
Thursday 5 February 2015

Caribbean Collection Background and Border, Corner, Tag die sets

Hi bloggers!  We have the final two sets of the Caribbean Collection on offer during this post.  The Caribbean Background die set (shown here) has been designed in multiple pieces not only for easier cutting of a very detailed die, but also to allow for more versatility in your crafting projects.  The Caribbean Border, Corner and tag set is the first that I have designed with separate cutting edges on all three pieces for the same reason.  If you would like to be entered into the drawing to win either of these sets, just leave me a comment.  We will be back with day four of the die blog launch tomorrow morning at 6am.  Hope to see you there!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Hello Sue,
    beautiful card and fabulous dies...
    What else can I say?
    I hope you never loose your !!!creativity
    Rolf xxx

  2. Hello Sue,
    beautiful card and fabulous dies...
    What else can I say?
    I hope you never loose your creativity !!!
    Rolf xxx

  3. Hi Sue

    Absolutely beautiful

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  4. Hello again Sue, another amazing set, love the card shown.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  5. These are just beautiful what a fantastic collection. Really pretty card x

  6. Superb! What more can I say?

  7. Hi Sue,
    Oh wow the background is amazing it's so opulent, it's a definite must for me.
    You never cease to amaze!!
    Lorna D

  8. Hi Sue.
    Thank you again,every one of the dies are so beautiful.Take care Kitty

  9. Wow wow wow. This is an amazing die. A must have for everyone who loves your cards. The colour of the card stock is so pretty.
    You just keep amazing me with each new card. You are one extremely talented lady.

  10. Hi Sue, I am getting lost for words to describe how lovely all these new sets are. This set is just stunning!
    Nina x

  11. Hi Sue
    These dies are just lovely, and, I think, my favourites so far. They would be very versatile with the option of cutting the outer edge or not
    Pat x

  12. Absolutely lovely. The border set especially is a real winner!

  13. Yet more stunning dies Sue - you are so clever in your designing. This is so pretty and the background beautiful. Love it, best wishes

  14. GA Sue.cor! Lovn that oval background.☺☺

  15. Hi Sue, this looks really intricate but very effective. Lovely.
    ElizabethS x

  16. We'll sue another amazing dies you really are spoiling us with your cards.

  17. Hi Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh the Caribbean set is wonderful, I can just hear the sand, see the sea, heal the calypso music.......brilliant.

    I would love to go into the draw as I am sure everyone else is hoping, good luck to everyone

    Hugs June Smith xxxxx

  18. These are just great. I am running out of ways to praise this new collection.

  19. Hi Sue

    This has to be my favourite I think. Beautiful card, love the colours and how pretty it looks. Such versatility with the tags and border dies too. Very clever.



  20. Hello again Sue

    What can I say my wish list is getting longer with every post,
    can't for tomorrow to come and the Create and Craft shows


  21. Gorgeous just been out and bought three of the new dies wanted them all yvonne b xx

  22. Hi Sue,love these dies an amazing set.and a gorgeous card
    another winner!until tomorrow for I'm sure a new and exiting day.hugs Jane B.

  23. Good Afternnon Sue
    Fabulous. Some more dies to go onto my wish list, which I must say is getting pretty long. Gonna have to butter up my hubby me thinks.
    Lovely card as usual.
    Karen in Telford x

  24. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card and I have pinned, like that the border and tag has a separate cutting edge to it
    Hugs everyone

  25. Wow, what a stunner. Fantastic, that is all I can say. Thank you Sue. Xx

  26. I am so loving these dies Sue, so intricate.

  27. Hi Sue starting to collect these new dies love them so much xxx

  28. Hi Sue. This is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. The colour is stunning.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  29. Lovely dies again Sue. Beautiful card as ever
    Barbara V

  30. Beautiful collection. How on earth can we choose between them?
    Karen xx

  31. Absolutly gorgeous Sue, especially the tag border and corner die set. I have your Scandinavian border corner and tag set of dies and it's 'dilightful' pardon the silly pun, its like a.strip of delicate lace and I use them often, so I think this border set will be added to my favourite's list. I can just see your high low technique being shown on your My Tube tutorial's after launch, these dies are made for this nightmare, sorry, technique lol (our regular daily Wilsonettes will understand) PLEASE PLEASE become a regular to Sue's blog and join in the laughter and disaster's, its the least you can do as a thank you. If you have the few short seconds to respond to Sue's new dies now, then those few seconds it takes to type "beautiful" AFTER the launch and free dies to boot will still be available to you AFTER... We beg you to give it some consideration, and join our daily fun and laughter : )
    Hope you have had a wonderful day (if your not travelling Sue) and us Wilsonettes are counting down the sleeps to your weekender (dont forget the matchsticks) !!
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  32. Cannot think of any more words to say except WOW WOW WOW you have sone it yet again. Hugs galore.
    Cheryl xxx

  33. Hi Sue,
    Fabulous sets of dies. Who wouldn't want to have these in their collection? I'm just trying to work out if my hubby would like some dies for his birthday next week LOL! Love Alison xx

  34. Beautiful set of dies and a beautiful card too

  35. Lovely card and dies Sue xx hazel

  36. Good afternoon Sue and fellow wilsonettes,
    It is lovely to see the dies but even better to see the finished article made up into a work of art. I think the Caribbean collection is going to have to go on the need list as well. The background die is a beauty for this set and so versatile allowing for such dimension or just simply an intricate flat look. Thank you Sue for yet a another stunner just to confuse even more,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  37. Love, love, love this background die, it's so elegant, a no-brainer!...just gone top of the list...


  38. Good afternoon Sue and Wilsonettes
    Wow what a fantastic way to close for today a wonderful card, love the colours, but these dies are nothing short of superb!
    Margaret corgi owner

  39. Hi Sue,
    It's another stunner, absolutely gorgeous. And your card ain't half bad either LOL!
    It's a beauty..........
    Hugs, Rose

  40. Yet more wonderful samples - you really have gone beyond this time. Still waiting for the postman for delivery of the main order of my dies:-( At least I am getting to see how beautiful they are when made up.
    Hugs Elaine xx

  41. Hi Sue
    Oohhh, really like this one & think that it could be my favourite at this very minute !!
    Beautiful & looks very intricate & love the way you have added the tiny pearls to accent the design, stunning...

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze xx

  42. Good Afternoon Sue, Caribbean collection looks amazing, can't decide what to buy next. Very Very happy with the pierced frames arrived today, the combinations are endless and perfect for me as I am not good with the piercing ruler. Thank-you, See you tomorrow, June (Cumbria)

  43. Beautiful again. I love the single flower on the card. Just the right finishing touch. The dies are amazing.I pinned of course. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/415386765606765647/

  44. The card is soo gorgeous! Love the background die.

  45. Think the Caribbean collection is a real winner for me, thank you Sue, love all the detail on the card
    Marlene O xx

  46. Really Pretty dies and a beautiful card. This set is now on my wish list as are most of the others already shown. xx

  47. Beautiful Sue. JJx

  48. Hi Sue,
    Another triumph! Love the colour you've chosen too. Beautiful dies - well I can't have them all that's for sure so will have to make a list and work through it!
    Allison - my husband has a birthday this month too - if I bought him a die or two I could use them to make his card! Maybe not!
    Love to all friends on the blog!
    Myra P xxx

  49. The centre of the is rather hypnotic a bit like looking into a kaleidoscope. Beautiful Sue x

  50. Hi Sue, I love the idea of separate edge dies- much more versatility. Striking card, lovely.

  51. Simply stunning, no more to say! Love them. Love sarah

  52. Hello Sue, Beautiful Card and one that could work for almost occasion.
    The Caribbean Collection are really detailed dies, and offer endless possibilities.
    How on earth do you keep coming up with so many ideas for each new launch?
    Be back tomorrow, Love Brenda xxx

  53. Good afternoon Sue,
    What a beautiful and intricate background die and what a fabulous card you have made to showcase it. The border, corner tag set is ingenious with its separate cutting edges and I think it is going to be a must have. You have such clever ideas and vision. Thank you once again for a lovely day of surprises.

    Last Love and Hugs of the day


  54. Gorgeous card and dies I love and need them angxxx

  55. Lovely card Sue. I love all your background dies but this one is truly special. Another one for my want list.
    See you tomorrow.

    Pat xxx

  56. Like the background die as it is different to the background die I already have.

  57. Gorgeous card and great dies. Love the versatility that the separate cutting edge provides.x

  58. Hi Sue, another stunning card. Very pretty and delicate. More gorgeous dies on my wish list.

  59. Hi, lovely intricate die, looks beautiful in the plum and white. Love it. X Ros

  60. Another lovely set, and a border which is also a narrow striplet, now that opens up a load of possible uses.
    Keep going, we're loving this
    Janice W

  61. Hi Sue
    Exquisite dies that will ensure you turn out a fabulous card every time without a lot of effort (that's between us we know that, but the recipient will think we spent hours making it lol).
    Myra P and Alison that's a brilliant idea I'm sure they would love the dies lol I'm off to have a think who I can buy a present for lol
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  62. Super card Sue. It just bears out my previous comments today. Oh dear am I gong Greek or W.I. me thinks both plus others.! Your creativity
    And skills really are a cut above. Thank you and see you tomorrow hugs Maureen

  63. Yet Three lovely dies. Fantastic collection.
    Your cards are absolutly gourions.

  64. Especially love the background die, Very intricate especially like the inner centre detail. Will be on my wish list.Jules W

  65. Hi Sue,
    Loving the Caribbean, that Border Corner and tag set is so pretty too!
    Thank you so much for the inspiration,
    Sandra xxxx

  66. Again I love this!!! The background die is beautiful!!! I NEED them all lol.


    Ivy xx

  67. Hello Sue,
    These dies are just beautiful and so is the card.
    See you tomorrow xx

  68. Stop it now Sue. I just would like evvveerrryyything. Absolutely fabulous dies x

  69. Ooh this is my favourite so far useful for all occasions and male or female . Lovely.

  70. Love these too....yet again, how clever are you? x

  71. I think this must be my favourite backkground die out of all of your backgrounds Sue, it is so pretty and your card is beautiful too
    Hugs Julie x

  72. Wonderful card and die sets! I love the border set especially and look forward to seeing more of your creations !

  73. Ecco of Sheffield5 February 2015 at 16:57

    Hello Sue
    Oh you have definitely saved the best til last today and I've found my favourite - well up to now!
    Looking forward to tomorrow.
    Take care everyone.
    See you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  74. I love this collection and great card ideas. Thanks Sue.

  75. Hi Sue. Just gorgeous !! I really love this Caribbean Background Die. What a beautiful card you have made with it. Very detailed and very pretty dies. I am so glad you explained about the extra dies in the corner, border and tag set to. This post has just confirmed that I really do love all of the Caribbean Collection. I can't wait to see what else you make with all the dies in this collection. These have definately gone up high on my ever growing wish list, along with the Noble Squares and Diagonal dies. Thank you for more amazing cards and dies today. x x x
    Lots of love and hugs to you Sue from Tres x x x

    Myra and Allimecca Alison, That sounds like a great idea to buy your hubbies some dies for their Birthdays !! Unfortunately my hubby's Birthday is not until October so I won't get away with that idea !! Sending you both lots of love from Tres x x x

    Lots of love and hugs to all the Wonderful Wilsonettes from Tres x x x

  76. Hi Sue, Beautiful card, gorgeous dies.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  77. I don't know how you continue to come up with these amazing designs for cards and your dies. This card is so very pretty.

  78. Hi Sue, words are starting to fail me now. I love the new dies, and the background one here is just perfect. So it all goes down to choices, but that will have to wait for the last blog post, the card is lovely, great colours. Take care. Bx

  79. Really lacy and so versatile. Lovely sample too! Susan x

  80. More lovely dies, these ones are really special. Thank you Sue for all your hard work, you must dream about dies!

    Love Elaine x

  81. Hi Sue,
    Well another superb set love the intricate detail on both dies. Beautiful card Sue , hugs xx
    Jean D xx

  82. Another beautiful card, this has to be my favourite so far.
    I love the delicate detail on this card I think it's beautiful and stunning.
    If I could win one this would be the one I would like but I'm not that lucky. lol

  83. Fantastic secs of dies. I really really like this border especially.

  84. Hello against Sue,
    Another stunning card using wonderful Dies.
    Loving this set as well.......decisions, decisions!!!

    Patricia xxx

  85. Beautiful card again and very detailed dies.How you manage to keep coming up with all these ideas I don't know but please don't stop.

  86. This is a stunning collection and so far my favourite. Gorgeous card xx

  87. Good afternoon Sue

    Well you have done it again. Just Beautiful.

    Gilly c

  88. Another lovely die set Sue!
    Makes a stunning background , and the border is beautiful,

  89. The detail on that background die is just astounding, it looks so beautiful. What a lovely set xx

  90. Hi Sue
    FAB-U-LOUS! I love these die sets and your sample card is stunning. What a gorgeous colour! Thank you for sharing.

  91. Hi Sue

    Absolutely beautiful, what a stunner to end the day with, and happily goes on my never ending wish list

    Looking forward to tomorrow with pen and list in hand.

    Kind regards :-)

    Tina XX

  92. This is so totally what you excel at sue. Making a simple sentiment into a stylish sophisticated statement

  93. This has to be one of my favourite sets so far.....and my wish list has just got longer!

  94. Hi Sue
    Oh my goodness- this is beautiful. I keep saying the same thing but it is true. Your new collection is superb and all the dies are fabulous. This die set is stunning. Thank you.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  95. Stunning. Really clever to have the separate edge dies Sue. Love them. x Annie P

  96. Hello Sue and all

    What a beautiful card. Such a lovely colour. Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  97. Hi Sue
    Such a lovely card. What an amazing set so difficult to select from the sets.
    Chris x

  98. I am loving all your new dies and these are stunning

  99. Yet another gorgeous card
    Thank you for the inspiration


  100. Really like these dies. The card is really beautiful.

  101. I'm getting very confused now, but love them all!!!

    Doreen x

  102. Hi Sue even more wonderful dies you are so talented. Hugs Jackie

  103. Deb E Isle of Wight5 February 2015 at 17:23

    Love this sample, and particularly the large base die. Think the colour combo also sets this off perfectly. Would love to have the opportunity to win these dies, but if not lucky enough they are also on the wish list!

  104. I shouldn't miss out on having this one gorgous die in my crafting repertoire. Great one, Sue!

  105. Hi Sue
    what a fab day with seeing such super dies and gorgeous cards filled with inspirational ideas.
    I love them all so far and look forward to tomorrow. x

  106. Hi Sue more beautiful dies ,really will have to win the lottery ,want them all.
    Marion H

  107. Hi Sue
    Just had to pop back to see your next creation before I get back into bed ( not to well )
    And again your dies are a definite must have .
    Love to go into your draw as does everyone else so good luck to you all
    Take Care
    Theresa. xx

  108. What a beautiful card Sue, these dies are lovely, great collection, thank you, Linda x

  109. Hi Sue,
    Another wonderful collection of dies and another beautiful card to show them off. Love these dies.

    Love Sheila xx

  110. Hi Sue lovley card and dies hugs linda and lily

  111. Hi again Sue, Stunning, stunning, stunning, but still cannot make up my mind! Just shown my husband the last couple of minutes of your quilted card tutorial, hint, hint, hint. He not stupid and knows very well what's coming. The Tutorials are fabulous to watch and such an inspiration. Linda.

  112. Hi Sue,
    Another wonderful collection of dies and another beautiful card to show them off. Love these dies.

    Love Sheila xx

  113. Just gorgeous. You've brought so many new dies that it's difficult to just go for one or two but will want all of them!
    Chris x

  114. Another extra special set. Yes will have to rob a bank ha ha!! ♡

  115. Hi Sue great set of two dies and lovely card

  116. Oh Sue, you need to stop showing us all these lovely cards and dies....said no one ever. Each one is more intricate and beautiful than the last.

  117. Really beautiful set of dies.
    Lynne x

  118. Hi Sue

    Another beautiful card and die set. Love the colour. Love Kate H

  119. Hello again, Sue
    Your card is beautiful and these two dies are going right to the top of my Wish List! I have quite a few of your Background Dies which I just love and use them often.
    What a great time we have had seeing your wonderful new collection over the past few days and there is still tomorrow to look forward to and of course the weekend, too!
    With Love
    Lesley S

  120. Wow these age gorgeous too, as is the card! x

  121. Hi Sue, beautiful, beautiful and more lovely than you could ever imagine. These dies would keep me busy for ages they are so useful. I hope your desire to craft never dulls or we would be lost. Stay happy. Janexx

  122. Well you did it again Sue, absolutely beautiful. Maxine T

  123. Hi Sue, a delightful card in a beautiful colour. I think these 2 sets have become my favourites - so far, lol. Having the separate cutting edges adds so much to the versatility. Roll on tomorrow.

  124. Ooooooooh Sue, I simply adore these. These are a definite must for me. I will be saving hard.
    Simply beautiful
    Hugs Theresa xx

  125. Hi Again Sue
    How veratile are these dies so pretty to love the card as well thanks for sharing ,hugs sarah xxx

  126. Hi Sue. Fabulous dies and a stunning card. SueL x

  127. These look gorgeous, fantastic idea to have separate cutting edges too. Love the card!

  128. I don't know how you continue to be so creative with your designs. Love these. Gillian x

  129. I love the style of these sets! Gorgeous card! So delicate!

  130. I adore this collection Sue, simply wonderful

  131. Hi Sue,
    Love the background die, fabulous card and colour.
    Love Janet x
    from Wakefield

  132. I think this is my favourite ,just put it on order from joanna sheen can't wait to see a card made with the cornflower x

  133. Hi Sue what more can we say about these wonderful wonderful dies, they are superb and the card is beautiful also, Johanna

  134. Having separate cutting edges is genius and as you say Sue will give so much versatility. Great set to add to the collection. Looking forward to to morrow's treats.

  135. Oh my god these are just sooo gorgeous. I´m totally in love here with this and the Greek collection, I have to admit. And your work with them are just as beautiful.

  136. Evening Sue
    Amazing cards and stunning dies
    Amanda xx

  137. love the background die, another must have. x

  138. Love love love these x

  139. Very nice. I can't promise to join you at 6am (does that time really exist????) ;)

  140. More beautiful dies, Sue. Love the card too!

    Anne (Northampton)

  141. Hi sue
    Beautiful card as usual.
    I have to say I really can't choose with all these dies. This is by far the best collection better than the autumn range an I loved all of them too :-) xx

  142. Hi Sue, you are so clever designing these beautiful dies and making the cards to showcase them to us. Think these are on my wish list too, can see that background die being so useful. Ho hum beans on toast for a few weeks should save a few pennies! Lol. Take care and have a good evening. Love Diane G xxxx

  143. Hi Sue
    I think the background and border sets are my favourites of the Californian Collection so far, but let's see what tommorrow brings.

    Margaret xxx

  144. Oh Sue, what have you done to us, I love these dies, they have gone right to the top of my wish list
    See you tomorrow, Jess x

  145. Beautiful card.

    Take care


  146. Hi Sue. Oh I love this background - so pretty and your gorgeous card showcasing it is stunning. Enjoy your evening. Hugs to all xxx

  147. Hi again Sue, beautiful card, just loving these new designs. Wish I could afford to buy them all! Love Jean xxx

  148. Such a pretty card - the dies are so versatile when they can be split up

  149. Super card Sue this caribbean collection is gorgeous. Edwina

  150. Hi Sue
    I'm loving the Caribbean collection. The card you have made with it is gorgeous.

  151. Hi Sue. You are always thinking ten steps ahead of other designers in making your products more crafter friendly. The background and border set look wonderful. Sue xxx

  152. Hi Sue

    Can't wait to add this set to my collection.

  153. These dies just get better and better.

  154. These are fabulous dies can't wait to get my hands on some!

  155. Now I have another favourite. I love this background die. Can't wait to see tomorrows samples

  156. I've not got any oval dies yet but this oval frame is gorgeous, I want it!

    Diane from Glasgow xx

  157. Sue, you just come up with the most amazing ideas! Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.
    Best wishes. Annette

  158. This is such a pretty card Sue, so lovely. Liz Spooner.xx

  159. Love this set, wonderful!

    Marion B xx

  160. Hi Sue.
    These dies are just so pretty.
    Evis M.

  161. Beautiful card and die Sue.....xxx

  162. Beautiful card Sue and thank you for thinking us crafters when designing them.

  163. these sets are gorgeous again. And the newest videos are great

  164. Another winner, Sue. I do love the colour combination of this card...xxx

  165. Hi Sue
    I'm enjoying all of this so much, don't want it to end!!
    Beautiful card & more amazing dies!!!!

  166. My favourite so far. Love the colours.

  167. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes,
    Another fabulous set love the brilliant idea of separate cutting edge on the border corner & tag set. The background die & the gorgeous sample card is fantastic. Love love all the die's today thank you Sue.
    Love & Hug's Lynda Brock xx

    Myra & Alison great idea die's for hubby's birthday,last September was my hubby's B/D at Ally Pally he really enjoyed his day out treat & Sue's die's or two Haha.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    Hug's to Sandra,Margaret corgi owner,Myra P,Maria A, Hazel TIna E Pam, Saba, Steph,Patrica,Wheelybad,JeanD,TOB,Theresa,Gail C, Lynne M,Norah,CameelI,& All Wilsonlettes
    Hug's Lynda xx

  168. Hi Sue
    You make such gorgeous cards Sue,helps when you have great dies.

  169. Wow, these dies look just great. What a wonderful idea to put extra cutting edges on the background die as well as the border, corner and tags. It will make is so much more versatile. Guess this will have to go on my wish list as well. Am sure all the Wilsonettes are hoping to be winners with the wonderful collections you have shown us. Once again, looking forward to tomorrow.

  170. Love this - it is stunning

    My favourite so far

  171. Hi Sue
    With all these stunning dies we will need a birthday every week not that I would complain.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x x x

  172. Hi Sue

    Stunning collection...really love them

    Sue x

  173. Another beautiful set! I am really enjoying these multi-visits to your blog every day! Lovely card.

    Teaselgirl x

  174. Sue

    What a stunning card. I had a big intake of breathe when I saw it. I really love this Caribbean set. Thanks so much.

  175. Hi Sue. I really love these. Look really useful. A must have! Diane xx

  176. Sue yr dies get better and better, I'm loving them all, kind regards Janet k. Xx

  177. Dies with pricking on them already, Sue you are spoiling us. These dies are gorgeous and the card truly fabulous.xx

  178. This card is really classy. Love it! See you tomorrow xxx

  179. Hello again. I love these collections as we get to see more of your beautiful creations. What a gorgeous card this is made special by your lovely die. Fabulous. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

  180. Oh dear, now I have fallen in love, the best yet
    Love Jan x x

  181. Hi Sue
    Stunning card and great dies - love them all
    Carol x

  182. Hi Sue and all, Beautiful card! Like the background die most here but the others aren't bad either.
    Maria x

  183. So very beautiful, dies and card Sue loved them all so far.

  184. Wow what a beautiful card
    you have outdone yourself Sue this whole collection is a dream for all us crafters xxx

  185. loving this. great idea to have all separate cutting edges.
    Best wishes
    Lynne in Spain

  186. Another beautiful card, love that background die.


  187. Wow! Other beautiful Carribean dies! Love them, expecially the one with the corner and the border!

  188. Evening Sue. This is a beautiful card with all the detail and cut work. These dies are fantastic, loving the background it' so detailed and having separete cutting edges just makes them more versatile with so many possabilities. Thanks for another great day and looking forward to another great day tomorrow.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise T x

  189. Evening Sue. Wow what pretty dies. You've done it again. Gorgeous card. Caz x

  190. Hi Sue,
    I loosing the will to live here....I have half an image now - so annoying. I'm sure the card is beautiful though.
    Beverley W

  191. Hello again everyone :-)
    Another gorgeous card, Sue. The Caibbean Background is another of the dies I really liked at first sight, but I wanted to see what you did with it first.
    The solid centre in this looks embossed ?

    Would love to have this die too !!! Please, Lady Luck smile on me........Please!!!!

    Take care, everyone. See you all again tomorrow Xx

  192. Hi Sue,
    Aha! Just found my favourite! This background is my favourite. So pretty - wow! Best wishes, Anne O

  193. Hi Sue,
    I love the background die. It has so many possibilities! Oh dear what to choose first?
    Veronique L

  194. Sue, this is my absolute favourite!!! I love and I have to have it! :D Jo xx

  195. Hi Sue lovely card and dies
    Denise X
