
Friday 7 February 2014

Finishing Touches Collection- With Kindness

 Welcome back!  This is the last sneak peek for today, but I do hope that you have really enjoyed them!  This card features my Classic Rose die set.  I am in love with this set as there are so many styles of flowers that you can make with it.  This card showcases just one way to use this die set.  I have reached for it over and over again so you will see it endless times in the months to come on my samples.  The main focal element on this card is from another set that will be showcased tomorrow, so don't forget to pop by at the usual 6am for the first post for the day.  The die set shown below is the one up for grabs here, so leave a comment if you want to be in the drawing for it!  All for now, Sue x


  1. I'm here! Gorgeous card again! The dies are FAB.

  2. So gorgeous I have ordered this set among others.

  3. Hello - I said I'd be back and I am. This is a definite must have - so if I win this set I shall have more to spend on another one! Such a clever flower and I'm sure I'd use it over and over again. Now to look at the rest of the card to see what is coming up tomorrow. xx Maggie (better without a bow)

  4. Hi again,
    Love the flowers.
    Veronique L

  5. Hi Sue. This is the best yet. The Classic Rose dies are stunning. Think I have found my favourite, hard as it is to chose : ) Thanks for today. Have a good evening. Take care.

  6. Hi Sue . Thank you so much for showing us some of your beautiful new dies Take care Kitty

  7. Hi Sue,
    Fabulous card, love it, just wish I could afford to buy all of the dies.
    Have to limit myself each month, as the pension won't stretch as far as I wan't it too.
    Thank you Sue for a great day of cards.

  8. These are all fantastic, how are we supposed to pick a favourite....I know, it's them all.
    Really looking forward to each show case card.
    Janice W

  9. Another gorgeous die I might just need!

  10. Hi Sue
    Loving this die set, think it will be a favourite with lots of people, 4 beautiful cards can't wait until we're able to buy some of your wonderful dies
    Best wishes, Pat

  11. Hi Sue,
    What an amazing day! Thank you so much for all your hard work, not to mention your kindness and thoughtfulness! I think the rose die is beautiful - but I've loved everything! Truly designed by a Crafter for Crafters!

    Favourite? Well that's tricky - but bows and flowers all lovely and so different!
    Love to all .
    Myra from still sunny Lancashire!

  12. definately the finishing touch for today wonderful can't wait for tomorrow

  13. What a beautiful card Sue and it is not normally the kind i go for but i love each of the new dies and the rose one is my first choice to get from your selection. The filigree bow set and this rose would be what i will get first when i get the chance. Thank you for sharing your inspirational cards with us today,
    Love crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)

  14. Definitely loving this flower set, would be hard pushed to pick favorites form this new collection. Well done

  15. Wow wow wow. I am lost for words, I just this colour combination, blue is my favourite colour.. I am loving the delicate flower die.

  16. Love this one too but went for the other flower one so just need to hope I'm lucky.i have really enjoyed all the cards today and seeing the new dies designed by you , you are indeed a very talented lady!

  17. Hi Sue , you have finished the day with a lovely card-love the toes die-so pretty.,
    You have stamped your own classy style on these dies and all the cards are lovely.
    Til tomorrow!!!

  18. A beautiful rose - you are spoiling us, and more to come tomorrow - PayPal is going to be busy in the next few days !
    Christine (Andypandy) x

  19. definately the finishing touch for today wonderful can't wait for tomorrow

  20. Good afternoon Sue, lovely card. The flower dies look gorgeous. Sally x

  21. Hi Sue fabulous die and card. Enjoying the sneak peeks. Thanks.

    Rita D xx

  22. Thats one beautiful Rose Sue .you're so talented.
    Crafty hugs Rachel Taylor x

  23. P.s ROSE die -not toes die!!!!!

  24. Hi again Sue !!! What a fab card !!! I think this is your best card today !! The rose flower looks amazing. I really love this die shape to. I love the colours and in fact I love it all !!!
    Lots of love Tres x x x


  25. Hi Sue

    What absolutely fabulous flowers you are so generous with your time inspiration and wonderful designs.
    Favourite the first flowers set but I NEED THEM ALL lol......

    Luv n hugs Annx without an "e"

  26. Well what can I say, spoilt for choice. Everything today has been abosolultely stunning. Sorry but I can't pick a favourite. Thanks Sue. Kind regards Joanne K x

  27. Fantastic They are all equally lovely You must be so proud of yourself at how brilliant they are Sue If it had been me I'd probably feel quite emotional that a) they work really well & b) we all love them Well done you!

  28. Hi Sue, just scrummy x x lol lynne m x x

  29. Hi again Sue, love this one too!! Love the Rose and everything about this card. Can't wait to see what you have for us tomorrow, thank you! xxx
    Love Jean

  30. Hi Sue,

    WOW! This is stunning and I so love the rose die, so different and so elegant. Love it.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  31. Beautiful! These dies are so versatile. Look forward to tomorrow's selection.

  32. really like this die set ,makes fab flowers .Laura O

  33. Ace!! Looks just so versatile!

  34. I'm back too , just absolutely gorgeous, love,love,love it!
    so very pretty.
    Thanks for showing us the samples Sue see you tomorrow x

  35. Wow sue beautiful card and the flower die is so so beautiful As you say who wouldn't keep reaching for this one so happy for you in your new venture with love June xxx

  36. We'll Sue , a marvelous collection of both cards and dies. I have loved them all but the flower die collections are my favourites of today, especially the rose on this fabulous card. THANKYOU Sue.
    ValC xx

  37. Hi again last time today this has all been such a treat. The cards are dies are all gorgeous. I looking forward to tomorrow's posts. Thank you so much. Love Jackie

  38. Hi Sue, I'm having trouble keeping up! Just seen the 2pm post and now this one has popped up. Love, love this rose, it's so different with the lacy petals.

  39. Hi Sue, another striking card, and very user friendly by the look, course I could be wrong but betting too much thought has gone into the making of these dies.
    Well day one over and I love them all.
    Back to fighting with a piercing tool, mat, white card and......
    can you guess Sue?
    Thanks for a brilliant day.
    X Ros

  40. Sue, oh my I think this could be one of my favorites the rose is beautiful, but there again I've thought that about everyone you've showcased ,you have really spoilt us today thank you so very much , you must be over the moon with the response you've got but you more than deserve it , I hope creative expressions realise what a treasure they have!!
    Jean D

  41. Beautiful card. Love the flowers, but am even more interested in the dies to come tomorrow. I agree with the other comments-how can a person choose?
    Well done Sue.
    love Jan x

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hi again Sue This set of flower dies are fabulous I love this card it's so elegant & the colours are beautiful I just love everything about it. Love & Hugs Lynda Brock xxx

  44. Hi Sue - once again - what a treat on a Friday afternoon!
    4.15 and loads of bloggers already - such a beautiful Rose die - you're One Truly Talented Lady & as said before - you must be very pleased with yourself as we all love this new collection so much.
    Will tune in again tomorrow morning.
    Sheila x

  45. Just loving this classic rose die Sue, so pretty and such an elegant card to showcase it with. Have a fun weekend!

  46. We really are being spoilt today Sue, I think my personal favourite is, at the moment, the bows, they are going to be such a great addition to my kit. Edwina

  47. Hello again Sue, This Classic Rose die is a definite must have - I believe it was Maggie who left the same comment and I totally agree with her. Looking at it I can see it done in fine fabrics it would look so beautiful - I think this one has gone to the top of my wish list, but I confess to looking at what's to come and you've got some gorgeous foliage - oh dear! my bank balance............ Just keeps getting spent!
    Does anyone think us OAP'S could ask the the government for a craft allowance?
    Thank you Sue for a very exciting day, look forward to what is to come tomorrow, love Brenda xxx

  48. Fabulous card, that is one scrummy rose. Thank you for the wonderful treats today. You are so talented and deserve all the compliments from us Wlsonettes. Have a lovely celebration evening, will be back tomorrow.
    Hugs June xx

  49. Oh, more yummy flowers, just beautiful, cleaver girl sue, fingers crossed for this one.. xsam

  50. Oh no! another one that I'm going to have to have. It's going to be beans on toast for the rest of the month!! Food is optional, these dies aren't!! You must have been working on these for months, we really appreciate all your hard work. It seems so right that you bring out your own range of dies - Congrats! Love Sarah

  51. This is a gorgeous set too. My wish list is growing...........

  52. Ecco of Sheffield7 February 2014 at 16:21

    Hi Sue
    What a fantastic day it has been. Showing your own creations to us all has been a most humbling experience for me - We love all your inspiration and take all your techniques and your hard work in our strides but do not really realise just how much hard work, worry and time goes into something like creating your own products. This last
    post of the day just completes the set for me.
    So just from me a very very big thank you for all that you do and have done for the crafting world and I am looking forward to the blogs of this coming week.
    Janet x

  53. Oh Boy! How will we be able to choose? I especially like that background. Can't wait to see it xx

  54. Hi Sue
    Absolutely stunning. Love the flowers
    Audrey x

  55. Wow Sue, yet another beautiful set. Love the colours on this card too!xx

  56. Another gorgeous card. I've got my finger, toes and everything crossed hoping to be lucky.

    You are so inspirational and very, very talented.

  57. GA yet again Sue! I've worked out that this is your 732nd blog comment today - that says it all! Love these flowers - they were a must have on my order - can't wait to use them. Sorry back a tad late but I was engrossed in hubbies Valentines card and the time just flew by. Bring on tomorrow but the purse must stay firmly closed until next pay day at least!
    Clare W

  58. Hi Sue,
    Yet again another winner, the lady has such talent!
    It's been a brilliant day with your blog.
    Gail C x

  59. Aww Sue
    You know I like flowers
    And a rose !!
    It's beautiful and the card is amazing thank you for sharing all your dies today and you have got me hook line and sinker. Lol
    You Take Care Sue
    looking forward to the next peek into your creative world
    Theresa xx

  60. Adore this set Sue, the flowers are stunning, can't wait to see whats coming tomorrow

  61. You're really spoiling us now Sue! This is a beautiful card. I love the flower dies and the intricate shapes around the sentiment. It's a bit of torture as I can't afford them until I get paid but exquisite torture. What a way to go - drowned in loveliness!

  62. You're really spoiling us now Sue! This is a beautiful card. I love the flower dies and the intricate shapes around the sentiment. It's a bit of torture as I can't afford them until I get paid but exquisite torture. What a way to go - drowned in loveliness!

  63. This card comes in as one of my favorites. No doubt about it.

  64. Gorgeous card and die set yet again xx can't wait for tomorrows instalments xx GailT xx

  65. beautiful card and as you say very useful set of dies. now i know who is going to have money problems....xx

  66. These are just so beautiful. How I am I going to chose which sets to buy first.

  67. Hi Sue
    I have always wanted some flower and leaf dies and these are just lovely
    Thank you for all the imaginative posts
    Pat x

  68. Hi Sue,

    Absolutely gorgeous rose die. Love it.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxxxxxxxxx

  69. Another flower! And yet I think I'll need it just as much as the last one... Happy days. Can't wait for tommorow Sue. Xxx

  70. This has to be the prettiest flower die on the market. Beautiful flower, beautiful card. Pat x

  71. I love the flowers.So cleaver.

  72. Hi Sue

    Beautiful, I too am running out of words to describe your cards today. All I can say is, that your cards are truly beautiful, and that you are a truly talented lady, and I think we would all be so happy to own any of your dies, either by winning them or purchasing them ourselves. They are going to enhance all our craft work and I can't wait till they arrive in the craft shops but most of all when they arrive in my work room. Well done Sue.

    I look forward to tomorrow to see what else is in store for us.

    Kind regards :-)

    Tina X

  73. Hello again Sue
    Wow, three posts in one day, you are spoiling us! This card is gorgeous and I love this new flower die. Looking forward to tomorrow's goodies! Thanks for sharing.

  74. Love this die, you can never have too many flowers can you. All the dies you have shown us are beautiful & I am sure they are going to fly out, hopefully there will be a good stock when we go to Ally Pally in April. Sue x

  75. Beautiful card.
    Loving them all so far.

  76. Hi Sue, congratulations on the new launch, they're inspirational!

  77. so so pretty. Got some on pre order already :-)

    luv n hugs

    Beth x

  78. The rose design works so well! I love the cut out patterns on the petals, a really different look to a classic rose.

  79. Hello again, what a super die, just love the flowers, what a fantastic day, roll on tomorrow. Jessx

  80. Hi Sue
    I meant four posts, not three!

  81. I'm loving this card Sue, it really is stunning. The colours are gorgeous together and I love those pins.... The flowers.....beautiful xx Thank you Sue for this wonderful array of cards today. Each and everyone of them have been gorgeous and how lucky are we to have a treble bill! xx Love Karen xx

  82. Hi sue lovely roses cannot wait for the next sets of dies tomorrow

  83. Oh my.. Sue.... it just gets better and better. Love the Classic Rose Die.... you are making it more and more difficult to choose!! The card is stunning and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's reveal. Happy crafting.
    Heather W

  84. Oh my goodness this is sooooooooo gorgeous Sue. I can certainly see my self gte totally in love with this set too, I´m already loving, what you´ve made with it here, and it´s so gorgeous. You are a true master, that´s for sure.

  85. What a stunning day we have had today. Love all the dies, so had to choose a favourite. Longer and longer wish list!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!
    Marion B

  86. Cameeli of Richmond7 February 2014 at 17:00

    Yippee!! What a perfect card!! A perfect way to end a perfect day!! just an ACE collection altogether, i want em all!!
    Have nice evening and see you tomorrow can't wait
    Cameeli xx

  87. Hi Sue
    Wow these are gorgeous dies, looe them all and want them all
    Carol x

  88. You really know how to make girl spend her money. They are all beautiful dies and more to "need".

  89. Wow what wonderful flowers, its been a day of constants treats. What will tomorrow bring! Jane x

  90. Love this card and the flower and die are fabulous! Carole Z X

  91. Another Wow! Love your card, and the flowers! Beautiful!!!

  92. Hi Sue
    What an astounding collection you really are so very talented and this is only day one of what is going to be a fabulous few days. All I can say is my poor credit card is going to be overworked and no mistake!
    You should be very, very proud of yourself this collection are out of this world.
    Margaret corgi owner

  93. Good evening Sue
    Wow, what a day of treats it's been, You have well and truly spoiled us. This card is impeccable - so striking. I love the flower die and I can imagine many ways in which it could be used. Not only are they useful but also so very, very decorative. Looking forward to tomorrow already...
    Sharon Kirkwood x

  94. Another beautiful day that will prove to be very useful.

  95. Hi again Sue, Now this is one die that is a must, fantastic, brilliant, I can see so many uses for it.

    Have a great weekend.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  96. Beautiful dies Sue - I can see that they would be really versatile too! Thanks for sharing. Susan x

  97. Sue we are spoils for choose what you trying to do to use, we need them all, lol.

    Jane xx

  98. Wow again, fantastic creation to make such a realistic rose, have loved all your cards today and this just shows how popular your ideas are xx

  99. Just another lovely die set. So looking forward to more inspiration tomorrow.

  100. Hi Sue
    I love the flower dies I use them a lot.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  101. Definitely another one for the list! SueL

  102. Love all the new dies Sue, congratulations. Liz Spooner.xx

  103. Oh this is such a gorgeous card and I really love the flowers - I would definitely have to use this loads and loads.

    Hugs Sue Pxxx

  104. Gorgeous card.Love the flowers.
    Gr Elly

  105. Hi Sue, another fabulous card and
    these flowers are gorgeous will definately
    be getting these even if I have to buy
    them. Got your email hope you findit
    Nancyd xx

  106. Sue, these flowers are gorgeous! Can I resist them?? Probably not....there goes next week's pension! :) Jo x

  107. Thank you so much for all your hard work Sue. A beautiful die again and it makes so much difference when one can actually see it made up,it's stunning xxx

  108. Hi Sue this is a must have Die,love the flower,and the colours you have used.

  109. Hello Sue!
    Love the flowers.... love to win this one!

  110. I do have a thing about leaves and trees and this design which incorporates your lovely floral ideas is so pretty - I can see my purse beginning to open all by itself ....

  111. Wow fabulous, a beautiful die set, so versatile

    Diane from Glasgow xx

  112. Hi again Sue

    Lovely dies and card. I am looking forward to your post tomorrow.

    x Kira

  113. Such a pretty card! I really like these flowers, but the leaves are absolutely wonderful since they aren't just one plain and simple cut. Thanks again for the chance to win!

  114. What an amazing day, with amazing new dies. Love this flower as so different from anything else in the market. Well done Sue. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  115. Another beautiful die and card.You are an inspitation.

  116. Wow I love these flower dies. You can never have too many flower dies!

  117. Sadly missed some of the posts! I'm home on sick leave so unfortunately I've been resting. But I'm here for this one! Hugs Sonia x

  118. thanks for all the fun today been clock watching all day they are all stunnig but carnt find them on the net will they be on c&c julia is getting them soon have a lovely evening Ruth

  119. Such a gorgeous flower.Love the individuality of your dies some are very samey.
    Helen Bx

  120. Such a beautiful die set that makes lovely flowers.

  121. Hi Sue,
    What a great way to get cheered up after a very long tiring dirty day at work, came home to find your blog busting with new ideas and your very own dies. You have made my bad day into a very,very good day. Thanks Sue.
    Alison B. x

  122. Well Sue I've really enjoyed today thank you so much for sharing your news with us. These flowers have rounded the day off brilliantly I will have withdrawal symptoms tomorrow. I love that idea Brenda about asking the government for a crafting allowance lol.
    You must be so pleased at the way we have loved your dies and all your hard work has paid off. CONGRATULATIONS
    HUGS X

  123. Another really lovely card, Sue, and
    surprise surprise like these rose dies too.
    Look forward to tomorrow - more treats in store
    Thank you for all your hard work in these various posts - we've been truly spoiled today.

    'P' in Wales

  124. Another lovely set of flower dies.
    Sarah H C

  125. I am not supposed to be ordering any more flower dies as I already have loads but these are just so special.

  126. Just how gorgeous is this die. The flower is so pretty and will be a great addition to my die sets once I can get my hands on it! Just love it and what a beautiful card you've made to show us. Good luck to you with these fabulous dies x

  127. Hi Sue (again!)
    A truly beautiful card and I love the rose. How soon will they be in the shops and who will be stocking them?
    I can't wait to get my hands on a set, ANY set,.
    We've really got some treats in store over the next few months!
    Congratulations on such a body of work!
    Best wishes
    Anne O

  128. Hi again Sue.
    Another beautiful die, creating a wonderful Rose.
    Enjoy your evening. Love and hugs. Hilary xxxx

  129. Hi Sue,
    Oh wow again - just lovely. I like the open design of the roses. Fab.
    Beverley W

  130. Super card. Sue-per Friday. You have been busy Sue.

  131. Hi Sue
    Oh how wonderful the dies are you are so clever. Where can we purchase these beautiful dies?
    Loving the bows another must have so many to choose from.

  132. Good Evening again Sue,

    Just popped back to see your final card and once again it's a stunner. The die is just beautiful and I can easily see why it has become a firm favourite. Congratulations once again!
    Margaret A.

  133. Hi Sue
    Oh how wonderful the dies are you are so clever. Where can we purchase these beautiful dies?
    Loving the bows another must have so many to choose from.

  134. Super card. Sue-per Friday. You have been busy Sue.

  135. Hi again Sue
    I love these flowers too, how clever you are. Hope I can win one of these dies.

    Have Fun
    Ann xx

  136. ...what can I say, I love these dies too. Looking forward to tomorrow...
    ElizabethS x

  137. That is a lovely flower and I think I would use it often too.

  138. Hi Sue
    Another fabulous die these flowers look simply stunning. Look forward to tomorrows delights!
    Jennywren x

  139. Hi again. Haven't we regular Wilsonettes seen a lot of new names here since 6am ?!
    Sue, you may have converted Maggie : ) (without a bow) for how long I wonder : )
    THANK YOU for a beautiful happy day. Hope you will be celebrating your launch with the most important people in your life - your family.

    You have made over 700 people happy today, that's not counting those who dont blog, so well done Sue.
    Such a wonderful lady. Thank you for being YOU. Every die and card have been an absolute pleasure to look at.

    Good Luck to all 'Wilsonettes' Ive got to know and love.
    See you tomorrow.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

  140. Stunning roses. Would love that die.

  141. Wow stunning card & dies Sue :) x

  142. Wow stunning card & dies Sue :) x

  143. Oh, who could resist this one Sue? It's another gorgeous multi functional die. Wow! x Edna x

  144. Another gorgeous card. Just lovin these dies. Big hugs Sue x

  145. You are so talented Sue . Can't wait to get my hands on these little treasures. Can't decided which set I like best so over time I will just have them all.
    Pearl x

  146. This is a beautiful flower and the foliage is so pretty too. Gorgeous card! x

  147. Wow. Need I say more, beautiful flowers, and ones that are SO different to any others out there, loving all these died, need to find a supplier who will do a bulk deal or layaway so I can have them ALL, can't wait until tomorrow, and I have two lessons less tomorrow so can spend more time checking out your blog and loving them all xx

  148. Another beauty, this card is stunning, x

  149. oh now that is lovely great die sets Sue xxx

  150. Hi again Sue. I just love these - cards are perfect for just about every occasion!

    I can't wait to see the others.




  151. Another lovely card, and this might sound a touch blasé but I wouldn't expect anything else from you but beautiful flowers. These rose dies will be so versatile. Looking forward to tomorrow.Take care, X

  152. Hi Sue, Wow another gorgeous card and dies. My 'must have' list just got very long. Your dies are stunning and so versatile, I love them.

  153. And another beauty! These dies are just so gorgeous, can't wait to get my hands on them.
    Hugs Sue xx

  154. Thank you for a great Friday, it has been lots of fun and I have loved everything that you have brought us. Your talent and expertise is second to none. I'm so excited about saturday's posts and I'm sure they will be as gorgeous as todays. Love Helen

  155. You rock Sue! Thanks for the opportunity to win your dies:)
    Val x

  156. Hi Sue, what an Awesome Outstanding Beautiful Card, I just Love The Flower Die but then I Love all your Dies, you are such a talented Lady! Now you've created your own line of Cutting Dies I'm thrilled for you and you've no need to worry about selling them, people will just Love them just look at all your wonderful ladies on your Blog, I'm so looking forward to tomorrow to check out your Creations!
    Thanks for sharing all your Stunning Cards.
    Love and hugs from Sam x

  157. Filigree roses! What can I say. They are simply lovely. Wanting II s die too!!! Nicola x

  158. Hi, love the flowers, sooo delicate what a clever lady you are Sue.

    Karen xx

  159. Hi Sue just love the rose dies
    Denise X

  160. Love it,thought I did not need this Die..........BUT!!!
    Better go order this as well
    Have a great weekend

    Patricia xx

  161. I love all the dies and cards xx

  162. Hi Sue I am loving the new dies. I will need them all lol!!!! Thanks for the inspiration. Jen x x

  163. Hi Sue I am loving the new dies. I will need them all lol!!!! Thanks for the inspiration. Jen x x

  164. Beautiful beautiful beautiful
    CArol B

  165. Wow have just found your blog, what beautiful cards, amazing! X

  166. Wow Sue,
    This day is just fantastic. Came back from town and lo and behold, two more wonderful cards from you today. This rose one is just, in the words of
    Sam S., "Awesome, Outstanding, Beautiful."
    Those colours work really well together, the rose is exquisite!
    Altogether magnificent - I also LOVE the die you've used as focal point. Shall certainly have a look at 0600 tomorrow.........
    Hugs, Rose

  167. Wow! Another beauty. Would love to use this on a card!

  168. Good evening Sue and everyone.
    Oh dear, my bank manager will not be a happy chappie.
    Perhaps I can just pass on your email address. . . . . . . ?
    Super card and dies. Look forward to the next installment.
    Ang x

  169. another stunning set Sue and I love the die in the main body of this card hope it is from your collection, what am I saying it is so Sue it just has to be your design.

  170. Another stunning card, just love making flower's these dies are another great set, congratulations on your collection that are all beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow x

  171. Another stunning card, just love making flower's these dies are another great set, congratulations on your collection that are all beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more tomorrow x

  172. Gorgeous card Sue and beautiful dies. Can't wait for your show on C&C.

  173. Hello again Sue,

    Such a pretty rose and very unusual, this will be very popular I am sure.

    Your card is beautiful and such pretty colours that look great together.

    Best Wishes
    Lesley S
    West Sussex

  174. Hi sue and gang. Sue sue sue you really are a naughty lady teasing us all with this amazing collection that uve made!! I so need all these dies! Ok so ill settle for 1 as a prize lol
    Love Tracy in killie xx

  175. Absolutely beautiful. I love all of your new dies.

  176. Hi
    Well sue what can I say sheer and utter elegance I love the dies and I love to make flowers to I have just made some that you showed on another posting you put on your blog for my grand daughters birthday card and all I have had is comments on them I did them out of some scrap bits of felt I had and it finished the card off great thanks again .. hugs sarah xxx

  177. Great flower dies, so delicate and pretty, can't wait to see how else you use them.

  178. Another must have set, you certainly have been busy. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  179. I have all the spellbinder flower dies as I love making flowers but this one is so different. It is a fantastic design and I would love to win it!

  180. Love your dies Sue, sooooooo nice xx

  181. Fantastic card and I like that you used blue which is my favorite colors so this one is a # 1 on my list...
    Well done Sue
    Thank you for sharing your creations and your dies...

  182. Love this rose die and the card colours are gorgeous, love that bit of blue. Take care Jen xxx

  183. I have never posted so many comments as I have done today, lol. More lovely flowers, we can never have enough.xxx

  184. Hi Sue,
    Yet another stunning card and another stunning die....you're going to make me bankrupt! Eeeeek!
    I know I have them all.

    Love Sheila xx

  185. Yet again another gorgeous card - my purse is itching. Helen xx

  186. Another card and all of the dies need to make their way into my collection Helen xx

  187. Another stunner -well done Sue,x.

  188. Hi Sue
    Oh how I wish I had your talent for all things craft.
    Your flower dies are adorable and who wouldn't feel honored to win this die set
    I am keeping my fingers crossed
    Hugs Sue xxx

  189. Hi Sue

    I am behind everybody else as don't get home till late and no access during the day just love all the dies and need to check how much I can spend as I just want them all

  190. Absolutely Stunning Sue, thanks for the chance of winning
    Julie x

  191. My problem is do I order or wait to see if I win!! Nah - never win so am going to order. These dies are "to die for". They just look so fantastic each time I see a new one I think that it my favourite - until I look at another one. The gal done real good!
    Hugs Elaine

  192. good job Sue its very hard to choose the rose is lovley

  193. Oh what delicate dies, I love them
    It's such a bonus when they are so versatile
    Pat x

  194. Oh my god, I love this, I need it!

  195. A stunning card Sue. Love all the dies.

  196. Amazing dies sue, love the flower x

  197. Love the flowers, I am always on the lookout for something different and these certainly fit the bill, you are so clever

