
Wednesday 10 August 2016

Wednesday Weekly Card Giveaway

Hello crafters!  Today's card giveaway is a pretty wisteria coloured card which uses the Classic Elegance paper pad as a background.  I selected the purplish design from the pad to use as my background.  Next I cut two circle frames, one thick and larger and one thinner and smaller.  I added mounting foam to the backs of both of them.  Next I cut the Atlas Petite Striplet die in white five times.  I cut the all in half and attached them so they were evenly spaced with the full section of the striplet peeking out from behind the larger circle frame.  I used the smaller frame to cover and connect the cut edges on the inside of the frame.  I added the entire piece to the backing paper.  I stamped a sentiment and cut it out with the Pierced Flags die, then added it across the frames.  I made three poppies out of the backing paper and "sugared" them with Iced Snow.  I added two at the end of my sentiment strip with some pastel Bakers Twine and Olive Branches as accents.  The other flower was seated across the frame with smaller pieces of the Olive branch.  The card was completed with a simple white on white mat with piercing.  The finished dimensions are 7 3/4" x  7 3/4" in size.  Leave me a comment to be included in the drawing to win this card.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Lovely card Sue, it's beautiful, the colour is gorgeous
    Elaine, I hope Andrews appointment went wel yesterday, and that treatment can start soon.
    Tina, it is going to be a long day for you both, it is such a long time for Mick to be sat in his wheelchair, let's hope common sense with the staff prevails.
    Tracey, don't rush back to work if you are not ready, although some employers are not so sympathetic, and that can cause more stress.
    Cheryl, it was so good to see you comment, I have been worried about you, hope you are okay.
    Thank you ladies for your wishes yesterday, Trish I was 17 when mum died, the eldest if 6 and my baby sister was 13 months old, I think she would have loved card making, she was always knitting, sewing, really crafty.
    Hugs to all, especially missing friends.

  2. Poppies I just love these poppies they are gorgeous and really make a card special. Lovely card Sue, have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. The colour is perfect for this card. Another really beautiful card too. Thanks, Sue.
    D x

  4. Love the way you have used the striplet ,beautiful card

  5. Beautiful card Sue. These striplets have so many uses and the poppy looks so nice in purple. JJxx

  6. Lovely card, Sue, clever use of the striplet. Always like your nobles used as frames, and yet more poppies!! All so pretty.
    Usual hugs, especially missing friends.
    Bejay - like your new doggy picture - what a sweetie!

    'P' in Wales

  7. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, lovely give away card today Sue, although how you can bear to part with them I do not know, there is going to be one very happy winner when it is announced.

    Well I am off to my craft club today, I will put the card I designed onto Sue's fb page in a minute, I made it for my son and dil 13th wedding anniversary (lace) today, it is also my granddaughters 15th birthday and the day that another of my granddaughters was stillborn so it is going to be a very up and down day today.

    I was reading yesterdays comments this morning and am amazed at what a fantastic family of friends we have, I thank everyone for their kind wishes and thanks on my win (wish the postie would hurry up), anyway I digress...........

    Tina and Mick, I hope the Neurologist appointment goes well today and that the staff realise how upsetting sitting in a wheelchair all day will be to him and therefore get him in and out as quickly as possible, then I know you have to wait for transport, I see all the stories in the media about the patient transport and my heart goes out to everyone although I think they may be getting their act together at last.

    Tracy, if you have to get another sick note then so be it, I am sure your work understands, although I will say that when I was in your position I did find it aided my recovery to actually get back to work even on a part time basis.

    Annie I am sure your daughter is pleased the stitches are out, there always seems to be one pesky one doesn't there, hopefully she will be able to drive again soon.

    Elaine, hope Andrew's treatment went OK and you get some good news.

    I know there are lot's more of you who need hugs so catch this one.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  8. Hi Sue. Three mornings on the go you have raised an early morning smile on my face, I'm not sure if you are trying to convince us it's o.k. to use your paper pad but it won't work for me I'm afraid lol. Thank you for your Wednesday gift, and for extending the W.W.C (Wednesday Winners Club) your heart is bigger than you realise and I'd feel honoured if you would allow me just a tiny piece of your incredible designer brain as mine has withered up and dried out !
    Sending Wednesday hugs to you xx

  9. Morning sue.
    A Beautiful card Thank you.
    Take care Kitty.

  10. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely exquisite card, a real work of art. The poppies are my all time favourite flowers they look beautiful in every colour way. Yvonne xx

  11. Such a beautiful card for today's give away. Love those poppies they make such a difference to a card.

  12. Morning Sue. Another beautiful card using your gorgeous paper pad. You never fail to impress with your stunning card designs and how many ways you can use your striplet dies lol. So pleased i got your poppy die and you cant fail to fall in love with them, they always turn out beautifully doesnt matter what colour card you use for them. Have a lovely day.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  13. I enjoy your creativity and the way your create and work with the lovely dies to design these beauties .... you are my inspiration ...x

  14. Morning Sue. Today's card is stunning and those poppies are fabulous.
    Marion S x

  15. Hi Sue,
    A really beautiful card, I love the way that you have turned the striplet into a circular element, absolutely stunning.
    Thanks for sharing,

  16. Good morning, Sue,
    Another incredibly beautiful card! The poppies are stunning and the use of your beautiful paper is inspired. I have one of your paper pads (should have bought 2) and it's so beautiful that I have yet to be willing to use them. Please do another paper pad (I will definitely buy multiples this time so I can actually use them... LOL).

  17. Truly scrumptious, that's what this card is! Now I really do have to get the poppy die!
    Happy crafting everyone!
    Maggie B xx

  18. Absolutely stunning. The colour is gorgeous. Great use of the striplet die.
    Karen xx

  19. Good Morning Sue
    Simply Gorgeous, what more can I say.
    Jan x

  20. Another fabulous card to brighten our day Sue. Love the colour, love the style, in fact, love everything about it. Gorgeous!! xxx

  21. Good morning Sue.
    What an ingenious way of using the Atlas striplet die!!!! I love the effect you've created with it and the poppies are gorgeous, a stunning card.x

  22. I love the gentle colours of this card. The poppy die is so useful, so,pretty and that's a great idea with the mini striplet. Thank you Sue. Xx

  23. Hi Sue
    Love the card and the colours. someone is going to be so lucky to receive this one. Good luck everyone!
    Anne M xxx

  24. Beautiful card as always Sue x

  25. Pretty details on this beautiful card!

  26. GM Sue. Fab card. Love the colour and the flowers are amazing.

  27. This is gorgeous! Wonderful use of the striplet die and circle frames such a fab card design and I love your poppies as always. Someone will be very lucky to win this. Debra x

  28. Good morning Sue and everyone. Stunning card, such an innovative use of the striplets and those poppies are scrumptious - thank you for offering it as a prize.
    Cheryl, lovely to see your name pop up in the comments, you've been missed. Bejay, love the new doggy picture, a mini schnauzer? Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  29. Hi Sue
    A gorgeous card. I love how you've used the striplet die. Lovely colours.
    B xx

  30. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    Oh Wow what a stunning card Sue I think everyone will be praying they win this one
    Hope you all have a lovely day

  31. Really gorgeous card. Love all the Finishing touches and the colour combination.

  32. Really gorgeous card. Love all the Finishing touches and the colour combination.

  33. Beautiful card, love everything about it.


  34. Hi Sue beautiful cards as always love the colour

  35. Good morning Sue and crafters all,
    Thank you for another beautiful card. Luckily I have this paper pad , circles and poppies but not the striplet but I assume others would work. I have wild poppies in my garden which when in bloom are beautiful.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Tina T xxxx

  36. Morning sue what a beautiful card I would be so honoured to win one of your cards fingers crossed xxx

  37. Beautiful card, in a gorgeous colour. Love the striplet use.

  38. Hi Sue. Lovely card as always. Don't know how you can bear to give them away, very generous. SueL x

  39. Morning Sue srunning card as always love the way you used the striplets i would love to win this cars xx

  40. Morning Sue srunning card as always love the way you used the striplets i would love to win this cars xx

  41. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love it. I am so glad I bought the poppy dies they make such beautiful flowers. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  42. Love the layering Sue. I would never have guessed that circular slayer was made with a striplet die.

    Annie P


  43. Hi Sue, beautiful, everything about this card is truly stunning.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  44. Morning Sue, this card is really beautiful there is so much detail with the way you use the striplet die, I love the colours and your background papers,
    KathyB x

  45. Stunning as usual Sue, thanks for the chance to win your beautiful card : )

  46. Another pretty card Sue love your paper pad got mine when you bought it out xx

  47. Hello Sue, a really beautiful card for the giveaway this week, love the layout and the softness of the Wisteria. Have a great day. Bx

  48. Absolutely gorgeous Sue keeping my fingers crossed.
    Nancyd xx

  49. Morning Sue. What a beautiful card. Such a lovely colour.

  50. Great use of the striplet die to give a different effect. Love the poppies and this paper pad is one of my favourites

  51. I would never have thought of using the striplet die in this way, stunning effect.
    Beautiful card love everything about it.

  52. Beautiful card this morning Sue
    Love the colours and the design of the card is simple clean but stunning
    Have a great day Sue x

  53. Wow I love this card, everything about it is beautiful

  54. Morning Sue, I love the way you have used a Striplet for the focal point of this card. The poppy die must surely be the most versatile flower die you have ever brought out, it can be almost anything you can think of.

    Love Rosemarie X.

  55. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful, beautiful card, brilliant colours
    .....love it.
    Love Janet X
    From Wakefield

  56. Hi Sue. Wow, absolutely stunning card. Love everything about it :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

  57. Hi Sue,

    Such a clever use of the Atlas striplet to turn it into a doily and the poppy die looks so different when cut out of your patterned paper and then sugared with Iced Snow - my favourite bling!...would love to win this card, fingers crossed...


  58. Good morning Sue
    I love how you've changed the striplet die, I thought it was a die I hadn't seen lol! The paper is beautiful, your card is gorgeous!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  59. I love the colour and the subtle patterned paper. I need to get some more flower dies as I only have a couple xx

  60. Gorgeous card. Love the dies and the flowers.

  61. What a pretty card, but don't add my name to the giveaway, as I won one of your cards recently, so it's someone else's turn!

  62. Good Morning Sue another beautiful card I love the design and your die cuts are just gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  63. Good morning Sue, this card is so beautiful, probably helps that it is in my favourite colour, but I love those flowers made from your paper pad. I would spend all day looking at it if I was to win, but good luck to everyone!

  64. Hi Sue,
    Such an elegant card, your pad is beautiful - it took me a while before I could bring myself to cut into it. And I love your poppies. Exquisite.
    Hugs, Rose

  65. Dear sue this card is so beautiful the dies and the colour you have chosen are brill the lace effect is stunning thank you sue love June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  66. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card again love the colour and of course the striplet Die.
    Good Luck everyone !

    Pam,, Andrew has to have another scan to see if the fluid is less than last time ,if it is they can start his treatment , if it is more they will explain in due cause what will happen next ?.
    Sigh , i don't want to sound ungrateful but it is so frustrating waiting .

    Tina i hope all goes well for you both today and you are not waiting for too long..

    Sending big hugs to all who need one .
    Elaine H X

  67. Hi Sue - an utterly beautiful card again today in one of my favourite colours and out of one of my favourite paper pads! This card is so pretty and feminine and there's going to be one very lucky winner. Don't know how you keep on coming up with so many different variations, it's incredible. Sending best wishes

  68. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card with beautiful colours. Really like the background paper and the very clever use of the striplet die.
    Love and hugs to all, Alison xx

  69. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card and another clever use of a striplet die.

  70. Hi Sue
    What a glorious card today, really love the whisteria colour and the background papers. My local craft shop has often sold out of both when the come in so they are very popular. Love the poppies too. I wonder if they were just a pretty flower when you designed them and they have become your firm favourite or if you knew from the start they would be your go to flower. I'm being paid to bake some cakes this week so if I can find them I might indulge myself.
    Take care
    Love Diane G xxx

    June sending you a big hug today as its full of emotions. Hope the postie arrives today, it would make your day. Xxx
    Tina and Mick hope all goes well at the hospital and you aren't kept waiting long. Xxx
    Sending hugs to Elaine and Tracey xxx

  71. Good morning Sue
    A very lovely card,must get the poppies don't know if I can wait for Christmas!!!!
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  72. Wow so stunning, have just ordered the poppies can't wait for them to come

  73. Morning Sue. Another very pretty card again today and once again you have shown us that we really must try to think of using our dies in a different way.


  74. Beautiful card today Sue,

    thank you,

    Pearl xx

  75. Hi Sue, lovely card great use of the striplets, love Jean Z xxxx

  76. Hi Sue and everyone

    A beautiful card, in beautiful colours using beautiful dies and paper from the beautiful paper pad. Can you tell I love this one?

    Slipped up yesterday and signed in with kisses for my surname. Oops.

    Love Helen xxx

  77. Hello Sue
    Today's card is simply gorgeous and the lucky winner will be over the moon to receive this card.
    I love everything about it, the beautiful wisteria coloured paper, the dies, design and your gorgeous flowers.
    It certainly is one of my favourite cards!!!
    Lesley S x

  78. Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
    Have a lovely day
    Debs Cards xxx

  79. Hi Sue,
    again a fantastic card as ever...
    I love the colour very much. The flowers are beautiful covered with Iced Snow and the circle frame you made is just stunning.
    Rolf xxx

  80. Beautiful card. Love the colours.

  81. Good morning Sue, great card love your paper pad, what a brilliant idea using the strip die.
    Thank you for all all your inspiration, take care everyone xxxx

  82. Hi Sue, a stunning card. Gorgeous colours, intricate, delicate and pretty flowers. I love it, my kind of card.


  83. I do love that colour card, and your paper pad is superb!!!! The flowers just sst it off nicely!!!!

    Doreen x

  84. Good morning Sue! This is a really beautiful card - so very, very pretty! I just love the way that you have used the Atlas Petite Striplet Die - looks like that's another die to add to my list! You help us so much, by showing the different ways that the dies can be used. Thank you! Hugs Gilly x

  85. Hi Sue. Another gorgeous offering. The papers are so pretty. And the gorgeous poppy die - lovely

  86. Good morning Sue
    Another stunning card love how the filagree pattern of the die is picked up in the pattern on the paper and the flowers are beautiful.
    Who ever wins this will be over the moon and very very lucky.
    Heather R Oxfordshire

  87. To My Very Special Dearest Friend Sue,
    Yet Again Another Extremely Exquisite Gift For A Wednesday Morning It's Just So Stunning
    I Love How You've Used Your Fabulous Paper Pad Once Again ( Will You Be Bringing Out A "Christmas Paper Pad")
    I Love How You've Cut Two Circles One Large And One Small, Then Cutting "The Outstanding Atlas Petite
    Striplet Die" Not Once But Five Times Then Cutting Them In Half To Go Around Your Large Circle They Look
    So Extremely Pretty With And With An Lacy Effect.
    Adding The Pierced Flag Die (That I Use Constantly) For Your Sentiment, Then You've Added
    The Truly Beautiful Poppies, I Agree With So Many Wonderful Wilsonettes This Die Is Just So Very Perfect
    For Making Stunning Flowers.
    Adding Bakers Twine And The Olive Branches You Have Yet Again Produced A "True Masterpiece"
    Sue I've Said This So Many Times I'm In Awe Of You.
    You Inspire Me Each And Everyday And I Truly Appreciate That So Very Much.
    "Good Luck To The Lucky "Wilsonette" Whom Wins Today's Outstanding Rich Opulent Card.
    Sue Take Great Care, Thank You So Very Much For Sharing
    Warmest Fond Wishes For Wonderful Colin And Heather
    Sue Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
    Love From Sam xxx
    Hugs To "All" Wilsonettes
    Hugs To Steph.

  88. Hi Sue, a beautiful card and I love everything about it from the size right down to the baker's twine. Love the way you have created a doilly-style shape with a striplet, who'd have thought it. Some very lucky person will be doing the happy dance on Saturday!


  89. Hi Sue
    WOW never would have thought of turning a striplet into a circular focal point, wish I had some of your imagination! Beautiful card Sue and I think I really must get the olive branches to go with my poppies
    Nanna Tina hope all goes well for Mick today and I hope it's not too long a day for him xx
    Sending special hugs for Tracy and Wheelybad

    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  90. Hi Sue

    What a beautiful card. My favourite colour.

    Kate from Kendal

  91. What a stunning card Sue, all your cards are beautiful, With appreciation, Mary xxx

  92. This card is so gorgeous Sue. The poppies are exquisite. The whole effect is just beautiful.

  93. Lovely card, the poppies are stunning!
    Rosemary xx

  94. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Absolutely beautiful card sue x would never have thought to use the striplets this way so thankyou for yet another ingenious idea x the poppy flower looks stunning too I love the iced snow sugaring x I haven't got my hands on the poppy die yet its on my long list for ally pally ! Thankyou sue for your inspiration x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  95. Great card once again sue. Lovin the colours and paper pad. Having treatment at the moment so not crafting but i just love looking at yr wonderful cards xxxx

  96. Hi Sue
    A gorgeous card made using the poppies. They do look lovely covered in the iced snow. Love how you've cut the striplet and arranged them around the circles.

  97. Lovely card, Sue!
    So beautiful colours, and a great way to use the striplet die :))

  98. Hi Sue, I just love how you used the atlas petite striplet die to go around the circles. And I also love the poppy die used. Beautiful card, Ivy C X

  99. This is a very pretty card today Sue, I can see the pattern of your paper clearly too, having sight problems I don't find it easy to see patterned papers clearly. :) Striplets are so useful and I have quite a few of them, although not the one you have used.
    Hugs to those of you in need of them today,
    Paula x

  100. Hi Sue,
    There's only one word for this card...STUNNING!!
    Bejay xx

  101. Thank you so much for sharing this Sue, it's a beautiful card.
    Annette x

  102. Beautiful card. Loving the colour.
    josephine x

  103. Hi Sue
    Look at me. It is still light and here I am. This is turning on to be a bit of a busy week so routine (not that I have much of a routine), has gone out of the window.
    This card is adorable. It is so beautiful and the elements gel together perfectly. I am more than happy to give this card a home. Thanks Sue x
    Got a bit of a task this evening. It is a friends 25th wedding anniversary today and they are having a party on Saturday. I have been known to put pen to paper and compose an appropriate 'ditty' basically making fun of whoever the party host/hostess is. It has actually become an expectation that I will come armed with a poem to cause a stir in order to cause embarrassment. Well rather than a poem I have re written the words to Victoria Wood's song, 'The ballad of Freda and Barry'. I am sure many of you are familiar with this hilarious number. So this evening I have my friends son coming round to sort out my 'backing track'. He is a bit of a DJ so hopefully things will be alright on the night x
    I spoke to my friend Jo this morning whose mum and sister were diagnosed with breast cancer last week. I have to say they are all incredibly positive about everything. So much so that her mum has decided to call her boobs Morecambe and Wise. She said that if she ends up having a mastectomy she will rename them Little and Large. Sounds frivolous but Jo and I did have a laugh because that is how they have decided to deal with things. Long journey ahead which will be tough but to quote my friend Jo 'what will be will be' x
    Laine and I were supposed to have a catch up last night but she had a migraine which had taken hold big time so our catch up is delayed for now. She will be back here as soon as she is up to it. If you are reading this Laine I am sending you hugs x
    Huge apologies for my lack of inside info into all your ups and downs but as I said, busy week so my comments could be intermittent. Come next week things will quieten down and I will be back on track and able to update myself on everybody's news.
    Sending everyone love and happy thoughts with extra hugs for anyone who needs them x
    Take care
    Crafty hugs

  104. Lovely card. Great use of the Atlas die

  105. A very lovely card. The colors are my favorite. I love the poppy flowers and glimmer you added to them.

  106. Hi Sue

    This is a gorgeous card. I love how the striplet dies can be used in so many different ways and of course using the poppy flowers, my favourites!

    June x

  107. Oh Sue, what a beauty! would just love to win this card!
    Love to all, Judy M

  108. Hi Sue, gorgeous card today. Love the colour and the flowers finish the card perfectly. Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  109. Oh my gosh! What a gorgeous card... love the color and the beautiful print paper... the flowers are the perfect finishing touch! I'm always amazed at how you get so much "mileage" out of the dies... doing things with them I would NEVER think of... thank you so much for sharing your talents with us... always a wonderful inspiration to start the day!


  110. Hi Sue. what a beautiful card the colours go so well together I would gladly like to own tis card, Mavis L x

  111. Very pretty card, love the colors.
    Yvonne N.

  112. stunning design, color combo, use of dies and card Sue

    gr karin van eijk

  113. Hi Sue what a super way to use the striplet. At first look I would never have guessed.
    A truly beautiful card and love the colors.

  114. stunning ,stunning card ,love the way the striplets look like one giant flower ,great card ,Laura O

  115. Hi Sue, stunning card today, love how you have used the striplet.

    Lori from Canada

  116. Very pretty card, love the circular shape, very effective use of the dies.

    in Sheffield

  117. Sue, you are amazing. You have managed to show how a striplet is not a striplet, but a circle! I like the way your right side of your brain works. Now if I could just get my right side of my brain to work so well. Until that time, I appreciate your creative expressions!

  118. Hi Sue a beautiful card today. One of my favourite colours and it uses one of the dies on my wish list, so ticks all the boxes.

  119. This is a simply stunning card Sue, and certainly proves the point that your dies are extremely versatile!

  120. You are killing me (in a good way) with these gorgeous blue cards!! This is another lovely one that I would love to have hanging on my craft room walL! Thanks for the chance to!

  121. Really pretty card again today Sue - love the blue and white theme going on at the moment! Susan x

  122. Hi Sue, A truly gorgeous card.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  123. Hello Sue,
    A eautiful card today which I'd love to win! I'm afraid I have used the paper pad but I bought another one! The papers make lovely flowers and tone so well with everything else from CE! Love the flowers!
    Thank you - I'm a bit tired today - Holiday Club is beginning to take its toll and I'm not a morning person as several friends here will happily testify! Roll on Friday!
    Tina and Mick - hope your Hospital visit is as short as possible.
    Love to all, Myra x

  124. Beautiful card Sue!
    Lovely colours, would love to have this card sitting on my desk!!!

  125. Wow Sue,
    This card is gorgeous I love it.
    I'm playing catch up after a weekend away and then back to babysitting grandchildren.
    Wonder how I ever had time to work lol.
    I'm hoping to have a craft day tomorrow.
    Thanks for sharing this card with us & thanks for the inspiration you give.

  126. Love the purple tones that you have used today Sue. Again another card using a striplet in a way that has not been imagined!!! Would love to have this card to give to my granddaughter who is a huge purple fanatic.

  127. What a beautiful card you are giving away - I wouldn't be able to part with it if it was mine.
    Thank you very much.
    Sue Mac

  128. G O R G E O U S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it !!

  129. Another really stunning card Sue, love how you use those striplet dies...thanks for sharing...luv Ursula xx

  130. Another beautiful card. I now have a few dies, some Foundations card and some embellishments so I should have a go myself. Would love to win this , what inspiration it would provide.

  131. A truly scrumptious card Sue, I love the colour. Where do you get your inspiration from?

  132. Hello Sue.

    Beautiful Card, I think it has a flowery doily look to it. I love the paper and flowers made with it. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  133. Hello Sue
    I am quite envious I don't have any of your beautiful papers. Elaine so sorry Andrew still hasn't any news you would have thought the consultant would have arranged for a scan to be done just before his appointment. Tina I hope Mick has had some good news. Pam now I know where your caring nature has come from you have always looked after others your family must have really needed you. Myra you can come for a cheese scone anytime.

  134. What a beautiful card. It's always a pleasure to see another one of your beautiful creations.

  135. Hi sue and crafty crew.

    Oh my what a belter of a card!! Amazing to think you've used a striplet. I really do love it Georgeous colour so need to get ur paper pad.

    I see there's a few new names on the blog sue lovely to see new names :-) x

    Well ladies had Drs this morning but I guess mine was off sick and had another so I had to go over everything again which got me worked up. Wish they would just quickly read the notes before u go in. Any ways several tissues later he gave me a line for 3 weeks and to come back to my own dr. By then I'll be due my two weeks hols so I might be back to work after my hols.
    However I've a check up an mammogram in sept that'll be my year up already so my anxiety is starting to take over. It's so hard not to worry and I'm trying so hard to be positive.

    Yvonne g. I'm thinking of u loads chick. I know what it's like being on both ends. It's amazing the treatments that u get depending on the type. I never knew how many kinds of breast cancer there was till it happened to me I've had the breast cancer and kicked it's butt and dealt with myself really well but when it came to my dad having cancer just after I finished treatment of it I found myself crumpling. So now I know how my hubby felt when it was me.
    They will have a tough journey ahead but having u support them thru it can be just as tough on u too.
    Love n squishy hugs being sent ur way.

    Diane I agree with u on the choc!
    3 things should be available on nhs
    Chocolate, ice cream & massage! Works for me every time but not necessarily in that order hee hee.

    Lynda b. Hope ur doing ok my lovely lady. Xx

    Love to all as always. Hugs available on request lol

  136. Dear Sue
    Stunning card and love the colour combo...... The dies speak volumes!
    Love Michelle xxx

  137. Hi Sue
    A stunning card and colours are beautiful....
    Love Rosie from Chorley....xxxx

  138. Hi Sue
    Such a very pretty card. Gorgeous colours and the poppies look different yet again done this way. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs all round.


  139. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card such a useful way with the dies.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  140. Love your paper packs Sue I shall have to buy some.xx

  141. Great card. Love the way you have used the striplet die. Your paper pads are so usefull such beautiful colours.

  142. Hi Sue gorgeous card I love the way you made the circles different widths & the poppies again are stunning Sorry I have missed a few days this week I have two of my young grandchildren staying with me this week so my days are very busy but full of fun!

  143. Hi Sue gorgeous card I love the way you made the circles different widths & the poppies again are stunning Sorry I have missed a few days this week I have two of my young grandchildren staying with me this week so my days are very busy but full of fun!

  144. beautiful my favorite colours and flowers together
    Carole eaton

  145. Love this wisteria color and the design of the card!

  146. Beautiful card Sue, I love the colour used and memo to myself,
    need those poppy dies !

    Sending my daily hugs to all who are ill, struggling at the
    moment or just need one.
    Feeling like I gone a round with Mike Tyson so hope the pain
    killers will make me have a good-ish night, the same to you all.

    Hugs Maria x

  147. Hi Sue & Friends
    WOWOWOW STUNNING card today Sue I love everything about it
    Gorgouse colour dies & beautiful poppies.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    Thank you so much for asking TRACY I'm ok. Pleased you got another certificate for work
    Try to stay positive for your check up I know it's easy for me to say.but please try Hunny x
    sending you the BIGEST POSITIVE HUG'S & CUDDLES my lovely dear friend xxx

    Elaine sorry ANDREW hasn't had any treatment yet Hug's for you both.xx

    Tina hope Mick didn't have to sit in his wheelchair for long. Hug's for both of tou xx

    Bejay your dog is gorgeous what have you named him/ her. Xx

    Wheelybad how are you my friend Hug's & Cuddles for Billy xxx

    JUNE you have a day of mixed emotions your in my thoughts Dear lady
    I hope the postman delivers your wonderful prize soon Hug's xx

    Plenty of Hug's for everyone xx

  148. Lovely card! Was trying to work out what die you had used...then read on to realise it was your striplet die. WOW what versatility. Love the paper as well. Thank you again

  149. Hello Sue,

    This really is a gorgeous card, love how you have made the design (very clever)

    Good night, sleep well, love Brenda xxx

  150. Love the card Sue, great idea for using striplets, would'nt have thought of that !! Anne x

  151. An amazing card Sue. Lovely colours and great idea to use the striplet for the lacy circle. Would never have guessed it was a striplet. All just beautiful.
    Well done June on your prize and good wishes to all who have troubles or worries at present. X

  152. Sue this is stunningly beautiful, I love those dies against the lovely paper pad.
    Those striplet dies are so versatile and I love what you do with them.

  153. Good evening Sue and all your crafty crew
    Well what is there to this beautiful card
    I love everything about it
    Hugs to all that need one
    Theresa G xx

  154. Hi Sue. Oh WOW !!! Today's card is absolutely stunning !!! I really love it all !!! The paper you have chosen from your paper pad is beautiful, and the Noble circles look amazing. I love the frame you have made with them. Your petite Atlas die is so gorgeous !!! ( I hope I have the right name for it !!!) It makes such a beautiful Lacey effect when used in this way. Such a clever idea for using the striplet dies. Great sentiment to, but again your Poppy dies are the star of the show !!! They are soooo gorgeous Sue, especially made with your paper pad to, bringing everything together just perfectly. Thank you for sharing your stunning card today Sue. Sending lots of love to you Sue from Tres x x x

    Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

  155. Beautiful give away card today Sue. Hope you are ok Myra. Know what you mean about early mornings.

  156. Very pretty card today. Hadn't thought of using the striplet die this way. Thanks for showing us just how many ways a striplet can be used.

  157. Hello Sue and all
    Beautiful paper, beautiful colours, beautiful dies, beautiful card.
    Muriel x

  158. Love this card. The poppies are gorgeous. Will be casing this ASAP. Myra from Florida

  159. Stunning card. The poppies, as always, are fabulous. Spent ages looking at the card wondering how I'd missed such a lovely big lacy die before I read your description. I've got the Petite Atlas Striplet but would never have thought to use it like this.
    Take care everyone.

  160. Gorgeous card Sue. You just gave me some inspiration for my Christmas card! Thank you Sue!

  161. Hi sue, I would love to win this card, it would be a honour and go straight into a frame, crafty hugs Julie laz xx

    Just to let you no I've not commented on anything for a full week, I don't know if anyone no's about this
    But due to my illness I went blind in one eye, it's been like this for 2 years now and so hard to live with cos of my crafting and I'm only 44 and with the other illness which I've had for 11 years,
    on Monday I went to see a different eye doctor, and they said I could have a donor eye, but the recovery would be 4 to 6 months, I don't know what to do, so I was wondering if anybody knew anyone who has had one or no's anything about it,
    I can't listen to doctors anymore, because of my other illness I listened to the doctor and 7 surgeries later, I'm in a wheelchair, sorry to go on and on, just wondering if anyone no's many thanks Julie laz xxx

  162. Sue,
    This card is so lovely!!!!
    I love these dies.
    You don't often use printed paper. This gave it a different effect.
    Very pretty.
    Thank you for all your wonderful ideas.

  163. So very pretty! Love the Colors...my poppy die is on order and can't wait for it to come!

  164. Loving this card, and I have the circle and atlas mini striplet and pierced circle dies too.....

  165. Just love the colours again Sue!! The flowers are so effective, making the card what it is!!!

  166. Beautiful blue and white feminine card Sue.
    V.C. Cumbria

  167. Oh wow what a beautiful Wednesday give away
    It's a stunner Sue
    Hags to all
    Theresa G xx

  168. Hi Sue

    This is such a beautiful card. what a fabulous way to use your striplet dies. I really love the poppy dies. think I'll have to treat myself soon.

    With Best Wishes

    Elaine Ann

  169. This is a gorgeous card and i love ith idea of useing the background paper for the flowers

  170. This is a gorgeous card and i love ith idea of useing the background paper for the flowers
