
Saturday 15 February 2014

Hello My Friend

Hello my crafty friends!  Another card from the same shows as yesterday's card, but a floral themed one today.  Who doesn't love sunflowers, they are just such cheerful flowers!  I used the JustRite Sunflower stamp set for this one.  I created a background for it using the Teresa Collins paper pad exclusive to Creative Expressions.  I picked a smaller vintage pattern to use as a wide border over a larger peach and cream pattern.  I stamped the corner from the Ornate Corner stamp set in black in the upper corner.  I used a sentiment from the Bold Sentiment set by Creative Expressions and stamped it in black in the lower corner.  I tied a piece of London tan seambinding around the border strip and taped the ends to the back of the card.  I stamped the sunflower on milk card and coloured it with Distress markers (wild honey, mustard seed, peeled paint, tea dye) I cut it out with the Vintage Labels Five but turned horizontally this time.  I inked it with Antique Linen while still in the die.  I mounted it with foam pieces in the centre of the card and added a messy bow out of matching seam binding.  I topped my bow with a black jute bow and a tan Dazzler.  The card was nicely finished with a double milk coloured mat with an inner pierced layer.  Finished dimensions are 7 1\2" x 8" in size.

The Wednesday Card Giveaway goes to :

Diane Mortimer!!!

Congratulations! Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your card!   Don't forget to tune in Sunday as there are a lot of other winners being announced in the comment game!

Julia Watts has two shows today on Create and Craft with the first one at at 10am with Leonie and then at  4pm with Martyn.  Be sure to tune in as she has some cracking demos and samples to show you!

If you haven't checked to see if your name was drawn as one of the die winners, it was posted late yesterday so scroll down to the next post!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Mornin sue and gang. What a georgeous card. Love sunflowers and congrats to Diane for winning a sue origional. Lucky lady!!!
    Love Tracy from killie xx


  2. Morning Sue,

    Very striking card to start a day. Love the corner stamp and the colours you have put together. X

  3. Morning everyone - lovely card, sunflwers are so cheerful. Well done Steph and Sam and others yesterday with your comments every word is true and heartfelt.

  4. Good morning Sue,
    Another stunning card, love everything about it
    Have a fantastic weekend

    Patricia xx

  5. Lovely card Sue and the stamping is ace.xx

  6. Morning Sue.
    Thank you for this very cheery card on this very windy day.Yes Sue Sunflowers have a very happy bloom, congrats to Diane, take care Kitty

  7. As ever, Sue, wonderfully coordinated colours and this is a card to lift the spirits.
    Congrats to all the die winners - lucky people - and to Diane for the card.

    'P' in Wales

  8. Hi Sue, love this card, just whats needed to cheer me up after an awful night of wind/rain. Lol lynne m x x x

  9. Lovely card, we need something to bring a bit of sunshine into our lives and tho fits the bill perfectly. Hope it cheers up all those who are suffering from the weather!
    Marion B xx

  10. Hi Sue,
    What a lovely, cheerful card - just what's needed for these grey days with rain pouring down.....
    I love that paper as well......
    Colour combo great, bow great - in short, what's there NOT to like?
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Rose

  11. GM Sue and everyone! What a a lovely sight, a bright cheerful sunflower. Just what I need this morning having had a sleepless night with the wind hurling things around outside and rather hoping a huge tree outside would not uproot and greet me by pinning me to my bed , LOL.
    I love the colours in the card today Sue. A lovely blend. My SW dies arrived yesterday, I'm so excited!! Guess my housework is going to take a back seat this weekend!
    Happy weekend everyone!
    Hugs Annie

  12. Hi Sue, What a Truly Stunning Card, it's so Warm and Rich Looking, I really Love The Teresa Collins Papers you have chosen for your Awesome Card.
    The Sunflower is Beautiful and as always your Colouring and shading is Exceptional. I really Love The Bold Sentiments from Creative Expression, I Love the way it flows, I have a number of Creative Expression Sentiment Stamps and they always Stamp Beautifully. I Love Fabulous Bow and Dazzler, this Beautiful Card is everything so Rich, Opulent, Stunning and "YES" I'm extremley biased I Love your work.
    "Thank you Sue once again" I'm so Happy to have been a winner and I was honestly thrilled to see regular ladies from Sue's Blog also on the list, so if you did win please drop by if your new not just when Sue is giving things away but then she's always doing that (I won't mention it again) Sue's Blog offers so much each and every day with Beautiful Cards and Tips and Techniques.
    Diane I'm thrilled you won the Fabulous Wednesday Card giveaway!
    Love and hugs from Sam x
    Lancashire Steph I hope your feeling better and not
    forgetting Heather and Nora and anyone that's feeling down.
    Have a great day all x

  13. Morning Sue, a glorious card helping
    us think Spring is just round the corner.
    comisserations to anyone getting hit with
    this terrible weather here in Scotland
    we had snow late yesterday but not lying
    around it is all gone this morning a bit
    damp outside but for us the weather has
    been really mild.
    Nancyd xx

  14. Very nice card Sue as always, I love the papers together like that and looking forward to seeing Julia today x

  15. Morning Lovely Sue, Morning Lovely Wilsonettes. What a dreadful wet day again, when will it all stop ? Although the bulbs tell me different, Spring just feels an awful long way away to me ! So the bright, smiling sunflower is a cheerful sight this gloomy Saturday. Again I want to CONGRATULATE our lovely Wilsonette ladies on your die winnings and Diane on your Wednesday card, Im so thrilled (and relieved ) that I saw More GENUINE and REGULAR ladies listed, so good on ya my lovelies : ) for now, until the wedding is over I ordered the Feux Blooms last night as my Valentine gift from Mr Lancashire (he insisted on buying me flowers that last) HIS suggestion from the very first day of your launch Sue, I was going to start with the Italian collection as it has heart shapes thinking of my daughters wedding card - sorry, our daughter. But for the amount of dies in the Feux Blooms, I wanted to spend Mr L's what little spare cash he has as my carer wisely, and who has EVER produced SO many dies in ONE package, so thank you Sue : ) I have the February market next Sunday (can you believe I WONT be in to watch our Sue) Im totally sick to the pit of my stomach ! Hope you do a 5pm also Sue. But if Im lucky enough to sell enough cards then I shall invest in the Italian circular nesting dies with the tiny hearts as it would help me make the most beautiful wedding card my 'little girl' deserves on her wedding day : )
    Everytime I watch the news, Im hoping and praying that non of 'our Wilsonettes' are caught up with flooding in your home, that all of you remain safe in your homes and that you have ALL your utilities still in place, that's all I hope for today. For once I have no crafting drama to tell you about as what with the galavanting last week, and the continuing pain and very odd shape
    my knee has taken on, Ive not had the concentration to sit and make. Concentration ? YES concentration, we already have cricket pads in use within our Wilsonettes, and I know I whinge and moan about my stupid numb, out of line and shape fingers, but Id kind of like to keep em ! I suppose !

    Good luck at the NEC promoting those fab dies Sue. We all know that as soon as the trade know of your new collection the shops will soon start ordering. I spread the Die news to ALL the shops I visited lately so hopefully they will look for the Wonder of Wilson trade stand at the NEC.
    Love n hugs to me ladies.
    Lancashire Steph - stay warm happy and safe xxx

  16. Ecco of Sheffield15 February 2014 at 07:05

    morning Sue
    from a very dull dark and rainy Burgandy - my last full day here as I set off for Calais and hopefully cross to Dover and then up to Sheffield with fingers crossed for decent weather on both sides of the Channel.
    I too love sunflowers - they are so Summer to me and look fantastic when there are fields and fields of them.
    So of course today's gift is beautiful just for the focal point but also for the background papers.
    Many congratulations to all who were lucky yesterday and with Wednesday's give away. It seems so wrong to just call it a give away when it is really a beautiful piece of art.
    See you tomorrow before I set off.
    Janet x

  17. GM Sue - after a wild and windy Valentines night (weatherwise I mean!)I didn't sleep that well. But looking at your blog makes me fell better - love the sunflower and the bow with that black thread is fab. Electricity is still on so I am v. grateful for that - I need a few coffees in the morning to get me up n running. Happy crafty weekend all Wilsonettes.
    Clare W

  18. Morning Sue, well after all that wind and rain we had last night and losing two fence panels, seeing this nice cheerful Sunflower is just what I needed! Beautiful card and love the background papers. Love Jean xxx

  19. Hi Sue
    I love sunflowers so today's card is just my cup of tea! Such pretty papers too and the corner stamp just adds that little bit of umpf! Thanks for sharing.

  20. Good morning Sue today's card made me smile I love sunflowers the whole card is so cheerful such a contrast to the weather we are having. We still have upright trees at the end of the garden which is a good thing. Sue are you off to the NEC to set up for the trade show? I was there last year I enjoyed it very much. Congratulations to the winner of your gorgeous card Have a great day I hope everyone stays safe. Love Jackie

  21. Hi Sue lovely warm colours and sunflowers are so uplifting. Congratulations to Diane and again to all the winners yesterday x

  22. Morning Sue yet another summing card well its dark and wet here this morning. So its nice to see a sunflower it lets us know summer is on its way. I love the papers you have used their beautiful. See you tomorrow take care Sue xxx

    Debs A

  23. What a lovely card and the corner stamp is super. Your dies have arrived and I am thrilled to bits, can't get hold of the filigree bow for toffee tho!! In stock and out again!! Have got the other two though to keep me busy. Think I'll be staying in all weekend very wild and windy here, hubby has to repair the chicken house that has blown to bits! xx

  24. Beautiful card, the colours work so well and inlove sunflower stamp, have a fab weekend x

  25. Hello Sue.After a very stormy night it was wonderful to come to your blog and see the beautiful sunflower card~so bright and cheerful.THANK YOU!!
    Maggie x

  26. What a lovely card.I love it.

  27. Hi Sue
    I love sunflowers, congratulations to the card winner and all the new die winners.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  28. Hi sue
    Another stunning card love the sunflower stamp thanks Tracy w x

  29. Hi Sue
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners yesterday. Love the rich warm colours in this card.Terrible winds last night and lots of damage, stay safe everyone.
    Hugs Dawn Searle xx

  30. Lovely card, so cheerful in the dreadful weather. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you Sue for you generosity xxxx

  31. Morning Sue - well what a night ( i mean the weather) hope everyone is safe and dry and any damage is repairable. Sue this card really is sunshine on a gloomy day, Thank you for such cheerful colours. Helen xx

  32. Love the sunflower but not sure about the backing papers on this one.Congrats to all the winners-beginning to think my name isn't on the list anymore!take care.x.

  33. Good morning Sue and everyone
    What a beautiful card to cheer us up today, Sunflowers are my absolute favourite flower and bring some sunshine to the room. I'm getting so much better with colouring my stamped images still need to practise. The weather here is appalling with loads of storm damage it's heartbreaking.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  34. Good Morning Sue and all the Wilsonettes hope you have all survived the horrendous night.

    Congratulations to Diane for winning an SW original!!

    I love today's card Sue the colours are gorgeous and the sentiment I think echoes how we feel each time we enter your blog.

    So pleased to see that the number of follows has finally topped the 4800!!! Well done again Sue! I hope that some of you ladies that have been commenting will become followers and have the chance with those who already follow the blog to win gorgeous blog candy for every hundred followers that join us. Come on girls lets see that followers total rising again.

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather xx

  35. Hi Sue, love the Theresa Collins papers and the beautiful sunflower stamp they coordinate beautifully. Lovely summery card.
    Congrats Dianne .
    Jean D.

  36. What a lovely card. Have a good morning everyone :)

  37. Beautiful sunny card Sue .
    Crafty hugs Rachel x

  38. Morning Sue,
    A beautiful and cheerful card, love the colours you have used they compliment each other so well.
    Well done to the ladies that won Sue's lovely dies, if you are a new follower and won then please make sure that you comment each day we need to get Sue back to No 1 on the blog list.
    Have good day.

    Crafty Devils Ltd at moment have full range + 10% off - but just for weekend so have to hurry - look in online shop.

  40. Mornin Sue, what a lovely cheerful card o brighten up a dismal day. Love sunflowers. Have a great weekend.

    Love June

  41. Hi just a quick message for "KAREN STAFFORD"
    have you tried Sam Poole on-line shop I know she had stock of the Bows
    Love and hugs from Sam x

  42. Hi Sue. Gorgeous, Sunflowers are just what we need to see on this dark grey morning. They always make me feel brighter : ) The papers and that stamp are beautiful too. Lovely card. So sorry to hear your tragic news Lindsay Martin. My thoughts are with you. I hope everyone is safe and sound. Take care.

  43. Cameeli of Richmond15 February 2014 at 08:35

    Hi Sue, Lovely offering today and Sunflowers are always Happy!! A big congratulations! to all the lucky winners, you must all be over the moon!!
    I will be too when my order is dispatched and drops on my front mat,from Julia and Sunrise.
    Have a great day everyone and take care out there, it is frightfully windy especially around Richmond Park, and Kingston. Off to the gym lost 1 stone now in prep for Son's wedding and then back here for some crafting fun. will record Julia.
    Cameeli xx

  44. What a beautiful card to wake up to as others have said sunflowers are just so bright and cheery, I love the Teresa Collins background papers ( maybe need to treat myself to them ). Congratulations to all the lucky winners you really are a fortunate bunch! Maybe some of the rest of us will be lucky in the Sunday Draw ( fingers crossed) anyway hope you all have a peaceful weekend xo. Have a Great Show Sue! xo

  45. Lovely card, I love the papers.
    Congratulations all you lucky winners.
    Hugs Michelle xxxx

  46. what a lovely card ,love sunflowers

  47. Lovely card Sue . Sunny and bright nice x


  48. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card I love the Teresa Collins pad its beautiful and Sunflowers just what we need to cheer us when this weather is so dull.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  49. Good morning Sue.
    Another stunning card! Such uplifting colours to brighten our day. Love and hugs.Hilary xxxx


  50. A fabulous spring and summer card. Who would have thought that those colours would go together. I shall a
    So be out next Sunday Steph,so must remember to set up the video to record. Got a bit excited when I thought sue was at the NEC,but now I find its for the trade show and not the hobby crafts one,which I am going to as I only live half an hour away!have ab great weekend x x

  51. Hi Sue,
    Beautiful and cheery card, love the colours and your colouring skills are second to none.
    Donna Jones

  52. Beautiful Sue, my favourite colours, so cheerful on this wet miserable morning

  53. Great card, love sunflowers and like the ornate corners. A reminder of summer.

  54. Lovely colours today Sue, quite earthy and solid! I love the bow and the jute. Personally, I think that the Vintage Labels 5 die looks better rotated 90 degrees if you know what I mean, but that's just me!

  55. Morning Sue

    A very warm and rich feel to this card.
    Super colour combo and that bow is the best.
    Amanda x

  56. Hi Sue - a lovely sunny card today and the Teresa Collins papers are beautiful. Congratulations to all the very lucky winners. Will be tuning in to Julia today and looking forward very much to your shows on 23rd Sue. Have a great weekend. Best wishes

  57. Hello Sue, this card is simply perfect, and definitely brightens up a gloomy, rainy and windy day. Congratulations to Diane for the card win, and to all the winners of the dies. Bx

  58. Good morning Sue,
    Hope you and yours have not blown away-and to all hope you are all safe.
    After last night it's a beautiful card to give -thank you Sue you never disappoint.
    Have a great weekend ,
    P.s congrats to those lucky enough to win such fabulous dies

  59. Beautiful sunny sunflower card, makes you think maybe better weather is not too far away!! Have a good weekend x

  60. Morning Sue lovely card congratulations to all the winners. I received my Sue Wilson dies yesterday but not had time to play yet. Bought a.few so am looking forward to seeing the results of my work. The dies are stunning even better than the pictures, and a very good size. Thanks for all your inspiration . Take care all keep safe and warm. Sophy n Gran

  61. Hi sue I love sunflowers this card is just beautiful is makes you feel better and happy ,this awful weather is getting everyone down thank you sue for sharing stay safe and warm love June xxxxxxxx c

  62. Hi Sue,
    Hope you managed to stay safe during the night. Love the sunflower on this card just what I needed to see this morning. Congrats to all the very lucky winners I hope you enjoy using your prizes. Take care everyone and be safe.
    Beverley W

  63. Morning Sue, a very pretty card today and I also liked yesterdays. Congratulations to all the recent winners. Kind regards Joanne K x

  64. Hi Sue - love the sunflowers - beautiful stamp xx

  65. Love this bright and sunny card Sue. The corner stamp and die are both beautiful. Congrats to Diane for winning a SW original. Have a good weekend everyone. Pat x

  66. Hi Sue love the sunflower and the colours are nice but as you no im not keen on the big bow .
    Marion H

  67. Morning Sue,
    Today's card is so bright and sunny....you can't beat a sunflower to cheer us up on a miserable day.
    Congratulations to all the winners of Sue's wonderful new dies and today's winner of the card giveaway. many thanks Sue for all you do for us,

    Love Sheila xx

  68. Pretty card Sue, love sunflowers.
    Gail C x

  69. Hello Sue!
    I hope you are coping with this horrendous weather here in Bristol it seems relentless, poor people in the Somerset Levels must be at the end of their tethers! After last nights storms I'm amazed the trees are still standing.
    Apart from the weather it would be lovely to see a Sunflower not that it would last long in this wind!
    Lovely happy card Sue! soon be spring and all the Daffodils will be nodding their Golden heads!

  70. Hi sue. What a beautiful summery card as we all need something to smile about at the moment as summer seems to be a long way off with all this awful wheather. My heart goes out to all of you who are suffering these awful times. Stay strong and safe.
    Best Wishes To You All.
    Denise x

  71. Good morning Sue
    What a beautiful rich card today really warm looking reminding us that summer is coming... sometime!
    Do hope everyone is staying safe in this awful weather and those with pets that they are safe too. One of our corgis got blown over while she was out in the garden the other day, she was up in a flash and made a dash indoors.
    Have a good crafting weekend everyone stay safe.
    Margaret corgi owner

  72. Hi Sue pretty sunny card. I got my Embroidery Striplet and quilled blooms dies yesterday looking forward to playing with them again later
    Denise X

  73. Hi Sue, lovely card and the sunflower looks gorgeous love Jean Z xx

  74. Lovely sunny card, makes me think I really should do more stamping.
    Janice W

  75. Morning Sue, I haven't come down from my 'little bit of heaven' yet !!
    Congratulations to Diane, for winning a 'Sue original'.
    I love, love, love, this card, the papers really complement the fabulous sunflower which is brilliantly coloured, the colours are so rich and warming. I love it !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  76. Good morning Sue, a bright and cheery card to offset this horrible weather. Sunflowers always make me smile. Love from Jackie D

  77. Good morning Sue and all followers. Thank goodness for my IPad. We've had no power since 7:30 last night. Just managed to get a romantic dinner cooked before it went off. So eat by candle light. 😄

    Great card this morning and well done to all the lucky winners. Love the holiday snaps.

    Take care everyone. Sally

  78. Congrats Diane on winning card I like today's card because of the nice brighter colours a reminder that this awful weather will come to an end

  79. Hi Sue, very rich colours you've used for today's card: It's gorgeous. Love the papers by Teresa Collins too and the bow with black jute. The sight of this has cheered me up!

  80. Hi Sue
    Lovely card today using the sunflowers. I love the Theresa Collins pad of papers that you have used as well. Hope everyone is safe after the storm last night. Congratulations to all the winners. I'm glad to see we had some regulars in the list. Hope the ones who aren't regulars, keep watching to see all your fantastic cards. hope you feel better soon Lanc Steph and keep whinging as you call it. we love your musings. Hope everyone else is feeling better today.

  81. Good morning Sue and everyone.
    Pretty card and papers.
    Congratulations for reaching 4800 and also to all the winners.
    Best wishes
    Ang x

  82. Lovely rich card, gorgeous stamps. I'm with you Steph nice to see Wilsonette names on the winners list but also lots of names who just commented to win the dies, they are all absent this morning now they have won, how sad. hugs Theresa x

  83. Gorgeous card Sue love the colours. Congrats to all the winners. Have a great day xx hazel

  84. Gorgeous card Sue. I love the colour combo, and the pearl button is stunning - will have to try and get some of those. Thanks for sharing xx

  85. Love the stamps you have used today - really pretty sunflower! Congrats to all the giveaway winners! Susan x

  86. Beautiful stamps on todays lovely card. Congratulations to winners of dies.

  87. Hi Sue

    Congrats to all the winners yesterday. The card today is so full of sun shine real pretty .. hugs sarah xx

  88. Stunning card Sue, one that lifts the spirit after some atrocious weather. Must congratulate all the winners on their superb prize. Thankyou Sue for everything you bring on a daily basis.
    ValC xx

  89. Hi Sue,
    Another beauty today, the sunflowers really do cheer you up. Hope everyone out there is safe and sound. Love Alison xx

  90. Good morning Sue and fellow Wilsonettes,
    You are working on me Sue with these darker cards as the papers are growing on me, but the sunflowers... well they don't need to grow on me as i love sunflowers just for the reason you gave.. they are happy flowers in the garden. They're like pansies with their pretty little faces, happy. After looking and taking another look, it is a lovely card Sue and just the right colours to complement it.
    Well done to all of yesterdays winners of the beautiful dies, i hope you all enjoy your prize when they arrive. Sorry folks, but the brain doesn't retain much most of the time, but it would be asking too much of it to remember everyones name. I am really really happy to see some of our everyday names up there like Clare W, Sam Smithard, Heather, Kitty etc. I really hope that you enjoy your dies girls. I was so happy to see people that i see and talk to each day win such a lovely prize. Enjoy.
    Diane, your nice and easy for my poor wee brain cells to cope with. Enjoy your beautiful card front that Sue made on Wednesday.
    Steph my friend, do you know what the very best present that your wee girl could have at her wedding... her mum. Please take care and rest up, put the legs on top of a over turned waste paper bin with a cushion if it will help get down the swelling from over doing things.
    Cameeli, fantastic news flower, shows just how very hard you have been working at it, i am so very pleased for you because every grooms mother wants to look their best for their son. You are going to enter this wedding with people going Waohhhhh, doesn't his mum look stunning.
    Well from the windy Ochils in the middle of Scotland to the top and bottom of the uk, to the east and west i truely hope the weather gives up sometime soon and friends who are worst hit, my thoughts go out to you that you get the promised help soon.
    See you all tomorrow hopefully,
    Norah (Glenochil)

  91. Just love the sunflowers it brings thoughts of warm summer days with the bees buzzing and birds singing. But today the wind is howling the rain beating down so nothing for it will just have to stay in and craft. Crafty hugs Ann x

  92. What a bright and cheery card to brighten up a dreary day.

  93. Super card, and as I write this, I have one eye on Julia on the TV. The sun shining!, first time for weeks.

  94. Love the colours of this card. Here's hoping Spring will come soon! Thanks for sharing x

  95. Hi Sue and fellow Wilsonettes! Hope this finds everybody ok health wise and flood wise? x Love the card Sue, the colours look so great together. I was only thinking yesterday I had better start using what papers that I have. I've got a bit of a collection so Thank you for reminding me! I love the sunflower too with it's wonderful "pick me up" colours. Congratulations Dianne on winning the Wednesday card giveaway! It looks lovelier in real life. Another "whoop whoop" dance all over the house when it arrives! Have a great day everyone! xx Love Karen xx

  96. Hello Sue,
    Beautiful bright sunflower you given us today, it's gorgeous, love the Teresa Collins backing papers. Just love this card, the colours you've used its just so warm, Just love it.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx

  97. Good Morning Sue. Checked all the names twice just to make sure but sadly not a winner. Never mind. Congrats to all the lucky ladies who won.
    Beautiful card today. Just love sunflowers. So cheery. Would brighten up the worst day.
    Love Val x

  98. Beautiful Card Sue!

    Love the colours and your beautiful bow.

    Congrats to Diane on winning the Wednesday card.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  99. Hi Sue, beautiful card. Love the papers and the sunflower.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. PS Congratulations to Diane on being the winner of a Sue original card. Also congratulations to those lucky people winning a die.

  102. Hi Sue,
    Another great card and more ideas to get my creative brain going. I need to mix more techniques together with backing papers that I have and never know what to do with them.
    Alison B. x

  103. Hi Sue
    Love today's card with its warm rich colours and the fabulous sunflower stamp, just beautiful
    Congratulations to Diane on winning one of Sues,I've,y cards
    Best wishes, Pat

  104. Very different - not really my 'cup of tea' but can see the luvliness of the card even so xx Gailt xx

  105. Hi Sue,

    What a cracker, love everything about this card, clever stamping the corner in black , will try that, you always think outside the box.

    Congratulations to all the winners and i was lucky enough to be one of them, wheeeey.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  106. Hello Sue, A stunning card, love the sunflowers, they are gorgeous, your colouring and shading is perfection. Really must get some of the Theresa Collins paper, it is beautiful.
    Congratulations to Diane for winning a SW original.
    Take it easy Steph and Heatherr hope you are feeling better, your win will have cheered you up.
    Take care everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  107. Hi Sue,
    Hi Everyone,
    I too thought the corner stamp was an inspired idea! However Sue is full of those ideas! Really like the colours today although I am not a big fan of that colour usually.

    Congratulations to Diane! Wow a Sue original - how lovely?
    The only bright things outside today are our snowdrops and crocuses! Promise of better weather we hope!
    Steph it's unanimous! We all want you to rest! However ,please ensure waste paper bin is empty before you turn it upside down!

    Love to all, Myra

  108. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card, everyone likes sunflowers don't they x

  109. Hi a Sue, what a beautiful card, the colours all really go together. I just love the Theresa Collins papers, they're stunning, take care, love Karen brass x

  110. Gorgeous card and that gem looks like a fruit pastile. Good enough to eat! Love the colours and the pretty stamp. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  111. Hi Sue
    lovely card this morning we all need cheering up with this dreadful weather. Congratulations to all the lucky ladys enjoy
    Hugz Ruth

  112. Another stunning card, love everything about it I love sunflowers.

  113. Stunning card! I simply love the colours. I am waiting delivery of the Teresa Collins paper pad, I hope Mr Postie brings it soon so I can play! xx

  114. Hi Sue, a gorgeous card. Beautiful backing papers, stamps and dies.

    Congratulations to all the very lucky winners.

  115. Hello Sue, This sunflower card is another great looking card...The colors goes so well together.
    Well Done

  116. A lovely card (tho' I confess it's not entirely my cup of tea) and I appreciate all the close-up photos that you take the time to do Sue. Without them I would miss some of the details like the 3 black pearls top left. I've never bought black ones because I thought they'd look too harsh but they work brilliantly on that background paper.

    I'm a Sue follower who reads regularly but comments rarely. I understand the regular commenters are protective of their Sue community but some of the comments are not making me feel terribly welcome.

  117. Hi Sue, unfortunately I wasn't one of your winners!! :( but great card today. I have placed my first order for some of your dies today (had to wait until more stock arrived!) Love Sam xxx

  118. Hi Sue
    Afraid I am the one that's not keen on sunflowers but the card is lovely. Many congrats to all the winners. Alison, please feel very welcome because you are. Happy weekend to all.
    Love Jan x x

  119. Some lovely features on this Sue, in all - a bit too fussy for me - but I do like some of the ideas :)

  120. Hi Sue,
    Love the sunflowers, and thoroughly enjoyed Julia and Leonies's show this morning.
    Congratulations to all this week's winners, the dies are beautiful.
    Sonia x

  121. Gorgeous card Sue. I absolutely love the colours. Theresa x

  122. Such an awesome card here again Sue. I really don´t know, how you keep comming up with all your great ideas, but I love them.

  123. Once again this is such a stunning card. I adore sunflowers! Sending huge congrats to all the winners. I love seeing your cards in my inbox each day. Thank you for sharing them here for us to enjoy :) Debs xx

  124. Congrats to all the die winners
    What a pretty card Sue
    Everyone of your cards is a treasure
    Hugs Sue xxx

  125. Morning Sue, Once again you have surpast yourself with this card....I think the sunflower stamp is gorgeous too.
    Carol x

  126. Hi Sue, another beautiful card, loving the Theresa Collins papers, right up my street! Alison Couchman don't feel unwanted, I try and comment every day, and I know Sue appreciates all our comments how ever often we comment, well done to Diane on winning Wednesdays card, you are a lucky lady x

  127. Hi Sue, lovely card today, the sunflowers are such lovely flowers.

    Craftihappiness to you all, love from Pearl

  128. Hi Sue
    Congratulations to all winners yesterday & Diane for winning the Wednesday Giveaway!
    A lovely SUNflower to brighten us up after the terrible storm last night. Luckily we are ok - but several trees and a brick wall have come down nearby.
    Take care everyone.
    Sheila x

  129. Wow Sue another masterpiece. I love your flair with colours and your ingenuity. I think the SUN has seen your sunflowers today and decided to make a short appearance! About time too given the misery so many are experiencing eh? Thanks for lifting our spirits and please stay safe. Maureen

  130. PS I am sold on the Theresa Collins papers!! Maureen

  131. What a lovely card today Sue and congrats to all the winners of all the dies, I am so jealous that I wasn't one of them. Oh well, I guess I am going to have to buy them all. Hugs, Jen xx
    Krafty Keepsakes

  132. Gorgeous card Sue! I'm living the background papers. Barbara x

  133. Love the sunflower in the middle.

  134. Thatsreallycrafty.com say they have stock of the dies if anyone is struggling to get them :-)

  135. Hi Sue
    Lovely card. Very spring themed with the colours. Only wish the weather was springlike and not horrendous gale force winds. Atleast we have your post to cheer us up.
    Irene Allen

  136. Me again. Just saw Donnas comment and would like to add that iconuk also have stock of the dies at very reasonable prices. Need to order one of the background dies but which to choose???!!
    Irene Allen

  137. Another fabulous card! I don't like sunflowers 'cos I am jealous that they are everything I'm not- ie tall, slim and impressive, lol! You just seem to get everything right when you are making cards Sue, you are magic!

    Alice xx

  138. Love the backing papers on today's card .

    Jane xx

  139. Having trouble leaving a comment today so hopefully this works third time lucky!
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners of Sues dies and today's winner Diane
    A lovely cheerful card today for this very blustery wet and dull day. Sunflowers always cheer me up.
    Hugs Sue xx

  140. Hi Sue. This is a beautiful card today !! I love the Teresa Collins papers and I think these go together really well. I love Sunflowers and this one is fab!! I love how you have done your colouring in Sue, it is wonderful and really life like. I am not to keen on the justrite labels five shape.(just personal opinion.) I think there are some much nicer die shapes out there including all your new die sets Sue !!
    Congrats to all the people who won die sets and to the winner of Wednesdays card giveaway.
    Lindsay Martin I am so very sorry to hear the sad news about your horse. My thoughts are with you.
    I hope you are feeling better soon Steph.
    Cameeli Congrats on your weight loss. I need to loose some weight but I just cant seem to get my head around starting a diet. It is so difficult to do when you are unwell.
    Well Sue my classic rose dies arrived this morning. (Another gift from hubby as it is pay day.) I cant wait to start playing with them. They are the best flowers he has ever bought me !!
    Take care Sue and all the willsonettes love Tres x x x

  141. Love the colours on the card today and that corner stamp is amazing.

  142. fabulous card Sue you are spoiling us.

  143. Hi Sue,
    another fabulous card. Love the colours they go so well together.We needed something to cheer us up.
    Have a good weekend.
    Susi x

  144. Hi Sue, this is a very 'Sue' card...


    The sun has actually dared to show it's bright and warm face today after the dreadful windy and rainy night last night - so the Sunflower is very appropriate! More forecast for tomorrow (but won't count the chickens). I do hope it stops soon for the very unfortunate folks who have been affected by the floods so that life can get back to some sort of normality. See you all tomorrow. Love Karen x

  145. Hi Sue, another gorgeous card with a sunny aspect. I think you are trying to cheer us all up in this dreary weather by reminding us that it will be summer again - someday. The sunflower stamp is stunning and your colouring excellent as always.
    Congratulations Diane Mortimer on winning a Sue original.
    Hope everyone enjoys the week-end despite the weather.

  146. HI SUE

  147. I just love everything about this card, the colours are stunning....just had to pin it!

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Good afternoon Sue, this is a very pretty card, am really liking the colour choice and stamp but,sorry to say, i'm not over keen on the die.sorry.
    I am now the happy owner of 2 of your fab new dies-my crafty haven at Lyndhurst has just replenished his stock.YAY! Sadly had to restrict myself as have just replaced my dead G.C.
    Hope you are well, loved yesterdays pics- big up to you for kayaking, its on my to do list once my new knee is put right.xx

  150. Hi Sue, Very late today, have been without power for 18 hours. It was lovely to see the smiling sunflower today, they cheer everyone up.
    Love Rosemarie xx

  151. Hi Sue. Lovely card, as always, especially like the backing paper.

    However, I've hesitated to comment today as I don't class myself as a "Wilsonette" (and after what I've read I'm not sure I would want to be!) and I have found some of the comments about the die winners unnecessary. Surely, as crafters are SUPPOSED to be such "nice people"(although I'm not so sure now) we can be happy for all those who won whether they are able to post regularly or not. Sue and her blog are always so inclusive in the things she teaches and inspires it seems a shame that some who claim to "follow" her should spoil her generosity because they seem to think their 'club' should be EXclusive.

    SO, Thanks, Sue for all you do and Well Done and Enjoy to EVERYONE who won a die and all those who win stuff every week. Vicki

  152. love the orange tones in this card ,fab Laura O

  153. Another stunning card. Many thanks to Julia for bringing the neutral card to today's C&C shows!
    Susan x

  154. Lovely colours Not ones I would have thought of using but when I see them they are lovely together. Thanks for inspiration again xx

  155. Love the colour combination, and backing papers, although I must confess the flower image is not to my personal taste. Nevertheless, still a gorgeous card.

    Sue, I've still got a smile on my face today from receiving the news that I won one of your dies.

    Caz X

  156. Hi Sue & fellow Wilsonettes, a beautiful card today so cheerful on this dark windy wet day. I love the sunflower stamp Sue & your colouring is brilliant what pens do you use? Love the Teresa Collins papers you have used,the whole card is gorgeous .
    Congratulation to all the die winners & Diane for winning a Wednesdays Sue original
    Wow Cameeli well done on your 1st stone weight loss I'm with you I just reached my 2nd stone, so hard when you crave chocolate ahhh.
    Steph please take care put your leg up & rest that knee. Glad all the wedding preps are coming together.
    Love & Hugs Sue & All Wilsonettes stay safe in this horrible windy wet wether xxx

  157. Bright and beautiful Sue.

    Congratulations to all he lucky winners.

    Margaret O

  158. Hi Sue love this card today, I love the warm colours and adore Teresa Collins papers. I have some of these in the larger size.

    Lorraine - Scotland

  159. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  160. Beautiful card Sue, sunflowers are so gorgeous.
    I don't think anyone means any harm to the new followers but there are a lot of people out there who just go round peoples blogs and comment when there are prizes to win and are never seen again. Sue is a very much loved and respected person and is very generous with her time and her craft products and maybe sometimes we can be a bit over protective towards her.
    I think we all feel part of a family on this blog and no one would be intentionally nasty or make someone feel unwelcome. The more new followers the better for Sue and we can get her back to her rightful blog position of No1!!!

  161. Dear All,
    I have been reading some comments today with dismay.
    At the risk of alienating everyone, those who post almost daily and those who post irregularly - please can we draw a line under this now?
    Those who post regularly are not unkind , nor selfish
    just love this Blog and particularly love Sue.
    I guess those who post now and again may also check the Blog almost daily.
    Yes we crafters are kind, sharing people and that is obvious from the comments and good wishes left each day.
    Please, I am not a goody two shoes, and could end up making everyone mad at me but one thing we all have in common is that we love Sue and her wonderful gift and style.
    Let's just enjoy this Blog and hopefully we'll grow in number getting Sue back to number 1 . She is there already in our eyes anyway.
    Trust I'm not making things worse.
    Love to All

  162. Hi Sue and all blog followers.this card singes to me,it is stunning,the Theresa Collins are lovely and the Sun Flowers remind me of Van Gogh's painting of them.I am one of the lucky winners of your draw Thank you Sue .
    Congrats to all the other winners.

  163. This is a stunning card, one which anyone would be thrilled to receive. Mind you, if l had done it l don't think l could bear to let it go!

  164. Beautiful card and love the sunflower stamp, stunning


  165. Well said Myra. The important thing is that we all get to enjoy Sue's fantastic daily blog.

  166. Really nice card love the corner stamp.Just been watching Julia she makes me laugh,the new stamps are lovely.

  167. Hello Lindsay Martin, so sorry to hear about your tragedy with your horse. It is 2 years since my daughter and grandson lost his 1st horse and they were so distraught. Even though they now have 2 more horses, he has not forgotten his beloved 1st horse Mojo. My heart goes out to you.

  168. Hello Sue, We need sunshine at the moment and your card is full of it.I am very busy this weekend as I have some wonderful new dies that have just come onto the market by a novice called Sue Wilson haha. I am loving them Sue I have all the flowers and a good mix of other shapes. Will buy the rest soon.
    X Ros

  169. Alison and Vicki (Pinky)
    Please take no notice of the sad comments from 'regulars' who should know better.
    You ARE welcome and this blog is not a club, it's an appreciation of what Sue does.
    And I do comment most days, though wouldn't expect others to. We all have different commitments and lifestyles which perhaps don't make it easy.

  170. Hi Sue
    A beautiful card as usual makes me think of the coming summer. If it ever gets here
    Never seen weather like we are having lately
    Hope you are getting over your journey Sue.
    Caught Julia today on C&C and yes I parted with more mone good job it was pay day yesterday. Lol
    You Take Care Sue
    Theresa xx

  171. LS, you're a Star!
    Love Myra x

  172. To Anonymous - Thanks for that and for your understanding. Even though I've been reading Sue's posts for over 2 years and I wouldn't miss the daily fix of ideas and inspiration there are lots of reasons why I don't comment every day. Vicki

  173. I love this Sue, love sunflowers! A beautiful card, gorgeous colours, Carole Z X

  174. Another beautiful card Sue. Love the colours and the patterns, wish I could colour as well as you.

  175. Love the colours on this. I do wonder how things/colours get their names sometimes, the colour of the seam binding "London Tan" has tickled me. Never thought of tan before as place to go for a tan. I do like the colour though.

  176. Hi Sue

    Late today, I have been making my daughters birthday card for tomorrow.

    Beautiful card today, sunflowers are summers sundials, that's what my friend told me once, and I've never forgotten it. Love the papers you have used today, they are very grown up.

    Steph. I wish there was something we could do to take that awful pain away, thinking of you. Well dome Cameeli on losing a stone, and well dome lucky Diane. Hope everyone has a good Saturday evening.

    Kind regards :-)

    Tina XX

  177. How could I spell the same word wrong twice, it was meant to be well done not well dome. Good grief!

    Regards :-) Tina X

  178. Love the colours of this card Sue, the background papers complement the stamped image perfectly. Another winning card.

  179. Stunning card, really elegant. Is it the backing papers combined with the colours that make it so?
    Congratulations to all winners. Hope everyone's safe and well after the awful weather last night.,
    Have fun, love Janxx

  180. your colouring in on this one is ace Sue. and those teresa collins papers are really cool and go so well together. stamping that corner in black and then matting in black is very clever. it looks like you have a cut out on the background paper. xx

  181. What a lovely card Sue. Love the colours you have used. Ann (France)

  182. another beautiful card as usual Sue, does the dazzler on the bow come in that colour or have you worked your magic again ? xx

  183. Good evening Sue
    I really love the colour you have used and successfully combined it with beautiful patterned paper and a gorgeous coloured topper. A lovely card to send to a friend. Congrats to the die winners - they are very lucky crafters! And I loved Julia's shows today, as usual she was very informative, inspiring and gave me quite a few laughs along the way too.
    Sharon Kirkwood x

  184. Really love this sue, the colours and design are beautiful x

  185. Hi Sue
    a nice bright and sunny card to cheer us. congratulations to all the die winners and to Diane on her card win

  186. Hi Sue, Sunflowers are such beautiful happy flowers and I love the colours you have used on this gorgeous card x

  187. Hi Sue
    Sunflowers are beautiful.My Mum calls them Happy Flowers.You have made a stunning card Sue
    Take care
    Hazel G x

  188. Another stunning card sue. Where do you get your ideas? Jane f

  189. Another stunning card sue. Where do you get your ideas? Jane f

  190. I love sunflowers so this card is right up my street, gorgeous! x

  191. Hi Sue, had a lot of catching up to do as I have been away but today's card is Fab! Just have to watch the videos now

  192. What a lovely colourful card to brighten up the day.
    Waiting for my dies to arrive after the weekend thanks to Joanna Sheen's "notify me when this item becomes available" service.

  193. Love today's card Sunflowers must be nearly everyone's favourte flower as butterflies seem to be too. They're mine anyway. Thanks as always Sue for a wonderful design. Mabex

  194. Such a lovely card -- I really like sunflowers, they're so big and cheerful.
