
Monday 4 August 2014

Thanks For Everything

 Hello crafters!  The start of a new week and I thought I would show you a card that mixes some of my two die releases here to begin the week off right!  I started with the outer die from the Cordoba die set from my Spanish Collection to cut an aperture.  I love this die as it leaves the little holes on the aperture, not the actual die cut.  I added mounting foam on to the back of my aperture to raise it for dimension.  I placed it on to a piece of pale green card.  Next I cut a Seville die out of coconut white card and glued it down into the recess of my aperture to create a pretty backdrop for my focal element.  I stamped the Rose Bouquet stamp that matches my new French Collection using a black archival ink pad on to pale green card.  I coloured it with Distress markers and cut it out with the matching die.  I mounted it on foam in the centre of my card.  I stamped a sentiment and cut it out with the inner oval die from the Austrian tag die.  I inked it lightly with Shabby Shutters before removing it and mounted it on foam a top my stamped background diecut.  I made two roses out of peach card using my Classic Rose die set from my first release.  I inked the edges with Mustard Seed before assembling,  sugared them with Iced Snow and seated them on a messy bow tied from white seam binding.  I added some sprig from my Petite Vinery die set as embellishments.  To complete the card, I added a double white mat and used the white CosmicShimmer PVA glue to add dots around the edge for a nice frame.  The finished dimensions are 7" x 9" in size.

  Don't forget that the videos start back up tomorrow!  Hope to see you then!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Hello Sue and everyone, stunning card, love it. Looking forward to videos returning .
    Thank you everyone for helping me with George. Being the big sister I feel I have to have the answers but I am just giving him time and space. I have spoken with his lovely wife and she has had the same thing at home, Robbie's accident has devastated them all. On the good news front, Robbie has moved all fingers on one hand, yeah Robbie. One of his friends has arranged a fund raiser concert for Robbie with a top group appearing, amazing support .
    It's, hope you are doing okay, hug for baby Leo, great to hear Cameeli is having a good time, thank you.
    love and hugs to all Wilsonettes, thank you friends xx

  2. Sorry that should have been Ita x

  3. Morning Sue.
    Thank you beautiful card. Looking forward to the videos. Best wishes Pam, to all Wilsonettes take care and have a good day Kitty.

  4. Good morning Sue,,
    A wonderful card to greet us on a Monday morning , love everything about it.
    Look forward to the Videos starting, I learn so many great things from them, thank you
    Have a great day

    Patricia xxx

  5. What a stunning truly wow Sue Wilson special. Love it Sue. x

  6. What a pretty card sue nice change of colour and you have used one of my favorite dies.

  7. Hi Sue
    What a stunner for today, having problems with my phone had everything done and lost the page so having to start again.
    Good news on Robbie hugs to you, your brother and his family x
    Gentle hugs for baby Leo x
    Going to have a rummage in my dies and card stock later today as I have my Mum's and daughter Kara's bithdays coming up so will be trying to make something special for them so my living room will look like a crafty mess hubby always asks if Jodie has been round when he sees the bits all over the floor.
    Love and big hugs to everyone and hope the weather is lovely where you are today x
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x x

  8. Gorgeous card today, Sue, love it all - especially your roses and fab embellishment. Just beautiful.

    'P' in Wales

  9. Good morning, Sue and everyone.
    This is a beautiful card, I love everything about it !! I have some of the new stamps, but not this one.
    I may need to remedy that, Lol!!

    Hugs to you Pam, and all the family. Great news on Robbie's continued progress.

    Congratulations to yesterdays'

    Best Wishes and hugs, Sue and everyone, especially Julie and Lee, Lanc's Steph, Yorkielass, NanaTina Myra P and all those who are ill or in need of some cheer.

    Looking forward to the start of the new videos tomorrow :-)

    Angela in S. Wales Xx

  10. Good morning Sue what a beautiful card I love the colours you have used. I love these dies as you can use them in so many different ways. Thank you Sue for all the ideas that you give us. Take care Sue. Xx

    Debs A xx

  11. Good morning Sue
    What a beautiful card to start the day with. I love all the matching stamps to your dies your so talented. The new flourishes are amazing and so useful. I'm really looking forward to your video.
    Great news about Robbie Pam.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  12. Hi Sue. A beautiful card to start the week. I love how all of the dies have been designed to mix and match and the Rose Bouquet stamp is gorgeous : )
    Sending my daily hugs to you Sue, to Pam and Robbie-great news about Robbies finger movements, to Sandra and Pat and all of my other special friends and to all in need. Take care.

  13. Good morning Sue and everyone.
    Super card. Very elegant and how precise are those glue pearls? Mine wouldn't be that equally spaced lol!
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  14. Lovely card Sue the stamp is stunning.
    Looking forward to the video's coming back.
    Hugs to all
    Michelle xxxx

  15. Good morning Sue, Pam and everyone, this is such a lovely card to greet everyone on this bright and sunny Monday morning, I love the way the holes stay on the aperture and the colours you have used are really lovely. Good news about Robbie's finger movements and don't worry too much (easy for me to say) about your brother, he will improve just as Robbie is. Have a great day everyone, stay safe, healthy and happy. June Smith xxx

  16. Hello Sue, a really gorgeous card, love the colours, they are so pretty. Looking forward to the return of the videos, they are so inspiring. Bx

  17. Hi Sue,

    Stunning card!!

    How do you get your Cosmic Shimmer PVA glue dots a uniform size, is there a crafty trick to this??
    I love using Cosmic PVA but my dots tend to come out a bit random in size.

    Hugs, Dianne from New Zealand

  18. Pretty colours and a super design.

  19. Morning Sue. A beautiful card to start the week. Loving the stamped image another one to add to my wish list. Looking forward to the return of your videos as i learn so must from them with all your hints and tips. Have a great day.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise x

  20. Hi Sue,
    I can't Believe it I Have "This Wonderful Rose Bouquet Stamp" of yours and yesterday I stamped it and using my Copics I coloured it in and that's as far as I got, now you've given me a great idea as long as you don't mind me using some of yours.
    I'm in the middle of three Cards at present one I started using The Rose Postcard from JustRite, the other was this one, using your Rose Bouquet Stamp, and then a Gentlemen's Card I keep returning to time after time still not sure (why is it difficult to do men's Cards)
    I Love The Spanish Die you used to cut your Aperture, then I Love how you've used The Beautiful Seville Die and placed it through your Aperture it's so Beautiful when it's been cut out and embossed, I have Purchashed The French Collection so this wonderful shape of The Stamp can be cut out and I've also Purchashed a couple more of the Fabulous Stamps you've Designed to match this shape. I Love The Beautiful Roses and how you've used The Awesome Iced Snow on them, adding one of your Fabulous Messy Bows, and The Beautiful Petite Vinery, and to finish off you've used The Cosmic Shimmer PVA Glue to add Dots To Frame your Outstanding, Stunning, Extremely Awesome Card. I'm Truly Thrilled to hear that The Video's are returning I keep notes of all The Tips and Techniques you share with us, I also like the idea of checking through them on You Tube!
    Sue Thank You Once again For every thing your extremely hard work this fantastic Blog.
    Thank You for The Inspiration I So Much Appreciate It.
    Sue Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x
    Hugs to All

  21. This card for me is the best. I love the colours and the use of the dies. Could be used for all occasions. Look forward to the videos.

  22. Morning what a beautiful card Sue, looking forward to your.new dies. Look forward to watching the video tomorrow.

  23. Beautiful card Sue, love the colours and the stamp is just lovely!
    Have a good day,

    Thinking of you Pam x

  24. Gorgeous, love colours, dies and stamps. Xxxx

  25. Morning Sue and everyone
    Good news about Robbie Pam, pleased there is some progress, just a small step can mean such a lot. A really fresh pretty card today Sue, looking forward to the video tomorrow. Like Dianne I also have a problem getting the PVA dots uniform in size and at the moment mine won't even form dots....just splodges, I think the heat has affected te glue. I suppose practice makes perfect!
    I hope that everyone has a good day, stay safe.
    Love and hugs to all.
    Dawn Searle xxx

  26. Morning Sue
    Just stunning!!
    Sheila x

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Morning Sue, A truly stunning card, I love how the Cordoba and Seville die-cuts go together so beautifully, and the gorgeous stamping and colouring, truly stunning !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

    Dear Pam, Such good news about Robbie, so very encouraging for him. George is very lucky having his big Sis helping him.
    My love, prayers and huge hugs go out to you all, from Patricia xx

  29. Morning Sue. Beautiful card today. The colours are lovely together. I always like the roses. Looking forward to the videos. Take care. Hugs Heather.x

  30. Morning Sue, a really beautiful card, I don't know how you keep doing it, I don't think I have yet to see a card by you that I don't love! Love Hean xxx

  31. Good morning Sue and everyone. Love absolutely everything about this card!
    Great news about Robbie, Pam - just give your brother time. Best wishes to all. Sue xxx

  32. Gorgeous card-love everything about it. Looking forward to a video on the next few Tuesdays.


  33. Good morning Sue,
    What a beautiful card, just love it, and it's green! Looking forward to the videos starting again.
    Good news about Robbie, Pam, hugs for all in need of one.
    Gail Cx

  34. Ecco of Sheffield4 August 2014 at 07:23

    morning Sue
    Today's gift has to be one of the most beautiful gifts I have seen for some time.
    I love everything you have used. I will definitely have to put myself into a buying mode for one or two of your beautiful complimentary stamps. This is definitely going into my 'must do' file and I really do not know what anyone would want to receive if they did not fall in love with your wonderful gift.

    Sandra - will continue as requested although it's a good job no-one can see me doing my 'sun dance'. Take care - don't do yourself any damage before Thursday. I can remember having to arrange for washing/cleaning/packing and organising the family before a holiday and then off you go only to be asked part=way down the motorway 'did you pack me.......' and 'you didn't forget to ......' and then it takes a few days to recover when you arrive while everyone else is just so happy to be there.
    Fingers crossed you'll have a good journey through France as it looks as though everyone went away this last week-end. According to the newspaper it was a record of 90,000kms of traffic holdups all across France with A75 being one of the worst hit.

    Pam - FANTASTIC NEWS on the Robbie front. What a determined young man you have.

    Norah - did I miss you yesterday? Hope you're OK.

    WE HAVE SUNSHINE!!!! Fingers crossed it stays all day as I've got a load of washing to put out to dry. Thought I could get it out yesterday as it was fine in the morning and when we got back from the Vide Grenier but we had the most horrendous thunder storm just after lunch and we lost all power for the rest of the afternoon.

    Just a little note from Mr E - he is well and in one piece but appreciates your kind words.Ha Ha.

    Hope everyone is feeling OK this morning. Please take care when out and about and see you tomorrow.
    Janet x


  35. Hi All, very lovely card , your colouring is perfect as are
    the way you choose colours to go together. Lilian

  36. GM Sue - love this - this card makes me think I must mix and match your sets more - I tend to use dies within the same set for some reason - think I need to get more adventurous! Love that vinery almost as much as the quilled leaves. Bring on the videos - I have missed them. Thanks for sharing and inspiring - Happy Monday all
    Clare W

  37. God morning Sue today's card is perfect the dies work together so well and that stamp is gorgeous. It is good news about the videos. Have a great day. Hugs Jackie

  38. Yes - looking forward to the videos, too! Yx

  39. Yes - looking forward to the videos, too! Yx

  40. Avery elegant card today, ticks all my boxes. hugs Cheryl xxx

  41. These two die sets mix beautifully, I have both of these so will be giving this a try. Lovely stamp too, making this a stunning card.

  42. Hi Sue. Morning Wilsonettes. Another Monday rolls round again, the start of a new week of how many crafting disasters I wonder ?!
    Im glad I made some of you smile yesterday regarding my useless stubby fly in the wind index finger, It wouldnt matter if it was my left hand, but Im right handed and its the most important finger you have, so only having the use of 4 fingers on my right hand causes a little frustration but many 'tut's and growls' Marg Simpson style growls LOL ! It would be SO good though if ink pads of all makes could be revised. Maybe we could right to Sir Tim etc what do you think Sue ? Do you have any clout in this area ? I may do some research on ink manufactorers and packaging, but I need to work on my 'to do list' just out of interest, how many cards would you all make per occassion if you do markets or fairs, I have about 10 Male cards to chose from, but idea's/suggestions would help if you dont mind (Sam Im with you, male cards are the most awkward, and the least interesting) although I am getting more male orientated stamps, just the cheap tiny one's that are about for £1.00 but they help if funds are tight !

    I always smile when I open this special place and see a card that has a die I have, it makes me feel Im 'on trend' at last - the only thing I am on trend with - well kind of LOL, lots more dies to invest before Im fully there though, but to see them helps my style move on, as until I got a few Sue dies I was stuck in a rutt, still lots to learn, which is why im so looking forward to the start of our video tutorials tomorrow. Thank you Sue.
    I dont have many stamps under the CE/Justrite umbrella, but maybe I can use some I do have in place of today's, I have the Get Well/Than you with large flower/s on so I could mask off the stem and use the flower head maybe.
    Well as usual I send love and many caring hugs to Pam and your brother (and Pam is listed first on the blog as she is one of our early risers ! ) not sure who asked that yesterday, but that's the answer LOL !
    To all that dont feel so good in which ever way,if I could help I would, but tomorrow is another day : )
    I value so many of you, so thank you, you all know who you are.
    This sentiment comes back to you Sue and those I dont have to list : )

    Sending hugs all round this Monday.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xxx
    BTW - coffee : ) xxx

  43. Very elegant and love the flower and bow arrangement

  44. Such a gorgeous card here again tosay Sue, really beautiful and decorative.

  45. Pretty as a picture, love the pattern round the outer aperture

  46. Oh sue
    What a pretty card, loved the colour way, shame I have got to go to work, never mind it funds my crafty obsession.

  47. Good Morning Sue. What a lovely card to start off the week. Really beautiful.
    Love Val in Spain x

  48. Hi Sue, I too love the cordoba die I have it and use it all the time, must invest in the others. The card is very beautiful it's my kind of card. thank you love Jean Z xxx

  49. Morning Sue, What else can I say, but absolute perfection. I love every bit of this card. I am going to have a blitz on my craft room today, ha ha, I might be gone for a long time!

    Hope everyone has a peaceful week.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  50. Hi Sue - this is an absolutely beautiful card. Love absolutely everything about it! Looking forward to your videos, best wishes

  51. Morning Sue,
    Another stunner to start the week, love it all, and the roses are gorgeous. Looking forward to the start of the videos.
    Have a good day.

  52. Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
    I think this is a pretty, pretty card.
    Hope everyone has as good a day as possible xx

  53. This is stunning. Really like ot and can think of lots of occasions this could be used.

  54. Hi Sue,

    Simply stunning. Love it. Thank you.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

  55. Good Monday morning Sue and everyone.
    Beautiful card, so love those dies!
    I'm late today as I often am on Monday work days - hoping everyone gets from their week what they want!
    Hugs Annie x

  56. Hi Sue this card is beautiful and looking forward to the video's.
    Marion H

  57. Hi Sue beautiful card again today I love the way you cut out the aperture and raise the card it makes it look very inviting in the middle. Fabulous stamps too I love the way they match the die shapes you really do think of everything. Have a great day . Love Diane G xxx
    Pam great news about Robbie xxx

  58. Good morning Sue, and everyone.
    Today's card is gorgeous! The Rose Bouquet stamp is beautiful.Looking forward to your videos.Wishing you, and all your Wilsonettes a happy and healthy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  59. Morning Sue, an absolutely stunning card
    love the aperture left from the Cardoba die it is gorgeous. Looking
    forward to the video's returning.
    Nancyd xx

  60. Hi Sue
    I do love this card, its beautiful. Looking forward to the new videos.
    Love Jan x x


  61. Morning Sue,

    Beautiful, stunning card. Love it. X

  62. Good morning Sue, as always a beautiful card! Looking forward to the video tomorrow! Hope you have a fantastic week! Love Nicola x

  63. Dear Sue
    This is such a pretty card and I love everything about it, colour, dies, gorgeous stamp, your colouring etc. this is certainly one for my favourites list!
    I, too, am looking forward to watching your new videos and getting those lovely tips from you that make such a difference to our card making.
    Another wonderful day here in West Sussex and I am looking forward to going to a Strawberry Tea Party this afternoon to celebrate a friend's Birthday in her garden.
    Your fantastic range of cards never ceases to amaze me and I would like to thank you for all the hard work you do in presenting your wonderful Blog and those descriptive videos.
    Love from
    Lesley S

  64. Hi Sue,
    Very pretty card, love the colours and layers of die cuts in the aperture too.
    Donna Jones

  65. Hullo Sue
    Another stunning card using your Spanish collection dies. This is gorgeous, I do love your dies and the Rose die. Haven't tried the dots round the edge, but Julia did show us that all the ones she does aren't uniform in size.
    Good news regarding Robbie Pam hugs to you all as usual.
    Not many sleeps now Sandra before you start off on your hols. Hugs to you and Mrs B as usual, can't wait till we all meet up again.
    I have good fingers Steph but I still drop ink pads onto my work sometimes.
    Hope your hills are alive Norah.
    Hugs to all in need of one today.


  66. Didn't realise that there were holes round the edged of that die!!
    The colours are good too,

    Doreen x

  67. Dear Sue a wonderful card which is very Summery! Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

  68. Morning Sue
    Stunning as usual, love the roses.
    This has a wonderful summery feel.
    Amanda xx

  69. Hi Sue,
    An absolutely stunning card this Monday morning love everything about it , your beautiful new dies and the cordoba from your last release and the matching stamp is beautiful. Looking forward to the new series of videos, thanks Sue for all your hard work and time you give to your blog and us . Hugs xxx

    Pam, fabulous news on Robbie, sending him and his family special hugs and you of course xx

    Crafty hugs to yorkielass, Lynda and all the special ladies on this wonderful blog xxx

    Jean D

  70. Such a lovely card again Sue , loving the style and colors used
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  71. Lovely card - the dots around the edge make quite a difference

  72. Gorgeous Card Sue!

    I love every thing about it, especially the roses with the ice snow on them.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  73. Gorgeous card, must get the petite vinery set. Love to all, Judy M

  74. Hi Sue

    Fabulous card so pretty love the way the die cuts and leaves little indents.
    Looking forward to the video tutorials tomorrow.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  75. PS can't wait to see the new videos, always such an inspirational treat.
    Judy M

  76. Rose in Chester4 August 2014 at 09:20

    Hi Sue,
    Thank you for showing us another stunning, elegant and beautiful card. I would have never thought of putting the "French" with the "Spaniards", but they work extremely well.
    Roses are yummy as always.
    And the colours are so pleasing to the eye.
    Hugs, Rose

  77. Rose in Chester4 August 2014 at 09:21

    And of course, looking forward to the videos........
    Hugs, Rose

  78. Lovely card, so fresh and clean.

    Love to all who are struggling in whatever way

    Off on my new bike - not been on one for 30 years but Tilly has learnt to ride and Mummy has to too! Bought an old fashioned style black bike just need the basket on the front! Picture painted?


  79. Morning Sue, hope you have had a lovely weekend. A very pretty card today. Love the way you have incorporated both releases here. Looking forward to the new videos. Kind regards Joanne K x

  80. This is such a beautiful card! I love it.
    And now I'm excited, the cideos start again tomorrow!!!!! Yayyyy.

  81. Morning Sue, beautiful card for today, love the roses you make, mine never turn out as good, but practise makes perfect so they say.
    Pam good news about Robbie
    Looking forward to tomorrow for the new videos, can't wait.
    Take care everyone, Jess x

  82. Morning Sue

    What an elegant card. I do like complicated cards with lots of colour and texture but every so often, I revert to a clean style and really like the impact.

    Looking forward to seeing the new set of videos!

    Take care.


  83. Morning Sue
    This card is stunning - one to try hope you don't mind - the colours are lovely


    Carol x

  84. Morning Sue,
    It's been a little bit gloomy here the last couple of days but the sunshine and your beautiful card hve certainly cheered the day up, I love the pail green and the beautiful stamp and especially how you have used your dies. I'm so pleased the weather is lovely today as I have a 42 year old Special Needs daughter and she's off for a day out to Llandudno today she calls it her 'Holidays' (she can't talk but uses signs). We miss her such alot since she moved into the community (the hardest decision we have ever made)...so hopefull the weather will stay good all day.

    Hugs to those who need them and sorry to prattle on a bit.

    Love Sheila xx

    Love Sheila xx

  85. Good morning sue and everyone
    Such a beautiful card ever so regal and rich looking jut the kind of card you would send to someone really special.

    Fantastic news of Robbie just hang on in there Pam with your little brother, hugs to you all.

    Warm wishes and hugs to all those who need them especially Sue, Pam, Tina, Steph, Lynda, Yorkielass, Lyndsay, and Sandra.

    Mararet corgi owner

  86. PS... Forgot to mention that I'm so looking forward to the restart of you videos Sue.
    A typo too pail should be pale sorry about that!
    Love Sheila xx

  87. Morning Sue - I agree with you, the 'holey' die really frames the rest beautifully. Lovely card!

  88. Hello Sue,
    Beautiful card, I too love for Cordoba die, in fact I love all of the Spanish dies, They just go so well together, clever lady for designing them. I have other dies from your first release the Spanish ones are the only ones I have the complete collection BUT I'm working towards !!!!!!!!!
    Looking forward to tomorrow's video.
    Have a Great day, love Brenda xxx

    Ginger (Sheila) Hope your daughter has a lovely holiday!!!!!

    Pam, our prayers are being answered - slowly, so pleased Robbie is making some progress.

  89. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card. I love everything about it! Thanks for sharing.
    Pam, great news about Robbie. So glad to hear he is improving.
    Hugs to all who need one.

  90. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Looking forward to the videos.

  91. Hi Sue, what a gorgeous card to start the week with. I don't have the Spanish dies or the beautiful stamp but I have my fingers crossed for a lottery win lol! Love the petite vinery, it is fast rivalling the faux quilled leaves for first place and your roses are stunning as always.

  92. Hello Sue, Beautiful card, the Cordoba die is gorgeous love those little holes too. Your colouring is perfection and the two sugared ross are scrummy. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Had a craft clear out at the weekend and have given it to a teacher to use in her craft class, she said the children will be making Mother's day cards and lot of others, I was so pleased that the children will be having crafty fun.
    Pam good news that Robbie has moved some fingers, yeah go Robbie, these small steps on the long road and the amazing support from his family and friends will help him fight. George will open up when he is ready and he is lucky to have a big sister like you, love and massive hugs to you, Robbie and his family.
    Wheely Bad hope you managed to get out with Mr WB and that you are feeling better today, gentle hugs.
    Norah hope you are OK and that the sun is shining on your hills, missed you yesterday, hugs to you and wee Rory.
    Barbiepinkfarie enjoy the bike ride with Jodie.
    Sandra take it easy before your holiday, gentle hugs.
    Daily hugs to Tina E, Margaret corgi owner, Steph, Lynne M. Lynda B, Jean D, Lindsay, Angela W, Myra P. Maureen K, Mrs B, Tandy, Tres, Ita, Pat S, P in Wales and of course our Sue.
    Take care everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  93. Fabulous card Sue. Your colouringis just amazing & that lovely die sets it all off to perfection. Pat x

  94. Hi Sue
    What a stunner of a card today real pretty, hugs Sarah xx

  95. Good morning Sue, Just w3hat we need to start the week one of you beautiful cards and this one certainly fits the bill love it!
    Beryl xx

  96. Hi Sue

    Love this card, so pretty.
    Looking forward to the video's.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  97. Lovely mixture today Sue of your first and second released dies, I just need them all but all in good time.
    Pam another huge step for Robbie, I'm so pleased and it must boost his moral so much when these new things happen.
    Hugs to everyone, just a very short pop in today. Love to June, Lynne, Alison, Karen, Norah, Steph, Julie and Lee, Janet, Sandra, Tres, Tandy, TOB, Myra, Margaret, P in Wales, Lynda, wheelybad and everyone I've missed as always xx

  98. Hi Sue
    Stunning card, love the stamp that matches your die, think I need to buy this one!!
    Can't wait for the return of the videos
    Best wishes to everyone, Pat

  99. Hi Sue
    What an absolutely stunning card this this. It is beautiful. All the dies work so perfectly together and create masterpieces such as this. Fantastic.
    Thank you.
    Looking forward to the videos - I've realy missed them.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  100. Morning Sue, what a beautiful card this is, the colours are so lovely and the dies you have created are just right

    Love it


  101. A beutiful Card, Looking forward to the videos starting again. Elaine x

  102. Morning Sue,
    Such a Beautiful and Elegant Card today. I Love Love Love It. Looking forward to the Video's again.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Susi x

  103. HI SUE

  104. no, thank you for all your generosity!. that stamp is beautiful and the whole card looks smashing xx

  105. Oh wow Sue. This is truly beautiful. It has an Edwardian feel of real class and elegance. Completely stunned again. Your creations are amazing.
    Hope everyone is having a better day than me but this card took me away from reality for a while.
    Lots of love
    Jo xx

  106. Good morning Sue and my fellow Wilsonettes,
    Oh what a beautiful card that you have made for our delight today Sue. The pale green with the white is just so pretty together and the beautiful stamp, oooooo i think it will need to go on my need list as it is so pretty when all done up.
    Go on Robbie, you show them the stuff you're made of our boy. Each new acheivement is something to be very proud of as it takes guts, determination and a lot of energy to make it happen. What amazing friends Robbie has, good and true friends. Pam, i wish we had the answers for George, but we don't unfortunately, but his family does have a whole lot of new friends who care and Robbie has a whole lot of adopted aunties here to spur him on and send a whole lot of wee prayers up for his return to health.
    I hope our wee lion cub Leo is coming on in leaps and bounds, sending a wee hug to him and mum and dad.
    Dianne(dinkydinz)do like me the pave kind where they are all different sizes and then know one knows, i gave up trying as i like them to be equal in distance and size.
    Oh Janet, i had my usual essay length written and a did what i always do with highlight and copy, but i don't know where it went and i only found that out late on last night that i wasn't there and too tired to argue with the tablet. Glad that Mr E is still living and in one piece. When we went away on holiday when i was young one of our favourite places to go was Yorkshire as the people were very much of a similar humour to my dad. I remember the holiday that the caravanette broke down and the farmer Mr Appleby came and towed it to his farm. It needed new parts and he took my dad to get some of them but others were down Blackpool area. My aunt and uncle picked up those one for us as they were there on holiday. Everyday there was fresh milk, eggs, bacon and homemade bread waiting for us on the step of the van from his wife. Jim and i got to play in the upstairs of the barn which had been kitted out for the boys and their friends. That was the best holiday ever, we may not have got any further than the Appleby's but we found friends that lasted a lifetime with my mum and dad. Kindness beyond everything we had ever known that holiday.
    Have fun Lesley at your friends birthday strawberry tea party. I hope the rain stays away and you have a lovely summers day for it.
    A lovely picture you have painted Barbiepinkfairy and i am sure little Tilly will have a great time with mum.
    Sheila (Ginger) you are a loving brave mother who thought what was best for her daughter. Yes she has her challenges but you have allowed her to be like all the rest of her friends that no longer live at home, they have their own place. I hope your daughter enjoys her "holidays" today. It would have been a lot easier on you if she still stayed at home but would it have been fair on her later on. I applaud you and your husbands strength at giving her the freedom to start a new life for herself, what a brilliant mum and dad she has in you both.
    Well it has been yucky here the past few days with thunder and lightening which is probably where my essay from yesterday went to the ethers. Hubby is cutting my window slot for my new toilet window to go in, so it is going to be dusty and noisy. With the weather i think it is a crafting day. Sending hugs to poor Ita in hospital yet again, Tandy and Heather for the mill they are going through, Lynne because i haven't seen her for a wee while and to all my dear friends on the best blog.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  107. Another beautiful, elegant card!

  108. Stunning card Sue, just shows how well all your dies work together.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  109. Beautiful Sue, love that die cut you used. If I could only own all those beautiful dies I would be in my glory, oh well I am thankful fir the ones I have. Have a great day.
    Maxine T

  110. Belinda Raven said...

    Hi Sue, stunning card today! I also like the little holes left by the Cordoba die - very attractive aperture.

    Hugs, Belinda. X

  111. Beautiful card. Take care. Claire

  112. Lovely combination - look forward to the videos

  113. Good afternoon Sue, love today's card, beautiful colour combo and layout. Hazel xx

  114. Lovely card Sue ....happy crafting ...x

  115. Loving todays card,everything is beautiful.

  116. Beautiful card! Love the aperture window! Thanks for explaining how you did it step by step. It helps to know exactly which dies and other supplies you used and I so appreciate the time it takes for you to record all those little details.

  117. Hi Sue,
    Today's card just has everything! I love the gentle ,soft colours used - your colouring is gorgeous and those dies work so beautifully together. I too love that aperture because of the shape and perfect little pierced dots it leaves behind! You are a genius! Looking forward to the videos starting again too. Thanks Sue. Sending hugs to you .
    Pam - what a lovely way to start the week - good news about Robbie! He is making steady progress - as Brenda says our prayers are being answered. Sending love to you all .
    Sheila - I do hope your daughter has a lovely holiday today. An Aunt of mine had to take a similar decision to you - very hard for them at the time - but it proved to be the right one . My cousin was older than me and I never knew life without him and I loved him to bits . He was very jealous when my husband came along but they too became firm friends. Happy memories - thank you for reminding me. Hope the sun shines in Llandudno all day.
    Steph - It's coffee for me too! To answer one question I don't make cards to sell - only for friends and family so don't batch make unless at Christmas time. However I do prepare things for kids each week in term time which involves probably 5-6 hours on average. Don't think this can compare with your hard work though as mine will be simpler. I also rarely do it all at once. keep making us smile.
    Janet - hope you get the washing dry - not jealous today as weather gorgeous here too !
    Norah - pleased to know yesterday's non - appearance was just a technical 'hitch' and that you are ok. Sounds like a great holiday!
    Sending love to Sandra, Tres, Wheelybad, Julie L , lynda, Lynne, June, Tandy, Tina, baby Leo, Anne, Margaret, Jean and anyone who needs a hug today!
    Love Myra

  118. Hi Sue & Wilsonettes WOW WOW Stunningi love this card I have the Cordoba die I use it so much .
    It so nice to see all your dies mix & Match .so looking forward to the videos tomorrow love & hugs Lynda Brock xx

    Pam brilliant news about Robbie moving his fingers.YOU GO Robbie hugs to you Pam & your family Lynda xxx

    Sheila Ginger hope your daughter has a lovely "holiday" today.Hugs too you & your daughter Lynda

    Special Hugs to Sandra hope your not over doing it.Tina E,Tres, Tandy,Ita, Margaret corgi owner, Jean D, Magpie,Yorkielass ,Lindsay,Wheely Bad,Nanna Tina,Mrs B,Tob Theresa,Myra P,Maureen K,Brenda L,Janet Ecco,Norah & wee Rory,Lynne M & pooches, Lanc Steph, Camille hope your having a great time.
    Love & hugs to Sue & all Wilsonettes Lynda xx

  119. I'm not much into the color green but your card is very nice...
    With the dies that you use it's no wonder why this card turned out so nice..
    Well done Sue

  120. Such a beautiful card with a really fresh colour scheme - great news about the videos coming back tomorrow! Thanks, Susan x

  121. Another beautiful card, Sue. I love the colours.
    Anne (Northampton)

  122. Your dies work so well together Sue. The holes around the Spanish collection die are fabulous. Looking forward to the videos.

    Muriel x

  123. Eileen L. said...

    Gorgeous card with mixed releases. I love all the pics to show the detail, beautiful. Cant wait for the videos of the new release, yipee, since the dies and stamps are on their way to me.

  124. Good afternoon sue,

    Another beautiful and elegant card. There's no end to your amazing inspirations. Thank you.

    Lots of love,

    Ivy Ling xx

  125. Hi Sue. Sorry I have not commented over the weekend. It has been so busy and hectic here. I have, of course, popped by to look at your gorgeous cards !! I just can't get through the day with out seeing your beautiful creations. I have to say that Saturdays snowflake card was amazing Sue !! Also, such a beautiful colour combo to. I really loved it and I am hoping to have a go at making a few cards of similar design in different colours for my Christmas cards (as well as other designs to, all inspired by you Sue.) Many thanks, you are amazing Sue !!
    Yesterday's card was lovely to, but today's card is just stunning !! How do you continually keep coming up with all these wonderful new ideas all the time? So clever. The stamp you have used today is gorgeous. What a pretty stamp, and what a beautiful card to !! I love the colours you have used and as you know, I really love green. I have the cordoba die and it is fab !! I just wish I could buy all your dies and stamps Sue. Beautiful bow, leaves and Roses to add those perfect finishing touches to. Thank you for bringing us such a beautiful card today.
    I hope you are having a great crafty day today Sue love Tres x x x

    Pam, I am so glad Robbie is making good progress. It is lovely to hear. Sending love to you, your brother and the rest of your family today love Tres x x x

    To Sheila Ginger, I hope your daughter has a lovely holiday. Sending you and your family lots of love and hugs from Tres x x x

    To L Steph, You always make me smile and laugh !! You are a wonderful person. Please don't ever stop !! Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

    To Norah, I love to read your stories and just like L Steph you to always make me smile and laugh. Sending you lots of love from Tres x x x

    To all Wisonettes, I hope everyone has a lovely day today. Sending you all lots of love from Tres x x x
    (Sorry, I cannot list everyone's name but you all know who you are. Love Tres x x x )

  126. Hi Sue
    Love the colours in this card so fresh,looks gorgeous.

  127. Hi Sue
    Absolutely beautiful card. Best wishes to all
    Vanessa x

  128. Hi Sue,what a pretty card i love the colour, i have this die it`s really nice,i have 4 more weeks before i go back to work so hope to get some crafting done as my grandson and grandaughter are being christened and have a family wedding, thank you so much for the inspiration Lindax

  129. Hi Sue
    Lovely card,I don't usually go for green,but I must say this card appeals to me as it looks so fresh and summery.
    Love Angela x

  130. Sue,
    Gorgeous card, love when you recess your panels. Hope you will be doing a video soon...having withdrawals. ;-) Great job.

  131. Hello Sue. This is a stunning card. Everything on it shows just what a talented lady you are. And that stamp - so lovely. It will be lovely having you back on video tomorrow. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

  132. Another beautiful card. I know you planned it this way, but I'm still amazed how well all your dies work with and compliment each other. I have a feeling that you've only just 'scratched the surface' of their versatility. Looking forward to a video tomorrow.

  133. Hi Sue,
    The Rose Bouquet stamp is stunning, it looks so pretty with the delicate die cuts and subtle colours.


  134. Hi Sue beautiful card as usual, cant wait for tomorrow to see your video, you are so inspirational. Thank you. Yvonne xxx

  135. What a gorgeous card. If you don't mind Sue, I would like to offer this sentiment to you and all the Wilsonettes, you helped me so much. Thank you.
    Hugs to all who need them. Theresa x

  136. Beautiful card Sue, it's so calming, I love it.

  137. Lovely sunny card today Sue.

    Hugs Alice xx

  138. A beautiful card in lovely soft colours. Love the detail in the dies, especially the tiny holes around the edge, at first glance I thought they were pva dots! x

  139. A beautiful card Sue, so pretty! Hugs Carole Z x

  140. hi sue, another gorgeous card for us today i love the colours you have used nice crisp green for a sunny day, looking forward to the video's love to all J

  141. Hi Sue. Lovely card and love the little dots around the aperture. Sue L x

  142. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Oh my, oh my! This is jaw droppingly gorgeous! Whoo hoo I have the dies and I love that beautiful rose stamp. I'm wishing that I had it though....along with those flourishes.....something else again...! What beautiful colours you have put together too. I'm so glad I have some of that (somewhere)! I have a few of creative expressions ones I can rummage through them! Lovely! can't wait to see your videos again. They are brilliant step by step instructions for those (like me!) who have a very short concentration span! xx "Thank you" Sue for all that you do for us xx Sending love and hugs to you and your family xx sending love and hugs to Lynne, Lynda, Pam, wonderful news about Robbie! In my prayers xx Yorkielass, Meg, baby Leo, Heather, NannaTina, NanaPat, Lancs Steph, Norah and to all our Wilsonettes who need love and a hug xx Sheila, I hope your daughter has had a lovely day in Llandudno today! I love that place x You made the best choice for your daughter. I used to sit with a special needs lad until the bus came to take him to work. His mum made the same decision and the last I heard he was doing brilliantly. That was eight years ago. Take care Sue and everyone xx Love Karen xx

  143. Hi Sue, one word describes this card...Stunning!!

  144. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful card today, right up my street. The Cordoba die is one of my favourites. Just to let you know I made a card using the classic bow, the faux quilled leaves, the Art Deco embossing folder and those gorgeous suede leaves that were a freebie with C&C for the chemo staff at hospital to say thank you for all they had done for aunt. They were absolutely delighted and couldn't believe it was handmade, it was passed around everyone in the chemo day room. I was quite proud but have to say it was all down to you and your dies, so a big thank you to you.
    Pam great news about Robbie. Norah hope window is in! Sheila hope your daughter has had a good day. To all my lovely Wilsonette family sending you all lots of love and hugs to those who need the,. Love Alison xxx

  145. Hi Sue
    I love everything about this card it is perfect. Pam wonderful news about Robbie. Not having a good day so off for a lie down. Love and hugs to all.

  146. Looking forward to videos back tomorrow and lovely card as always. x

  147. A stunning card today
    Karen xx

  148. Hi Sue, love the colours on this card, can't wait for videos to come back I love watching them lol Gill P G x

  149. Just beautiful love the stamp on this one its gorgeous.

    Jane xx

  150. Hi Sue and everyone ! Gorgeous card, Love the dies and your roses.Looking forward to the videos.
    Pam- more good news about Robbie,hug to you and your brother.
    Sandra- Have a good trip,not to much swells and no traffic jams on your journey.
    Bike rides,strawberry teas in the garden,holidays etc.must be summer still. Cooler in Bucks but no rain so will have to water the flowers,they starting to look a bit sad.....
    Thank you Sue for this great blog!

    Have a nice evening and Hugs to my Wilsonette friends.
    Maria x

  151. Hi Sue,
    Alison - really pleased for you about your card! We are used to seeing cards like Sue's , most people are not. x
    Barbiepinkfairy - hope you had a great cycle ride - hope you don't ache too much! It was a great picture!
    Thinking about ironing - but afraid of overdoing things as back is better and I am raring to go but don't want the pain back! Should I just sit down until ironing urge passes off? Lol!
    Love to all , Myra x

  152. Love this die... it's just as pretty as you say.

  153. another stunner ,love the way these dies all mix together ,Laura O

  154. Beautiful card. Can't wait to pull up a chair and watch the new video selection.
    Thank you Sue, where would we be without you.
    Magizzy x

  155. Hello Ladies this is nothing to do with Sues cards. I was wondering are you all on a forum or are you on facebook, as when I read your comments you all seem to be so friendly and know each other so well. if you have a forum I would like to join you but I dont do facebook... Yvonne xxx I hope you don't mind me asking.

  156. Hi sue,
    Just a comment for Yvonne - you don't need to be on Facebook and we are not in a forum. Feel free to join in the comments here - Sue doesn't mind, in fact she likes to get to know us all. Love Alison xx

  157. Hi Sue

    Such a pretty card, love the roses and the colours. I have these dies and have not used them yet. Must have a go.

    Hi Pam, Hi George. I am so pleased about Robbie's progress, all the positive thoughts and prayers will be on going for your young man. how wonderful for the whole family to have all that support, I would love to go to that concert. I know I could'nt attend the concert but I would love to buy a ticket..to make a donation.

    Leo, special baby hugs. XX

    To all my other special friends XXXXXXXX

    Kind regards to all :-)

    Tina XX

  158. Beautiful card Sue. I really like the coordinating stamps and dies as it really seems to bring the card together.
    Cant wait to watch all the new videos, have the new dies but don't know what to do with them, need all Sues wonderful inspiration!!!

  159. Fab card as always and luv the pretty background die in the recess and the overall look of the card xx GailT xx

  160. Absolutely stunning and the flower looks so pretty and just so perfect.

  161. Hi. Sue,
    Yvonne, we would welcome getting to know you a wee bit more too. I am proud to say that i have some of the most beautiful people in the world that i can count as real friends and it is all because of one beautiful person...Sue. So you see we wou,d love to be able to know you better,
    love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  162. Hello Sue

    Beautiful card - lovely colour scheme.


  163. Hi Sue, this is a fab card today and I love everything about it.

    Thank you for showing it to us.

    Added yet more dies to my wish list!

    Craftihappiness to everyone, love from pearl

  164. I absolutely love the colouring on this card. Haven't the stamp or the dies- yet!!
    Thanks again for the ideas and now I have unlimited broadband (got especially so I can watch your youtube presentations. Had to limit them when I had limited amount of broadband access.
    Hugs Janet in Kent

  165. Another lovely card, Sue and quite feminine.

  166. Gorgeous card Sue. Love the effect of the aperture also with the pin holes. Gorgeous.

  167. A beautiful creation once again, Sue


  168. Hi a sue
    What a stunner your card is
    Your inspiration with the dies never fails to amaze me keep em coming my friend
    Looking forward to the return of your videos I will be watching ñor one
    Take care Sue
    Theresa. X

  169. Beautiful card. Looking forward to the new videos using the new dies. Will be good to see what you have been up too.xx

  170. lovely card...I can't wait for the videos. I have been busy buying your dies, and love everyone of them. When they arrive in the mail, it's like WOW when I open them.

  171. Lovely card sue, hugs to everyone, Julie xxx
