the window at the room beyond. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx

  151. I can see this die being very useful,love the tiny delicate flowers,thank you,Linda x

  152. I love this card and i am going to have to get this die too.
    It looks fabulous with the window and seeing as that is on my list i
    have to get this too. lol

  153. Hi Sue - another great addition to your collection And the card is charming.

  154. Hi sue a lovely card and the foliage over the window looks fantastic .
    Catherine xx

  155. Fabulous card, love the design. Another versatile set if dies. xx

  156. Fab set , so versatile love the window as well.xx

  157. This card is simply divine! The dies are so cool, I am loving those little flowers - so useful! I am so glad I just found these new release posts! xxx

  158. Love, love, love this card it is stunning!!!!

    I have many sets of foliage/leaves etc and this is another one that I must have.
    The card is so pretty.

    Barbara in Scotland

  159. I just love your finishing touches.


  160. Hi Sue, love these delicate sprays of leaves, beautiful card.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  161. Hi Sue and everyone
    Lovely foliage die Sue and oh so useful it's a must have in anyone's crafty arsenal
    I wish everyone luck in Sues draw
    Thank you Sue for all the beautiful dies and all the sample cards you have made for us to ogle
    Take care Sue and all our Wilsonetts
    I hope all the newbies stay and enjoy your amazing blog
    Hugs Theresa G xx

  162. Hi Sue,
    Loving this greenery & blossoms die, so many uses.
    Angela (UK)

  163. Spot on Sue!! You have done it again!

  164. I like this card Sue, great for a moving home card. Foliage dies are good too. Anne x

  165. Hi Sue Fabulous card and dies. Another great launch. Lots for the men this time. Thanks. Arlyn

  166. Beautiful, Sue. Thanks for chance to win such great dies.
    Hugs, emily65

  167. Amazing dies,all those tiny flowers,so useful.

  168. The vines are adorable-can see me using this die often. The little flowers are so pretty and useful. Great release again this time.

  169. The vines will be useful but what I really like are the flower dies. It will be lovely to cut a batch of tiny flowers in one go without having to have lots of tiny individual flower dies to tape down. I always manage to misplace one of the tiny ones and then waste time turning the house upside down to find it.

  170. Great looking card Sue. I've just ordered the window so now I need to get the foliage die. You must stop designing these gorgeous dies other wise I will be bankrupt!! Best wishes Loraine Jefferis xx

  171. This card is lovely it has so much detail on it. The foliage Die is so useful as it is the right size to go with this lovely window set

  172. This is the perfect set to add to a scene as you've done here Sue and I can also see a floral wreath made up with these dies...another must-have...


  173. Great finishing touch and your card is gorgeous. The ivy looks so real on it.

  174. Wonderful againn. Where do you get your imagination from

  175. The Queen of Finishing touches has done it again. A beautiful set of dies and a gorgeous card to boot.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  176. I think this finishing touches die could be another one going straight on my wish list.

  177. Hi Sue. I just love all your flower and foliage dies. Can't get enough of them! Hugs, Diane (Cards2Di4) xx

  178. Hi Sue, Very handy die love the card . love Jean Z xxxx

  179. Hi Sue
    This die set certainly looks so so useful!!! Great card!!!

  180. Hi sue my internet is down so having to do these through my daughter. Beautiful card love your dies. Take care kitty Davies

  181. Hi Sue my internet is down so doing it through my daughter. Lovely dies love the card take care kitty

  182. Lovely card & dies.
    -Smiley sun

  183. Beautiful card, great die-set

    Turid F S from Norway

  184. DELIGHTFUL scene and card - LOVE IT!
    WOW - these delicate branches, leaves and flowers will make the PERFECT finishing touches to cards all year long :)

  185. Hi Sue. This looks like a really useful, versatile, little foliage die set !!! I do love the card you have made to showcase it. Two great little sets of flowers to match it too !!! I think that some beautiful effects could be achieved with this fab little die set. I especially like how you have used it here with your new kinetitics window die set. It is very pretty. Thank you. Lots of love to you today Sue from Tres x x x

    Lots of love to everyone today from Tres x x x

    Tres from Orpington x x x

  186. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. This die has to go on the wish list, it looks lovely and I can imagine it will be great with the flowers added. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  187. Spring Foliage is a definite must have! Love make lots of greenery and these are perfect for that!! TFS!

  188. Karene M from Australia2 February 2017 at 14:27

    Hi Sue, I love this die set, I can see myself using it heaps!

  189. I already have a "need" for this Spring Foliage die set. I am ready for Spring. And I want to make some Springtime cards! Love your design today - even though there is a fire needed to stay warm!
