
Sunday 31 July 2016

You're Wonderful

Good Sunday morning all!  I started by embossing a piece of coconut white card using the Regal Checkerboard embossing folder for texture to my background.  Next, I cut the Swiss Borders out of Iris card and Black card using just the solid outline die.  I cut them again out of vellum using both the decorative die and the cutting edge.  I glued them into place on the edges with the vellum over the iris then the back die peering out a bit as a shadow.  For the focal element, I cut the Zurich die in white and backed it in iris card.  I cut a black backing, then cut it down the centre and added it as a shadow to.  I stamped my sentiment and created a frame for it using the Swiss tag die.  I mounted it in the centre  of the card.  I completed the card with my pierced white mat, an iris and black mat and another white mat layer.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  8 1/2" in size.

The winners of this week's Comment Game are:

Lynda Mellor!!!
Patricia Youdell!!!

Congratulations all!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize.  All for now, Sue x

                                                       Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Beautiful card, it's lovely
    Congratulations to comment game winners.
    Pat, take it easy, you will be a new woman with your new hip.
    Annie, so pleased your daughters op went well.
    Tracey, so happy to see you popping in on the blog, thinking of you always.
    Tina , I'm glad our comments help, it's little that we do but we mean it. Wish Mick could get his pain under control, he is trying so hard to get well.
    Elaine, it's so good to hear that Andrew and his wife enjoyed a birthday meal, hope all is quiet on your Western Front.
    Hugs to all who are not well, Yvonne, Steph, Laine and our missing friends.

  2. Good morning sue what a beautiful card and the design is wonderful
    Have a lovely day

    Debs Cards xxx

  3. Another gorgeous card today Sue. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    D x

  4. Beautiful card.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  5. Lovely card Sue. Congratulations to comment winners. JJxx

  6. Hi Sue, beautiful card. I love the colours.

  7. Good morning Sue. Lovely card, the use of vellum just adds that extra something.
    Congratulations to all the comment game winners. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  8. Pretty card in pretty colours. Congratulations to comment winners.
    Marion S x

  9. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, this is a lovely card to greet us with on a very overcast Sunday morning, the ground is wet outside so we must have had a little bit of rain in the night, the garden can certainly do with it.

    Pat, take it one day a t a time, do everything they tell you but don't try to run before you can walk, excuse the pun.......I have had both hips replaced and don't have any pain at all with them, they are amazing.

    Sending hugs and thoughts to Tracey, Annie, Tina, Mick, Elaine, Andrew, and everyone else who wants one.

    Congrats to the winners, enjoy.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  10. Good morning Sue
    Wonderful card today - love it!
    Anne M xxx

  11. Another Sue special and dont we love it. Now can you tell me why when I love all your embossed backgrounds and I have oodles of your embossing boards i just dont use them, could it be that I am an idiot or just plain lazy. O could it be that I cant decide which one to use? Hve a great day Sue, hugsxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Good morning Sue and crafters all,
    Thank you Sue for another beautiful card, love the way you have used the velum to give a softer look.
    Congratulations to all card winners!!!!
    Love and crafty hugs
    Tina T xxxx

  13. Great card, Sue, love the design and interesting use of the vellum. Like Jan, rarely use the few EBs I have, must give them an outing!
    Hugs to all and missing friends.
    Well done to the comment winners.

    'P' in Wales

  14. The embossed elements on a card always lift the other details. A lovely design.

  15. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card today, the colours would suit a Man or woman
    I am so excited to have been successful in your comment game

    Pat x

  16. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card, lovely colours and something different with the vellum. Congratulations to the winners.
    B xx

  17. Hi Sue
    what a stunning card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw x congratulations to all the winners

  18. Sunday smiles to you Sue. Well I'm trying to keep smiling regardless of what I've been through the past couple of weeks, what's the point in self pitty it doesn't change owt does it, besides my very special 'keeper' presented me with 2 more 'bravery awards' bless his massive caring heart, the mini Gemini - Aquila and the Hobart Adornment are now new members of my die family, when I feel well enough and my pain lessens, & my concentration has been unlocked, I will dive straight in and enjoy them. Apologies for being absent yesterday, and I have no note of absence I'm afraid lol but Friday afternoon and most of yesterday went by in a haze, I remember trying to comment but fell asleep whilst typing each time, so Andy suggested I leave it before I type something inapropriate and removed my phone from my hand ! I remember chatting to our Tina E then that's it !!! But I just love your shadow box from yesterday's post. I feel a complete Muppet though Sue (nothing new there) reading the tutorial I couldn't see that you mentioned using vintage silver card, I re-read at least 3 times and still no mention lol till the stupid penny dropped and eventually clicked that it was the vellum that made the border look silvery !!! Thick or what ? Put it down to the strong medication that's my excuse lol.
    So on that note, I shall pay my compliments to your beautiful work, flip the sentiment back to you, wish for you a lovely day with a Colin Sunday roast thrown in (not literally you understand) and send my congratulations to the 3 winners today and Trish from yesterday xxx

  19. Morning Sue.
    Thank you so much a beautiful card.
    congratulations to the winners.
    take care all and have fun Kitty.

  20. Lovely card! The different colours work really well together.
    Congratulations to today's winners! Debra x

  21. Good morning Sue, love the colour and the vellum looks gorgeous I love it!!!
    I can't believe I'm one of the comment winners!!! Thankyou!!!
    Congratulations Patricia and Nannieflash enjoy!!!
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  22. Stunning card sue love the dies the colours the finished product is a wow!!!!!!!!
    Thank you sue congrats to the winners
    Hope you are a little better Steph xxxxxxxxx

  23. Good morning Sue.
    A beautiful card in a lovely colour.
    Congratulations to all the winners.x

  24. Morning sue and crafters.
    Lovely card as always.

    Well done to this weeks winners.

    Steph hope ur feeling better after ur treatment.

    Pam thanks for ur daily hugs. Yes I pop in and pop out. Lol. Still just taking each day as it comes. Still emotional wreck and tire myself out a lot of the time but I'll get there xx

    Love n hugs to all xx

  25. Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    Gorgeous card as always
    congratulations to this weeks winners
    Hope you all have a good day


  26. Hi Sue, lovely card, especially the vellum over the blue, will try this when I locate my vellum.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  27. Good Morning Sue
    The colour and design of your card are beautiful.Love the look using vellum.
    Jan x

  28. Morning Sue, lovely card, i do like the checkerboard embossing folder that's another one on my list,, I also like the colours you have us d also the vellum
    KathyB x

  29. Lovely card Sue, love the use of the vellum and the shadowing with the black card.

    Congratulations to all the comment game winners.

  30. A lovely card to brighten a rather dull Sunday morning. Congratulations to all the winners. Have a great day everybody
    Hugs Sylvia xx

  31. GM Sue. Lovely card. I love the black borders. They are really effective.

  32. Beautiful card
    Congratulations to the lucky winners

  33. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card as always.
    Well done to the winners enjoy your prize.

  34. Happy Sunday Sue, another beautiful card ,i do like the velum touch .
    Congrats to your lucky winners.
    Pam,,,,,Andrew went to the speedway last night with his uncle, Andrew and his wife are going to their caravan in Wales today and hoping to stay for the week , he says he may even try a bit of fishing if Daniel { his son } is willing . so nice to see him enjoying his hobbies again.

    The noise has quietened down however the cat still has a mad half hour now and again started at 11.45 last night until 12.20 but i was reading, so no disturbed sleep.

    Take care everyone
    Big hugs
    Elaine H X

  35. Hello Sue,

    Gorgeous card, love the Zurich die, I have some cuts made with that one that I borrowed from Sis, it's even prettier IRL...interesting use of vellum for the borders and I must check out the new embossing folders, time I updated my stash...

    Congratulations to the Comment Game winners!

    Stephanie - hope you're feeling better today, just take one day at a time...


  36. Rose in Chester31 July 2016 at 08:27

    Hi Sue,
    yet another wonderful card. I don't know where you get all your ideas from, but VERY grateful to you for sharing.
    Hugs, Rose

  37. Morning Sue another beautiful card today .Where do you get your inspiration from? Congrats to all the winners. Gloria (Sidcup)xx

  38. A happy Sunday to all Wilsonettes & congrats to the comment winners.
    I love your use of velum to soften the colours which you are using quite a bit lately, I have some card which is a touch on the bright side so will have to try it

  39. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card today, the velum overlay certainly adds another element to it and looks lovely too. The pop of black just adds to it all, wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Hope you have a lovely Sunday
    Love Diane G xxx

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners xxx
    Tina Mick will be earpting you out of house and home, such a shame about the pain though xxx
    Elaine I ope Andrew has a lovely holiday, how lovely if he can have some dad and son time too xxx
    Tracey sending you a big hug, it's only to be expected you get tired and emotional you have had such a stressful time and just need to be gentle with yourself. You are such a brave strong woman and I know there are a lot of people out there who are really proud of you😀XXXX
    Pat it's good to hear you have had your hip replaced so you won't be in so much pain, sending you a hug and hope you have a speedy recovery xxx

  40. Hi Sue - 'you're wonderful' giving us so many ideas, especially with your use of vellum on your cards. This is something I only use when making flowers but I can see how much it softens the look so I will be using my vellum more now. Congratulations to today's luck winners. Sending best wishes

  41. Good Morning Sue
    Love the use of Vellum I do have some somewhere must look it out!
    Congratulations to comment game winners.
    Love to everyone who is poorly and needs a hug!
    Nice to read on the blog how you are all doing!
    Love Marg

  42. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card. Love the blue and the black together.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Love Val in Spain xx

  43. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love it. The dies are amazing. Have a great day today. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  44. Beautiful card, lovely to see another way
    of using vellum.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Rosemary xx

  45. Lovely card, congrats to the winners

  46. Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    Very pretty card sue x the vellum really softens it and the colours are beautiful x thankyou so much for your inspiration x
    Congratulations to the lucky winners x
    Sending hugs to all the wilsonettes who need one x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  47. Oh my Sue thank you so much for choosing me as a winner, what a lovely surprise THANK YOU. What a beautiful card this morning, its amazing how these cards involve you think one design and before you know it something else emerges. Thank you again, big hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  48. Hi Sue. Fabulous card. Congratulations to the winners. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

  49. Beautiful card, love the colour combination.

    Congrats to all the winners.


  50. Good morning Sue,
    A stunning card & the colours are beautiful, also vellum just adds another element to a beautiful masterpiece. Yvonne xx

  51. Morning Sue. A really lovely card and love the way the vellum looks, it does soften the look and gives a ethereal look to the card.

    Love Rosemarie X X

  52. Good morning Sue lovely card! Congratulations to all the winners

  53. Good morning Sue lovely card! Congratulations to all the winners


  54. Love the vellum, it gives it a luxurious look, and another idea to use!

    Congrats to the winners!!!!!

    Doreen x

  55. Hi Sue, lovely card the vellum give a lovely look. love Jean Z xxxx

  56. Hello Sue, another beautiful card, so much inspiration. Well done to the comment game winners. Bx

  57. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love the colours and the softer look the vellum gives. Congratulations to the lucky winners.

  58. Morning Sue

    Another pretty creation. The black really makes the card pop

    Congratulations to the comment game winners

    June x

  59. Hi Sue
    A gorgeous card really showing off the Swiss collection beautifully. Many congratulations to Patricia, Lynda and Nannieflash enjoy your prizes
    Pat S wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you will be pain free with the new hip, I know when my husband had his second hip done it was great to see him no longer in constant pain
    Tracy, Elaine, Nanna Tina and Wheelybad thinking of you all and sending big hugs xxxx
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  60. Morning Sue, great card today, love the colour combination
    Well done to today's winners.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  61. Hi Sue,
    Another stunning card. Really like how you've used the vellum.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners.
    Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

  62. Lovely card Sue.Congratulations to the winners.

  63. Hi Sue
    Great card love the concept very pretty
    Congrats to all the winners
    Hugs Sarah xxx

  64. Hi Sue

    Beautiful card today. Love the colours and the softness of the vellum.

    Love Helen xxx


  65. Hi Sue

    Lovely card I do love vellum I spent a nice hour yesterday cutting Christmas roses

    from assorted colours of vellum.

    Congratulations to the winners

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  66. Hi Sue
    This technique is very eyecatching the black shadow certainly make the whole design pop. Must try this effect one day.
    Heather R Oxfordshire

  67. To My Very Dear Special Friend Sue,
    Yet Again Another Truly Outstanding Card That Has Put An Idea Into My
    Head With A Change Here And There, For A Wedding Anniversary Card As I'm Lucky
    To Have These Tremendous Dies And They Are Extremely Very Beautiful.
    I Love How You've Used "The Checkerboard Embossing Folder" Great DetalIt Really Stands Out.
    Then The Use Of Tremendous Colours The White (I Do Believe) Iris And Black Foundation Card
    And Velum To Soften The Whole Look, I Really Like How You've Cut The Border In Black And Iris
    Just With The Solid Outline Then The Vellum Cutting Using The Die And The Cutting Edge.
    I Love The Outstanding Zurich Die Where You've Cut It Out In White Then Backed In Iris Then
    Cut Yet Another In Black Cut This In Half To Create The Shadow Effect Illsion, Which I Just Love
    Awesome Sentiment Sent Straight Back To Yourself.
    Sue My Wonderful Friend As Always Thank You For Sharing And Helping My Mojo Along
    You Inspire Me Each And Every Single Day And I Truly Appreciate Everything You Do.
    Warmest Fond Wonderful Wishes To Colin And Heather
    Love And Huge Hugs To Yourself
    Love From Sam xxx
    Hugs "All" Wilsonettes
    Congratulations To This Weeks Comment Winners Enjoy
    Huge Hugs To Steph Take Great Care Thinking Of You.

  68. Lovely card again Sue, must try the vellum technique, such a subtle affect it really makes the centre standout.

  69. Hi Sue, A beautiful card.
    Congratulations to the lucky Winners !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  70. Catherine Lyons said...

    Another lovely card Sue i have never used Vellum must give it a go..

  71. elegant and very beautiful card Sue

    congrats to the winners

    gr karin van eijk

  72. Love the layout I think it's one of these cards that need to be seen in real life to really appreciate it

  73. Very lovely Sue, thanks for sharing.

  74. How lovely is this card. The Zurich die cut centre is eye catching.

    Susan x

  75. Beautiful card today! Congrats to the winners!

  76. Congratulations to this week's comment winners!! Enjoy your prizes!
    Today's card is another absolute stunner! LOVE that blueish color!!! TFS!

  77. Seems I am going to have to split my parchment vellum between using it as you have done and using it for my parchment craft. I like this card a lot.


  78. Good evening lovely Sue and her crafty crew!

    What a beautiful example of what can be achieved with the Swiss collection, you have created an elegantly understated delight for the senses:-) I love the pinpoint EF's, they are just so textural and touchy feely and add a further dimension to the overall design. Like Steph, upon first glance, I thought you had used silver card and was surprised to see that it was actually vellum, what a great idea! The Zurich die is a real showstopper and totally deserves it's place as the focal element. Accompanied by the Swiss tag, it finishes the card off superbly. You never disappoint Sue, there is always something to treasure about your fabulous designs.
    I've just had a chillin couple of days this weekend...I'm so chilled that I'm not even sure if I commented yesterday, I think I did....I'm almost positive I did, but i'm not a hundred percent sure....can I blame it on my age? At 44 I think that should be allowed:-) My Mums been using that excuse for over three decades now!
    Feeling slightly more human after my rest though, in fact, such was my confidence in my buoyancy that I agreed to have a chat with my dear old foe Yvonne thinking that even a conversation with her couldn't dampen my good mood.....boy was I mistaken! You know how sometimes in life you find yourself in the role of an emotional 'carer', well that sums up my relationship with Yvonne. Even though I have experience in counselling lost souls and the tormented...I studied a course at uni in counselling...even I can't manage the complexities of her problems:-) Some people just bleed you dry of every drop of optimism and humour and you are left a dry, wizened rag:-) only joking my dear, it was a pleasure as always and my ears have finally stopped bleeding now:-)
    Pat S, what a relief it must be to have finally had your operation, the recovery may be slow but to be pain free is a small price to pay.
    Tina, boy, Mick can have a hefty appetite when he's feeling perkier, that's great, it really helps with his recovery, I only hope that they can find some way to manage his spasms more effectively so that he is pain free and comfortable.
    Elaine, I hope Andrew enjoys his trip away, he's been through such a lot and deserves the break...hope the weather is kind to them too. I know all about a cats mad half hour in the dead of night, I feel your pain:-)
    Wheely, I'm hoping that you managed to get through your plans for the weekend without suffering another migraine, sending love to you and Billy from me and my furry four pawsxx
    Tracy, this blog is a wonderfully supportive haven and I am glad that you have found some comfort from it during what is a tragic time for you. Sending hugs honeyxxx
    Cuddles to all my blog buddies, especially pat, Pam, P, Frances, Maria, Theresa, Lorraine, Linda, Rebecca, Beth, Jan and anyone suffering or caring for someone who isxx

    Crafty hugs


  79. Beautiful card I especially like the embossed background. Congratulations to all the winners xx

  80. Hello Sue.

    Lovely Card. I really like the borders and the colours you have used. Thanks for sharing.

    Congratulations Lynda Mellor, Patricia Youdell and Nannieflash.

    Best wishes

  81. Hello Sue
    I love your trend of using vellum to soften the design it looks so classy. Congratulations to all the winners. Tracy lovely to hear from you please take care. Steph so glad you feel a little better. Elaine I hope Andrew enjoys his trip away with his family.

  82. Whoo hoo I have just purchased the shadow box from yesterday and I can't wait. Beautiful card today Sue.xx

  83. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Lovely card Sue, like the colour and the dies used.
    Shadow box is a fun one to do, like the one yesterday.
    Congrats to all the winners !

    Hugs to Tracy, hope you and your sister doing alright.
    Tina and Mick, take care. Good he's eating but so wish he
    didn't have this pain, hugs to you both.
    Sorry Yvonne, didn't know it was your birthday so belated
    Birthday Greetings to you. Hope you had a nice day.
    Lorraine, why are your ears bleeding ? sharp comments
    and conversations from a certain person don't sound good Lol
    Six weeks or so.......
    Annie, glad your daughters op went well, wishing her better.
    Wheelybad, hope you have had a good Sunday, cuddles to Billy.
    Lorraine F , be careful taking yourself off the meds. must do
    it slowly. i want to stop the Tramadol's but not sure if I can.
    Pat, hope you doing alright. baby steps :-)
    June, hope you still ok after your op.
    Elaine, nice Andrew got out a bit. Hope his Birthday was good.

    To all Wilsonette's and to my friends. have a nice evening
    hugs Maria x

  84. Hi Sue
    Stunning card, love the colours I have my mum's 86th birthday next month so I've made a couple of cards but I still might make her another, Mick used to make her a card as long as I did the cutting he would put something together but sadly not this year so he might ask me to do something from him, he's had another great day of eating, pain a lot better today had a few visitors his son and his twins, my mum and daughter popped in
    I am so grateful to everyone for just being out there for me it means a lot
    Congratulations to the winners
    Happy crafting
    Live and huge hugs to all
    Love Tina xxx

  85. great card ,well done to the winners ,Laura O

  86. Hi Sue, sorry I am so late, for me anyway. I had a busy morning baking for a friend who was having a tea party this afternoon and after said party the evening has just vanished.

    Lovely card and I really like the way you are using vellum to soften things. Like Anne without an 'E' I too have been cutting Christmas Roses from vellum, also any other flower die that comes to hand (and I have almost all of yours lol).

    Tina - glad that Mick had a better day.
    Tracy - lovely to 'see' you, it will get better, promise, but only in your own time.

    Congratulations to all of the comment game winners, have fun with your prizes.


  87. Ooh Sue this is another wondeful card, i love the layout and the beautiful
    detail from the dies you have used.
    And love the colours too.

  88. Hi Sue. WOW, WOW, WOW !!! A gorgeous card made with the fabulous Swiss die collection !!! I love the Zurich die, it is so pretty, just as all the dies are in this collection. This is a great background EF and I just love the design of it, but I wish it was an A4 size one as I struggle with small folders and trying to extend them. The Swiss collection borders are absolutely gorgeous and the design of them is so very pretty. I am not so sure about the vellum over them though. ( Sorry, just personal opinion.) I love your colour combo Sue. The black looks fab when used to highlight areas of this card.
    I have made a card today using the Swiss collection border die for the background and the Bern die as a topper. It is a Birthday card for my Dad and I used bright white, deep blue and cornflower blue foundations card as blue is his favourite colour. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous, gorgeous card today. Please, please, please can you show us some more gorgeous cards using your beautiful Swiss collection dies Sue. This collection is just so very pretty !!! Sending lots of love and hugs to you Sue from Tres x x x

    Congratulations to all of today's lucky winners love from Tres x x x

    Sending lots of love to everyone from Tres x x x

  89. Beautiful card today Sue. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  90. What a lovely card. I really love it. Xx

  91. Gorgeous card Sue. Love the iris black and white combination. Congratulations to the comment game winners. X

  92. Lovely card, never thought of using velum as an accent!!! Love the shadow effect. Congrats to the winners!!!

  93. Hi sue, sorry not commented, but been too ill,
    just want you to no I always go back and look at your art work,
    I love all your cards and I copy most of them lol,
    Crafty hugs Julie laz xxx
