
Monday 2 February 2015


Hi bloggers!  Well I am about 95% sure that tomorrow is the day that I can finally spill my surprise!  Fingers crossed!  For today though, I have a lovely little card made with several of the dies from my third release of 2014.  I started with the Herald Square and cut the largest die in white card.  I used a large Square label die to cut the inside frame area.  I added mounting foam to the back edge of the frame.  Next I cut the Eternal Rings Striplet out of white card several times.  I lined it up and easily cut it to create a continuous pattern for my background.  I place my frame over it and nipped away the excess.  Next I cut quite a few of the Camellia Complete petal out of dusty rose in varying sizes.  I used a white gel pen and added some detail to them with random lines from the centre.  I assembled the flowers by offsetting two and then layering a smaller size on top.  I seated one of the flowers atop a white seam binding messy bow and some white tulle.  The remainder of the flowers were scattered up through the frame.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the tag from the Dainty Rectangle frame.  I added one small flower to the edge and mounted it with foam in the corner of my frame.  I finished the card with a pierced white mat, a dusty rose mat and a final white mat.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x  6 1/2" in size.  Don't forget to pop by early in the morning for my surprise! LOL   All for now, Sue x


  1. Simply gorgeous Sue!

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  2. really pretty, love the colours

  3. lovely card today love the colours

  4. Hello Sue and everyone, love this card. So pretty. Love the flowers. Think I know your surprise only because other companies have announced it, why can't they let you have the honours.
    Hugs to all, stay warm and safe.

  5. Morning Sue, Pam and all Wilsonettes, another beautiful card today Sue, I like the way this card is smaller then your usual ones with white on white with just a spray of red on it, looks really nice.

    Am so looking forward to tomorrow to see what is coming up.

    Have a great Monday everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy. hugs, June Smith xxx

  6. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a very Pretty card. Other companys may tell what is new, but only you can show us how a bit of metal can turn a piece of card into a masterpiece. Take care all Kitty

  7. Nice card today - really like the striplet!

  8. Hi Sue and all Wilsonette friends. Such a beautiful card this morning. Im so pleased I have this striplet die, I may try cutting it like this to make a background. Wish I had the skill to make the camelia flower look like it had veins, Im sure it would end up looking like a slimey snail had run a mock all over it !
    Such a pitty your suprise couldn't remain a suprise !! It does make us angry. Watch blog comments grow during the next how many days !
    Hope your journey is a safe one Sue, and also Janet and Mr E as you make your way from France.
    Another bitter cold day in Lancashire, but always warm and friendly here at Particraft.
    Thinking of you TOB hope all goes well today. Sending much love to all that enter today, stay warm and safe. See you all tomorrow.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  9. Hi Sue. What a beautiful card, using one of my favourite Striplets and those gorgeous Camellia flowers : )
    Kitty Davies has hit the nail on the head, I agree that only you Sue has the ability to transform tiny metal shapes into stunning cards, no matter what other companies may do! I can't wait o see what you have to share with us : ))
    Sending my daily hugs to everyone. Take care.

  10. Hello Sue, this card is just perfect, love the background with the striplet die (it's on my wish list), the flowers are so pretty cascading down the card. Looking forward to your surprise. Have a great day all. Bx

  11. Hi Sue
    A truly stunning card, looking forward to your surprise tomorrow.
    Happy crafting everyone
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina x x x x

  12. Hi Sue
    A truly stunning card, looking forward to your surprise tomorrow.
    Happy crafting everyone
    Love and hugs to all
    Love Tina x x x x

  13. Gorgeous card as ever, Sue.
    I love surprizes and have been waiting for yours to appear with anticipation.
    Almost there, sadly I have to agree with others that some craft sites have let the cat out of the bag and are advertising already. Shame on them!!! But then it all about the money for them isn't it?
    Off today for one of my complimentary treatments courtesy of Macmillan Cancer support Group, a lovely hour long aromatherapy body massage. Heaven and utter bliss! Will be on Cloud 9 for the rest of today.
    Love & hugs to all our wonderful blog family here on Particraft, enjoy your day also.

    Cheryl xxx

  14. A very pretty card with a lovely combination of dies.

  15. Another fab card sue just love everything about it .i think I might craft today.ps love the new dies.

  16. Can't wait for the "surprise" - wonder what it could be!!!!! This is a wonderful card Sue - really ticks all the boxes for me.
    Elaine xx

  17. Good morning Sue and everyone. Gorgeous card, I love how you've made a frame with the New York die. As Kitty says, other companies may sell the piece of metal but it's your creativity that actually sells the product as without your inspiration we wouldn't know half of what the dies do.
    Enjoy your massage Cheryl. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  18. What an exquisite card xx looking forward to tomorrows surprise xxx

  19. Hi Sue
    Such a pretty card. The flowers are so sweet and the dies are fabulous. Looking forward to tomorrow! Thanks for sharing.
    Keep warm everyone.

  20. GM Sue. Lovn those flowers and the rings die. Bring on tomorrow!

  21. Lovely card, seen a peek at your surprise, but with your artistic skill will change my mind to which ones I really need angxx

  22. Oh, my gosh, I love this. I think I said that last time. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this. There that's better. Hope I made you smile if you have time to read this. I pinned. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765606719382/

    Now I am going to go back and look at it again.

  23. Wow-simply gorgeous card! Can't wait to see what you're bringing us tomorrow.


  24. Absoloutely beautiful card Sue,looking foward to tomorrow and your fantastic idea`s, thank you for making us `happy crafters`Linda x

  25. Very pretty card Sue.JJx

  26. Gorgeous card Sue, that strip let is a 'must have'!
    Carolyn B

  27. Good morning Sue. This is a stunning card, I love the eternal ring die and it has created a beautiful background here. The flowers look gorgeous.x

  28. How beautiful, and elegant.
    Hugs Theresa xxx

  29. Love this card, the die is stunning and the flowers are beautiful. Looking forward to your surprise...

  30. Good mornng Sue, today's card is absolutely stunning, just love it. Surprise or no surprise I will be here as normal tomorrow, as every day is a surprise with your blog Sue. Thank you for that. Hazel x

  31. A gorgeous card, Sue. I will have to get this striplet.

    Anne (Northampton)

  32. Good morning Sue and everyone
    A wonderful card and I love the flowers trailing on the diagonal.
    Im intrigued about the surprise as Im sure that you know that your new dies are being advertised (I assume the companies were allowed by CE to do that? If not, its very naughty of them).
    As Hazel says, will be here everyday, surprise or no surprise lol!
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  33. WOW WOW WOW love it Sue and it so good to see how you can make a larger back ground with the eternal ring striplet die. One forgets how much thinking out of the box can make fantastic cards. Thanks for sharing. Hugs xxx

  34. Morning Sue, beautiful card, love the embossed frame and love how you have done the flowers with the white lines. Hopefully we will see your new dies tomorrow. Love Jean xxx

  35. Hello Sue

    Another beautiful card. Love the background.

    See you in the morning!


  36. Morning Sue
    Gorgeous card, and the little flowers are just beautiful
    Pat x

  37. Hi Sue and everybody. A really pretty card today, love the background. X

  38. Morning Sue,
    Really like this card must try it , you give us a lovely
    surprise every day than you.
    Karen M

  39. Morning Sue,
    I love this card with its gorgeous flowers and beautiful frame and background.
    Looking forward to the big reveal!

  40. Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card. The colours are lovely and its nice to see a smaller card but still have all the details on. I agree with other bloggers that companies are just in it for the money and they spoil the surprise for yourself but only you can show us what the dies can do. Can't wait to see what masterpieces you have created with your new dies. Good Luck for tomorrow.
    Take care everyone it's still bitter cold outside.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  41. Beautiful card to start off the week. I love everything single component and it's simply perfect. Looking forward to tomorrow already xx

  42. Stunning card Sue. Haven't seen that striplet before. Must get that one . Can't wait to hear the news x x

  43. Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I love how you have arranged the flowers. Can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow.
    Take care
    Debs A xxx

  44. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous I love what you have done with the flowers and the background is beautiful. I will be back tomorrow for your surprise. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Jackie

  45. Good morning Sue,what a lovely start of the week!an absolutely gorgeous card and the news out tomorrow!! Can't wait!take care Jane B.

  46. Can't wait to see your surprise but as others have said a few companies have advertised them already They look great but to see what you make with them is what we're all interested in Today's card is lovely Love your Striplet dies Haven't got this one (yet!) but I can easily see what I could use and adapt it Especially like how you've cascaded the flowers and pure genius adding white gel pen detailing Now where's that white pen of mine...?

  47. Good morning Sue,

    What a pretty card!...and how versatile is that Eternal Rings striplet..it's on the wish list already as I NEED all the striplets, they're so useful either as single panels or complete backgrounds as you've done here...

    I think we all know by now what the surprise is but only YOU can show us what to do with them!...


  48. Morning Sue, a truly beautiful card, it is lovely that all your dies can be used in so many different ways. Looking forward to tomorrow to see how you present your new dies, I know it will be spectacular.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  49. Good Morning Sue & Friends,
    Omg Sue those flowers just sing with the detail added, so gorgeous. Another perfect design Sue, thank you so much. I am so looking forward to your launch Sue, I know that in many cases the excitement has been tainted by some companies 'spoiling the fun by showing your dies"
    But the one thing they can't spoil and the most exciting is you revealing how you have used each die, you have your your own way of bringing the dies to life Sue, I just can't wait! Hugs xxx
    Well I guess we are going to see the blog post soar as the week goes on, if you are stopping by to view the launch, why not join our daily blog family, becoming a Wilsonette was the best things I ever did, this family is the best, you have a group of people that care about you when your are down, they give unconditional support when you heed it. If there were a perfect family this blog family is it, so please stick around and join us.
    Sending out love & gentle hugs to all today,
    Sandra xxxxxx

  50. Morning Sue,

    Gorgeous card today, love the design.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  51. Good Morning Sue!
    I do have a Die on order... but its a shape that has been on my wish list for at least a year..so forgive me being a little impatient!
    I will look forward to all your inspiration Sue!
    I am looking to tomorrow's Blog to see which Dies you are showcasing!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  52. Morning Sue,
    Another brilliant card, I love it, and the flowers are to die for.
    I have got another day up at the Cancer hospital today with hubby, who is having a bone marrow test and a CT scan today.
    Hugs to all that need one.
    Gail C x

  53. Hi Sue,
    What a lovely card showing yet again how versatile a striplet die can be.
    Can't wait for tomorrow's surprise!
    Veronique L

  54. Hi Sue. i can think of so many occasions this beautiful card could be used for. It really is stunning.
    Looking forward to your surprise.
    Love Val in Spain x

  55. Hi Sue Beautiful card, I love the bright flowers on the white background, very striking. It's a smaller card too, but just right. I'm sad like other people that other companies have spoilt your surprise but I really am looking forward to what you can do. Take care on your travels. Love Diane G xxx
    Cheryl enjoy your massage xxx
    Gail will be thinking of you and your husband at the hospital today xxx

  56. Very pretty - love the colour of the camelias. Excited to hear about your surprise tomorrow! Susan x

  57. Hi Sue
    gorgeous cards from the last few days, love today's, looking forward to tomorrow! x

  58. Such a beautiful card Sue, looking forward to the surprise

  59. Hi Sue.
    A really lovely and dainty card. Just the right size to send through the post.
    Evis M.

  60. Morning Sue,
    A gorgeous card, love the cascading flowers. I agree that it's a shame that companies have been showing the new dies before your launch. But I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely creations and marvel at what you do with them.
    Have a good day.

  61. Hi Sue,
    What a very pretty little card. It's gorgeous! Really love the striplet and am lucky to own this one and also the camelia. Mind you I do like the frame and haven't got that one - yet! Will have to wait and see what your new surprise ones are like when you create with them! Looking forward to tomorrow and Steph is right - watch the blog numbers go up and up!
    Cheryl hope you enjoy your "treat" today.
    Gail, hope things go well with your hubby today.
    For those of you that replied after the exploits of the wool, can I just say that Scamp actually isn't a kitten - she's 14! She's the most laid back cat on the planet, daren't go outside and runs a mile if anyone comes in the house- a proper scaredy cat! For some bizarre reason, she has become obsessed with my wool, which I have to say is lovely to see ( except when there's a danger of the knitting coming off the needle as I said before! ) I've made her a little ball out of some spare wool and she's gone crackers with it. Dave and I were in stitches( excuse the pun) watching her last night! It was everywhere.
    Well, must go. Off to hospital today with my aunt for a check up. Stay safe and warm everyone. Love and hugs to you all. Alison xx

  62. Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous
    so looking forward to tomorrow.
    Nancyd xx

  63. Beautiful card Sue, enchanting. Excited for tomorrow, and next weekend!!! Xx

  64. Morning Sue
    Simply gorgeous - love the colours you have used.
    Can't wait for your news
    Carol x

  65. Beautiful card Sue, I will definitely be making this one later today (I have several February birthdays to make for). I might use lilac or pink though as I don't have any of the dusty rose card. Looking forward to your surprise tomorrow.

  66. Hi Sue beautiful card ,love the flowers .
    cant wait for tomorrow morning.
    Marion H

  67. Hi Sue. A very pretty card today. Your striplet die is on my wish list - I love this background using it, and your beautiful flowers top it off perfectly! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful/stunning creations using your new dies - like many others I have already seen them advertised and am sorry that these companies have spoilt your surprise, but we all know that your creations are worth waiting for. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  68. Morning,
    What a lovely card, I really like the border. Must try this idea.
    I need to see flowers again, it's sooooo cold here today.
    Cheers all
    Janice W

  69. Beautiful card,love the flowers.

  70. Hi Sue
    Love this card today, must get this striplet as it will fit through my Cuttlebug. It makes so elegant cards and the white lines on your flowers just brings them to life, what a great idea. x

  71. Hi Sue, I do love the background effect such a pretty card . love Jean Z xx

  72. Morning Sue,
    Such a very beautiful card today and the colour is so pretty.
    Every day is a surprise to me when I pop over to your blog....the way you use your dies is just amazing so I can't wait for tomorrow!
    Hugs to all who need them and stay safe and warm in this bitterly cold weather.

    Love Sheila xx

  73. Love this one. Must try to reproduce don't have camellias but could use daisies I think. Need to do a congratulations card so might reproduce this one!

    Cheryl enjoy your massage I could just do with that but I am lucky I haven't been on the journey you have so am not in real need of it.

    Gail thoughts are with you and your husband. Cancer is just one horrible journey. Take one day at a time and only deal with what you have too. Hugs xxx

    Love to you all. I am looking forward to tomorrow and all the inspiration! Can't wait!

  74. Beautiful sue, another one for me to try take care yvonne xx

  75. Good Morning Sue
    A truly stunning card today. I just love the dies and colour combination. Cannot wait to see what the big surprise is going to be.....xxx

  76. Hi Sue,
    Absolutely fabulous!
    I have all these dies so no guesses what I'll be doing later this afternoon!
    Lorna D

  77. that is a dinky card for you! it is so pretty and hard as i looked i couldn't see the joins. hugs xx

  78. Stunning card! I have the Madison square with the largest die like this and have used it as a frame on a 6x6 card and it is really effective , I love the camelia flowers but don't own them ( can't have them all, pity !)
    I agree that the best surprise is seeing how you use the dies and create such masterpieces with them and so we get a surprise everyday , can't wait until tomorrow, I got all the curtains made and hung up so I have time to play again !
    Goodluck with your new collection , it does look exciting!
    Love and hugs to all xo

  79. Hello Sue, and all the ladies,
    This is just gorgeous - Sue, do you ever get fed up reading the same comments day after day? I can never think of new words to describe the beautiful creations you make.
    Cheryl - enjoy your day.
    Gail - Thinking of you and your husband.
    Alison - Safe journey for you and your aunt.
    I hope everyone you is in pain, suffering, having treatment or is feeling low have as good a day as they can.
    Sue, safe journey home for you xx

  80. Good morning Sue.
    Gorgeous card again today. I have this striplet and haven't used it yet. No excuse now. Caz x

  81. Hi sue very beautiful card today love it thank you for sharing love to all June horrocks xxxxxxxxxx

  82. Morning Sue, great card, love this striplet die, it is so versatile. I agree with everyone about other companies showing your new range before you, but you are THE ONE who shows us what to do with them!

    Alison, we have two cats and one of them, Fudge, loves cardboard boxes he tears them to strips after biting round the edges and making a row of holes!

    Looking forward to tomorrow Sue.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  83. Hi Sue,
    This card is beautiful, so pretty and so small for you lol. Just goes to show beautiful things come in small packages. Can't wait for you to reveal your news tomorrow.
    Beverley W

  84. Good Morning Sue,

    Another beautiful card today, one that can be used for so many occasions and will hold its own in whatever colour-ways we choose. Just lovely. Enjoy the rest of your day Sue.
    Margaret A.

  85. Hi Sue. Your card is simply gorgeous. I bought both sets of your camelia dies at Phill's shop yesterday. Tried to pursuade myself I didn't need them but it didn't work! SueL x

  86. Hi Sue - every day is a lovely surprise when I look at your blog, and today is no exception! I just adore your striplet dies and what you do with them and can't wait for you to show us your new collection. Hope the 95% becomes 100% and you can reveal your further surprise tomorrow. Have a great day, best wishes

  87. Hi Sue
    What a stunning card so very pretty love it !!
    hugs Sarah xxx

  88. Hi Sue
    Absolutely fabulous and I have all the dies to try this, thank you so much. Every day is a surprise with your beautiful creations and will be here as usual tomorrow
    Cheryl enjoy your massage you deserve it
    Gail thinking of you and your husband
    Hugs and best wishes everyone

  89. stunning card Sue- the eternal striplet makes a fab background. Was this coconut white card? Its gorgeous a perfect card for any occasion and can be made in any colour combo- have already got my dies out to make it.....
    The announcement is going to be a nice surprise on my special day. We all miss you on tv and look forward to 7th and 8th Feb weekender.

  90. Good Morning Sue
    It is a lovely, bright morning here in West Sussex but very cold and I hope the sun stays out for a bit longer.
    I think today's card is gorgeous and I love that Dusty Rose colour so this is another favourite for me to try!
    I agree with those of you who, like me, already have an idea of what Sue's surprise may be. It is a shame, but we still have the surprise of seeing what lovely cards she has created with her new products and it will be so great to see her on our screens at the weekend.
    Keep warm everyone.
    Best Wishes
    Lesley S x

  91. Such a pretty card Sue! Lovely colours, fresh and spring-like! Well done Sue.

    Paula x

  92. Hi Sue

    Love this card, another striplet on the list, can't wait for tomorrow ohhhh!

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  93. Hi Sue
    Once again a stunning card. I shall try it using my floral meadows striplet, as that is the only one i have at the momoent, but hope to get another one soon.


  94. You are such a TEASE Sue Wilson, there are times when I could smack your hand! No, not really, but it is hard when you do that.

    Love the card, I capitulated and ordered both sets of camellias. Now I suppose I'm going to want whatever it is you tell us about tomorrow, and I won't be able to afford it.

  95. Beautiful card Sue, I love this style
    I already know your surprise thanks to lots of craft companies emailing me :-)
    Can't wait to see your creations over the next few weeks
    Julie x

  96. Good morning Sue
    Today's card is as usual fabulous, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow to see your 'surprise'.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  97. Gorgeous card today, I love the camillia flower die. Looking forward to surprises tomorrow.

  98. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card its definitely a WOW, as Steph would say! I don't have the flowers but will try something similar with others. However I do really like them and they are top of my list but they may not be after tomorrow , Help!
    So looking forward to what you have is store and like others feel sorry that your surprise was sort of hijacked! However as has been said too - we have the best seats in the house to learn how to use them to their full potential. What more could we ask! All the very best for tomorrow!
    Cheryl - I hope you really enjoy your lovely treat. If anyone deserves it you do! Keep warm afterwards.
    Gail - hope all goes well for your husband at the hospital today! Be thinking of you both.
    Sending love to all lovely friends on the blog!
    Keep warm - it is really cold. Children's crafting this afternoon so will venture out! We the staff arrive shivering and saying how cold it is - they run in with pink cheeks and big smiles! I think it's the age gap!!
    Lots of love,
    Myra P

  99. Sue

    This card is absolutely, brilliant, stunning gorgeous...etc etc. I think this is one of your best cards ever and that is saying something.

    looking forward to tomorrow.

    Crafty Regards

    Julie kay xxx

  100. Such a pretty card. Looking forward to the BIG reveal tomorrow. xx

  101. WOUW this is so beautiful Sue, I really love this die, it looks fabiulous as background like here. So elegant and gorgeous as ever.

  102. Hi Sue, thus is a lovely "All Occasions" card, which can be made up ready to just add the sentiment when needed. The flowers are beautiful and as there are so many it takes no time at all to make them up. Thank you. X Ros

  103. Hello Sue and all

    Such a beautiful card. Pretty colour and the marking on your flowers looks very effective. Thanks for sharing.

    Really curious about tomorrow, I wonder if it is showing the new dies?

    Best wishes

  104. Beautiful Card Sue. Oo so looking forward to your surprise xx hazel

  105. Pretty and lovely card.

    Take care


  106. Hi Sue
    Stunning - absolutely Stunning. I can't think of anything else to say - I love every bit of this card. Thank you.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  107. Haven't been here for a while, but saw today's card and it's fantastic!

  108. Well I'm in the dark on what the surprise might be, so tomorrow will be Christmas morning, so to speak. I was hoping your announcement is that you are going international and your products will be easily available to me here in the US, but I don't think that's it. Yes yes, I know where I can buy them from but not everything is available. I'm still watching and waiting for you to be on C and C US so that I can buy some things from there.

    Can't wait till tomorrow. I'll be on early to see the good news.

  109. Hi Sue, What a pretty card for a dismal Monday morning. I can honestly say that I don't thinks there is anything about this card that I don't love...especially the beautiful flowers meandering across the card :). I can see my wish list getting ever longer, you are such a temptress lol. As always, thanks so much for sharing with us. x

  110. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. I love the background and the pretty flowers.

  111. Hi Sue and all
    this is a beautiful card, love the flowers
    I really hope tomorrow is the day I can't wait

    Muriel x

  112. I do so like this card. It looks so stylish with just the white card embbosed and die cut. The hint of colour is just right. Kind regards Sandra Kent.

  113. HI SUE

  114. Exquisite card Sue, the background with the frame is beautiful.
    Lynne x

  115. Hi Sue,
    Gorgeous - loveliness craftified!
    Hugs, Rose

  116. Hi me again. Just wanted to say thanks to those who wished me well for my ultrasound today, it's not great news as I have a tear in the tendon of my shoulder have to see a specialist to see if I need surgery but the pain is excruciating so I knew it was something awful.
    Am more sad that I still can't craft and may not be able too for some time.
    hugs Theresa xx

  117. So beautiful, love the design and background, pretty flowers x

  118. Good morning, Sue and fellow Wilsonettes, hope everyone is keeping warm.
    Another gorgeous card today, Sue. Simply stunning !! I Will have to see if I can create something similar, using The Times Square as I have the Striplet and flowers dies.
    Love the colours on the card too.
    I'm eagerly waiting to see what you're going to show us with your "new releases". I shall be placing an order with Ben for one or two? Later :-)

    Theresa, sorry you're in so much pain and that the news is not good. Best wishes for a speedy outcome and recovery X

    Hugs to everyone, especially all who are ill / in pain,

    Angela in grey S. Wales ( the rain isn't far away :-( ) Xx

  119. Hi Sue, such a pretty card, I love it. Despite your frequent reminders I still keep forgetting about making a frame to add dimension; well that is going to stop and I shall be attempting my version of this card this afternoon.

    Cheryl - I hope you enjoy your massage, you deserve it.
    Gail & Alison - I hope all goes well with your hospital visits for hubby and Auntie.
    Theresa (TOB) - so sorry it was not better news for you today. Hopefully they won't keep you waiting too long and that you will soon be pain free and able to craft again.

    Fingers crossed that Sue can reveal her surprise tomorrow, I am really looking forward to it.

  120. Wowzers I love it. Amazing difference the gel pen makes.
    I need to make a good luck/thank you card. I reckon this would fit the bill perfectly.
    Thanks for your inspiration bon a Monday. I'm lacking in energy therefore brain is definitely not at capacity hahaha. This card really is perfect.
    This surprise has been eating me up since you first mentioned it. ... Can't wait for you to spill the beans but I think I have an inkling x til tomorrow, keep welland warm.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  121. Flowers are fab. Great colour. Roll on tomorrow. Xx big hug
    Julie e

  122. Another beautiful card - really pretty !


  123. Love this card Sue. The flowers are gorgeous and I think the striplets look superb as a background. Pat x

  124. What a beautiful card to start the week. Looking forward to your treat tomorrow.

  125. Beautiful. Can't wait for tomorrow

  126. Oh Sue! I am totally in love with this card! Your flowers are gorgeous and that striplet background is stunning. A real masterpiece.

    Rachel x

  127. Another very pretty card. Who doesn't like flowers? And the color is beautiful.

  128. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card today, and apart from the flowers I have these dies. Mind you I know a lady who does have these dies. I wonder who that is Sandra. I'm awaiting your launch with anticipation of what you make with them. It's a shame that other companies have let your secret out. I love and hate your launches. I love them because you show us what we can do with them. I hate it that if your doing a giveaway. Hundreds of people suddenly appear on your blog just to win something. Shame on you all, you know who you are. Crafty hugs to to you all and we can't wait until tomorrow.

  129. Hi Sue, absolutely gorgeous card - really cute! Me personally I'm hoping the surprise is what I emailed you about...??? I hope so. I have seen the pre-order advertisements from other companies though so maybe that's it!! :o) Hugs, Karen x

  130. Hi Sue,
    Love everything about this card, it is so pretty.. Although you surprise has been spoilt, I am looking forward to see what you create with the new dies.

    Cheryl- hope you enjoy the massage.

    Gail - hope your husband's hospital visit goes well.

    Theresa - sorry to hear your results weren't so good. Hope it can be sorted soon.

    Take care everyone
    Pat xxx

  131. Sue, another very pretty card today. With regard to your surprise tomorrow, I agree entirely with Sanda's comments. Cannot wait. Linda.

  132. Hi Sue,

    Gorgeous cards. If its about a new collection - I have already ordered from Sunrise Crafts!!!!

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  133. beautiful card Sue......intrigued about the surprise.

  134. Stunning card. Dusky pink is my favourite colour, love it. Will definitely replica it.

    Ivy L xx

  135. Hi Sue!

    This card is gorgeous! I have to purchase this striplet it makes a stunning background! Thank you again for another brilliant way to use your amazing dies!

    Trying to dig out of 15" of snow that fell yesterday through this morning here in the USA in Michigan! Beautiful, but a pain to clear paths in!!!!

    Kathy xxxx

  136. Lovely card Sue ... Stunning ....x

  137. Lovely card today Sue, loving the flowers. Very pretty, craftihappiness to all and love from Macky.

  138. Another beautiful card & another striplet for my birthday list! Just love the way all your dies interact & make such elegant cards. Also love the way the striplets go together to make a background.

  139. Afternoon Sue and everyone!
    Gorgeous,gorgeous card Sue. Love all your cards and as many already said a real shame that other companies have shown your surprise.I have not looked at them so can't wait til tomorrow to see what's coming,yay.

    Dear ToB,sorry your news was not better.Hope they can help you as soon as possible, gentle Hugs !

    Cheryl-Hope you enjoyed your treatment/massage,so nice. Hugs

    Gail-Hope everything went well for your husband at the hospital,Hugs

    Myra-Hope your day went well and you had fun with the kids Hug.

    To Steph and Lynda-Hope you both feeling more like yourself today,and to everyone else with pain or having treatments I'm sending gentle Hugs to one and all!
    Have a safe trip home Sue and don't forget to bring your thickets jumper, it's cold in the Uk...
    Warm Hugs Maria x

  140. Absolutely gorgeous card again today.
    The eternal rings striplet gives a very pretty background and I love the pretty frame around it and those flowers are so pretty.

  141. Gorgeous card Sue. Just love this striplet die. Although I have seen the dies and have my favourites, am so looking forward to seeing you demonstrate them as that is when the real magic happens. It is really too bad that you don't get to introduce them first to the world. So looking forward to tomorrow.

  142. Hi Sue lovely card. I haven't got this striplet yet but might have to add it to my wish list
    Denise X

  143. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes,
    I love this gorgeous stunning card love that stripplet die& little Camille flowers,lovely how you have used the White pen on the flowers. Love everything about this card. So looking forward to tomorrow's launch & most of all how you showcase them.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

    Theresa so sorry you didn't get good results from your ultrasound,my heart goes out to you.
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

    Cheryl hope you enjoyed your aromatherapy treatment today. Love Lynda xx

    Gail hope all went well for your husband hospital appointment.Hug's Lynda xx

    Myra hope you & the children enjoyed the craft day Hug's Lynda xxTina E,PamYorkilass,

    Hug's to Sandra,Margaret corgi Owner,Myra P,Maria A,Sheila G,TOB Theresa,Hazel,Patricia,Saba,Wheelybad,Lynne M,Norah,Steph,Cameeli,Jean D,Gail C,
    And all Wilsonettes Hug's Lynda xx

  144. Hi Sue

    Such a stunning card today and love the colours too.

    Looking forward to tomorrow for the big surprise,I know the cat has been let out of the bag already, and that's not fair to you, but we don't need big surprises, as we have a beautiful surprise here everyday.

    Kind Regards to all :-)

    Tina XX

  145. Hello Sue,
    Fallen in love with this card, so much so, I have spent the day trying to re-create it. You were right, the eternal rings was quite easy to match up and cut out, and though I say it myself, I am really pleased with how it has turned out. Thank you so much for the inspiration, I never could have done it without you.
    Like everyone else, I am so looking forward to you showcasing your new die collections, can hardly wait.

    Cheryl, hope you enjoyed your massage, you deserve a treat after all you have been through.
    Theresa, so sorry to hear it wasn't better news, just hope you don't have to wait so long this time for treatment. Very gentle hugs for you.
    Gail, hope the tests on your husband went well and he was not too uncomfortable.
    Alison hope too that your aunts check up went well. Hope Scamp didn't get into too much mischief while you were out, her antics yesterday did make me laugh.

    Love and hugs for all


  146. Totally gorgeous. I love it!

  147. Can't wait to know your surprise...I bet it's a good one!
    I love the layout of those flower going across your pretty card.
    Well done Sue

  148. You are so right Sue the card today is so lovely and the colours are really pretty.
    Thank you!!

  149. Good afternoon Sue and the wonderful Wilsonettes,
    What a pretty card Sue with the beautiful dainty camelias making a splash of colour across the lattice work of the background. Sorry i haven't been around this last fortnight but my CFS has left me totally floored to the point i couldn't even lift a cup, heck knows how me and this baby are going to manage when HIS mother goes back to work. Yes, Kirsten is expecting a little blue bundle of joy, much to his fathers delight. Ryan, is at the moment floating around the ceiling somewhere because to him no-one else has ever been father to a little boy, lord alone knows what he is going to be like when he comes. The two names that she likes for him is Harry(after Ryan's grandfather) or Joshua and then it would be John after my beloved daddy. Either way i don't care as long as she keeps well and her and baby are ok. She has what was going to be babies room to decorate as the spare as the furniture wont go in the original intended room, and baby Harrys' room to decorate. The furniture is getting moved in this week so that will be us with an empty room and a darn sight quieter in the house as you always know when Kirsten is home because of the racket coming out of her room.
    TOB, i am sorry that you haven't been great but i hope that you will be a bit better after today's hiccup flower.
    Cheryl, i am so glad to finally see that MacMillian are doing something good for someone who needs it. I hope you have had a wonderful day dear friend and that all clear comes soon.
    Sue, i hope that your beautiful surprise gets the recognition that you deserve flower. Safe journey home,
    Love and crafty hugs to all the wonderful Wilsonette Angels
    Norah (Glenochil Village)

  150. Another lovely card today

    Can't wait for tomorrow's news


  151. Hi Sue
    This card is so special I just love everything. Well I am so pleased to be back. We now have a phone line and internet again it was fixed for a few hours 10 days ago but when they filled the hole in it all went off. Just hoping when they fill the hole in again it doesn't go off again. Next door is still without. I will have to try and catch up with what I have missed and go through hundreds of e mails. Love and bugs to all.

  152. Hi Sue

    Ok, I neeeeeeeeeed that striplet!!! What a lovely card, the colour, the flowers , everything is just perfect!

    I agree with the other posters about the launching of your latest collections, and I do also understand the view of the stores that see these items, pre orders are big business for them and the myriad of manufacturers that supply them. I can not get excited about a die until I see it used and those 'first' cards where I see the die package alongside Sue's amazing card here on Particraft are my favourite moment.

    I will be watching live at the weekend for all bar one show- my best friend is visiting on the way up to her Mums so sewing is going on hold to make her a card and a gift. This week will be a crafty treat for sure.

    Cheryl, you deserve your treat, hope you feel amazing for days after!

    Gail, thoughts with you and your husband

    Theresa (TOB), that is a very nasty, painful injury. I hope they fit you in for an op soon. I understand totally how boring and frustrating it is when you can't craft. I've gone months without touching a stamp or a die and even a good week allows for just a few hours up the table. It's why I love blogs, You tube, C and C & magazines to keep me going. I wish for you to be as comfortable as possible and that an appointment for treatment very soon is given to you. Very very gentle hugs xxx

    To our Sue and Janet Ecco- safe journey back to the UK

    Must go, Mr W home from work, Hugs to everyone... one more sleep!

    T x

  153. this is a very beautiful and elegant card. love that pink color

  154. Deb E Isle of Wight2 February 2015 at 17:50

    You are spoiling us this week, think this one has just became my absolute favourite. Love the whole effect, including the colour scheme. Absolutely stunning, elegant and classy.

  155. Hi Sue My Dear Friend,
    I'm sorry I didn't comment yesterday but I had a bad day!
    What can I say about today's Truly Exquisite Amazing Card.
    I Love the Dies that you've used and The Superb Roses, The Striplet Die you used I Just Love It I use mine so very much it's so versatile.
    Sue Thank You For The Inspiration I Truly Appreciate It!
    Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x
    Hugs To All The Wonderful People That Comment On Our Sue's Awesome Blog, we All Know It's The Best And She's Just So Very Kind, I hope your all keeping well!
    Hugs to all
    From Sam x

  156. This is pretty, pretty, pretty. I love how you have laid out the flowers.

  157. Strangely yesterday I was playing with the striplet die. I have many unfinished projects using it! I was trying to see how many different things I could come up with. I did Use it in a similar way by cutting it several times. Only thing is mine is still in the very early stages and looks nowhere near anything as good as yours.
    I love how you have used it. It looks stunning
    Karen xx

  158. Hi Sue, this card is just wonderful!! Love the clear design and the gorgous layers! The camelias are so pretty, look really very well!!Fabulous work!

  159. Beautiful card Sue as always

  160. Hi Sue
    I really adore this card.....it may seem obvious to everyone else, but I hadn't thought of making a background with the striplet dies....will defo be giving that one a go.....thanks!!!

  161. I Love Love Love this card so elegant looking. You are such a tease, but looking forward to hear your news. What will it be I wonder?? Well just have to be looking in tomorrow early.

  162. Hello Sue,
    This card is just beautiful I just love everything about it and those flowers are stunning.
    Looking forward to tomorrow's surprise, I'm sure it's going to be fabulous.
    Take care my dear friend, I will be back tomorrow.
    Love Brenda XXX

  163. this is stunning ,a great card ,Laura O

  164. Hi Sue this card is just gorgeous, the white veins on the camelia flowers look lovely, Edwina

  165. Hello Sue. As so many have said, it's not the product but your inspiration that matters. When we see something advertised in it's packaging we go 'great' but when we see your cards we say 'amazing'! Love this card. Stunning flower work. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

  166. Gorgeous card and luv the frame - I made a card using the circles striplet die as a background for a special friends BIG birthday!! Not as neat looking as yours but she loved it xx GailT xx

  167. Beautiful card, love the background and the flowers are so pretty.
    Cant wait to see what works of art you have made with the new dies! I haven't pre-ordered any as I like to see what you do with them before I decide.

  168. Hi Sue, Absolutely gorgeous.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your cards tomorrow.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  169. Hi Sue
    A simply gorgeous card! The gel pen is such a simple technique but so effective. Love the background too. I can't wait to see your latest collection - but I'm going to! I'm sure you will bring us some more lovely ideas.
    Thank you,
    Anne O

  170. Sorry to be so late today, Sue, been one of those hectic days. Love this card, have the Eternal Rings and use it as a background, too, just the matter of careful placement for cutting. Really partial to the dusty rose card, too, and beautiful scattered camellias!
    Think some people being a bit unfair about the suppliers - after all, Sue did intend to show the new 'surprise' herself last week, obviously all this was intended to coincide. They have made their investment and are advertising - surely they are entitled to do so without being accused of spoiling things for Sue? Personally, still haven't sneaky peaked because I want to share the thrill with Sue and am really looking forward to seeing the new goodies, presumably over the next few days. Roll on tomorrow!

    'P' in Wales

    Best wishes and better times to those and their relatives in pain and having treatment.

  171. Hi Sue,
    Wow what a stunning card , must try and get more of your striplet dies, they are so versatile , love the camellia flowers the white veins really set them off .Thanks Sue, hugs , really looking forward to tomorrow's surprise. Safe journey xx

    Crafty hugs to everyone,
    Jean D xxxx

  172. love this card sue must be the color of the flowers. just love you cards and dies

  173. Hi Sue. What a gorgeous card today !! I love everything about it. The striplet die going across the background looks great !! I really love the frame, and your Camelia flowers are gorgeous !! They look so lovely with the little veins drawn on them in white. Such a pretty card Sue !! I really love the idea of cascading the flowers across the card. I love the messy bow and the little sentiment is fab. So cute, and pretty !! Basically I love it all !! Thank you for sharing this wonderful card today.
    I am sorry your surprise for tomorrow was spoilt but what I really visit your blog for Sue is your wonderful imaginative creations and your tuly amazing inspiration. Of course it is also to join in with this fantastic blog and to be a part of this great blog family.
    Sending you lots of hugs and lots of love today from Tres x x x

    Norah, I am sorry you have been so unwell. I know exactly how you feel !! Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

    Sending lots of love to all the Wonderful Wilsonettes love from Tres x x x

  174. So pretty, and lovely colours. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

  175. Hiya sue
    Beautiful card.
    And like a few others I too have ordered a few of ur larger squares. As I couldn't get the grand squares anymore.
    Bests me as to why they don't sell the basic shape anymore when so many of us are in demand for it. However ur new ones should do the trick nicely an as u said in an email to me yours are cheaper an I have to say way nicer too an will look great on my cards in years to come xxx

  176. Hi Sue,
    It's a beautiful card and I love also, saw that you came out with new dies. I am so excited can't wait to see them in action.Please post a Valentine using them.
    Thank you!!!

  177. Hello Sue. A gorgeous card and so pretty. xx

  178. Hi Sue, I really like this card. Its gorgeous. Kind regards Joanne K x

  179. Hi Sue

    Beautiful card so pretty.

    Wonder what is the surprise for Tuesday???????????

    Hugs to all

    Annx without an "e"

  180. What another beautiful card Sue, love the colours. Looking forward to your post tomorrow, always love to see what you create with your beautiful dies :) x

  181. Lovely card Sue. I do like that background die.

    Cheryl I hope you enjoyed your aromatherapy and feel better for it.

    Love and hugs to all.

  182. Evening Sue, a beautiful card. Just stunning.

  183. Beautiful card and what a difference just putting some lines on the flowers makes.

  184. Gorgeous card in my favorite color!!!

  185. An absolutely beautiful card today. I just live all the elements of this one. Am at home today- cancellations due to yet more snow. Will have fun crafting instead. Fiona in a very cold and snowy Maine.

  186. Such pretty details! Gorgeous card! Love the flowers!

  187. Hi Sue,
    Gorgeous card, love the detail
    Di B x

  188. Hi Sue,
    Gorgeous card, love the detail
    Di B x

  189. Gorgeous card. The striplet makes a lovely background and the cascading Camellias are beautiful. Sadly I don't have any of these, yet.

    Looking forward to the surprise.

    Take care everyone.


  190. What a lovely card, Sue!!! Where do your ideas come from????

    Doreen x
