
Wednesday 29 April 2015


Hello crafters!  Also within the Configurations range are the edgers.  These are beautifully detailed edge dies with a 45 degree angle end.  There is a matching corner within the set that allows you to create so many different designs.  Again, a few examples have been included on the packaging but I know you will find so many more ways in which to use these (I know I have!)  Shown here is the Elegant Laced Edger die as a pretty edging around my centre focal element.  A comment left on this post will ensure you are included in the drawing for either of these die sets.  Join me back here at 4pm for the final post for today showcasing the new striplet dies.

One quick mention though, if you use just your first name when commenting, can you add something that defines you a bit more during the launch, a surname initial or funny alias will work just fine.  I only have one set of dies to giveaway and there are people with the same names many times during these launches.  I would hate anyone to be disappointed.  Also, if you use the "anonymous" title to post a comment, please be sure to add your name to the bottom as I will not know who it is from either!
All for now, Sue x


  1. Hi Sue
    I am enjoying this, because you always come up with dies that are a little bit different, and I like the way we can do something original with them
    Pat x

  2. Love your new die set! So many ways to use them!
    Sue, you're a genius and a fantastic artist!

  3. Hi Sue, this card is sooo pretty and the dies are just gorgeous! You are a very clever lady and a real gem to share your creativity with us! Hugs, Karen x

  4. wow Sue !!! I've been waiting here watching the clock tick round to 12 noon ,but well worth the wait ,another set of beautiful dies

  5. Beautiful card.
    I am sitting on top of my lap top so I can see the cards as soon as they are posted.
    Raining outside but with Sue's blog who cares

  6. Wow Sue absolutely stunning ....they are just the icing on the cake...!
    You are in a class of your own. ...nobody comes close....you are the queen of dies
    Luv Rach :)

  7. Hi Sue,
    Another set of beautiful dies. I love them all so far.
    Evis M.

  8. Can't wait to receive mine. Thanks Sue for bringing us such beautiful dies at affordable prices.

    Claire Rhodes-Brandon (UK)

  9. Such a stunning card, I can't wait to get the ones I have already ordered
    Julie x

  10. Hi again Sue, another very very pretty die, I think this would be so useful and with so many different combinations, a must have for any crafter

  11. I can see lots of uses for these. Your card is stunning!

  12. Hi Sue

    Here we go again yet more beautiful dies. I can't wait for the rest.
    Stunning card.

    June x

  13. Hi Sue, the dies are absolutely fabulous and they are so versatile.

  14. Another 'WOW', Sue!! Such beautiful dies, and so versatile! Jo x

  15. Hello Sue, Another beautiful set love this card and dies! Thanks for sharing!
    love Junex (Cumbria)

  16. Hi Sue, I love this card, all details too. What I would like to know is the name of the die with the small daisy cube as on this card. I have some birthday money to spend ...all your cards are lovely but I do love love this one.

    Nice day to craft here in Hertfordshire, as we are having April showers......Hugs to all

    Dorothy (craftymac1)

  17. Hi Sue
    I don't remember seeing these dies.....although i probably have.....they are just so pretty!!!

  18. Hi Sue

    Just lovely. More fantastic dainty elegant dies. Well done. Love them.

    Helen xxx

  19. Oh!! my these dies are amazing - stunned by how beautiful and intricate they are. Fingers crossed. Regards Marie

  20. Just love the lace dies they are so pretty and will have umteen uses. Your dies are always fantastic Sue, the designs just get better and better. Eridony.

  21. Back for the 2nd preview and definitely not disappointed. Lovely card.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  22. Being off work sick as it's advantages after all seeing all your beautiful cards and new dies. It makes feeling rough worth while. Keep them coming please.
    Julie tattersall

  23. Oooh lovely! So glad it's my day off today. Sue these dies are gorgeous and this card is very soft and pretty, Loving the Canadian dies too!
    Blessings - Deb C xx

  24. Your new dies are amazing, great new ways to create.

  25. Sorry, forgot to mention
    Dorothy, the daisy cube die is the Canadian background, hope you see this & it helps , blessings - Deb C xx

  26. Lovely sue just lovely, anything that as that lace affect as got to be a winner. Take care Melody xxxXxxx

  27. Sue - elegant, creative and beautiful - that describes your dies and your creations. Love following your work. Many thanks from a Canadian cardmaker.

  28. Hi Sue, yes me back again, now I was wondering how you were going to use this new die, and I am amazed, it is wonderful, another one I would love to win.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  29. Beautiful Sue nothing else to say

  30. I love the look of the new configuration dies, hoping to see more of what I can do with them, please xx


  31. Hi Sue
    More lovely new dies and a beautiful card.
    Happy crafting looking forward to the next ones
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina G x x x x

  32. Hi Sue

    Love this second offering, lovely card and dies.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee Bee

  33. Hi Sue, more fantastic dies, as I said in my last comment earlier I've got to get all of these, think I'm going to have to change my profile name from crossstitchmarg to crazyforsuewilsonsdies lol.

    I don't know where you get all your ideas from but you sure are making me feel happy

    Maggie in Solihull

  34. Hi Sue
    More lovely new dies and a beautiful card.
    Happy crafting looking forward to the next ones
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina G x x x x

  35. Sue, love these dies they wil be so versatile, will be back at four. This card is stunning.
    Jess x

  36. Hi Sue,
    I was going to type simply gorgeous! Simply not the right word! Gorgeous is just fine!
    Beautiful card!
    I'll go back to being Myra P , shallI ?
    Myra P xxx

  37. Rose in Chester29 April 2015 at 12:22

    Hi Sue,
    WOW, it's another stunning die - the elegant lace edger is a must-have!
    And of course, as ever - a BEAUTIFUL card.
    Hugs, Rose (in Chester)

  38. Beautiful dies Sue where do you get all your ideas? a very talented lady. Keep up the good work and beautiful cards as always.

  39. Hello again Sue,
    What useful dies these will be.
    Maureen xx

  40. Hi Sue, just fab fab fab can't wait for the next lot. Loopy Lynda xxx

  41. Hi again Sue, absolutely stunning, again you have surpassed yourself, you must be one very proud lady.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  42. Hi Sue,

    Another wonderful card. It's difficult to decide which die to buy, I would love to buy them all but funds not permitting.

    Sue W

  43. beautiful dies again... Sue
    You always need corners to complete a card...
    Rolf xxx

  44. Beautiful cards Sue and your new dies are brilliant.
    Just the things for putting that finishing touch to our cards
    I do prefer the second card although the first one is very pretty.

    Love and hugs to everyone.
    Meg (widow-twanky)

  45. Hi Sue

    I am running out of comments as I want to say the same thing all over again. So here we go Stunning. Love it, want one and Wow. Hugs Sue H Forgetmeknot

  46. Both equally lovely and with versatility built-in as standard!...lol

    Forgot to say this morning, congrats on your return to No. 1 blog...well-deserved as we all know


  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hi Sue, what an elegant edger just gorgeous! And off course the card is as usual beautiful! Will be back at 4 pm
    Cheerio.Jane B.

  49. Hi Sue

    I think WOW is going to be the most used word this week.
    Just wonderful.

  50. I am loving all the new products coming out and love even more the creative ideas/uses you show us for them! Mary Ann C.

  51. Hi Sue, I managed to get here again to see this gorgeous card. The dies are so unusual but totally brilliant. The Canadian background is top of my wish list!

  52. Another brilliant multi use die, these are so pretty

  53. So clever Sue, you think of just everything - pretty card :)
    Angela (UK)

  54. Just stunning Sue. I love these dies and as soon as bank balance rwcobers from 5 bundles bought on C&C im sure these will bw my next purchase. Wondering though will you be bringing out your own die storage A4 case to put these dies in. I have tattered lace folder too small for your dies and tonic folders but love a folder created by you with your styling.xx

  55. WOW what fab collections today. I love the ideas of how to use. Well done Sue, pat yourself on the back. Looking forward to next release! See you later.

  56. Another breathtaking Wow!!
    Thanks for sharing can't wait to get my order in!!
    Have a good afternoon everyone


  57. I just love coming to your blog sue it's always a treat to see your creations. This lot of dies are very pretty and delicate I'm sure there's loads of ways to use them. I wish you great success with the launch. Hugs, Theresa x

  58. Hello Sue and all

    Beautiful,even more to add to the wish list. As you say the ways to use these dies will be endless. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes.

  59. Afternoon Sue, more beautiful dies. Just seeing the dies does not do them justice, you need to see them used like you do to really appreciate how much use you could get out of them! Love this collection! Roll on 4pm! Love Jean xxx

  60. I always love your cards, however I'm running out of storage room!

  61. Oh My Goodness. What a beautiful card, Sue! All the elements are just so pretty. I have a feeling that each new post is going to blow us away when we see what you've come up with. You are a star, young Sue. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

  62. Great card. I am sure this die will be very useful as it can be used in so many different ways.

  63. Sue I love the new dies! Gorgeous and so is the card! I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance.

  64. Such a beautiful card - I have the Canadian background on order, so pleased I ordered it now, it looks amazing.

    Your talents are endless, thank you so much for sharing with us.

  65. love this set, really versitile
    card is really beautiful

  66. Another clever set to allow lots of variations looking forward to 4pm Striplets are my favouries along with Gemini and borders and ....

  67. Hi Sue, another gorgeous card. Your new dies are as intricate and detailed as your previous dies.

  68. Lovely Sue these will be a big hit I feel
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  69. Hi Sue. Oh WOW !! This card is equally as gorgeous as the first one !! I definately need to collect every single one of these Configuration Dies !! The creative possibilities are endless !! You are so clever !! I would love to have the chance to win any of your dies as yet again, they are all so gorgeous Sue !! Thank you. I will be back at 4pm. I can't wait to see another beautiful creation. Congratulations at being back to the number one blog spot Sue !! Lots of love from Tres x x x

  70. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! I'm going to have to budget myself because I want ALL OF YOUR DIES!!! You are incredible! Thank you for all of your unselfish work and time to give us so much joy in using your masterpieces!!!

  71. GA Sue. These config dies look very interesting indeed. Will be interested in your demos with these. Cold and wet here today! Laters....

  72. Hi Sue, This is a gorgeous, beautiful card. I love the edges that you have created and that background is so pretty. Your blog is so inspirational, thanks for this. All the best Heather Treble.

  73. Hi Sue, Another lovely card, would like to see a video tutorial using these dies. Margaret xxx

  74. Hi Sue
    AMAZING! I knew these would be fabulous and can't wait to receive mine.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  75. Hi Sue,

    These are absolutely amazing, you have inspired me so much lately - thank's so much.
    Helen MacMaster x

  76. Hi sue
    Another stunning set of dies

  77. Hi Sue you are spoiling us, this card is beautiful you and I love these corner dies. Thank you for sharing. Love Diane G xxx

  78. Hi Sue,
    These dies are beautiful and so elegant. Cannot wait to get them.

  79. Beautiful card. Such amazing and versatile dies.

  80. Hi Sue gorgeous card these dies are so useful sets brilliant love love them xx
    Love & hugs Lynda Brock xxx

  81. Hi Sue, you are getting better and better with your designs.
    ElizabethS x

  82. Hi Sue,
    Just love these intregit dies so beautiful and easy to cut. I have become a huge fan of you product's .
    Love Dorothy

  83. Hello

    Love these dies as well.
    This card is even more stunning than the first one.

    Anne Hargreaves

  84. Hi Sue, I just found you (& your AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL creations) recently. I started my collection with the bevelled glass striplet which I will be using this week to make a wedding card. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  85. Another lovely die and a beautiful card Sue you must be so proud,thank you so much for sharing your creations, Linda x

  86. Hi Sue. Love the versatility of these stunning dies - again so many options. A beautiful card too. Hugs xxx

  87. As always love your beautiful card. Blue and w white is a favourite though so I could be biased :)

  88. Really fabulous detailed dies that are so versatile and can be used in conjunction with so many others, where will my collection end?

  89. Myra from Florida says: sue, your dies are always so original. So many ways to use them. Tell your mom happy birthday from all of us!

  90. Another beauty So versatile you have the most wonderful gift both designing and creating beautiful cards

  91. 1This release just gets better and better. I cnnot wait to get my hands on these dies. The card is beautiful, like paper lace.

  92. Hi Sue

    So Lovely and different, I can see some lovely demo's coming on with these dies.

    Congratulations being at the top again, well done you!!

    Big Hugs to all :-)

    Tina XX

  93. Another set of beautiful dies to tempt us with x

  94. Beautiful card stunning dies thank you sue for bringing us such brill dies love always June horrocks xxxxxxx

  95. Hello again Sue,
    These configuration dies are fabulous. I Adore this card and am also loving the other dies you have used on it.
    Day one and I am already in love.

    Saba xxx

  96. Afternoon Sue
    Another beautiful card showing off these fabulous dies. Brilliant idea.
    Karen in Telford x

  97. Wow - these are just beautiful Sue! I love my Martha Stewart round the page punches, but these are so much finer and lacier! Susan x

  98. Just love them already sue so pretty and they look so versatile xx love yvonne bennett xx wow xx

  99. What a pretty card and what lovely dies you have created. Looking forward to 4pm.
    Tooth Fairy Jo.

  100. Hi Sue, I love, love, love, the lacy effect with these dies, truly beautiful.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  101. Ecco of Sheffield29 April 2015 at 13:38

    Afternoon Sue
    You haven't disappointed again. Another set of dies which look as though they will do all the work just like your other dies do.

    See you all at 16.00hrs.
    Janet x

  102. Hi Sue, I love the idea of these very versatile beatifull lacy add on's, even I can see the benefits so I'm sure there are lots uses. Thank you X Ros

  103. Hello Sue
    goodness a lot of comments again!
    Love the Lace Dies
    Look forward to seeing your take on these!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  104. Beautiful card. Stunning dies.

  105. Beautiful card design I salute you and your talent of creating so many stunning cards. And I love these new beautiful dies. hugs Shirleyxx

  106. Looks like another multi use die.
    Janice W

  107. Oh my Sue, these so delicate and look fabulous.
    Simply Stunning Sue.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  108. Gorgeous card, and BEAUTIFUL dies! Your creativity is awesome!!! Donna from OH

  109. Really beautiful Sue. It amazes me how you think of these designs. Really looking forward to seeing more.The card is so nice. Hugs Heather x

  110. Really beautiful Sue. It amazes me how you think of these designs. Really looking forward to seeing more.The card is so nice. Hugs Heather x

  111. Wow Sue these are stunning dies cant wait to get my hands on them. Hugs xx

  112. Love the card. Designs of dyes are great. Love them all so far.

  113. I am a newbie to SW Dies. Saw her demoing at a Show and was hooked from then on. Love the co-ordination within the ranges. Love them, love them....BarbaraJane C

  114. Another stunning set Sue, you really bring the dies to life on your cards, thank you

  115. A lovely card which would suit many occasions. I don't know how you manage to come up with such beautiful designs time and time again. Roll on 4pm. Hugs xx Pauline A

  116. Another set of lovely dies. I'll never be able to save up with so many "must have" die coming out. lol

  117. Just full of gorgeousness....
    Elaine H X

  118. These are so pretty Sue, and you have created a beautiful card!
    Such versatile dies too,

  119. Love this card. I have a feeling we will be spoilt with some gorgeous cards and dies this week. Xx

  120. How useful are these dies going to be, just love them!

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. So delicate, and beautiful , will be hard to choose. .x

  123. Another lovely card, Sue. I've spotted the Canadian Background used here too! 😊 These dies again look lovely, when seen on the card.
    Loving the Die Launches, and looking forward to The new Striplets 😀

    Bye for now,

    Angela in Abu Dhabi Xx 😎

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. Just found a wonderful idea using the intricate dies from Sue Wilson. Place die on top of 4 dryer sheets folded in 4; run through machine; add card stock & die to top of dryer sheets, run through again. Prepared card stock can then easily be lifted from dryer sheets. Plan to try this today.

  126. another gorgeous set.

  127. Another elegant die set. So gorgeous! Thanks for chance to win.

  128. Hi Sue
    Just lovely, love the new designs
    Clare W

  129. Good afternoon flower and i hope that you are enjoying your launch and seeing just the excitement that your beautiful designs cause. These dies could be so useful in so many ways and probably come under the wing of gid gear comes in wee packages. Have you noticed the BIG number 1 at the top of your page saying what we loyal crafty friends knew but it is so nice that some one else a bit higher than us lowly followers have finally agreed with us, so WELL DONE dear Sue as you truely deserve that top position.
    Sorry rambled on, your card is beautiful with the edges sticking out just enough to show pretty a bit like lace on the bottom of a petticoat. Thank you for yet another WOW surprize.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)
    PS i wonder if you would get me mixed up with someone else....on second thoughts probably not as sometimes it is just as well there is only one of me to cause mayhem and discord. ;-D

  130. OOOOO! These are lovely dies!! I can think of lots of ways I would use them! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Really clever use f the die to create square border. Yet again a must have set

  133. Another very versitile set and stunning as well. Hazel x

  134. Lovely dies and a beautiful card. I have started my wish list.

  135. Hi again Sue - am loving these dies and fallen in love with the lace edger effect. You just keep coming up with such amazing ideas - see you at 4pm!

  136. So elegant. These dies look so versatile.

    Donna Golby

  137. A stunning card and such beautiful dies once again :)


  138. Hi Sue,
    My goodness you do know how to spoil us!
    This is another set of incredibly versatile dies, where to start?
    Hopefully you will be showing lots of fabulous examples to get us going!
    Lorna D

  139. Love, Love, Love these new dies - Must have!! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous talent with us!

  140. Theresa says,

    Hi again sue and the lovely wilsonettes x another beautiful card sue x I can see I'm going to be so spoilt for choice with your latest launch x is it 4pm yet ? I cannot wait xxx
    Theresa w x

  141. Love the lacey, elegant look. Putting this on my wishlist :)

  142. Superb, Sue. You make it easy to create beautiful items x

  143. Love the lacey, elegant look. Putting this on my wishlist :)

  144. Hi Sue sorry I am a bit late, This is another brilliant set. Thank you Kitty

  145. Very beautiful Sue, these can be used for so many things x

  146. Hello Sue, yet again I am astounded by the designs you come up with. They are all so beautiful, and I need them all. Love this card in particular. I have had a look around at all the designs, and my oh my, my head is already buzzing. Thank you for coming up with something different. Bx

  147. Hello Sue,
    FIRST I must congratulate you on going onto the number one blog spot. YOU more than anyone deserve to be in that place.

    These Dies are so versatile, Love them. Your showcase card is stunning, the lacey edge looks fabulous,
    Thank for showing this FAB card.

    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

  148. Hi Sue,
    Absolutely beautiful! I love the Configurations dies.
    Looking forward to the striplets at 4pm!
    Veronique L

  149. How clever of you to come up with this idea you always know exactly just what we need to give our projects such a pretty look. Beautiful card, would be perfect as a wedding card. Can't wait to see what's next. Thank you Sue. Anniekk xxx

  150. Hi Sue lovely sets of dies what choices I have of these dies

  151. Hi Sue the lacy look of these edgers will make them a surefire winner will be so useful love from Jackie xx

  152. Hi there happy lady doing the happy dance. Bet your still smiling Sue. Launch day and NO1 BLOG, can it get any better ?
    You deserve ALL this happiness for giving US so much happiness via this wonderful blog, your amazing talant and inspiration, and of course your outstanding die collection. Its so lovely to see so many new names and I hope you will continue to enjoy posting your thoughts on Sue's amazing work after this Spring launch has finished, its lovely to see some familiar names we as Wilsonette friends have missed seeing for so long - welcome back : )
    These dies are so delicate, so useable, so versatile, so needed lol. Congratulations on set two, they will be really popular as will ALL these new dies. I look forward to joining all Particraft Wilsonettes at 4pm. Keep smiling Sue.
    Many hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  153. Hi Sue,

    Oh my, oh my, I really can see the potential in these dies and they are so pretty. You really are one talented lady.
    Beverley W

  154. Stunning stunning card,with these fabulous dies.xxxx Joan ,(pearly petal )xx

  155. Love the new sets Sue, you've done it again - congratulations
    Yvonne B, Plymouth

  156. What a fantastic delicate card. Can't wait to see your next sample.
    Ginnie x

  157. OMW love this Sue. I think I may NEED those dies xx Jan

  158. Ooh you have made me one very happy lady, as these are the dies I have my eye on lol
    This is an absolutely stunning card, mind you all of your cards are stunning.
    I am in love with that background die and I think that the edger die makes it look that little more special.
    It is only the second one you have shown and I am already blown away.

  159. These configuration dies are pure GENIUS Sue.
    I followed a link in a crafty newsletter a few days ago and saw them on pre-order. My mind is already racing with ideas on using them. Love Annie P. xx

  160. I love these dies. Cannot wait to buy them & have a play with them
    You really help take our crafting to the next level
    Thankyou once again
    Maeve x

  161. Hi Sue
    Oh these are to so very pretty just so many uses for them love the card to .
    Hugs Sarah N... xxxx (sarah Newey)

  162. Hello Sue

    Babysitting duties meant I missed the first launch this morning, but what a fabulous collection this is.

    I love it.


  163. Hi Sue,
    How on earth am i supposed to pickva favourite to buy, they're all so beautiful and the sample you've made is devine.
    love Val in Spain x

  164. wow, love the idea with these dies. Will make using them so much fun. As a "newbie" to your dies, thankyou for the opportunity.

  165. Hi Sue
    Another stunning card. You just keep giving us great dies and inspiration.
    Many thanks

  166. gorgeous card, stunning dies Sue. x

  167. Another stunning card and more dies I can't do without xx I neeeeeeed them xx love Kim D

  168. Hiya Sue,
    I have been sooo excited to see the new dies and your ingenious interpretation of them. Where do you get all of this inspiration from? Just when I thought that I had seen it all you come up with something nobody else has thought of , you are THE BEST crafting superstar I have had the pleasure of watching and appreciating. Keep up the great work and thankyouxxx

  169. So versatile - it's great that you show examples of different configurations on the packaging.

  170. Hi Sue,
    Another two sets of beautiful dies. I think these will be extremely useful and can see Los of uses for them. Looking forward to 4 pm! I don't know how you keep coming up with these fabulous ideas but I'm so pleased you do! Love and hugs to all, Alison xxx

  171. Hi Sue, the card is beautiful! The dies are to DIE for (excuse the pun!)
    Crafty hugs from
    Annie B, Irchester, Northants

  172. Lovely card love the lace effect the dies give. Look forward to your next creation!

  173. These dies are absolutely fabulous, Sue!
    How am I going to choose my favourites to order?
    I think it is going to be even more difficult than usual with this new collection!
    The card is so pretty and delicate, I love it!
    Conratulations on reaching that Number 1 spot. It is well deserved.
    Lesley S

  174. Wow Sue. These dies are divine. I'm veering towards the Elegant set but love them both. Gorgeous card again. Only 10 minutes to wait until your next blog! !!!
    Caz x

  175. What a gorgeous edge this makes on your card, such a clever design. Looking forward to all your other releases. Pat x

  176. Fantastic new dies and so many different ways to use them.
    I always think I don't need that one and then you make a card with it and it becomes a must have die!!!!

  177. Yet another winner. They're so beautiful - just like all your previous dies Sue!

  178. You make it hard for me to ignore you. Honest! I feel like I need to get the whole set if that is possible because each one of those dies are absolutely gorgeous. And the latest, my gosh, is to behold. I can't wait for the whole introduction of your newest collection, because seriously, you may help kill my budget :D


  179. Another stunner versatility at its best. X

  180. How on earth are you supposed to pick a favourite All these dies are gorgeous
    Wendy x

  181. These could come in very handy!

  182. Hi Sue, these dies are so pretty. Will be able to make some really special cards with these. Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  183. I love both of these dies and your card is simply stunning. Looking forward to the next few days! Love Sarah

  184. Suzzette Yandle29 April 2015 at 16:15

    Elegant Lace Edgers - indeed! What lovely borders they make. The photos on the packaging does not do the die cuts justice. I am so glad you are showing them to us crafters. Looking forward to finding them in the US so I can use them on my cards.

  185. Absolutely wonderful Sue, another winner! The card is lovely and the dies are so clever. :)

    Paula x

  186. Gorgeous card and dies! You must get so excited yourself to actually get your hands on the dies you have designed, and try them all out ,your head must be bursting with ideas, how you manage to get some rest and sleep baffles me, but I must say you always look well on it!

  187. What can I say - you've done it again - amazing

  188. Hi Sue

    Oh, ok, joint top of need list, another bang on the button of the gupe of thing I like. I love ky nesting dies but I love love love stuff I can do anything with. I can see these on the lid of upcycled boxes. Right then. Beans on toast gor a month if this carries on lmao!

    Pure genius! Well done Sue!


    T x

    1. 'Type' of thing I like. Thinking quicker than I can tap on a phones keypad!

  189. Hi
    Love these dies!!!
    Sheila x

  190. Lovely as usual, I love the balance between the little squares and the swirly bits. The lavender and white combo is very feminine. GrammieGail

  191. Hi Sue
    These dies are amazing, love the card, looking forward to seeing more samples using these
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  192. Wow- another great card from your new collection

  193. Another stunning card, love this collection. Julie Noyce
