
Monday 10 February 2014

Italian Collection - Choose Joy

Welcome back crafters!  This second card in the Italian Collection features the scrummy Umbria die set.  There are two die sets up on the giveaway for this post, but only one of them is shown on the card!  Don't forget that you can "pin" any of the cards that you like to your Pinterest boards  by simply clicking on the pin button at the bottom of the post.  Leave a comment before you go to be entered into the contest.  The next card will be posted at 2pm.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Another beutiful card, I love your dies Sue, they are so wonderful, we are all very lucky to have you designing these, they really hit the spot!

    I'm excited at all the wonderful giveaway dies!

    Diane from Glasgow xx

  2. Hi sue, loving the dies sets, I need to see the card right away can not wait, what a big collection this is sue, mad lol. crafty hugs Julie xx

  3. Hello Sue
    Another lovely Die...which one will I choose or afford is nearer the mark!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  4. Oh what a great card, love the collection xxx

  5. Hi Sue,
    you said it: Yummy (the colour) and then you add your beautiful die. Result: a masterpiece.
    It's another stunner - I was eyeing that die up it really appeals to me........
    Hugs, Rose

  6. There's no other word for it - Sue you're a GENIUS!
    Erica x

  7. Hi Sue
    Another stunner! I love the way you have just embossed the outer die. Fabulous card. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful cards. Sue and amazing dies already bought some


  9. Hi Sue

    Yet again a most beautiful die and the background die looks stunning.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  10. The Italian Umbria is so very pretty. Loving all the die sets and the bows too!! So many to choose from, just want them all xx Thank you for the fabulous samples. You have been working very hard and very much appreciated xx

  11. Another gorgeous card showcasing your wonderful dies. If I had to choose a favourite then I don't think I could as they are all amazing. Kind regards Joanne K x

  12. I agree, Sue. Ummbria really is scrummy!

  13. Wow! Wow! Wow! Another amazing card Sue. It's great to see how well your dies emboss as well as cut, as well as the versatility of having a focal die in parts. Love the background die too! This will be perfect for all those inflating techniques I love so much. Theresa x

  14. Hi Sue
    This collection is absolutly fabulous thank you. If this is the start of things to come WOW what does the future hold take care Kitty

  15. Both sets are just beautiful - love the colour of the background card on this example Sue! Thanks, Susan x

  16. Hi Sue - again these are scrumptious! Another must have, so I will just have to keep on saving.

    Gorgeous card as well.

    Hugs to you Sue Pxxx

  17. Gorgeous colour card Sue ,the dies are beautiful !
    Crafty hugs Rachel x

  18. Good afternoon Sue
    And the wonderfulness continues....both these ornate dies are so versatile as main features or backrounds, as we can see from your fabulous card. We all love our craft dies to work hard for us. I cannot choose a favourite between these two dies as they are both lush. Thank you Sue for showcasing your work and your new dies, we really are lucky people!
    Sharon Kirkwood x

  19. GA Sue- love these and that colour is lovely - back later!
    Clare W

  20. Another stunning card. Love your dies very much - they are so wonderful-looking things.


  21. Hello again Sue, I try to work out how you do your cards but I don't know how part of a die is cut away, and another part are left as an emboss. Love the card but so missing the recipes.See you later.
    X Ros

  22. And she did it again, and made yet another stunning card here. I´m totally blown away with all these amazing creations here.

  23. Such a beautiful card,loving the colours on this one and of course the beautiful dies.

  24. Hello back again Sue, it just keeps getting better!! You are right this is scrummy. I want them all, but how many can I afford! how you have spoiled us, your hard work is so appreciated, you are a GENIUS. See you later.
    Hugs June xxx

  25. Hi Sue, I'm running out of superlatives so at the risk of repeating myself - just gorgeous! The Italian background, Tuscany & the Classic rose, I can just see them all together so you know what is going to the top of my list :-)

  26. Stunning dies! love the one of roses, especially. Breathtaking color brown on your card, so rich looking.

  27. My fingers are wearing down to the knuckles typing all these comments! You certainly have us all hooked. LOL. This card has all the warmth of Umbria within the colours you've used: Very appropriate. The background Die is lovely too.

  28. Hi again, This is getting so hard, I can't pick a favourite, but I do love the background dies. See you at 2pm.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  29. Hi Sue, wow another stunning card love the colour and again the beautiful rose , the dies you have used are just amazing , the whole collection is just amazing( sorry repeating myself ) . When you are on C&C on the 23rd will you be showcasing your dies as I really want them all (very greedy I know) and hopefully if so maybe flexi pay will be available fingers crossed XX .

    JeanD x

  30. What a scrumptious colour. Your die makes the card look like it has taken hours of work. Beautiful.

  31. Hi again
    Wow absolutely fabulous so rich and elegant looking both the card and the dies, love them.
    Margaret corgi owner

  32. Hi sue. Another beautiful card the colour is gorgeous. I love the way you put your colour ways togeather. You are making it very difficult for me to choose between them all as to which set is the nicest.
    Best Wishes
    Denise x

  33. The card is simply stunning. Love the effect of the embossing with the die. Absolutely beautiful. Looking forward to 2pm, love

  34. Great card Sue and I think with a different centre would be good for a guy in these colours.
    Thanks for the inspiration,

  35. Hello again Sue lovely,gorgeous amazing card ,love every thing about it the dies in this set are outstanding,loving the background die.
    You are making it sooo difficult to choose as all the dies you've shown so far it's an impossible task.
    Love & hugs Lynda Brock xxx
    See you Sue & all Wilsonettes at 2 pm xxx

  36. Hello Sue,

    A beautiful card. I love the rose background.

    Cherry McSharry

  37. Afternoon Sue, another stunning set of dies, you are certainly tempting us with your designs. What a busy little bee you have been. See you later. Jess

  38. Hi Sue
    What can I say that hasn't already been said? Your dies are simply the best I've ever seen, sorry if I'm repeating myself. Can't wait to see you on the 23rd hopefully showing off your dies in the flesh. I've so enjoyed our sneaky peeks roll on the next one.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  39. Oh wow! Roses -my favourite! Love the way you embossed part of the die around the central cut out part. My wish list continues to grow!

  40. A stunning card Sue. Love the colours and of course the dies!

  41. Have just come back from a long week end away and opened up for the first time since and WOW. Congratulations Sue, a truly wonderful start to what I am sure we all hope will be the beginning of lots and lots more. The effects are stunning and can't wait to start my collection. As always your cards are an inspireation, thankyou. Erica, Wye, Kent

  42. Ecco of Sheffield10 February 2014 at 12:33

    Hi Sue
    At the moment this circular die is at the top of my list - I'm sure that by the end of your postings I shall have loads of lists with all your dies at the top - This may be the top at the moment but if you asked me to choose I still would have great difficulty.
    LOVE them all.
    Janet x

  43. Another beautiful card Sue, really enjoying seeing all these new dies

  44. Hi Sue, WOW another stunning card. Your dies are gorgeous, beautiful and so versitile.

  45. Hi Sue,This card is just gorgeous!! I've collected paper doilies for ages because they are so pretty, but your dies are WOW! gorgeous and much more usable..Thank you! .. Sylvie

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Wonderful dies. I think the Italian ones are my favourite so far.

  48. Hi sue. Love the colours you have chosen for this gorgeous card the dies are absolutley stunning ( more expense lol ) from christine c

  49. Hi Sue. Another beautiful card !! This Umbria die set just looks amazing !! I really love all the die sets so much. I have decided it is pointless trying to figure out what are my favourite die sets as I keep changing my mind so often !! I will be slowly collecting them as and when funds allow.
    I cannot wait to see your videos using all your wonderful new dies Sue !!
    Lots of love Sue and all the Willsonettes love Tres x x x

  50. Hello for the second time today. What a lovely card and a very unusual colour. This is an extremely elegant set of dies and that rose background is yummy indeed! Thanks Sue for yet more inspiration and temptation. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

  51. Hi Sue,
    Another totally splendid card! I love the large roses die!
    It is lovely! The colour is so dramatic too.
    Thank you seems somewhat inadequate!
    But thanks anyhow!
    Love to all, Myra

  52. Hi Sue, this is a Truly Awesome, Opulent, Rich Card!
    I really Love the Colourways you've chosen, I Love the stamped Rose and WOW the Outstanding Dies, I love the Embossing and the detailed cut, it's a Truly Stunning Card but then all your Cards are, they've all been Fantastic and knowing you this will be just a small portion of Cards made with the Fabulous Dies thank you so much for all your hard work and sharing.
    Love and hugs from Sam x

  53. hi sue pleased you have branched out into die design with creative expression,love them all.from Pauline in Southampton xx

  54. Absolutely gorgeous dies Sue.

  55. Lovely dies again and beautiful card.

  56. Hi sue another beautiful card. I do like all these dies so its time to save up for them as I dont know which to have first. check back in later xx

    Debs A

  57. Wow Sue,
    I am not normally a dark card type of a person but this colour is cracking and just frames the flower stamp lovely. Please, please, please bring them to C and C as they are so beautiful ALL of them.
    I see we have a lot of new commentors on the blog these days, i hope they stick around after the giveaway has ended to give you that boost that your talent deserves. You make us many beautiful little works of art masterpieces to inspire us, and done very well too i might add that you deserve the feed back all the time.
    Really look forward to seeing you back on our screens again (i'm cheating as i'm watching you last live shows that i had recorded, you introduced Kim's exceptional talent to us).
    Hope to see you all after,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  58. There goes my budget for the month again.
    The faux quilled leaves are inspired. Thank you, Sue


  60. Hi sue another beautiful card
    Denise X

  61. Hi Sue
    Another gorgeous card Sue. Such beautiful dies. How lucky we are that you know exactly what we all like.

  62. Hi Sue, another beautiful card, love the colours and really love the dies, so hard to choose which dies are my favourite, I love and want them all! Love Jean xxx

  63. What a lovely plummy colour. Great card - love the dies - of course lol

  64. Hi Sue, well here I go into my publishing debut! Hope you all like this..

    Dear Sue and the Wilsonettes, what are we to do?
    You’ve brought out some new dies for us, there’s really quite a few…
    As usual we’ll want all of them, each and every one
    To wile away the hours having lot’s of crafty fun!

    There are borders and corners and lovely Faux Quilled Blooms
    Backgrounds and Decorative Frames with flourishes and plumes
    The bows are so dimensional and very, very pretty
    Which do I place an order for, the choices make me dizzy!

    We’re off to Spain and Italy and Californ I A
    You’re definitely causing die cut M.A.N.I.A
    So for now, I’ll have the Classic Rose, a striplet and the leaves
    And think upon the next trick up my monetary sleeve!!

    Love Karen xx

  65. Oh I don't know which is my favourite. It appears to be them all so far...
    ElizabethS x

  66. Hi sue lovely card again love the colour of the backing card great dies can't wait to see the remaining samples

  67. Exquisite ... another show stopper!

  68. Hi Sue,
    Such a rich, gorgeous card and more dies that I love and want/need!!

    Love Sheila xx

  69. Hi Sue,
    I must say I agree with Norah in hoping that all of the new people commenting dso stay around when the give away's finish. We need to get Sue back to No 1.

    I just love the Umbra collections so far they are my favourites. This card is stunning. Can't thank you enough Sue for the wonderful samples, which give so much inspiration.

  70. Two more super dies Sue, I can see the background being used a lot and I like the space in the middle of this set to place a sentiment, love from Jackie D

  71. This is really lovely and can be made so quickly with your lovely dies. These dies are great for both the beginner and advanced crafter and everyone in between. We really do need a Sue Wilson workshop;-)

  72. Beautiful dies yet again, I am running out of things to say, they are all great

  73. Myra here from Florida and callalily crafts. These are just lovely. I think my favorites are today. Thank you. Now if I can figure where you get your sentiments!

  74. Hi Sue

    Love the deep rich colour & the centre focal point is just perfect.

    Crafty Hugs
    Haze x

  75. This is a beautiful card Sue simply beautiful

  76. Hi Sue
    Another set of stunning dies.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. So many dies and the cards are just glorious Sue. From what I can see of yesterday's cards we are just getting a small flavour of what these dies can do. These are beautiful but my favourites are still the Spanish collection, they are just the best I've ever seen and bring die cuts to a whoe new level.

    Alice xx

  79. Another lovely die and a very atmospheric card with the deep colour.

  80. Hi Sue. Repeating myself I know but these are another two beauties. And this card is simply stunning, love the colour too, it is so rich. I can honestly say that I have never loved EVERY single die in a new collection by any company. I can't say that any more! Every single die in your debut collection is beautiful, and even I can see that they ALL mix and match so easily. You are brilliant. Be back at 2pm. Take care.

  81. WOW this background is superb - another one to add onto the list of must haves....thank you sue

  82. Hi Sue, this card looks amazing! I love the embossed look, it is easy to forget that you can do that and not just cut!! Love Sam xxx

  83. Hi Sue
    Thank you for this card, this is the die I fell in love with and ordered, can't wait for it to arrive!! Love how you have embossed the outer frame and the background stamp you've shown is gorgeous too might be next on my list!
    Best wishes, Pat

  84. Hi Sue another winner love the colours .it is nice to see the Dies made up,but very hard which ones to buy.

  85. Fabulous card, great colours. What a star you are Sue!
    Marin B xx

  86. Deep rich colours in this card with beautiful detail from the dies. Love Helen

  87. Hi Sue - I placed my order this morning for the Tuscany and Decorative frames and can't wait to get them! I think the Italian collection is my favourite so far.


  88. Stunning Sue, absolutely stunning just loving everything.

  89. Hi Sue another stunning card and loving everything about it.
    Dawn Searle xx

  90. Hello Sue,
    Another big WOW from me, I love this Italian collection,
    The background die is just stunning. The way you have used the Umbria die on your card is just so so gorgeous.
    Sue, what are you turning me into? I can feel my same self saying I want - I want - I want!
    Every die and card you have shown us since you started displaying this collection has been superb, you deserve every accolade that comes your way - you are the best.
    See you later, love Brenda xxx

  91. Lovely card and love the card colour too.

  92. Hi Sue

    Simply loving your new creations.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  93. What a totally gorgeous collection of cards! Love these dies too Sue. I'll need a whole new folder devoted to SW dies methinks! x

  94. Love the cards and Dies again .. need them all :)

  95. Hi Sue,
    I love the embossing on this card. x

  96. Just in from work and eager to appraise the 2nd offering for today - does not disappoint at all, it is as sumptious as the other dies and I lve the way they will match with all of our other dies. Thank you Sue

  97. Hi Sue, another winner and love the
    colour of card you have used. must have all these dies.
    Nancyd xx

  98. Gorgeous card again and luvin the use of the die and the colour combo xx GailT xx

  99. Sue and all the crafty crew, really pretty and again a very elegant and scrummy card. I have the perfect place for it!! My wish list just gets bigger & bigger. will look forward to more treats later!!
    Karen Welcome cute poem.
    Cameeli xx

  100. Am ovine the look you've achieved with embossing Sue - another fabulous card! x

  101. Ok, umbria might be my favourite favourite, for the moment at least. This is GORGEOUS
    Janice W

  102. Hi Sue

    very pretty card sue. I really like the rose background dis, it's very fab. Looking forward to the next showing.

    Kind regards:-)

    Tina X

  103. I love the beautiful embossing with the lacy die cut. And that colour! Delicious and delectable.
    Thank you for all these fabulous ideas.

  104. Hi Sue,

    Another stunner. Am late today as its snowing and I had outside jobs to do but where have all your new followers come from???? Really hope that some "old" followers win some of your prizes.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

  105. Hi Cameeli, thank you for the welcome, glad you liked the poem :o)!

  106. WONDERFUL! I love all the dies so far but have taken the plunge and ordered the rose background die can't wait for it to arrive. Next will be one of the bows and the flower, then maybe the leaves, then........lol I could go on if only the funds were available.
    Hugs Sue xx
    P.S. lovely card too

  107. Oooo I love the rose background, I think it might be my favorite Helen O xxx

  108. Hi Sue,
    Another beautiful card, love the color.

  109. HI SUE

  110. Good afternoon Sue. Yet another fabulous card with your stunning dies! Can't wait to see your next beautiful creation. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  111. Hi Sue,
    So many super designs!
    Thank you for the inspiration.
    Veronique L

  112. ooh, that looks really dramatic in that colour. Another beautiful card.
    Jan x

  113. Hi sue love all the dies but the spanish have to be my faviotes and the bows which have sold out on joanna s site at present
    Love tracey mcintyre

  114. Another great card, I seem to always like square cards and tend to make them too, so love this die set also and think it's a must have, lovely as always.

  115. Another lovely card, and have been in touch with my favourite online supplier and they are going to be stocking your range, so excited xx

  116. Hi
    Love the rose background.......tooooooo many to choose from
    ANN M X

  117. Think these are my favourites, could it be the 'chocolate' card……!!!!

  118. I know it's not featured on this card but am loving the possibilities of the striplets. Piecing together for backgrounds or just using a section behind an aperture... mind buzzing. Love them all. xx

  119. More beautiful dies!
    Anne (Northampton)

  120. Another die that I want, getting very excited about all the lovely dies that I need to buy. Managed to get the bows 1st day out, but ow to start on the rest.
    Eve x

  121. Hi
    I really like the background die! It is hard to choose which ones to go for.

  122. Sue....the designs just get lovelier! Jo x

  123. Sue....the designs just get lovelier! Jo x

  124. Hi Sue Where do you get your ideas every card so toatally different your amazing
    hugz Ruth

  125. Hi Sue
    I love the embossed pattern on the card and the scrummy color combination
    I have my fingers etc crossed
    Hugs Sue xxx

  126. More totally gorgeous dies.Love the card beautiful colour way.
    Helen Bx

  127. Hi Sue
    Simply stunning.
    love Jan x x

  128. Afternoon Sue
    WOW you have done it again another super set.
    Amanda x

  129. Simply Marvelous Sue! I think you have covered every type of die I could possibly want. Most sets are frames or focal points or flowers. Not you, frames, flowers, leaves, backgrounds, corners, borders, focal points, etc... Everything is covered :-) I love it all! Barbara x

  130. Love the Italian background, they make such beautiful cards, thanks Sue
    Margaret AE

  131. wow, fab dies how intricate they are a must for everyone. hugs Theresa x

  132. I love the background die, you have been so busy
    Carol B

  133. All your samples are beautiful.
    Best wishes.
    Lynne in Spain

  134. Lovely card and dies so beautiful love Jean Z xxx

  135. Really loving all the new dies - can't wait to get some.
    Best wishes
    Lynne in Spain

  136. Another lovely die, well done :)

  137. More stunning dies. These are gorgeous. Xx

  138. Another stunning card. Can't wait for the next.

  139. Oh sue these dies are stunning!! I saw them at stamperama yesterday and oh wow! They are beautiful and such a great size! I bought the rose background - perfect for valentine's day and mothers day! It was so difficult to choose though! You are so talented - thank you For sharing it!

  140. love the dies such lovely delicate results a beautiful card

  141. Yummy yummy Victoria plummy with this one, Sue. Just love the emboss,
    looks so rich and classy.

    'P' in Wales

  142. Hi Sue,
    Loving the plum card, super dies too.
    Donna Jones

  143. Belinda Raven said....

    Hi Sue,

    These dies are beautiful - Well done you!

    Hugs, Belinda. X

  144. Hi Sue
    Another beautiful card
    you really are an inspiration, I can't wait until my new dies arrive

    Pat x

  145. The Umbria die is one of the ones I've ordered. I like the square and circle shapes in the same set.
    Sarah H C

  146. Hey there is the background die with the roses. I saw this on joanna sheens website and thought how lovely it is. A must for allbus crafters
    Irene Allen

  147. Beautiful. My shopping list/wishlist is growing. You might make many bank managers very unhappy LOL. xx

  148. Like has been said before Sue, you are a creative genius. I particularly love the Italian rose background. Edwina

  149. Love this card, it's really lovely. Looking forward to seeing what you do with these over the next few months. Sarah

  150. Gorgeous yet again love them


  151. Christine N. (Somerset)10 February 2014 at 15:34

    I love the embossing on this one, as well as the delicate cutting. Clever.

  152. Stunning and the background die looks amazing too. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  153. Love the colour and adore the dies xx

  154. The lovely embossing really shows up well on that colour card. V nice. SueL

  155. Beautiful again Sue love the "rose" one can't wait to see that one featured

  156. Wow gorgeous worth coming home for. I'll be back later. This is all such fun. Love Jackie

  157. Hi Sue fabulous , just love the background die, but the I love them all x

  158. Hi Sue
    Stunning dies wish I had some of your talent.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  159. Another stunning card in such a lovely colour. x

  160. Wonderful Sue, beautiful card and another set of intricate dies.
    ValC xx

  161. Another stunning card,love all the dies

  162. Another stunning card,love all the dies

  163. more beautiful things. you are so talented xx

  164. F A B U L O U S.Stunning and beautiful. Must have these dies,so very different, xx

  165. Oh I love these dies
    love the card Sue wish wish wish x

  166. Hi Sue
    This card is stunning
    You are giving us some lovely dies, I want them all
    Carol x

  167. Stunning card and what beautiful dies.

  168. Ho sue an gang. Yummy scrummy yummy are all these dies choices galore what to do with them too. Marvelous collection and I just love the card

    Love Tracy in killie x

  169. Just WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  170. Hi Sue. I think they're almost more beautiful when they're just embossed! Vicki

  171. Hi Sue! Lovely, lovely, lovely! I can't believe how your wonderful designs have taken the blog by storm! You have worked so so hard Sue and you deserve all the good things coming your way! I know not everybody will be able to afford to buy your dies, so I thank you on behalf of each and everyone of us for a chance to win a set! xx Love Karen xx PS Margaret A, when you have written your comment, do as Norah has tipped, to highlight it in blue, right click to copy and if it doesn't work you still have the comment safe to try again xx

  172. Sorry, Pps Margaret, move your mouse outside the box and click it and the blue disappears xx Love Karen xx

  173. Gorgeous colours Sue, really nice change! Ordered the Umbria from Joanna and cant wait for them to come!!!

  174. Hi Sue,
    Just back from a glorious day at Whitby. Sorry to all those people who are suffering with the bad weather, you all really do have my sympathy. Well Sue, you've done it again, - I now need the Umbria die and also this background die! I wonder if my husband would like them for his birthday this week! Just heard my 3 sets of dies have been dispatched - can't wait to see them up close and personal. Love Alison xxx

  175. Hi Sue and lovely Wilsonette friends. Just what I need to help the morphine go down less bitter ! Hurt ? Me ? maybe a little after all the driving, but well worth it seeing our beautiful 'little girl' trying on her gown : ) This is my favourite 'block die' it screams love and romance, so ideal to use on our daughters wedding card. Thanks Sue. Im SO with Norah. Unless you waffle
    as I do, it takes seconds to support a blog ! We ALL have other things to do in a day, but if you just started to support Sue and her blog during her week of kindness, it show's you, you CAN find time to continue to thank Sue for ALL she's done and help boost the number's she SO deserves. Thank you.
    Off to look at our 4pm treat, then really must rest a while to get myself 'human again'
    Love and thanks to you Sue.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  176. Another two gorgeous dies, the background one is fantastic. There are too many to choose from!

  177. This is one awesome set. Love it. Crafty hugs Ann x

  178. Another really pretty card and the dies are fantastic to .. hugs sarah xx

  179. Sharon c. I am so impressed with these dies. Thanks for the chance to win.

  180. Hi Sue,

    This, like all the others is divine, So, so beautiful. Forgot to mention in last post how fantastic those leaves are, stunning!

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  181. Love these dies. Will end up buying them all. Thanks Sue

  182. Just so lovely, I've ordered this one from Joanna Sheen. I'm looking at the other wonderful cards and I have a little or maybe a long list to buy

  183. Oh Sue they are all fantastic.
    Congratulations again.

  184. Oh Sue they are all fantastic.
    Congratulations again.

  185. Just wrote my comment and then lost it Drat! Anyway it is another beautiful card I so love these dies I do keep forgetting to use them for embossing only though.have been out all day at a craft day where we we being shown how to do mosaics, very enjoyable but won't take over from card making for me, though probably a much less expensive hobby!

  186. Hi Sue,
    Fantastic dies the name suits them all too. Love the Italian set, will we be seeing a card with the die you haven't used?
    Alison B. x

  187. Lovely die again, too many to choose from

  188. Lovely die again, too many to choose from

  189. Lovely die again, too many to choose from

  190. This is sooooooo beautoful, love the colours

  191. Beautiful, beautiful, Sue. Love this collection!
