
Saturday 19 July 2014

Sneak Peek For Sunday's Toolshed Show

 Hello my crafty friends!  I did a lot of debating on this one as to whether or not to show a sneak peek of it, but I decided that I was just too excited about something that I am showing here to wait until Sunday.  It is actually Julia's Tool shed show, but I am along to introduce my new Pinpoint Design Embossing folders.  There are three designs that are available and this is the first one called "Checkerboard."  I absolutely love these, they are so up my street, so to speak.  I have designed these new folders to have a sort of faux pierced look to them.  The folders are very different from anything that I've seen on the market so far in that not only is the pattern is done on two levels, but the pinpoint design creates a truly unique look (and absolutely lovely look at that!) to your embossed backgrounds.  You may have spotted another of the folders during our recent blog launch if you were eagle eyed!  You will have to wait until Sunday to see all three of the patterns in the samples that both Julia and I have created.  I'm just saying though, you may want to tune in, as they are lovely!  In it's simplest form, I have embossed a piece of coconut white card using the Checkerboard design.  I stamped the Sculpted Leaves background by Justrite on to blush card and heat embossed it with True White embossing powder.  I cut out the centre of the stamped image with the Vintage Labels Seven die (this stamp has that design drawn into the centre so it is easy to match up and cut) to create an aperture.  I used a bit of Victorian Velvet distress ink around the edges to bring out the white embossing and mounted it on foam for dimension on to my background.  I stamped the roses from the Rose Bouquet Vintage Labels Seven stamp set by Justrite on to blush card and embossed them with white too.  I cut them both out by hand.  I added some Forest Moss distress marker to the leaves and Victorian Velvet to the centres of the flowers for more definition.  I did a bit of shaping and added them in the upper corner with mounting foam.  I stamped my sentiment in black and cut it out with a smaller die in the same set and inked through the die with Victorian Velvet before removing it.  This piece was added to the centre of the aperture with mounting foam.  I tied a messy bow out of flesh seam binding and seated it on white tulle in the lower corner.  I made two matching stick pins and added a small pearl embellishment to the centre of the bow.  The card was then finished with a white pierced layer, a thin mat of blush and a final white mat layer.  The finished dimensions are 7" x 8 1/4" in size.

The winner of the Wednesday Card Giveaway this week is:

Lynn Hardy!!!

Congratulations!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your card.

I will also catch up on the Weekly Comment Game Winners that I missed from last week (minus the blog launch posts) and post all the winners in Sunday's post.  The winners of the Second Release dies will be drawn and posted on MONDAY though so don't forget to check back then as well!   All for now, Sue x


  1. Morning Sue, todays card is again so beautiful, I love it.The folder is exquisite. Congrats to Lynne
    Thank you to everyone enquiring about Robbie, Alex (his sister) has posted today that she is spending the weekend with him (she is at Uni in New York) and his spirits are good. He can use the on/off button on his wheelchair and also the joystick, so some progress.
    Wheelybad, glad you are home, take care and also Ita, ina and anyone else, I may have forgotten. Thank you Cheryl, it is exactly whaTt the hospital said. Yesterday was so hot but I cannot get out of the house bcause of the step so am unable to go into the garden, however my carers keep telling me how nice it is when they come.(What a great team the Rapid Response is).
    Cameeli, have a super weekend with your sister.
    Emily well done on your 2.1 - magnificent achievement.
    Love & hugs all round
    Pam Hartlepool

  2. Sorry, that should have been Tina, not ina.


  3. Morning Sue
    lovely to see the folders, something else to love from Creative Expressions!
    Absolutely gorgeous card, looking forward to the shows. x

  4. so beautiful, i have already enquired about the sneeky folder you slid in one of your cards last week!

  5. Good morning Sue and everyone. I had noticed that you had some new embossing folders but couldn't really tell what they were like, but seeing them used really shows them off. Looking forward to the shows tomorrow.
    Loved reading all the stories of how other Wilsonettes sneak in their crafty stash.
    Sue xxx

  6. This card is stunning and I love the stamping but what stands out for me is the embossing folder, that's a definite purchase for me. I cannot say what it is about the folder but despite the beautiful stamping, my eye was immediately drawn to the folder. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us and I cannot wait for the shows tomorrow.
    Take care.

  7. Gorgeous and very beautiful and thats just the card Sue. Really like this embossing folder roll on Sunday.xxx

  8. Morning sue
    This card is stunning loving the new embossing folder I must get this one the stamps great to love white and pink cards thank you Tracy w x

  9. Hi, Sue and fellow Wilsonettes.
    A beautiful card in pale pink and white. The new embossing folder, which I did spot last week, along with the one with the little bows, looks lovely. Looking forward to seeing all the samples and demos on Sunday, with you and Julia. I will make sure I tape the shows : - )

    Hi, Judy Davies, Ben at SET has had more stock of the sticky sheets along with other sell out items x.

    Hugs to all who need them ((( )))
    Best Wishes to All,

    Angela in S. Wales X

  10. Morning Sue. This is a beautiful card and you are right about the embossing folders they are all stunning. I was a bit naughty i went on to the C&C web site to see what you had on tomorrows show and there they all were. So what do you think just buy the one or all three silly question really lol. Congrats to the card winner.
    Best Wishes.
    Denise x

  11. Morning Sue.
    Thank you a very pretty card and the embossing is the star. congrats to Lynne. Take care all Kitty.

  12. Lovely card Sue , great background.

  13. Cameeli of Richmond19 July 2014 at 06:40

    Good Morning Sue,

    A very pretty card, and the folder is just to die for, will look forward to seeing more on Tool-shed tomorrow, hope you have a fun show.

    Pam thank you, and I am so pleased that Robbie is making some progress. Keep cool xx

    Lynne Congratulations!!
    Emily Well done on your degree
    all your hard work has paid off, now its time to celebrate!!

    Have a lovely day everyone
    Cameeli xx

  14. Hi Sue. Lovely stunning card. Love the look of the new embossing folder - great detail, can't wait to see the others. Have a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx

  15. Forgot to say, congratulations to Lynn Hardy, lucky girl !!

    Angela in S. Wales x

  16. Good morning Sue,
    Ooo!! I like, I like, I really, really, like.
    Another stunning card.
    Looking forward to seeing the goodies on offer tomorrow.
    Have a great day

    Patricia x

  17. Hi Sue, This Card is Truly Exquisite, Stunning, Outstanding, and so so much more. I'm really Loving The New Embossing Folders your calling Pinpoint and this one The Checkerboard I Love The Way All The Pins Go In Different Directions. I Really Love The Stamp you've used today called Sculpted Leaves by JustRite, stamping onto your fabulous Blush Card, then you've heat embossed in True White, which looks amazing, then you've used Vintage Labels Seven Die to cut out your Focal Point, I Love how you've gone over the White Embossed area with The Victorian Velvet Distress Ink it gives The Card a Fabulous look, then you've stamped Roses from Rose Bouquet by JustRite added your wonderful Messy Bow and your Stunning Stick Pins, Sue this is a Beautiful Card and I'm sure your New collection of Embossing Folders will be a HUGE HIT like everything you do!
    Sue Thank You so very much for sharing this Awesome Card Thank You for this wonderful Blog.
    Sue Thank You For The Daily Inspiration You Give To Me I So Appreciate It.
    Sue Take Great Care
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam x
    Hugs to All
    Congratulations to The Wednesday Gift Card Winner.

  18. Oh Sue, what an exquisite card,and the embossing folder is stunning. So much detail in it. Can't wait to see the show tomorrow . Xx

  19. Morning Sue
    A beautiful card and what a lovely embossing folder. I will be sure to be watching on Sunday
    Pat x

  20. Really gorgeous card ... just love the EF - it is so dainty. Looking forward to Tool Box tomorrow.

  21. Morning Sue, you have been so busy. I just love this embossing folder, just right not too over powering. Looking forward to tomorrow's show.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  22. 'morning Sue,More,more,more inspiration from you.FAB-U-LOUS and a lot of we bloggers have seen you grow. Love this card and the phrase is my Mantra at the moment.Thanks Sue as always. Mabex

  23. Ecco of Sheffield19 July 2014 at 07:03

    morning Sue
    Your emboss folder is absolutely fantastic. My favourite of all time of your folders is the little dotty one - i have all your others but until now that was my definite favourite.
    I just love today's gift. So gentle and one that any lady would love to receive = I know I would and it would be on display where everyone could see and admire it.

    Pam - wonderful news about Robbie - I know it's hard being so far away but your family know your support and love is with them as well as all Wilsonettes. You know what I say baby steps lead to toddler and so on and that applies to you too.

    Sandra - Doesn't time fly - the long summer hols with your girls. It doesn't seem two mins since the beginning of the year. I became a great nan on Valentine's Day this year for the third time (already having a gorgeous 3yr old girl and a soon to be 1yr old in Sept very bouncy and now walking boy) They are all growing far too quickly.
    My daughters are 48 and 46 so for me time really does march at a
    quick march!

    Hope everyone is OK and having a wonderful weekend. Take care everyone and see you tomorrow.
    Janet x

  24. Sue love the embossing folder i am keeping my fingers crossed that the folder I emailed you about is one of your new ones Carnt wait until Sunday to see.

  25. Really looking forward to the show. The embossing folder looks great.

  26. Morning Sue. I really like this card. The blush card is so nice and I love the roses stamp. Looking forward to seeing both you and Julia on the show. Have a great time. Hugs Heather.x

  27. Today's card is definitely up my street. So pretty and adorable. Hugs Cheryl xxx

  28. Sue, This card is so pretty! I'm looking forward to watching both you and Julia on Sunday. It looks as though I will be needing my debit card again. Have a great week-end everyone. Linda.

  29. Sue, that is a stunning folder, absolutely gorgeous. And what a fantastic card, perfect colours and beautiful design xx

  30. Good morning Sue
    Just when I think I've finished 'my list' you come up with more fabulous products. I will be looking on C&C website as soon as I've posted to see what delicious choices we've got ( Denise you have to get the three don't you? Lol). I love the stamp you've used today with the white embossing. Of course as usual your pins are so pretty. Looking forward to you and Julia's shows tomorrow.
    Pam that's great news about Robbie and congratulations Lynne.
    It's supposed to be Carnival day here today but it's absolutely pouring down so it might get cancelled.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  31. Good morning Sue today's card is gorgeous. I love the embossing folder. Since getting my Grand Calibur the thing I like most is being able to emboss bigger sheets of card. I have some of your folders already and they give brilliant results. Have a great weekend. Hugs Jackie

  32. Beautiful card to start a rainy day. the embossing folder looks fab and I will add to my ever growing " must have" list. It will no doubt become a favourite quickly that can be used for all occasions. I am working tomorrow so unable to watch the show, hopefully there will be one left when I get home xx

  33. hi Sue love the card and the folders look really good x

  34. Hi everyone love the blush card. The checkerboard folder is a lovely embossing folder, you are always coming up with such pretty things for us to use. Looking forward to the tool shed tomorrow. Have a good day everyone.


  35. Oh dear!!! Something else on my "want" list!!!!

    Lovely card, Sur,

    Doreen x

  36. What a beautiful embossing folder and shown off so well with this lovely card. Can't wait to see the other folders!

    Muriel x

  37. Oh dear!!!! Another one for my "want" list!!! or is it "need"

    Lovely card, Sue,

    Doreen x

  38. Beautiful card and the embossing folder is gorgeous.
    Clarissa. X

  39. Absolutely love embossing folders. I will have to sit on my hands tomorrow to stop me spending what I don't have!!! However I may not be successful LOL X hugs from Ireland. Evelyn x

  40. Once again gorgeous card and the embossing folder is beautiful. Can't wait to see Julia and your creations tomorrow.

  41. Beautiful delicate card. Embossing folder gorgeous. Will have to record you tomorrow as "iron man" comes to town and my daughter and her friend are using the opportunity for charity fundraising selling cakes, sweets and drinks to spectators! Will catch up with you in the evening!

  42. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful. Love the new embossing folders and in fact I've already ordered mine from Sunrise and they have already been dispatched -I can't wait to see them and play with them. Love the Faux piercing on the folders. I've said it before but I'll say it again, you are so clever!!!
    Pam great news about Robbie, Wheely bad, hope everything went well. Emily congrats on your degree. Love and hugs to all. Alison xxx
    Ps congrats to Lynne, Cameeli have a good time with your sister. Xx

  43. Morning Sue and all crafty Wilsonettes.
    Congrats to Lyn - enjoy Wednesday's card, Im sure it will be cherished, lucky lady : )
    Pam - you poor love, as if its not bad enough having a pot on, but coping with it in this awful heat AND not being able to get out must be a living nightmare, thinking of you. Hoping Robbie is coping mentally with all that is going on in his life at the moment.
    Sam, thank you for explaining your daily comment, I did wonder why you went through everything again. If you have files or folders for each card, do you print off the cards and write up material's/dies/stamps and ink colour's used then stick it into a file/folder for future reference ?

    As soon as today's blog loaded Sue, I just said WOW, to which from his corner chair Mr Lancashire stated "another stunner ?" it's so very delicate and the blush card is sooo girly, I love it, and along with other Wilsonettes it would certainly take pride of place in our home and not taken down the day following a birthday, anniversary etc like all the others are, it's just stunning. You have shown your new folder off in all its beauty, but Im sure with all your techniques such as letter press etc this, and your other new set will be as beautiful as all your other folders, I cant wait to watch you work with them tomorrow, just wish we had you for the full 2 hour's (no disrespect to Julia at ALL, but we just DONT see YOU often enough on our screens) so before anyone tears me off a strip or say's Im being spiteful, Im sure you agree that we dont and cant get enough of our Sue's demonstrations, Im not being unkind to Julia at ALL.

    Before I send you all my love, I want to wish you all good luck in the die collection draw next week.
    Have a good day.
    Love you.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  44. Love the new embossing folder, great textured effect. Beautiful card.

  45. An absolutely adorable card! I love everything about it especially as you have done lots of stamping ( one of my favourite things to do) and of course your new folders are fabulous , my favourite is the "rows of bows" which I spotted on one of your cards last week, I can't justify all 3 so although Sunrise Crafts are selling them separately I'll wait for JS to get them in ( hopefully soon).
    Congratulations to Lynn ,enjoy your new treasure!
    Norah AYE
    Thankyou ,June Yorkielass, Myra P and Norah , Sandy had a great day, his presents were a new bike and a drum set but his special favourite was a wee battery fan ( £1: 50 ) isn't that so typical and just shows the cost doesn't matter.
    Good news about Robbie, Pam, and also about yourself , you sound quite upbeat and getting there surely although it takes it's time.
    Margaret O, so sad about your sister, but a visit from you will help her, excellent news about Emily!
    Hope Ita, Tina and Wheelybad feel a bit better soon, and Steph.
    Cameeli hope you and your sister have a fun weekend.
    Hugs to all xo

  46. Morning Sue, oh no not more folders that I am going to need!! Love the effect of this one, this card is just beautiful! Love Jean xxx

  47. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card, lovely folder. I think it will be one that you go to time and time again. Looking forward to the shows.

  48. I'm loving this folder I'm always on the look out for "stuff" that can be used for both male & female cards and for all ages too So this one seems to fit that bill Will be ordering when pennies allow

  49. Good Morning Sue & Friends,
    If this embossing folder is anything to go by I will be having all 3, I have never seen such a beautiful, intricate design in an embossing folder before Sue, huge congratulations on what I KNOW will be a 150% success!
    I think you have certainly conquered the market across the board with all of you new launches this time Sue!
    You can certainly go back to your Moms with a smile on your face, maybe take time out to relax and enjoy your success!
    Cameeli, have a wonderful weekend with your Sister, I look forward to hearing all about the antics you got up to! ;)
    Janet, I can't believe where this year has disappeared to! I really doesn't seem 5 minutes since Christmas and here we are 2 weeks and 5 days away from our holiday (not that I am counting)! I look forward to our holidays so much, we don't go anywhere fancy or do anything amazing, I just get to spend real quality time with my amazingly kind husband Paul and 2 of my 4 children (the other two have to stay back here and work ) boo! I wish they could all come! We spend our time doing nothing more than sitting on the beach, reading, most of all though there are no Tv, no computers, we play board games or cards in the evening and just generally relax and spend quality family time together!
    We rive down through the centre of France, across the border into Spain and stay in a mobile hone about an hour or so into Spain!
    When we return the shops will have started to display Christmas stuff and before we know it it will be December! Phew exhausted just thinking about it, So Janet you are right, it goes so fast! How lucky are you with all of those lovely little ones around you! Enjoy them! X
    Pam, it must be frustrating for you not being able to get into the garden yourself, but hopefully not too long now, Robbie certainly seems to be making good progress,I am sure he will love having his sister visit! X
    Congrats to Lynne, enjoy your gift x
    Hugs to you all my dear friends,
    Sandra xxxxx

  50. This is lovely Sue your eyes are really drawn to the embossed background. I love your Floral Brocade folder that is stunningly gorgeous and a must have. Sorry you are only doing the embossing folders on the show as I had thought they were your shows I'm sad as I love to watch you work when you do the demos and we so little of you. :(

    Congrats as always to the lucky winner

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx.

  51. GM Sue - oh yes - these are lovely and that's an understatement - just placed my order - they are a must have as are all your EFs. Cant wait till your show tomorrow - not sure I've sen you and Julia do a double act? - should be good! A stormy, hot n humid day here today - but gota do the ironing today so I dont miss a thing tomorrow. Happy Saturday all
    Clare W

  52. Sue this is simply stunning!
    Those embossing folder is beautiful , need to save up for an A 4 die cutter as my big shot can't accommodate them sadly.
    Look forward to tool shed, take care,

  53. Such a pretty card today and the embossing folder is gorgeous and definitely a need.

  54. Hi Sue what a beautiful card ,love the embossing folder .
    must watch the show.
    Marion H

  55. Hello Sue and Everyone,
    Another beautiful card today Sue,
    Love the E.F.and your choice of colours are very pretty. wont be able to watch tool shed tomorrow as we are away at the moment and we are moving to a new destination today so hoping I can get a signal so I can carry on blogging. Hope everyone has a good day today.From Christine C and Ella

  56. Hi Sue
    Stunning card the embossing folder is beautiful now which list shall I be putting it on the want, need or wish or just all 3.
    Pam good new on Robbie and thank you for all your comments and to everyone else that have sent messages for me, I am getting there slowly, I spent a good time down stairs yesterday laid on the sofa with cushions under my left hip as I cannot lay it straight without pain and I have an appointment at the Doctors on Tuesday for him to check me out but I have managed to reduce the very strong painkillers.
    Congratulations to the winner of Wednesday's card.
    Looking forward to the shows tomorrow.
    Big hugs and love to all the Wilsonettes and I hope this nasty weather is over soon.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  57. What a beautiful and elegant card, with lovely subtle colours. Very gentle.
    The embossing folder is lovely and quite different.
    It's certainly been your year for showing us the extent of your talent. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us.

  58. Hi Sue Wow the card and embossing folder are beautiful' love the design on embossing folder and another must have, thank you once again Linda x

  59. Morning Sue,
    the card is so so beautiful just love it. Looking forward to tomorrow's show. Have a good day everyone. Susi x

  60. Morning Sue, absolutely gorgeous
    just my style of cards looking forward
    to seeing the rest of your embossing folders
    as this one is a winner and a must
    Nancyd xx

  61. beautiful card. i love that embossing folder. it gives so much dimension. only yesterday i ordered 4 of your new die sets. so i feel another expense looming..... hugs xx

  62. Good Morning Sue. Well the old credit card will be out again on Sunday. Just have to have this beautiful embossing folder and probably the others I haven't seen yet. Lovely card.
    Love Val in Spain x

  63. Pretty card-very delicate colours & details. Love the Embossing Folder-feel an order coming on!


  64. WOW WOW WOW another stunning card and the embossing folder is stunning

  65. Such a pretty card! Lovely shade of pink and beautiful products used as always. Thanks for the inspiration Sue.

    Heather B

  66. Good morning Sue, what a very pretty card in such a lovely soft pink. LOVE the new embossing folder! It has jumped to the top of my wishlist and can't wait to see the other
    two - keep up the great work.x

  67. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous gorgeous card lovin the embossed background so clever.
    Congratulations to Lynn
    Enjoy your weekend everyone hope the weather is better than here its pouring with rain craft room is calling don't think I will venture out today.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  68. Love the embossing folder, really useful!

  69. Hi Sue, love the new folder and the stamp background. Look forward to the Tool Shed tomorrow.

  70. Hi Sue such a delicate card today and what a stunning embossing folder I love it. Looking forward to watching you and Julia tomorrow - you may be propped on my kitchen table helping me with the cooking - is that ok? Have a great day love Diane G xxx

  71. Morning Sue
    I know I will just have to have those embossing folders, bet they sell out on Sunday!

    Your card is beautiful


  72. My goodness - what a GORGEOUS card Sue. Simply stunning. You're so clever. Love everything about it.

  73. looks like I will be investing in some new embossing folders!

  74. Hi Sue - this card is so very pretty. Love it. Love the background too - can't wait to see the rest. Have a lovely weekend. Best wishes

  75. Good Morning Sue,

    This card is just stunning - absolutely stunning. I think you can tell I like it! Thanks for sharing this and I shall certainly be reserving my seat on our sofa for tomorrow's tool shed. Enjoy the rest of your day.
    Margaret A.

  76. Good morning Sue, and everyone. Another gorgeous card for us to enjoy. So delicate in the blush and white! The new embossing folders are beautiful. Congratulations to Lynn.
    Wishing you, and all your Wilsonettes a happy and healthy day. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  77. Good morning Sue and everyone
    Beautiful card and the embossing looks amazing.
    Will definitely be watching totomorrow to see the others.
    Have a great day.
    Ang x

  78. Rose in Chester19 July 2014 at 09:06

    Good morning Sue,
    What an exquisite card, it is absolutely divine! Lovely delicate but not wishy-washy colours, and the embossing folder is stunning. I've got it and love it, it is so different from the embossing folders available up to now. Well done Sue, for yet another brilliant brainwave. And thank you for sharing this card. Just what the doctor ordered on this wet day - it is absolutely throwing it down.
    Hugs, Rose

  79. Love this card, Sue, love this new folder. Love it all. One of the online stores emailed re your new folders so have already had a sneak peek!! Mmmmm - so much to lust after.

    'P' in Wales

    Hugs to all coping with problems. Get well soon, Ita.

  80. Good morning Sue, and all the ladies.
    This is so clean and pretty, and the folder looks lonely so may have to join my crafty stash!!
    Looking forward to Sunday, as all the other ladies are.
    Hope everyone has as good a day as they can xx

  81. Morning Sue,
    I love this card so pretty and delicate

  82. Gorgeous card and the embossing folder is fab, xxxx

  83. What a beautiful delicate card and the folder is wonderful - will be shopping tomorrow! Have a good weekend all! Gx

  84. Morning Sue,
    A beautiful card. love the soft delicate pink. The embossing folder looks amazing.
    Looking forward to the show.

  85. Wow! love the look of the embossing folder that you've used Sue. Love the size of them, no struggling to extend designs so a perfect result every time. Beautiful card Sue, very delicate colour. Looking forward to seeing you and Julia on Tool Shed tomorrow. Pat x

  86. Oh sue what a pretty card it's beautiful the fader is very special see you tomorrow thank you sue love to all congrats to the winner love June xxxx

  87. Morning Sue,
    Another stunning card, did see one of the folders last week, can't wait for tomorrow's show
    Marlene xx

  88. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card. I love your new embossing folders - they are so pretty. Another purchase coming on I can feel it!
    Thank you.
    Bye for now.
    SandraP xxx

  89. Love the card. The background is gorgeous as well. Will be watching on Sunday or recording if I cant watch.

  90. Ho so fabulous love the card today so delicate.

    Jane xx

  91. Hello Sue
    Your card today is just so beautiful and I love the stamps you have used. The embossing folder is so detailed and I am sure will jump to the top of your Best Sellers List!
    Looking forward to seeing you and Julia tomorrow morning.
    Lesley S x

  92. Lovely card Sue and the embossing folder is just gorgeous. Can't wait now for the Tool Shed (didn't realise Julia was on so glad you told us). Have a great weekend. xx

  93. Hi Sue
    This card is absolutely STUNNING! I love the new embossing folder and the stamp is gorgeous. Am off to order it now! Love the colour. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to Lynn, you lucky lady.
    Hugs to all who need one.

  94. Absolutely stunning. Your new embossing folders look amazing , cant wait to see them on tomorrows toolshed.

  95. Hi Sue
    This card is amazing, I just love your new embossing folder. Looks like they are a must have. Look forward to seeing what you and Julia have done with them. I also love how you have used the background stamp. Must try cutting a shape from the middle of the background stamps that I have. Must record The Sunday shows so as I can look back at them. I have piles of washing to do and it's raining. Lucky you Sandra holidaying in France with 2 of your children. This would be my partners idea of a fantastic holiday. Although we are not be achy people as such, he is a board game fanatic. He is addicted to UNO, and could play that game all day long. Youll be in your garden soon Pam, so don't try to rush it. Hugs to all in need today.

  96. Stunning, pretty and beautiful card. Take care. Claire

  97. Good morning Sue and friends
    Wow, I can see my wish list getting bigger and bigger!
    Such a pretty card and so delicate.
    Pam I really feel for you In this heat, hoping time will pass quickly for you so you can be up and about very soon. Robbie is in my prayers.
    Hugs for all,Gail Cx

  98. Morning Sue
    This card is absolutely stunning, just love it, and folder is just what we need, cannot wait to see them all
    Carol x

  99. Hi Sue,
    Can't wait to see the other folders!
    Will definitely be buying this one.

  100. Hi Sue Love these new embossing folders I have just ordered mine this morning and can't wait for them to arrive. Lovely card today Beryl xxx

  101. Very pretty card but for me the embossing folder is the star. The one Julia has on her blog today is also fab.
    Have a good weekend everyone.

  102. Very feminine, very pretty and the embossing folder is gorgeous.
    It should be a fun show tomorrow with the two of you - really looking forward to it!
    Hugs Annie x

  103. Oh wow - this really is a stunner- love it! Your new folders are exquisite & need them all!
    Hugs, Janette xx

  104. Stunning card. Love the colour. Where do all these ideas come from?

  105. Morning Sue, lovely feminine card today, love y our new embossing folder, I did catch a glimpse of the one with the little bows, and loved it, another purchase looming!

    Norah - AYE

    Take care everyone, Jess x

  106. Wow what a beautiful card. I can't wait to see all of the embossing folders. Definitely a must have. Sue you are an inspiration thank you for sharing your talents with us mere mortals :)

  107. Another genius idea Sue. Absolutely beautiful, stunning card. Gorgeous embossing folder - can't wait to see the whole collection. x Edna

  108. Hi Sue
    Loving the folder,and the card is gorgeous.Can't wait or the show.
    Love Angela x

  109. Morning Sue, thank you for another gorgeous card, just love the new embossing folder, straight onto the wish list! Looking forward to seeing you and Julia tomorrow, kind regards Janet k xx

  110. Oh my!! so delicate and feminine.
    Loving the new EF...and the gorgeous stamped BG...and...everything actually :)


  111. Really pretty femine card, loving the folders Sue, saw another one on Julia's card. Think I like this one best. Have a great show tomorrow, looking forward to it.

    lorraine - scotland

  112. Morning Sue
    Such a pretty feminine card today and the new embossing folders look gorgeous, can't wait to see the demo's tomorrow.
    Really terrible storms here again today in Cambridge and one of my neighbours got struck by lighning and taken to hospital, he got up to use the bathroom in the night and it struck his aerial and him, poor man.
    Have a good day everyone
    Love and Hugs
    Dawn Searle xxx

  113. Wow Sue your EF's just get better and better, I had an email from sunrise this morning showing them, think they will be in my stash soon! Note to self, sell more ponies to afford all your great offerings!
    Great news Pam that Robbie is slowly improving, no matter how long it takes each small improvement is a milestone and a sign his body is making great progress at mending.
    Love to you all and well done this weeks card winner, off to rest my very achey muscles from getting the hay all in

  114. Good morning Sue. I just love the look of that embossing folder, I think I might have to purchase, but seeing I still haven't had time to even get my dies that I bought last week in Aberdeen out of the bag, it could be a while till I get using any thing.

    Hazel xx

  115. Dear Sue What a wonderful card and a fantastic embossing folder. Take Care Love Michelle S xxx

  116. Morning Sue, these folders look fabulous, I was just admiring Julia's card using one as well... a beautiful card, love the peachy colours, looking forward to the show, hugs Carole Z X


  117. Hi Sue,

    Beautiful card,

    Teasing us again...... Look good folders. X

  118. Morning Sue, I hope you are well and have had a great week. Lovely card today. It has a very vintage feel to it. Love the new embossing folders. Can't wait to order mine. Have enjoyed playing with your new dies. I was really naughty and ordered some more. Looking forward to tomorrows show. Have fun. Kind regards Joanne K x

  119. Hi Sue, a beautiful card. Very pretty and feminine looking. Gorgeous embossed detail from your new embossing folder. We are away in Devon so unfortunately will miss Julia and your show tomorrow.

  120. Hi u, a gorgeous card. Love all your new folders.Congratulations to Lynn.

  121. Good morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
    What a really pretty card Sue and the soft pink that you have chosen to use is so nice, not a sickly pink and the seam binding goes so well with it. I spied your other folder with the lines of dots running down it with the tiny bows every so often. It is pretty and i think it will need to go on my need list because as you say they are so different from any others out there. I hope that you enjoyed your Scottish tour again this year Sue and that you found us to be the nice people that i know my fellow Scots are, but there again, i think all crafters have a different outlook on life and see people differently just as we do with our various takes on craft. Crafters the world over are off a generous nature and will help, share or give to someone else. Have a great day Sue playing, sorry working getting things ready for tomorrow. I am recording because i know dashed fine i wont get peace to watch it.
    Well Done Lynn Hardy on winning a Sue masterpiece. When you see it in real life you will realise the screen does not do it justice.
    DoreenJ, not your want list, transfer it to your need list as that's far more pressing and needed.
    Oh Anne, you have just made me laugh at wee Sandy's favourite present. Rory's used to be the big box so that he could fly into space, drive his tractor, ambulance, boat, well you get the idea, it was anything his wee imagination could think up, so yes we understand about the wee cheap things that keep them enthralled.
    Tina(NannaTina), i am sorry that you are suffering so much the now. I hope that you can get to the doctors, but why can't he come in to you as you are obviously in so much pain that all that extra walking to the car, health centre, waiting room, surgery, back to car and home will just push the barrier even more to the extreme. Sorry, i am sounding so bossy, but i'm not trying to be honest.
    Sandra, you, Steph, Julie and a number of others seem to have the most amazing considerate of husbands. Please can they give mine a few helpful hints and tips to try. I hope you have a lovely time with even just two of your children as it is so nice to have a family grow together like that and still want to go on holiday with mum and dad.
    Lynda, awh poor wee Annie, it takes them quite awhile to shake off the trauma, and so scared it is going to reoccur. Wee hugs Annie.
    WheelyBad, please take it easy after your op yesterday, i am hoping that you will soon be back to as full health as you can be.
    Margaret O, Well done to your granddaughter and her 2:1 pass. As for your sister, there is nothing healing that i can say to help, i can only hope that she is at least getting the pain controlled and more bareable. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Great news Gail, 9months before your next appointment is good. I hope that it is even longer by the next visit.
    Cameeli, i can only imagine what you, your partner and sister are going to get up too, have fun and be careful if you can't be good. Gives a lot of scope for being a girl again.
    Mrs B, you rant on. I have a friend that is in the mountain rescue and he puts his life at risk for these tulips that go up unprepared. I am all fine and good about it in good weather and with the right equipment, as there is nothing like it in the world.
    Pam, i am please that Robbie is even getting there so slowly and that his spirits are in good form. Being around his sister will remind him he is young and full of life if he lets it be And also give him that wee kick up the bahooki to keep on trying.
    Hubby away into see about lazer on his eyes with daughter so peace prefect peace for another hour anyway. Going to make a princess castle card for my friends granddaughter as she is counting down the days to her birthday, so i will leave you now and see you all tomorrow hopefully.I hope that you have sun shining out from where ever you are today, sending gentle hugs out to all our friends that need them,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  122. Happy Saturday Morning Sue and all,
    What a pretty card to brighten up a wet Saturday Morning Lovely embossing folder designs too. I will be watching on Sunday and good luck with the show both you and Julia!
    Hugs Bim :)

  123. Well, it looks as if these new embossing folders are another "must buy", Sue. Beautiful.
    Anne (Northampton)

  124. This card is absolutely beautiful!!
    I am so looking forward to your show tomorrow. Both you and Julia together, that will be wonderful. I have had a reminder in my phone for a month, so you can imagine how much I want to see the show :)

  125. Hi Sue
    Truly truly beautiful, your work and ideas just keep getting better and better .
    Congratulations to the winner
    Elaine H X

  126. Hi Sue,

    Stunningly beautiful. Thank you,

    Congrats to Lynne.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

  127. Hi Sue
    Absolutely gorgeous,so pretty and girlie. I would happily send this to someone special. Love the new embossing folder too.
    Love Jan x x

  128. Hi sue, I love it, very fresh card, see you tomorrow crafty hugs Julie xxx

  129. That folder is stunning - I want one (or possibly all three!)

  130. Hi Sue
    Beautiful card and lovely new EF, I did spot the one with the bows on one of your cards last week. Looking forward to seeing you on C&C tomorrow
    Congratulations to Lynn on winning the Wednesday card

    Best wishes to everyone, Pat

  131. Lovely card Sue ... Love the e/folder and the colours are lovely ... Happy crafting ... X

  132. Hi Sue, another beautiful card looking forward to the shows, Have a great Day Hugs Elaine x

  133. Hi Sue, well what can I say, now you are just showing off lol! Is there no end to your talent? How do you keep coming up with new ideas that just fill a gap because they are innovate and gorgeous. Gorgeous card too as always Sue.

    Hugs Alice xx

  134. Lovely card, the new folders look good can't wait to see them tomorrow. Mo B

  135. Hi Sue, loving the new embossing folders and can't wait to see the new range, even more items to add to my wish list....

    The card today is fab and love the pastel colours.

    Congratulations to Lynn Hardy for winning your Wednesday card.

    Craftihappinss to you all, love from Pearl.

  136. Hi Sue
    WOW WEE I adore the card for starters and the embossing folder is stunning I cannot wait, I use the first set you did so much so that it was on my grand daughters christening invites so these are a must have, hugs Sarah xx

  137. Hi sue.
    U really are a bad bad lady making up all these new goodies for us to buy. I'm trying to save not spend but u make it so difficult when u make such deliciousness in ur cards that make us wanna buy!! Lol
    Love Tracy from killie x

  138. Stunning Sue, love it all.
    I am really looking forward to your shows on Sunday.
    I love the new embossing folders and have just had 2 of them delivered by the postie.
    Hugs to all
    Michelle xxxx

  139. Very delicate the card today. Waiting with bated breath for the new embossing folders.

  140. Hi Sue
    Fabulous card and I love the fleshie colour used
    I shall be recording Julias show but I don't think they will last long on the show
    Crafty Hugs Sue xxx

  141. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Oh wow, wow, wow! Utterly, utterly stunning! It has the lovely victorian look about it with the soft pink and embossed white centre and flower. I love this so much and the checkerboard folder is gorgeous! Oh Sue, you should be so so proud of yourself. Just need a lottery win now to buy the whole lot! Lol! Looking forward to seeing you with Julia tomorrow and all the goodies! Will be catching up on the 12 til 1pm slot though later. "Thank you Sue". Take care and sending love and hugs to you and all the Wilsonettes who might or will need one today. I've got tons! xx Love Karen xx

  142. Helloooo Sue and the Wilsonettes! Oh wow, wow, wow! Utterly, utterly stunning! It has the lovely victorian look about it with the soft pink and embossed white centre and flower. I love this so much and the checkerboard folder is gorgeous! Oh Sue, you should be so so proud of yourself. Just need a lottery win now to buy the whole lot! Lol! Looking forward to seeing you with Julia tomorrow and all the goodies! Will be catching up on the 12 til 1pm slot though later. "Thank you Sue". Take care and sending love and hugs to you and all the Wilsonettes who might or will need one today. I've got tons! xx Love Karen xx

  143. Hi Sue


    thats all that needs to be said!

    Lorraine W

  144. Oops! Congratulations Lynn on winning the Wednesday card giveaway! Do the whoop whoop dance! xx Love Karen xx

  145. Pink and white combination is just so pretty - fabulous roses stamps and embossing folder - have mine on order and looking forward to Tool Shed tomorrow xx

  146. Morning Sue, Pam and everyone.............oh my dear Sue what have you done, I think I can honestly say this is one of my favourite cards, I absolutely love the embossing folder - yes it will be in my basket as soon as the show starts - and can't wait to see the others. Your embossing folders are so lovely. Also I really like the white embossing on the pink card it looks so classy............Glad to hear that Robbie is making a little bit of progress, it will be slow but everyone little milestone is a bonus. Have a great day today everyone, keep safe, healthy and happy. June Smith xxx

  147. Hello Sue, This card is beautiful, love everything about it. The folder is exquisite, you are such a clever talented lady, looking forward to the tool shed.
    Pam you are being so brave and strong, great news about Robbie, his sister will lift his spirits, gentle hugs to you all.
    Lynn Hardy congratulations on you Wednesday win, enjoy and treasure you lucky lady.
    Emily congratulations on your degree, Meg O so sorry to hear about your sister, you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Anne C had to smile at Sandy's favourite gift, so typical, bless him.
    Wheely Bad glad that you are home from hospital, take it easy, gentle hugs.
    Nanna Tina good that you are on the sofa, take it easy gentle hugs to you.
    Lynda hope Annie is back to normal, bless her, gent hugs to you, Annie and Bambi.
    Daily hugs to Tina, Norah, Steph, Margaret corgi owner, Lynne M, Jean D, Magpie, Lindsay, Myra, Maureen K, Ita and of course our Sue.
    Take care everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  148. Hi Sue

    Sue Sue Sue, i can't bear it, i need them all, a deffinate watch tomorrow, love the card so girly.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

    p.s congratulations to Lynne

  149. What a beautiful card and love the embossed background. Can't wait to see the other 2 designs!

  150. Eileen L. said...

    Absolutely gorgeous card. The embossing is divine, love it.

  151. Good Afternoon Sue and All
    What a wonderful classy card - the embossing folder is gorgeous and really looking forward to seeing the others.

  152. Beautiful card Sue Y the new folder looks very interesting so looking forward to the shows tomorrow, Ann. France

  153. Morning Sue, This embossing folder is stunning !! the card is absolutely beautiful.
    I'm really looking forward to the shows.
    Congratulations to Lynne, enjoy your beautiful card.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  154. Beautiful card Sue, love the new embossing folder & looking forward to seeing everything on the shows tomorrow. Ann. France

  155. That's lovely - I'm not usually in to such a "girly" design but this card has made me think again!

  156. What a gorgeous embossing folder. Can't wait to see the rest.

  157. Double WOW!!
    I love this card, I think most of my favourites are the pastel colours.
    I saw your new embossing folders when I was surfing the craft shops online and thought the folders were gorgeous. Quite different to your others. They have gone straight to the top of my wish list, lol.
    Happy crafting xxxx

  158. What a fantastic background - love the whole card design too - really pretty. Thanks for sharing, Susan x

  159. Absolutely Classic Sue Wilson - L.O.V.E. it!!! I'm a real sucker for pink and white anyway, and love your blush card but the whole composition, and especially that new embossing folder, is superb! Might have to pop to M&S to return some of today's little self-gifts so I can spend more on me tomorrow!!! X

  160. Hi Sue and all.
    Another winner.

  161. I am liking the look of this new folder. Just starting to invest in some A4 folders and this one would be perfect for either male or female. I shall be watching tomorrow for some inspiration
    Beautiful card
    Karen xx

  162. The pink is my favorite color---what a beautiful card.
    Love the new embossing folder and can't wait to see the others.
    Congratulations-our following keeps growing!

  163. Hi Sue, you've done it again, the embossing folder looks really great and I can't wait to see the others tomorrow. I have the programs set on my recorder as husband is watching the cricket. Keep up the good work, although my bank balance might not agree!

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Absolutely beautiful card. I try not to say 'I must have it', but this embossing folder is the exception. Fantastic.
    Magizzy x

  166. Another lovely card, Sue, and the new embossing folders look very interesting. Lx

  167. Hello Sue, I love this card, I will be hopefully ordering this E F, as it looks great, and the stamp I already have, got it from Craft world and love it in any colour. Looking forward to the shows.
    X Ros

  168. Hi Sue. What a beautiful card, the Checkerboard embossing folder is fantastic, such a great idea. I am looking forward to seeing the other two on the show tomorrow. We are so lucky to have you, you see what is needed and then Hey Presto we have it. (After a lot of hard work by you of course) Thank you : ) The Sculpted Leaves and the Rose Bouquet stamps are beautiful, so detailed and pretty.
    Congratulations to Lynn : )
    Pam, sending my daily hug to you and to Robbie, so good to hear the latest news : )
    Norah, Aye! Enjoy making your little Princess her Princess castle. I hope your hills are sunny and bright.
    Ita, sorry you are back in hospital again, hope you improve very soon.
    Cameeli, enjoy your weekend!
    Wheely Bad, wishing you a quick recovery.
    Emily, congrats on your degree.
    Meg O, sorry to hear about your sister. May she be as painfree as possible.
    Tina, glad hat you are making progress.
    Anne C, children remind us that money isn't important don't they. Glad Sandy enjoyed his birthday.
    Sandra,I loved having my lot home too, they grow up far too fast as it is don't they. Looking forward to seeing you on Wed : )
    Sending hugs to you Sue, my special friends and all in need.
    Take care.

  169. Afternoon Sue
    Just love todsys card and these new embossing folders look really tactile. Can't wait for your show tomorrow.
    Amanda xx

  170. This card is gorgeous. I love the new embossing folder too. I can't wait to see the other folders.

  171. Oh, this is so beautiful. Love the embossing.

  172. WOW! This is stunning. The design is so elegant. I love the delicate colours and gorgeous detailing too.
    Sue xx

  173. Lovely card and the new embossing folder.
    Yvonne N.

  174. Gorgeous card Sue!!!
    The embossing folders seems to give an even deeper impression than normal. I love pink and white together it is so pretty.
    You have been very busy, designing new dies/embossing folders, touring the country, designing stamps, magazine articles, blog videos and tv appearances. Whatever you are on can I have some?????
    Hope you have time for a holiday/rest to recover!!!

  175. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card Sue. And i Absolutely Love your Checkerboard embossing folder, your right there isn't one like it on the market. It's a must buy for me. Cant wait to see the rest of your new boards.And to watch tool shed
    Take care
    Hazel G xx

  176. Hi Sue. Wow this card is so soft and feminine. Those embossing folders are on my list. Look forward to seeing the demos. Hope all goes well. Hugs. Jan. xx

  177. Stunning Sue, just stunning.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  178. Hi Sue, a lovely soft and feminine card with a delicious new embossing folder. I too spotted the other new one with the dots and bows that you sneaked in with the die launch. I'm sure they will all be a sell-out.
    Congratulations to Lynn on being a Wednesday winner and fingers crossed for everyone (including me :-)) for the blog die giveaway. Sue is such a generous lady and will make lots of people very happy.

  179. Hi Sue, love the look of your new checkerboard embossing folder. Can't wait to see the others tomorrow Love the card as well! HUGS.
    Annie.B from Northants

  180. Hi Sue. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Julia tomorrow and especially your new embossing folders. I really like the look of them. Today's card is lovely. Have fun tomorrow. SueL x

  181. Loving the new embossing folder. Sadly I don't have an A4 machine to accommodate them - would you do some 6ins x 6ins too do you think?

  182. This folder looks great, innovative to say the least. Beautiful card Sue. Looking forward to tool shed but will have to record it as I will be helping my Mum with her lunch. I expect the folders will sell out but at least I will have the show to watch. Take Care.Xx

  183. Beautiful Sue, the embossing folder is gorgeous will be recording you tomorrow. Best Wishes Edwina

  184. Hi Sue, I'm so glad you decided to show this card. It is stunning! Love and hugs,
    Alison D x

  185. Gorgeous Card Sue!

    I love everything about it and the colours are so pretty.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  186. Hi Sue
    And what a sneak peak it is. I'm glad you decided to share it's gorgeous. Love this design and style of pattern. Another one to add to my I must have list.
    I'm still plodding away at my cards. I've managed 3 and a half. Nearly finished the fourth, just a box to make. Time for a coffee and set the record button for the tool shed then back to it.
    Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend.
    Lots of crafty love
    Jo xx

  187. Adore this new embossing folder and the card is gorgeous! Looking forward to the show tomorrow although I will have to record it! Happy day everyone hope you are all well and happy!
    Marion B xx

  188. Hi Sue, first of all a huge well done to Lynn for winning this weeks card. Thanks, Sue for the heads up about tomorrow's Tool Shed. I may not be able to watch it live, but I'm going to record it for sure. I love the look of the embossing on this card, thanks so much for sharing with us. xx

  189. Hi Sue that is such a pretty card, looking forward to the tool shed tomorrow. Yvonne xxx

  190. Sorry forgot to say congrats to winner of Wednesdays card..Yvonne xxx

  191. Good afternoon Sue & Wilsonettes
    WOW WOW WOW Sue such a gorgeous card today it's soooo pretty. I love the EF it's beautiful I need that one mm mm & second one nooo I need all three now lol.
    Looking forward to tool shed tomorrow Love Lynda Brock xx

    Congratulations Lynn on winning a sue card.

    Pam sorry for you in this heat & not being able to get out in garden, so pleased to here Robbie's progress gental hugs for you both love Lynda xx

    Meg o sorry to here about your sister thinking of you both gentle hugs Lynda xx
    Emily congratulations on your degree hugs xx

    Sandra enjoy your girls 6 weeks school holidays & your holiday too.

    Ecco Janet wow congratulations becoming a grate Nan in February enjoy all the little ones hugs Lynda xx

    Ita sorry your back in hospital sending you gentle hugs Lynda xx

    Weelybad hope you feel better soon

    Nana Tina pleased you managed to get Dow stairs.
    You should get the doctor to come to you. Hugs Lynda xx

    Thanks Norah, Yorkielass & every one for thinking of Annie yes pore thing she gets so stressed out with the thunder & it was a wicked storm, Bambie just gives her a look to say stupid dog & gets back under the quilt. Going to try & see if the vet can give her something to calm her hopefully.

    Anne C glade Sandy enjoyed his birthday hugs Lynda xx

    Special Hugs to Sandra,Pam Robbie, Yorkielass,Norah wee Rory,Lindsay, Margaret corgi owner,Ita,Julie Laz & Lee,Myra P, Lynne M Tilly & Cully,( hope they were ok in thunder storm ) Lanc Steph, Camille enjoy your sister time. Mrs B,Jean D Magpie. And all who need a hug love Lynda xxx

    Good luck to all Wilsonettes on Monday for the die launch giveaway fingers crossed xx

  192. Absolutely gorgeous creation ♥

  193. Hi Sue A very pretty card, lovely colours, can't wait to see your range tomorrow on the tool shed show, like others who have commented, I have your previous folders and I know I will also 'need' these too..lol...x

  194. Amazing card here today again Sue. You just always makes the most amazing creations and this one is sooo beautiful. Soo soft and delicat decorated in these pastel colors.

  195. What a clever concept for the embossing folder. Looks amazing. The card is very pretty. It reminds me of peaches and cream! Caz x

  196. Luv this card and the embossing - I did comment on the blog where you used this whether it was new folder - luv it - noticed one website who e-mail me had your emboss folders for sale and this one has sold out already - not surprised xx GailT xx
