
Thursday 24 September 2015

Die Grouting Technique

Hello crafters!  You have seen me use the sparkle texture paste through masks and to grout embossing folder patterns, but did you know that it can also be used to grout your die cuts too?  Today's video shows you how easily it is done.

I wanted to let you know that there has been a slight change in my Hochanda show hours.  Instead of doing a two hour show on Saturday morning, they have moved it to be a two hour show at the end of the day, from 6pm to 8pm on Sat.

 The finished dimensions are 8 1/4" x  8 1/4" in size.  All for now, Sue x
                                                          Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Stunning card, love it. 2 hours of Sue crafting, heavenly.
    Have a good day everyone. My twin grandsons, Jack and Ryan, are taking me out for tea today, they are 12 tomorrow, how time flies.

  2. A beautiful,sparkly Christmas card.

  3. Morning Sue, gorgeous card ingtreged can't wait to see how you have achieved this will catch video later.
    Nancyd xx

  4. Good morning Sue,
    Absolutely stunning card, I will watch video later. Thanks for letting us know time changes for hochanda shows. Yvonne xx

  5. Gorgeous card Sue. Looking forward to actually having time to watch the video. Looking forward to the Hochanda show.

  6. Beautiful as usual Sue. You never fail to please. Look forward to video.
    Pam enjoy your tea with your grandsons. JJxx

  7. Good Morning Sue

    Today's card is beautiful. I haven't managed to watch the last couple of videos but am off today so will fit them in this morning. Sorry to hear about your programmes 2 hours at the end of the day can be tough but I and lots of other Wilsonettes will be supporting you!

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  8. Beautiful card Sue...can't wait for the shows tomorrow and Saturday...it was great seeing Julia on Hochanda... please keep having a weekly slot on the shows for the Creative Expressions team...more...more...more...!
    Luv Rach :)

  9. Hi Sue
    Another stunning christmas card love the colours and the dies thank you tracyw great video to xx

  10. Hi Sue
    Lovely card will watch video later
    Looking forward to your shows
    Happy crafting
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina x x x

  11. Hi Sue
    Lovely card, I love the white with a touch of blue
    Pat x

  12. Ymorning sue and crafty crew

    Beautiful card sue as always will be watching u later and can't wait to see what u will do for demos.
    I'd like to thank all the girls yesterday that left kind msgs of support that meant a lot to me.
    Unfortunately the news wasn't good and I've pretty much been told that it's highly likely that it's breast cancer. ;-(
    However I had 2 samples taken one from under arm as I've a lump there too I wasn't aware of and a calcified one which is the one I could feel and had a core sample from there.
    I've to go back next thurs after they've analysed the samples to see what they are dealing with and to find out which course of action/treatment they are going to take.
    My family as u can imagine are quite shocked by the news as like myself I still really can't take it in so please ladies if u don't regularly check ur selfs please do it can make all the difference as I've caught it early.
    My mom had it drummed into us after she had it at 38. I'm now 41 and gonny fight it all the way.
    Anyways to all that are suffering today u have my best thoughts and wishes because I know there are worse things happening to others than is happening to me.
    Thanks again for ur support its really appreciated and thanks for letting me ramble on here as my comment is normally very short!!
    Lol xxx

  13. Lots of interesting techniques to create a lovely card. Thanks Sue.

  14. Morning Sue.
    A beautiful card, and a great video, Thank you.
    Looking forward to the shows. Take care and have fun. Kitty.

    Good luck to Tracy I hope all goes well for you.


  15. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous Christmas card love how you have used the noble frame onto a square card.

    Special gentle hug for Tracy hope all goes well.

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  16. Morning Sue. WOW A beautiful christmas card. Great hints and tips on the video to create this gorgeous card. Loving the frame and the sparkle on this one. Julia had some great shows yesterday with some wonderful dies. Sorry to hear they have changed your two hour show to the end of the day which is quite tiring, but we will all be there watching and cheering you on until the end of the show. Thanks for letting us know as now i can change the times for recording.
    Take care everyone.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  17. Hello Sue

    I can't keep up, lol. I am still trying to master grouting embossing folders! Love the card.


  18. Hi Sue. Love this card and can't wait to watch the video, but I'll have to wait until everyone else is up before I can. As I was playing with texture paste yesterday I'm looking forward to seeing how else I can use it. Thanks for the heads up about the changes to your show times.
    Tracy - please ramble on. I'm so sorry that your news was not positive, however you have found it early which is always better. I know that many ladies on this blog have faced this awful disease and will have lots of advice and help for you; the rest of us will just be here to listen and send you hugs. Sue XXX

  19. A beautiful card today Sue. I have used the sparkle paste to make a couple of Christmas cards this year. It takes a bit of practise to get an even layer, but I am getting better (I think). Lovely to see how many different ways we can use our dies. Have a good day. Hugs Sylvia xx

  20. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card,really like these dies useful for lots of things,like the colour too,
    Wishing you well Tracy,
    Thank you Sue
    Karen M

  21. Hello Sue, this card is really beautiful, love the touch of blue against the white. Great video with tips and techniques. I am loving my sparkle texture pastes at the moment. Saving the pennies to get some more colours. Have a great day. Bx

  22. Hi Sue
    Today's card is a lovely, crispy, crunchy looking one! Love the sparkle. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  23. A beautiful card Sue, I have tried this technique on one of my Christmas cards and it looks really nice.
    I will check out your video later to compare if how I did it was the same as you xx

  24. Hi Sue, beautiful card , they always are, you are such a clever lady.
    Will watch video later as I'm off to the craft show in Exeter today.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  25. Good morning Sue. Thank you for another great video tutorial, die grouting is a technique that I shall definitely have a go at now. A fabulous card with lots of gorgeous frosty details, beautiful.x

  26. Morning Sue,
    A lovely card a gain today, I haven't seen the video yet, getting ready to go to my physiotherapy appointment at 8 am.
    Will see the video later and maybe possibly catch up on some of the shows I taped as well of you all.

    Have a lovely day

  27. GM Sue. Fab card. Will watch video later. Thanks for show update!

  28. Lovely card Sue,great idea using die as a mask must give it a go,made a christmas card last night with my dear friend Ginnie who I craft with every other wednesday evening,with your inspiration,idea`s and video`s we have a great time,Sue thank you so much, Linda x

  29. Hi Sue
    Love it!
    Will watch later but need to dash to work. Big day ahead.
    Stunning finish.
    Anne M xx

  30. Morning Sue, This looks lovely, what a great idea, will have to watch the video to see exactly how you did this brilliant technique.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  31. Yes, Sue, spectacular is definitely the word here! Gorgeous card with lots of frame elements and love those snowflake borders - utterly scrumptious.
    Tracy - keep strong and hang in there and ramble away as much as you like. Lots of hugs and support here.
    Rebecca you did make me laugh, having a day off to make a card... just as well I'm retired as it can take me 2 days to find a space on the desk lol!! And NO not joking.
    Sometimes thinking - where is the desk? Need a major tidy up of shelves and floor too as can never find anything. Frustrates OH as his desk is used as a proxy (but only when he doesn't have a need!) - H E L P.

    'P' in Wales

  32. Gorgeous card Sue just love the shape and colours xx Jean

  33. Hi Sue this is a stunning card. I am looking forward to watching the video I am intrigued by the technique. Have a great day today. Hugs Jackie

  34. Beautiful

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  35. Morning Sue, lovely card, beautiful technique. Love Jean xxx

  36. A fabulous card - I love all the snowflakes.
    Kath x

  37. Beautiful and elegant. Going to catch up with video later as very interested in the technique you have used

    Karen xx

  38. Such a pretty card Sue with pretty colours to match. The video is great, I accidentally caught the subtitles button at bottom of the video (didn't know it existed) useful apart from some of the translation is rather funny. I've started the day smiling, so that's good.x

  39. Good morning Sue - yet another gorgeous Christmas card - must try grouting with dies!
    Janette x

    PS: Hope all goes well Tracy X

  40. Good morning Sue - yet another gorgeous Christmas card - must try grouting with dies!
    Janette x

    PS: Hope all goes well Tracy X

  41. Well Sue What a beauty ! your Christmas cards just get better and better.
    Have a lovely day.
    Elaine H X

  42. Morning Sue, Great card today, love the sparkle paste. Personally I am quite pleased they have changed your shows as I am out in the morning at the Bumps and Babies show at Sandown with my daughter. As I don't have a recorder I would have missed you. So I am happy.

    Tracey. Be strong, my thoughts are with you.

    Love Rosemarie x x

  43. Great card and technique Sue , lovely colours and design!
    Good news about the two hour show for me ...can't wait!

  44. Such a fresh looking card, lovely!

  45. Morning dear Sue.
    I never tire of video tutorial days watching you working (play) and your helpful hints and tips just start my day off nicely. You have shown us another beauty today and made me long even more for your first edition festive collection !! Had my dear husby returned my debit card to my purse after buying fuel I may have adopted a couple yesterday as it was my treat after yet another appointment, but a ll I managed to adopt was a bag of dog food I chose head's and Cassie obviously chose tails so the ten pound note was spent on her !!! By the time I got home I'd had more than enough and couldn't face going out again besides I'm still looking high and low for my lost mojo and can't find it anywhere which isn't good at all considering market is running up behind me FAST and I should be re-stocking the cards people adopted from me last market Sunday and I'm in a right panic. Can I buy about 6 female birthday card samples from you Sue please lol : )

    Tracey. You are woman , YOU are strong. YOU will get through this and we will stand by your side for as long as you want.

    Theresa TOB - Your time will come. You will face next year a new woman, so watch out craft world Theresa will return with vegance and a smile, just need to get your fit first : )

    I've rambled far too much for some people, so I will send lots of love and hugs to you Sue and my special dear friends both from this wonderful blog and from our lovely special FB group.
    Lancashire Steph xxxx

  46. Morning Sue .Fabulous card and you used my favourite noble die. Will be watching your shows on Hochanda. Gloria (Sidcup) xx PS thinking of you Tracy.x

  47. Morning Sue
    What a beautiful gift you have given us today.
    Thank you for showing that the 'grouting' can be done through our die cuts. I would never have thought of doing that. As I said the other day my pots of grouting have arrived and so I have the products now I need to find the time to play.

    White/white with just a little pop of colour is always a winner with me and so today's gift has been placed in my 'must do' box.

    I hope you're having a reasonably peaceful week Sue after your very hectic time over the last few weeks. Thank you for the nod about your time change at the week-end.

    I have to sort out the mess I made yesterday. I sat and made a start on my October bday cards; got as far a cutting out and then made a complete mess of assembling. It was even too far gone to do any sort of recovery so I have to start again today.

    To all in pain and suffering today I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  48. Hi Sue, that is so pretty, can't wait to watch the video to see the grouting technique.
    B xx

  49. Hi Sue,
    A lovely frosty look for this card, love the touch of blue.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Heather Treble

  50. Hi Sue
    really lovely card, love everything about it. x

  51. Good morning Sue and fellow wilsonettes,

    Oh my such a gorgeous card, now this one is my kind of traditional that I love to see and make. That little 'pop' of colour is brilliant. Will watch video later, have to visit daughter Giorgina this morning.

    Tracy, Not too good news for you but I do like your attitude. Cancer can and has been beaten twice by me for I firmly believe a positive outlook is needed to fight back and yours, as you have already demonstrated, will carry you through all the treatments etc. As will all the help and support and encouragement that we can provide via this tinternet. Special (((hugs))) for you today.

    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

  52. Beautiful card Sue! Just watched the video which was great as usual. Love the grouting. Debra x

  53. GM Sue, stunning card today. Great technique. Hugs to all xx

  54. Hi Sue. Not tried grouting yet so will watch your video later as I love the card you have made. SueL x

  55. Hi Sue. Gorgeous card - love your techniques :-) Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

  56. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Love today's snowflake and sparkle spectacular. Will watch the video later to see how you have grouted this one.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  57. Good Morning Sue!
    Looking forward to watching you on Hochanda, and I really enjoyed Julia's shows!
    I have some grout so I will watch later to learn the Sue Wilson technique!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  58. Hi Sue,

    Lovely sparkly card - I had my texture pastes out yesterday so will be trying this technique later on today - thanks for the inspiration...love the top you're wearing in the video...stockist?...lol

    Tracy - will be thinking of you...


  59. Love the card, love the colours Sue. Great technique. Thank you.Xx

  60. Glad you showed us how to do this Sue, I wondered the other day if it might be possible.

    Tracey thinking of you and sending warm wishes


  61. Hi Sue - this is a beautiful card and I am intrigued as to how you are doing your grouting so I'm looking forward to watching the video later today. Looking forward to your Hochanda shows and the change of hours will suit me but feel for you having to change your schedule. Am loving the Hochanda channel. Best wishes

  62. Good morning Sue
    Oh how I love your Noble dies! Today's card is so pretty and the video so helpful in showing us how easy it is to replicate (with our own added touch) your card.
    Tracy I'm sending you a massive hug X
    No matter what time your on Sue I'll be watching.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  63. Wow Sue, wonderful card, so looking forward to your shows on Saturday

  64. This is a really pretty card and clever technique.

  65. Stunning card Sue and great technique too x xhazel

  66. Lovely card Sue. Haven't watched the video yet but am going to after this. Looking forward to your shows.

  67. Beautiful card, Sue. Will watch the video later after work. I have tried to do this but with not much success - I am sure that you will have come up with a much easier method!

    Anne (Northampton)

  68. Good Morning Sue, another stunning card design, I love those new dies with two punched edges and Im looking forward to watching how youve used them. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  69. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh got to have a go at this technique, such a beautiful card today.

    Thanks for the heads up about the time change on Saturday, I'll be watching

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  70. Excellent video tut as always, Sue :)

    Such a lovely card.
    The amount of sparkle is not overpowering
    but just right.

    Hugs to all


  71. Hi Sue,
    I love the bling! It's such a great technique and looks so elegant.
    Lorna D

  72. Stunning card Sue, I love that grouting technique and will be trying it out. Have been so busy lately I have not managed to visit my craft room, but hoping to rectify this over the next week! Looking forward to your shows, Linda.

  73. Hi Sue. Another lovely card a usual. Haven't seen the video yet, something to look forward to. xx

  74. Good morning Sue, another fabulous card!!! I have watched
    the video and it was the right one :)
    Thanks for the heads up about the change!!!
    Tracy keep your chin up :)
    Have a good one!!!
    Loopy Lynda xxx

  75. Morning Sue, stunning card as always, love the snowflakes.
    Will have to watch video later, off to cover my friends craft shop as she takes her card class.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  76. Hello Sue and all
    Love, love, love the card today. Will get out the texture paste and try this for a background, just beautiful. The white with just a touch of blue is fabulous too.

    Your show is now on at 2-4 am here Sue so I am hoping they will be replayed as I can't record on line. I will keep my eyes on the program and see what I can catch.

    All the warmest wishes to you Tracy, I have been there and finished treatment just in time for my son's wedding, that was nearly 12 years ago now and I have a beautiful grandson and granddaughter as well as full health and I wish exactly the same for you. Big hugs

    Muriel x

  77. Hello Sue & WW!
    Love the video and was surprised to realize I have all the dies except the debossed snowflake (for small oval)! I guess I'm missing a huge part tho because I don't have any sparkle texture paste :-( hopefully I can remedy that soon! As always, your instructions are clear and easily followed. I also really like having the nice photos as I save a copy within an app I have on my phone that keeps inventory of my dies (of course I have to enter the information). So for each die (that I own) that was used on a card, I attach the photo of the card for later inspiration.
    "P" in Wales - evidently it was your turn to make me laugh. I too would have to spend at least 2 days to clean off a desk, or even one end of a table to get started on a card (I wish I were joking, but I'm not). I have to haul all my supplies elsewhere to get any crafting done. If I want to work at home, the only flat surface that is readily available is the stovetop! I kid you not. If I must work at home, no one gets to eat anything that requires warming until I'm done!
    So Laine, I actually do a very poor job of balancing work & home life. I spend way too much time working and any household duties fall behind. But, taking a day off for something fun was an attempt to gain some sense of balance. It didn't turn out quite as planned tho bcs a work situation came up that I had to deal with and then I spent a few hours helping a friend look for a lost dog (not her dog, but one she is babysitting). No luck yet finding the poor dear and I'm just sick about it. Before that happened, I did get my sister's card started and I took a class in which we made 4 adorable Halloween cards, so I was able to have some fun. The day just didn't end on a good note. I'll feel much better when the doggy gets found safe & sound.
    Tracy, I'm sorry u didn't get the news u (& all of us) were hoping for. Something tells me tho that your diligent watchfulness will serve you well in this situation. Chin up & march on & know that we are behind you!
    Hugs to any interested! Xx Rebecca in Colorado

  78. Hello Sue from another Sue !!!!
    Lovely again, I just love theses dies !
    Sue mac

  79. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card i love that your dies do the pin prick piercing its all in the detail!! stunning.
    crafty hugs
    Helen Terry

  80. My daily fix is seeing what fab cards you have come up with Sue. Todays card is soo lovely and cool just chrismassy.
    Will have to get a move on with xmas cards as I have signed up for a Christmas market, excited and scared at the same time but with your ideas Sue it will give me confidence.
    Sorry to hear your news Tracy, but stay positive and carry our best wishes with you.
    Luv to all jxxx

  81. Good morning Sue,
    what a stunning winter card again... so smooth and elegant...
    the snowflakes are so beautiful.
    Thanks for the Video.
    Rolf xxx

  82. Hi Sue, love the card and the colours so pretty. love Jean Z xxx

  83. Good morning sue what a beautiful card I love it and the colours are gorgeous and I love the design of it

    Debs A xxx

  84. Oh, I do love that card! :) I can't wait to watch the video to see how it's done. I'm off now to make a cuppa so I can watch the video in comfort! :)
    Paula x

  85. The card is very pretty and snowy! Nice dies! Olga Ko

  86. Simple, elegant and gorgeous!
    Doreen R

  87. Beautiful card Sue, just love these Christmas dies. x

  88. Morning Sue,
    A gorgeous card, pity they have changed your programme times I will not be able to watch this show, this is the sort of thing that used to annoy me with C& C. Never mind I expect you will get a lot of support.

  89. Hi Sue, a beautiful Christmas card. I am amazed at all the different and new inspirational techniques you show. Thank you and thanks for the video.

  90. Excellent video and a fabulous card Sue.

  91. Hi Sue

    Very elegant.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  92. Morning Sue and everyone.
    I have watched the tutorial video and loved it.
    The card is lovely and I like the frame you made
    around it all and of course the texture paste.
    Lovely top too :-)

    Tracy- not the news you/ we wanted but I like your attitude
    to it all and we/I are here for you whenever you need to
    talk. Sending you lots of hugs x

    Special hugs also to Molly to say we miss you, hope
    granddads meds. have been sorted and he will get the
    operation he need, thinking of you all x

    Craftynanna-hope you are ok and ToB- have you got a date
    for your op. yet ?

    Beth, Deb.C, Yvonne and anyone else not around at the moment,
    hope you doing ok and soon be back x

    Rebecca and P'- I have spread out all over the kitchen work
    surfaces to do some cutting out today. OH has gone out and son
    is working so peace and quiet . Loved reading about you home
    Rebecca, I love the snow too and I read somewhere that England
    will have a very cold winter, just hope it is a dry one.

    To all Wilsonette's and friends,take care and
    Hugs Maria x

  93. Morning Sue, I love this card and the video was great. Now I am off to have a go at making it. Wendyx

  94. Hello Sue.

    What a great idea to grout your die cuts. Such a pretty card and I really like the hint of colour. Thanks for sharing,

    Thanks for the Hochanda update, personally it works even better for me. I hope you enjoy it.

    Best wishes

  95. Hi Sue,
    Another beautiful card, your creativity is amazing. I love using texture pastes, am I a frustrated brickie I wonder :-)
    Hugs, Rose

  96. Lovely card Sue. I would never have thought of grouting a die cut as you have done, I don't know why as I have tried the technique with embossing folders. Can't wait to try it with one of the noble dies that arrived in the post.

    A heads up to Tracy Stitt, I too was diagnosed with breast cancer at a couple of years older than you are now. I went through the chemotherapy and radiotherapy and came out of it with no recurrence since then. My last chemo was in July 1991 so 24 years on I am still going strong - well As strong as a 67-year old can!!!! The disease is beatable as six of my friends who have also had it will testify. Good luck with what ever comes. I for one, although I don't know you, will be rooting for you.

  97. Stunning card today Sue.

    I love the snowflake die sets. I usually use double sided tape and glitter for a sparkly effect with my die cuts but the texture paste technique looks quite easy to do so will have to try it and see how I get on.

    xx Annie P

  98. Theresa says
    Hi sue and lovely wilsonettes x
    A beautiful card today sue x I cannot wait to watch the video later and see the technique used for grouting the die cut x I have the paste and bought a spreader ( don't think that's the technical word for it !) So I don't have to use hubbys baking palette knife anymore !!! Please don't tell him anyone xxx thankyou so much sue for your inspiration x
    Tracey sending you a big hug and I for one don't mind you rambling on one little bit x I think the lovely wilsonettes will offer lots of support x
    Yvonne hope ally pally didn't tire you too much x
    Rebecca your climate sounds ideal x do you get much rain ? I always have good intentions for my days off but they never seem to pan out the way I want x if only we could order more crafting time from joanna sheen or hochanda ! Anyone know the item number ?
    I do hope all bumps and bruises and those who are poorly feel better soon x
    Take care everyone x
    Theresa w xxx

  99. Morning Sue

    Thanks for a beautiful card.

    Crafty hugs

    Pen x

  100. Hi Sue,
    What a stunning card you are showing us today, I love your snowflake dies, they look even more beautiful on this card. Thank you for another brilliant video.

    Tracy S, keep a positive attitude - Pray, Hope and don't worry (Pardre Pio) I have beaten cancer twice, breast cancer and cancer of the uterus. life is good xx - a few ageing problems BUT hay ho I'm here. LOL

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love Brenda xxx

  101. Beautiful card and I will definitely try the grouting technique. I've also cut my background dies in really heavy card and used them like stencils for inking backgrounds. They aren't reusable, but I do get several inked/stenciled backgrounds from one die cut if I do them all at one time. Make sense? TFS your talent. Jan D., Florida, USA

  102. Hi Sue what a beautiful elegant card just spent all morning going through your vidios amazing what you forget . So now some lunch and then a play afternoon before I forget again!
    hugz Ruth x

  103. I have never heard of this technique! So beautiful! Also a two time breast cancer survivor. Hang in there Tracy!

  104. Good morning! Another absolutely gorgeous card and video, Sue, thank you. I must try this technique...you make everything look so easy.

    Tracy, hang in there and keep that positive attitude...that's half the battle. I will continue to send hugs and prayers your way.

    Rebecca, I once spent a summer in Colorado and it was sooo beautiful. My older brother was in the the Air Force and invited me to stay with him for the summer. (That was over 50 years ago.) He lived in a very small town called La Junta. We took day trips to other parts of the state and one of my fondest memories of Colorado was the magnificent mountains. I'd love to go back one day.

    Have a beautiful day everyone!

  105. Gorgeous card, not watched the video yet as not feeling great. Been in Florida for 7 days so far & I've managed to get a horrible cold + cough. I'm feeling exhausted between the heat & coughing!!


  106. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card and as always great video, looking forward to tomorrow and Saturday will be watching and recording
    Pam have a lovely time with your grandsons
    Tracy, so sorry the news wasn't better but a positive attitude will be a great help, keep strong

    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  107. Hi Sue,Love the card, lots of lovely techniques used.
    Tracy, thinking of you.
    My shoulder op has been postponed as I have had a severe asthma attack and on lots of new meds, will have to wait until I'm better, hopefully soon!!!!
    Hugs to all
    Theresa xxxx

  108. Gorgeous card Sue, and the video is great, i havn't tried any paste on cards yet so must buy some and have a go, actually there are other tachniques i havn't tried either like the floating sentiment, now i am really wanting to do that one.
    Tracy my thoughts are with you, my sister had breast cancer and beat it, so we are all behind you in the fight.
    hugs to all Johanna

  109. HI SUE

  110. Thank you for a wonderful video and what a lovely card!

  111. Beautiful techniques leading to a beautiful card - lovely colours too!


    in Sheffield

  112. Fantastic card thanks for sharing

  113. This is so pretty!! I love using grout on my die cuts. It makes the die even more valuable because it adds yet another way to use it!! TFS!

  114. Beautiful card with the snowflakes....great video....tfs
    well done Sue

  115. Snowflakes and the colour blue are two are my favourites. A beautiful card. Karen x

  116. Hi Sue
    What a lovely card, and a great technique thanks for sharing that in yet another great video.

    I received my scribble flowers today and the are gorgeous thank you so much.

    Tracey really sorry your news was not great sending ((hugs)) your way.

    Linda xx

  117. Deb E Isle of Wight24 September 2015 at 15:55

    Stunning card today, love this technique and it has totally frosty feel. Just a hawkeye observation, is the cut cornered pierced rectangle a future release?

    Received my scalloped trellis adornment today and its stunning, can't wait to start playing.

  118. Fantastic technique using the sparkle paste on your die cut. I will give this technique a try. I really like the contrast between the sparkle and the mat layers. Your snowflake border in on my wish list. Lovely!

  119. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Gorgeous, gorgeous card Sue. Great video, as always. It's watching watching the step by step techniques. Gorgeous dies, love the blue and love the glitter pastes' sparkle xx Thank you Sue" xx Sending love and hugs to you Sue, your mom and family xx Sending love and hugs to all our Wilsonettes who are in need of some too xx Love Karen xx ps hope to watch on Saturday night xx

  120. Gorgeous card. Love the touch of blue looks so frosty and christmasy.

  121. love the card and use of glitter paste.

  122. Good afternoon the lovely Sue and the Wilsonettes,
    What a beautiful winters card Sue with the lovely iced snowflakes and the beautiful soft sky blue that you have used as a frame. I think you must be joining in with the children and making a "frozen" card as the colours match very well with it. The pearls in the centres of the snowflakes just finish them off lovely. Thank you Sue for yet more beauty to entice us with.
    Sorry folks but trying to finish off the 3rd bolero today so that i can start the 4th for this wedding next weekend, so hence not been around a lot at moment. Sending crafty hugs to all my Angels, young and older alike
    Norah (Glenochil)

  123. Hi Sue what a fabulous card today and a wonderful technique - I must have a play. I've really enjoyed grouting the embossing so this is the next step. Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxx
    Tracey sorry the news was not good but I like your positive attitude - we are all here for you. Sending you a huge hug xxxx
    Tres oh no poor you, I hope the operation gets reshuffled soon xxx

  124. A super duper card today, I love this technique, have tried it several times, but yours looks loads better than mine, thanks Sue.....luv Ursula xx

  125. Lovely pretty Christmas card Sue. Just off to watch the video. I love getting messy as I do with texture paste.
    Love Val in Spain x

  126. Such a gorgeous card! I love this!

  127. Have just watched the video and how lovely the card appears when it is on the video and not just a photograph. This one is really stunning must have a go.

  128. Good afternoon Sue & friends
    GorgeousI card today love it all fabulouse video with tips & technequis
    Thank you looking forward to your Hochanda shows.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

    Tracy so sorry it wasn't the news you wanted,keep positive & strong you can fight this,
    we are all hear for you & you ramble away as Much as you like.(((((((Hug's))))))) love Lynda xxx

    TOB THERESA have you got your date yet for your operation.(((((Hug's )))))) love Lynda xx

    Molly (((((Hug's)))))for you & your family please come back we MISS YOU xxx

    BETH hope your ok Love & ((((((Hug's))))))

    Deb C sending you some ((((( Hug's)))) hope your ok .xx

    Big Hugs for all friends xxx & Wilsonettes xx

  129. Inspirational as always . Can't wait till tomorrow to watch you on Hochanda. Love, Ivy xx

  130. beautiful card ,will try to watch tomorrow ,Laura O

  131. Feels like the cold, icy and sparkling. So much better than all this heat and humidity we are having now. Love the white on white cards so much. Excited to see a new video, as I watch them over and over on the Apple TV. Wish I could get the Hochanda channel on there. Best to everyone one here.

  132. OOH I love sparkly snow flake cards, so you have made my day by showing this one.
    Absolutely love it.

  133. Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
    Sorry I've been AWOL for a few days, but today's card is a beauty. Well, nothing's changed there has it?
    Tracy, I'm sending love and hugs, and you will be in my prayers. We are all here to support you.
    Rebecca and 'P', (P - I can still see you in your orange top that Sue posted years ago!!) I have perfected the art of walking into my craft room on my hands and walking on the ceiling. There's just no room to walk on the floor!!
    Love Maureen xxx

  134. Hi Sue
    Lovely card....great technique!!!

  135. Dear Sue, just wanted to say, stunning card and i loved your helpful video, thank you :-) x From Lianne Morrison

  136. Hi Sue.
    Beverley W

  137. Sounds fascinating - 'Die Grouting' - will have to watch the video for sure.

  138. This is a stunning card as always Sue.xx

  139. Hi Sue, beautiful card and very instructional video. Love the sparkle you get with the embossing paste.

    Tracey - so sorry your news was not better, good that you have been diagnosed early though. Stay strong and remember that we are here for you.


  140. Another lovely card. I have some sparkle texture paste but haven't used it yet. Think I'll have to try it out at the weekend!

    Tracy, I'm so sorry you didn't get the results you were hoping for. Stay positive. Once you have a definite plan for treatment, I think you'll find it easier as things just seem to move along. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs to all,
    Susi in Cyprus

  141. Hi Sue,
    I love your grouting technique. The card is so elegant. Thank you for the demo.
    Veronique L

  142. Such a beautiful card Sue!! Love the sparkle!
    Moxie Craftie

  143. This is a beautiful card, Sue. I will catch up with the videos in a couple of days, when I'm back in Dubai.

    Hugs and best wishes to you all,

    From Angela, Lake Naivasha, Kenya Xx

  144. Gorgeous card Sue!
    I love your grouting technique as you call it!

  145. Lovely card Sue. I enjoy using the paste but have never thought to grout through a die/die cut! Thank you for the inspiration - can't wait to try the technique.

  146. Hello everyone
    Ok I'm here after being AWOL since my trip to Ally Pally. Today is the first day I have looked at our lovely Sue's blog since Friday.
    Ally Pally was fantastic and I was absolutely delighted to make it and meet all you lovely Wilsonettes. Sue was as magnificent as you would expect. She looked stunning and had so much time for anyone and I don't think there was a single moment that there was not a crowd of people buzzing round her demo area. Even though it completely wiped me out I am hoping to be there in April for another fix.
    I am on a mission to play catch up on all of Sue's beautiful cards that I have missed over the last few days. Be patient with me whilst I ease my way back into 'particraftiness'.
    Today's card is a dream Sue. A stunning compilation of your outstanding dies and your fantastic and unique ability to make everything 'fit' better than anyone else I can think of. Video not viewed yet but something to look forward to.
    Lorraine - I do hope that you have not been getting up to too much mischief whilst I have not been around to keep you on the straight and narrow. I am going to try really hard and go back over the last few days to check you out but am suffering from brain fog and must be careful not to overload and crash.
    Take care everyone - fingers crossed I'll be back tomorrow
    Crafty hugs

  147. brill card.love that grouting. need to try it, hugs xx

  148. Beautiful card , Sue. I haven't watched the video yet, - don't know where my time has gone today - but look forward to seeing it tomorrow. Also looking forward to your Hochanda shows.

    Tracey: I am so sorry to hear your results are not good. Keep positive and know we are all rooting for you. Sending a great big hug.

    Pat xxx

  149. Hi Sue
    I love this card it's very Christmasy.

  150. Looking forward to watching the video for this lovely card although I'm not sure when I'll fit it in with all those Hochanda shows to watch!

  151. Really delicate and pretty - will watch the video tomorrow when I have a bit more time. Hope your shows over the weekend go well, and I'll try to tune in if I can - sadly I can't get Hochanda on my BT vision system, so no chance of recording and watching later. Susan x

  152. Good Evening Sue
    This is a lovely card.
    I really need to try the grouting technique.
    Karen in Telford xx

  153. Hi Sue
    Really enjoyed this Video and the technique you used which i will have to try as the result is stunning just like the card
    Take care
    Hazel G XX

  154. Such a stunning card!!

  155. Hi Sue.
    Here I am playing catch up. Lol
    Loved watching the video and the technique you used
    And the finished card us again beautiful
    You are right about Christmas creeping up on us we all think there is plenty of time to go in when we get to September but in reality it's later than you think lol
    Hugs to everyone that needs one
    Take care folks
    Theresa G x

  156. Hi Sue,
    Love the card and how you use to different dies to form a new oval one fabulous.
    Thank you!!!

  157. Stunning card and a super video. Must get some texture past to give this a go.
    Warm wishes to Tracy. Stay strong.
    Take care everyone.

  158. Another pretty card and great technique! Thanks for showing us how to do it.

  159. Hi Sue. I love this beautiful card. Using the texture paste with the die cut is a great technique, especially if you don't have any masks : )
    Tracy, stay positive no matter what next week brings. We are always here for you.
    Hugs to everyone. Take care xx

  160. Hi Sue, really beautiful card an what Great way to do the paper grouting I love the card an the colours are lovely and a brilliant video, wow look at the time it's time for your next blog, I am lost today as gone by in a blurr. Take care Melody xxXxxx

  161. Wonderful card, love the technique. I have this snowflake set of dies and I love them! Thank you again for my prize. :)

  162. Inspired, as always - must get some of that sparkle paste!

  163. Really pretty. Love the stunning grouting

  164. Gorgeous Card Sue!

    I love the sparkle, I have texture paste but just don't seem to use it. Looks like I will have to have another go.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  165. A lovely card with sparkle, I think its time to start thinking about Christmas cards, as my production is not fast.

    I would love to try most of your festive cards. I did buy sparkle paste at Ally Pally but not tried any of it yet.

    Love n hugs from Dorothy Macdonald of Baldock

  166. Hi Sue,
    Love the card and the technique. The dies and colour made a lovely Christmas card./
    Di B. x

  167. Hi Sue, such a lovely card today but will have to wait until I return home before I can catch up on your videos. I love texture paste and it adds so much to backgrounds. Heaps of love to Tracy. Chin up and keep smiling if you can. We're all routing for you . Hugs. xxx Pauline A

  168. Hi Sue where have I been this will be the first time ever for me to leave a comment on a blog only just discovered. I managed to catch some of your programs on Hochanda and was overwhelmed by your wonderful and inspiring cards and demo's. I have now spent much to much money on new crafty prezies. Found your blog and just had to join in with all the others in saying what beautifull cards you make you are an inspiration to us all. Now inspite of having a large collection of other dies I am sure I will be spending more on yours they are so beautifull I cannot resist. I am also sure I will spend too much time in the future following your blog and watching all your vidio's Thank you.
