
Saturday 9 May 2015

Thanks For Everything

 Hi bloggers!  You have to think taupe, black and red for this one as I know the pics look a bit on the pinkish side (sorry, not sure why!)  Great layout for a guy's card and I actually have two versions of this card to show you as well.  I used the New York background, cutting it in black card twice.  I left a small border around it both times.  I cut a quarter off of each of them, then reassembled them with the two larger parts to create and square background rather the rectangle of the original die shape.  I matted it on taupe card.  For the centre of the card, I used the Union die and cut it in black as the backdrop, then I cut it again in red and nipped it into four pieces which I reassembled to make a smaller square to fit inside the black centre of the original die cut.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the tag from the New York Collection and inked it with Black Soot before removing it from the die. I added cream flatback pearls as embellishments and finished it with my usual paper piercing and matting and layering.    The finished size for this one is 8 1/4" x  8 14" in size.  If you scroll all the way to the last picture, I have made the same card but without the New York Background so it is a much smaller version (about 6" x 6").  Both cards would be great for the men in our lives though I would say, wouldn't you?

The winner of this week's Wednesday Card giveaway is:

Jacqui oakes-alcock!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.co, to confirm your address and claim your prize.

Not all of the die winners have come forward to claim their winning dies, so please be sure to scroll down to the previous post to check the list!!   All for now, Sue x

                                                        Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Pam Hartllepool9 May 2015 at 06:02

    Lovely card to start the weekend. My new petal dies both kinds and the folded strip flower die have arrived (sorry I forgot their names). They are stunning. Trying to decide which to get next, hard choice.
    Congrats to Jacqui, too.
    Hugs to all

  2. Hi Sue
    Another stunning card love the colours I am proud owner of 4 new sue wilson new dies can not wait to craft today congratulations to all the winners thank you tracyw

  3. Good morning Sue,
    I love this card with all the different layers, yes I could see this for a mans card in the right colours.Yvonne xx

  4. Really like both cards, Sue, colours vibrant and am imagining taupe! All such lovely dies.
    Well done to Jacqui on card win.

    'P' in Wales

  5. Good morning Sue. A really striking card, love it. Congratulations Jacqui on your win. Have a lovely weekend everyone. Sue xxx

  6. Hi Sue. Lovely cards - ideal for a man. Congrats to Jacqui. Have a great day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Morning Sue.
    Thank you the cards are lovely. Congratulations to Jacqui.
    Have a good weekend all, Kitty.

  8. GM Sue. I love both of these cards especially the colour combo. Congrats to all the winning Wilsonettes!

  9. Great cards, both of them and can imagine them in lots of different colours.
    My JS parcel turned up yesterday so I have been having a lovely play today and trying to decide which dies do I need next?
    Congratulations Jacqui
    Have a good weekend everyone
    Muriel x

  10. To My Very Dear Friend Sue,
    Firstly Can I Say A Huge Thank You For The Extreme Kindness You Have Shown Us, With Sharing Your Beautiful Dies And Giving Some Of Us The Fabulous Chance In Winning, But That's Not All Its The Awesome Cards Each And Everyday With A Great Breakdown How You Achieved, Your Cards.
    Then There's The Fabulous Video's That We Can Constantly Return To To Remind Ourselves,
    Talking Of Giving, "Congratulations" To Jaquie For Been The Winner Of The Stunning Wednesday Card.
    Sue Onto Your Beautiful Today's Card I'm Like Yourself I Love The Soft Colours, But I So Like To See Black Added Into The Card And Today's Is Just Perfect Outstanding Dies And a Fabulous Colour-way.
    "Please Everybody" Can We Make Sure Our Sue Returns To Number One Spot In The Blogs Where She Deserves To Be "PLEASE, PLEASE, CONTINUE TO PLACE A COMMENT WE NEED 300/400 A DAY"
    Take Great Care Sue My Friend
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    Hugs To All Wilsonettes Take Care x


  11. Another lovely card, Sue, wasn't too sure about the "pink" but can imagine it in red!!

    Doreen x

  12. Morning Sue. WOW These are two striking card's using my favourite die collection. It doesn't matter how many card's you make using the New York collection you alway's find something new to do with them. I love the way you cut into the shape's to make new one's and yes by changing the colour's they would be great for the men. Congratulation's to jacqui on winning your beautiful card. Wishing your lovely mom a Happy Mother's Day for this weekend. Hope you all have a lovely time.
    Take care everyone. It's another horrible rainy,foggy day.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  13. Really striking. New York background looks good as a square.

  14. Good morning Sue and everyone

    These are both lovely cards. I really like the New York collection. I have the the border, corner and tags set and the union square, but would like them all...

    Love how Sue encourages us to cut into the dies, we probably would never have wanted to if she had not shown us how lovely the results can be.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

    Love Helen xxx

  15. Good morning Sue and "thank you for everything" Congratulations to all who were lucky enough to win a Die in Sue's generous "give away" have fun using them.
    SUE:- your card design is stunning,. Not my colours but certainly a design I love and would use.
    Have a great weekend
    Patricia xxx

  16. Lovely card Sue. Congratulations to all who won including Jaquie today x

  17. Hi Sue what a striking card I think the New York background is so dramatic and your colours make everything so vibrant...wow
    Luv Rach :)

  18. Morning Sue, a fantastic card it dies look red on my IPad and gorgeous. Congratulations to all the lucky winners of the dies.
    Nancyd xx

  19. A very dramatic look for today's card, Sue! I love it. Jo xx

  20. Good morning Sue
    I love both versions but I'll have imagine the colours you've used because on my screen it's Black, Red and White. It would be great for the men in our lives but in different colours it would be fabulous as a ' girlie' card. I love how you've changed the shapes of each die I've learned so much from you Thank You!
    Congratulations Jacquie enjoy your prize.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  21. First of all Congratulations to all the Very Lucky Winners ! ( especially the person who won the Canadian background, I've been trying to buy it from JS and it's sold out , again , so I'm on her waiting list for it)
    I like the second of today's cards best, the first one is a bit busy for me ,but maybe in softer tones would suit me better.
    Congratulations to Jacqui on winning the Wednesday card, enjoy!
    Love and hugs to all xo

  22. Hi Sue and all that drop by today. Many congrats to all new die winners ( I did leave my best wishes on the announcement post yesterday) and congrats to Jacqui for winning the Wednesday card giveaway, I won that fabulous card during Sue's pick of the day and believe you me you will LOVE it, every line and cut is precision perfect and the shade of purple is beautiful, so beautiful I just HAD to own my own supply. So enjoy it.

    I have to say that this sample today really stands out and yes I agree its not to OTT to be a man card. It never fails to amaze me how every single die inter-reacts with all the other dies, all I need to do is remember that ! Im not at all imaginative so find it hard to actually see in my minds eye what goes with what. I remember sometime last year one of our sister Wilsonettes mentioned she cuts her dies on scrap paper and puts them in a folder to help her see what will go well with what and how to layer them up to get the best results from your dies, I also remember saying it was a fab idea... Maybe its time to actually do that myself so I can sit and play with the precut dies and put various collections together, sounds fun too : ) I hope its not too long before JS re-stocks her shelf as there are a couple of the new dies id love to have, but so happy for you Sue that they are selling out fast as that means they are another sucess (as we all knew they would be).
    Hope everyone has a decent day and those friends that are not so well feel better soon.
    Love to all.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  23. Hi Sue,
    I really like this! Even though there is a lot of black, I think it works very well with the red. I must admit that the taupe actually looks white on my iPad but that colour combination is good for me! Congratulations to Jacqui on winning the card. - enjoy it
    Well my lovely aunt finally lost her battle late last night and she is now at peace thankfully.
    Love and hugs to everyone, Alison xxx

  24. Good morning Sue. What a treat, two designs and both very eye catching (the colours come across as red, black and white on my tablet). A very clever way of changing the shape of the background die and I agree that both cards would be suitable for the men in our lives. Must remember this one-thank you! X

  25. Good morning Sue, Happy Mothers Day (USA). What a fab card I love the colours so bold. Congrats to Jacqui
    Have a great weekend!!! Loopy Lynda xxx

  26. Morning Sue
    These cards are striking. I think that's all my men's cards taken care of for the rest of the year!!
    You're so clever Sue.
    Crafty hugs

  27. Really striking card. Great design.

  28. Hi Sue. A two-fer for us to enjoy today. I love both and agree that they are "male friendly" cards : ) The more I see the New York background the more I love it, it is so versatile. I am still struggling with which to order first but think this one is a certainty : )
    Have a good weekend.
    Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care xx

  29. What a beautiful striking card Sue am loving these dies. Thanks for sharing hugs xxx

  30. Hi Sue,
    Very striking cards today. Love how you cut into your dies and make a completely different look.
    I was one of the lucky die winners and would like to congratulate all the other lucky die winners. Couldn't believe it when I saw my name.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  31. Hi Sue,

    Love both versions and how versatile are the New Yorkers, you can use them as they come or cut them up and they still look fabulous...

    Congrats to all the die winners, happy crafting!...


  32. Good morning Sue today's card is fantastic I love the dies and the colours you have used. As you say a great masculine card. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

  33. Hi Sue and all.
    I prefer the second card today. It really shows off the intricacy of the dies. Both gorgeous though as usual.
    Sorry about your Aunty Alison. God bless. RIP.
    Big hug
    Julie E
    Ps congrats to Jaquie.

  34. Two stunning cards,have to imagine taupe as they look black,red and white on my screen.
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners of dies and cards.

  35. Hi Sue - two brilliant cards today, we are being so spoiled! Love both of them and can imagine them in various colours and great for men. I do love the way you make squares out of rectangles and just wish I had a fraction of your imagination. The New York collection has been one of my favourites and I'm now in a dilemma as to which of your new ones to buy - think I will have to just go down the list!!! Many congratulations to all the lucky winners yesterday and also to Jacqui for winning Sue's beautiful card. Have a good weekend, best wishes

  36. I love the colours on this card, Sue. I know what you mean about photographing red and black. I recently made a piece of lace in red & black and it is almost impossible to get a decent photo of it.

    Anne (Northampton)

  37. Hi Sue, Both cards are lovely I wish I could make cards like you do, they never seem to come out right. Oh well must practise more.
    Have a great weekend
    Maggie in Solihull

  38. Morning Sue,
    I like the design of this card it's beautiful, but I think I would do it in different colours.
    Congratulation to all the winners.
    Gail Cx

  39. Hello Sue, this is a winning colour combo for me, and 2 lovely cards, really showing how versatile the dies are and how well they work together. Congrats to all the lucky winners of the dies and to Jacqui for winning the card giveaway. Have a great day. Bx

  40. Hi Sue,
    I like this card but would prefer different colours.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Alison - sincere sympathy on the loss of your dear aunt

    Pat xxx

  41. Really pretty card, nice and bright too!

  42. Hi Sue,
    Two stunning cards and I really like the red,taupe and black. I can imagine that you can use different colours to change the look. I don't have any of the New York dies yet but think some of them need to go on my wish list.
    Thanks for the inspiration and well done to all of the winners.

  43. Deb E Isle of Wight9 May 2015 at 08:05

    The classic colour combo of Black, Red and White using my favourite dies of all the New York Collection. What a way to start the weekend. Had my new dies arrive yesterday and can't wait to start crafting with them, so congrats to all the winners and enjoy!!

  44. Morning Sue, Another of my favourite die sets. Great for man cards, I love the colour combo.

    My condolences Alison, your Aunt is at peace now.

    Congratulations to all yesterday's winners, not envious, no not one little bit - well maybe a bit. I know you will all be thrilled with your new dies.

    Love a Rosemarie xx

  45. Ecco of Sheffield9 May 2015 at 08:08

    Morning Sue
    We are back to rain, wind and cold this morning. What is happening to the Weather Gods this year. Are they still in their winter sleep. If so I wish they'd wake up lol.

    Sue what a fantastic card for those pesky males in our lives. I love love the format of both gifts and I know of one male who would absolutely love your colour palette for today. I'm so pleased your haven't asked for a favourite of the two as for me that would be impossible.

    Given how it is outside this morning I would love to stay in and craft but it's our Saturday to meet our Niece and her two little ones so UJ had better prepare himself for a couple of hours of a 8 and 6 year old. No doubt he'll be in R&R mode this afternoon.

    Congratulations to all the very lucky winners. I hope that most of your will stay with us on this No.1 Blog in the craft world. It doesn't take long to leave a little comment and support Sue 52wks a year and not only 2/3weeks.

    To all in pain and suffering today I hope your day gets better. To everyone please take care and stay safe. See you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  46. Gorgeous card this morning, striking colours

  47. Two stunning cards today-both equally lovely.

    Congrats to all the winners.


  48. Lovely card to start the weekend.nice colour combo

  49. Stunning, I love it. Would be great for almost anyone. Congratulations to all the winners x

  50. Good morning Sue, A great card in a lovely colour combination! Congratulations to all the lucky winners .Have a nice weekend.Take care Jane B.

  51. Hi Sue, wow, what a corker!! really striking... Congratulations to Jacqui on the card win. Hugs, Karen x

  52. Morning Sue, two fabulous cards, love them both but I think the second one just has the edge for me. Love Jean xxx

  53. Hi Sue & Friends, both of these cards are lovely, and thats from someone who doesn't like black, will have to have try using black.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  54. Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes. Firstly I would like to send my sincere condolences to you Alison on the loss of your dear Aunty, I'm sure we all send you hugs to show our support and to help you through a difficult time x x x I lost my Aunty Patricia who lived in Leeds before Christmas, it is not easy but just give yourself time and happier memories will return more and more to your thoughts.
    Congratulations Jacqui on winning Sue's Wednesday Giveaway, you are sooooo lucky, I don't do jealousy but is a little tiny fraction of envy ok...lol...I'm sure you'll enjoy your wonderful Sue gift.

    Finally I would like to Thank you Sue for the 2 stunning creations you have posted for us today,the colours are fabulous. I can see this design in a dark blue and cream or black and cream, for male, and purple and cream for female...hark at me ...lol. My husbands birthday is on 23rd May but my mojo had hibernated...but now thanks to you Sue it was immediately awakened when I saw your stunning creations today, especially as I have the dies needed. Anyways, take care to Sue and all Wilsonettes and whishing you a peaceful weekend...Happy Mothers Day to your youthful Mum Sue x x x Love Beth B

  55. Morning Sue
    Lovely bright card for the weekend
    Congratulations to the winners
    Carol x

  56. What a striking colour combo, fab card. Have a great weekend x

  57. Very smart card! I love the way you've used the Union die. I have that one, so must try nipping it like that.

  58. Fantastic card Sue, eye catching , love the New York dies!
    Have a great weekend, congrats to all the winners,

  59. Morning Sue,
    Two stunners love the designs. Well done to Jacqui.
    Have a great day with your mum on Mothers day.

  60. Hello Sue
    Congrats to the winners!
    You are so lucky enjoy your Dies!
    I can't find 2 cards the comments mention I only have one ?
    Love the Red and I think it will look nice with Taupe!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  61. Good morning Sue like how you have made one centrepiece and then expanded it to make the larger card which is a good idea to keep mind love from Jackie xx

  62. what a fab colour combination showing these dies off to perfection

  63. Hello Sue
    Looked again and yes now I can see two cards lol!
    Love Marg

  64. Very vibrant striking card today Sue.
    It's been hard to choose which of your new dies to get first but the finishing touches always get more than one look before decision time. Guess what?
    Yes, the Paeonies, Maidenhead Fern and Dandelion clocks won hands down. They are so delicate and I've already made and sent my first card from them.
    Rather a dull downcast start to this morning, let's hope it brightens up later.
    Congratulations to all the winners of the blog draw and the Wednesday giveaway. Lovely to see so many familiar names amongst the winners.
    Keep posting ladies so Sue remains in Number 1 spot.
    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxx

  65. Hi Sue, I love the card and the dies. love Jean Z xxx

  66. The card is stunning sue love it thank you jone horrocks xxxxxx

  67. Beautiful Sue ,
    Congrats to Jacqui,
    Elaine H X

  68. Really striking look today. I love the dramatic feel to this card.
    Janice W

  69. Hi Sue
    Firstly congratulations to all the winners, enjoy your dies.
    Beautiful card Sue and a great choice of colours.

  70. Another gorgeous card love the colours sue . I have got a lot of the new dies now as my local craft shop has just got them in. I went mad and bought quite a few couldn't make mind up. I am loving the just a note so cute. The daisy background is gorgeous as well. Well actually they all are. Just love them glad it's raining today can stay in and play xx love yvonne bennett xx

  71. Beautiful card Sue love the colours xx hazel

  72. A great card Sue. Very striking. Thank you.Xx

  73. Morning Sue,
    Two beautiful cards today love the colours too.
    Congratulations to all the die winners and to Wednesday Card Give Away' enjoy your prizes and many thanks to Sue for being so kind.
    Hugs to all that need them.

    Love Sheila xx

  74. Hi Sue, love this card, very masculine colours. X Ros

  75. Gorgeous card combo Sue, and it looks stunning. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  76. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Love the drama of red and black on a card so this is terrific.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  77. Morning Sue
    Love your card today. It has gave me an idea as I need to make a mans card. I love that when I'm stuck on card ideas' that I can look to your cards for inspiration.
    Joan from Newcastle x

  78. Morning sue what a beautiful card I love the way you have used the dies. And the colours are gorgeous and the design is wonderful.

    Take care sue
    Debs A xxx

  79. Lovely card Sue, I have a few of the New York Collection and love them, thank you, Linda x

  80. Hi Sue.
    I love the card but the colours are not for me. It would look just as good using different colours.
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    Evis M.

  81. Hi Sue. The more I see of your new dies the more I like them. Went out and bought your Classic foldover flowers, Canadian background and Lattice arched adornment yesterday. Can't wait to play today. SueL x

  82. Two lovely cards, and as you said, both very useful for men. :) My brother's birthday is coming up soon Sue, think you have just saved me a lot of thinking and worrying time!

    Paula x

  83. Hi Sue, a lovely card. Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Looks very elegant in the taupe, red and black. Congratulation to the lucky card winner and all the very lucky winners of your fab new dies. May be one day I will be as lucky.

  86. Great card for the men in our lives but this card would look great in girlie colours too.

  87. Very striking cards today. I think I prefer the second one with the plainer background as it makes the topper with your lovely dies just pop so much more. Congrats to all the winners of your lovely dies. Annie xxx

  88. Hello Sue

    Love, love, love these cards. My favourite collection.

    On my tablet they look black, red and coconut white!

    Reading this blog I can't picture how you have achieved the square shapes so I will have to go and practise.


  89. Morning Sue, Beautiful cards, love my New York dies they are very useful. Thank-you once again for your generosity and picking me as a winner!
    I am delighted! I am addicted to your dies and buy at least one every week, going to need a bigger craft room!
    Congratulations to all the other winners and Wednesdays card winner too!
    Thanks for sharing all your ideas and inspiration! love Junex (Cumbria)

  90. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Gorgeous cards, like the colour scheme.it looks white,red and black on my netbook but can see it in loads of different colours.

    Once again congrats to all the winners for a die, glad to see some original names in there.
    congratulations also to the Wednesday winner !
    Alison -so sorry about your Auntie, she is now at peace.Hugs!

    Have a good day as you can all Wisonette's and take care,

    Hugs Maria x

  91. Stunning colour choices and the dies are certainly perfect for a guy card Sue.

  92. Great colour combination, always a winner for me. Love it!

  93. Hi Sue
    stunning card,love the dies that have been used.
    crafty hugs
    Helen Terry

  94. Love these card Both equally stunning I love black & red I have a few NY dies Need to get the rest I'm a little confused how you achieved the background So a video would be handy
    Congrats to today's winner
    Hope you received my email yesterday I'm not very techy so am always uncertain whether it's worked or not

  95. Morning Sue another great card and so nice to have a card for a man. Would love some more male type cards. Waiting for my new dies to arrive.

  96. Hi Sue

    Lovely card today.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  97. Hi Sue
    Love this card have these dies must try this one.
    Ginnie x

  98. Hello Sue and all

    Lovely card. I know it was not intended but I love the Cerise colour, lol. I like the effects you have with the splicing of the New York background and the Union die. The smaller card is great too. Thanks for sharing.

    Many Congratulations to Jacqui.

    Best wishes

  99. Hi Sue what a lovely card combination today, love the New York dies and the colour combination is great too. Thank you so much for sharing these ideas with us. Congratulations to all the die winners and to Jacquie for winning the card.
    Happy Mother's Day to your mum Sue.
    Love Diane G xxxx
    Alison so sorry to hear your Auntie has passed away but she is at peace now after her long battle. Sending you a big hug my love xxxx
    Jackie T happy birthday :) xxx

  100. Hi Sue, stunning card colours are gorgeous.
    Hugs Theresa x

  101. Hi Sue, loving the colours of today's card.I will have another look later, as we are just setting off to Cornwall to fetch my Mum (93)for a two week break in Oxfordshire..x

  102. Hi Sue and all our lovely crafting community. It's been great to read all the good wishes from those who didin't win a die but we are all winners every day opening up Sue's blog and seeing what prize awaits us. It's like unwrapping a gift every day!
    Sue this card is so dramatic and you're right, great idea for men's cards. I'm still trying to work out how you did the background though.
    Just dropped my younger son & his mates off at a paintballing day for his birthday, with the older one at work there's peace in the house and space for crafting - lovely.
    Blessings all - Deb C xx

  103. Alison, I commented first and read later, so sorry to hear about your Aunty. God rest her soul and my sincere condolences to you and your family - Deb C xx

  104. What a dramatic colour combination, love the card

  105. Hi Sue,
    Love the red and black colour combo here. Thank you for showing both cards in their different sizes, shows to great effect the different looks you can get with the same die sets. Brilliant.
    Beverley W

  106. Hi Sue - the card looks black, white and shocking pink to me, but it's still a stunning card! Thanks, Susan x

  107. Lovely card Sue, the colours are lovely
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  108. Hi Sue, I love the way you nip an tuc the dies to fit how you want them to. Lovely card not my colour mix but can see how lovely it would be in any colour, an the New York die collection is a firm favourite. Congratulations to all the lucky winners. Take Care Melody xxxXxxx

  109. Great card - perfect for a man too, which are always so difficult to design.

  110. Hello Sue, and all the ladies.
    This is beautiful and I have to say that I have the New York dies and they are so adaptable and gorgeous.
    Alimecca, so sorry to read about your aunt, May she rest in peace.
    Congratulations Jacqui
    Love to all, Maureen xx

  111. Theresa says
    Hello sue and wilsonettes
    Very dramatic and striking card today sue x I love the colours you have used even though it does show up like the blush cardstock x
    Theresa w xxx

  112. I love the New York collection, I love all the New York squares and use them a lot. Love both of these cards and they are suitable for men!! Love to everyone Sarah

  113. Fab card - not my favourite colour combo but that may be because it is the colours of an opposing football team!! but can be done in any colour combo to suit so not a problem - congrats to all the lucky winners of your superb dies xx GailT xx

  114. Very striking today sue .. xx

  115. Hello Sue,

    Fabulous card, love the colour combo.

    Congratulations to Jacqui and all hose who won dies yesterday, sorry, can you believe I forgot to look lol!!!

    Have a great weekend

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  116. Lovely card Sue, ideal for male or female. Sorry haven't commented for a few days, have been busy at work (work in a hospice) and things have been hectic. Your blog each day helps to keep me sane, lol !!



  117. Hi Sue
    Two beautiful cards. The first one would indeed make a great male card.
    Take care
    Hazel G XX

  118. Lovely card. I do like the red and black together with those dies.

  119. Both cards are lovely, but I think the second one just trumps it for me.

  120. Good afternoon Sue and the Wilsonettes,
    Sue, this is a gorgeous striking card and never mind them awkward ones, it is a beautiful card that i think anyone would be so happy to receive. I see black , red and white Sue on my screen so i will take your work for the taupe colour. Now we all know i not such a great black on card fan but this card definitely shows its beauty up in the black detail. Thank you Sue for such a stunning work of art to brighten up our day with and i am glad that you received all the comments that you did during the launch of your dies but i am sad that they can find that 2 minutes to try and win something from you but can't after they find out that they are not a winner and comment again when you next have beautiful prizes up for the taking. Come on all of you people that entered to try and win, Sue has a heart as big as the world and deserves that minute or two of support each day when showing off the spectacular results that her genius brain has designed. I wish truly all the winners so much joy with there new prize both new followers and old you are all Wilsonettes. The joy that Sue's site gives each day with her mini masterpieces (as that is what they are) is unmeasurable and lifts sometimes the darkest of days, so thank you Sue for being such a wonderful online friend to us all.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  121. Love red, white and black!

  122. Hi Sue,

    Another beautiful card to admire and try at some time. Really good choice for the guy in your life. I always get stuck about male cards, thanks for the good idea.

    I love the way how you chop one design and make another beautiful shape.

    Thanks for all your tips. Congratulations to Jacqui also.

    Thanks for everyone's congrats for other winners, and I'm most delighted to say that I am one of the lucky winners from the Spring Launch. Thank you.

    Dorothy Macdonald...... have a lovely craft weekend. xx

  123. Great lokking card...layout is really nice...
    Well done Sue

  124. Striking card today Sue, it's fabulous.

    Craftihappiness to everyone and lots of love from Macky.

  125. Hello Sue,
    Love both of these cards, they certainly stand out in these striking colours. I can think of a few men who would love either of these. YES this card gets the thumbs up from me.

    Congratulations Jacqi on winning the Wednesday give away card. Enjoy.

    Sending my best wishes to everyone for a lovely weekend
    Whatever you are doing. Love Brenda xxx

  126. Congratulations Jacqui!! Enjoy the beautiful card!!
    LOVE today's make also! Great color combination! TFS!

  127. Hi Sue,
    What a stunning card today ! Beautiful ! I agree it would be a good card for a man. I love my Union Square Die.
    I also love my new Monarch Butterfly and Dandelion Clocks - they make lovely flower centres but I'm guessing you already know that!
    Alison - so sorry to hear about your Auntie. Her fight is now over and you can take comfort from the fact that you did what you could to help her. Sending hugs. You are in my thoughts and prayer. Xx
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx
    PS. Congratulations to today's winners and all yesterday's winners too. Enjoy!

  128. Good afternoon Sue. Another stunning card, which can be adapted for male or female. Hazel x

  129. Lovely and very striking colours

  130. Lovely and very striking colours

  131. Hi Sue
    Stunning card, in both sizes, and I love all the New York collection of dies, wish I could afford the complete set but I only have the Times and the Herald squares
    Congratulations again to all the winners of your new dies and to Jacqui on winning the Wednesday card
    Alison, my deepest sympathy on the death of your dear auntie, keeping you in my thoughts
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  132. Beautiful card! I pinned ! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765608045742/

  133. Lovely Card Sue!

    I love the colour theme you have gone with and the dies you've used are gorgeous.

    Congrats to Jacqui for winning the Wednesday Card Giveaway!

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  134. None of them Sue? Wow, I would have been there like a shot. How strange. I got my four dies from Joanne yesterday, (one I couldnt resist was the dandelion. I already have a Dandelion die, but yours had a great middle which would work for stamens for any other flower.

    Happy US Mother's day to you too.

  135. I love the New York set of dies and this card is great


  136. Love both these cards Sue. As others have said would make good male cards. Need to do two for next week.
    Congratulations to Jacquie and winning the Wednesday card.

  137. Double delight today - love both of your cards Sue. Pat x

  138. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Gorgeous card Sue. I can imagine the pop of red and can see how ideal it is for a man's card. Beautiful xx Love Karen xx

  139. Ps congratulations Jaquie on the Wednesday card giveaway! xx Love Karen xx

  140. Thinking of you Alison in your sad loss xx

  141. Gorgeous card. Love the colours used.

  142. alimecca - Alison - so sorry to hear that you have lost your dear Aunt. May you have peace of mind and comfort in knowing that you did all you could to help and support her, and there was great love between you. Lots of happy times to remember.

    'P' in Wales

  143. Hi Sue,
    The use of the dies is great but not a fan of the colourway today.

    Alison, so sorry to hear about your auntie. Sending you a special hug today.

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners in the draws.

    Love and hugs.


  144. Congratulations to all the winners
    I am in favour of the smaller card today. Could see that one in many different colour combinations.
    Karen xx

  145. Hi Sue, A lovely card.
    Congratulations to all the lucky Winners.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  146. A very 'seductive' card. Stunning as always. Love, Ivy xx

  147. Love the colour combination Sue it makes for a striking card. Have a great weekend Edwina

  148. Great colours, very striking :)

  149. Hi Sue
    Another lovely card today. I have these dies, but would use different colours.

  150. Hi Sue, two very striking cards and yes, I would agree that they would be good for those pesky man cards. I don't have any of the New York dies but will take inspiration from the layout, thank you.

    Congratulations Jacqui on being the Wednesday winner you lucky thing :-)

    Alison, I am so sorry for your loss of your dear auntie. Thoughts and prayers winging their way to you and your family.

  151. Hi Sue
    Bold and beautiful.
    Zena. X

  152. Hi Sue, Love the striking colours on this card it looks great. Bye for now. Susan Dunn.

  153. Absolutely stunning colours today Sue. xx

  154. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes
    Wow wow Sue I love today's cards the colour combo is lovely I particularly like the second version but both are gorgeous cards.
    Love Lynda Brock xx

    Congratulations to Jacqui on winning Wednesday card

    Big Hug's to all my friends love Lynda xx

  155. Suzzette Yandle9 May 2015 at 20:09

    Stunning cards. I think I like the second color combination better. I'm always looking for that masculine card. They are more challenging for me.

  156. I love the red and black you have used as it really highlights all the beautiful details on the dies.
    Absolutely gorgeous.

  157. Great card Sue and you are right it could be a smashing mens card, the smaller version is good too, hugs to all Johanna, I don't believe i am being asked to select soup to prove i am not a robot

  158. PS sorry i didn't congratulate Jacqui on the wednesday giveaway, Johanna

  159. it's good you mentioned the colours as at first glance i thought omg it's fuchsia! it still looks nice but not the colour combo for me.
    thinking about it in dark red, black and kraft card might make it more masculine but to me it looks very feminine as the dies are quite intricate but it is an elegant card, hugs xx

  160. Really great look. Would never know you had put the pieces back together. so cleverly done. Congrats Jaqui!

  161. WOW red and black is my kind of cards. absolutely gorgeous.
    Wendy xx

  162. Good evening Sue,
    Both versions are lovely but, I think the second version is my favourite, however, the union die always does it for me. It is one of my absolute go to dies. Love how you have snipped it to make it even more versatile.

    Congratulations to Jacqui on winning a beautiful card.

    Alison, my thoughts and prayers are with you. It has been a long battle for your Aunt and you have been beside her every step of the way, so be proud of yourself for being there for her and may she now rest in peace.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxx

  163. Hi Sue,
    Great men's cards. Love all the layers.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Veronique L

  164. This is a stunning card. Really like it. I wouldnt have thought of a man though. Way too pretty. Saying that my be in taupe but I was thinking it was white.
    I must be tired lol.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  165. This is a stunning card. Really like it. I wouldnt have thought of a man though. Way too pretty. Saying that my be in taupe but I was thinking it was white.
    I must be tired lol.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  166. Hi Sue,

    Great mans card.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  167. Lovely card Sue!
    The new dies are gorgeous.
    Congratulations to all the die winners.

  168. a great card , love it ,Laura O

  169. Lovely design. I'm seeing these cards in different colours.
    Congratulations to Jacqui.

    Alimecca, so sorry to hear the sad news of your aunt. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  170. Hi Sue
    Was just wondering what shade of pink you had used when I discovered it was red. This just happens to be one of my favourite combinations of colours, red, white and a touch of black. Beautiful card.
    Congratulations to all winners. x

  171. Missed you yesterday, but your card is gorgeous. Love the vibrancy of the colours you have used.

  172. Hi Sue and everyone
    What a stunningly striking and beautiful card you have provided for us to drool over
    It is gorgeous Sue
    Congratulations to all the winners in the comments and to those who won in the did launch. I'm not jealous Much
    Have a good one
    Theresa G x

  173. Hi Sue,
    another superbly designed creation today.
    Wonderful colours used, and such a very pretty card.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  174. Love this card. I was very taken by how real the flower looks. It is the first time I have seen them. The whole card is so engaging. Thank you again.

  175. Hi Sue
    Beautiful cards & love both versions.
    Stunning & very striking colours which would be suitable for many different occasions & all age groups.

    Beautiful as always..

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze T xx

  176. Both cards are absolutely stunning Sue. I like the fact you have shown an equally stunning card but smaller.
