
Sunday 24 February 2013

Simply The Best

 Happy Sunday morning!  You know what that means, don't you?  More weekly winners and we have a bunch today since there were two extra qualifying posts this week.  A quick run down and then on to the winners list.  I started today's card by simply embossing a piece of coconut white card using the Mystic embossing folder.  I extended it to create a larger background, but it is easily done with this design as it lines up quite easily.  I decide to use my teal card as my secondary colour so I matted it with it to create a balance.  Next I used the scalloped Posy set from Heartfelt Creations to create my focal element.  This set is actually done in a half circle shape, but I thought I would show how you can alter that with ease to product an oval. I find it easier to cut the decorative half circle first (which I did in white).  I left a gap between the two cuts that was wide enough for my silky crush ribbon.  Once the white decorative piece was cut, I cut one side of the teal card using the single curved die from the set.  Then I placed my white piece on top to decide how much room needed to be left so the other side would peek out from behind.  I do hope that makes sense as it is a bit hard to describe (but easy to show).  I cut one of the decorative oval windows in white as my next layer.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with Labels 18 die that matched it in size.  I used some Broken China to ink while in the die.  I cut a slightly larger Labels 18 to use as a mat for it. I wrapped a piece of silky crush ribbon around the card and tucked the ends around the back and taped them.   I layered all the pieces with foam pieces and mounted them in the centre of my card.  I added some flatback pearls to the flowers as accent pieces.  I tied a double bow from the silky crush ribbon and added it with glue dots to the side of the card.  It wouldn't be complete without a pearl embellishment and stick pins.  I pierced around the edges of my white mat to finish it off nicely.  Finished dimensions are 6" x 7 1/2" in size.

Winner time now!  We have a bunch too!  For the weekly game, the winners are:

Heather Toms!!!
Jean Deane!!!

We had two more qualifying posts with over 200 comments this week.

 So for the post of Thurs.. Feb. 21st., the winners are:
Lara B!!!
Heather Rogers!!!

For the post of Friday Feb. 22nd, the winners are:
Cazzie Dixon!!!
Lindsay Martin!!!
Liz Kervill!!!

Congratulations to all!  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your address and claim your prize!  All for now, Sue x


  1. This is a beautiful card and looks very elegant. I love it. Congrats to all of the winners.

  2. Wow Sue,
    Two beautiful postings.... Thanks for a fab beginning to the day...

  3. Good morning Sue
    I was so excited to see that I was one of the winners. Today's card is so beautiful I would never have thought of using these two colours together but they look so good.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  4. Hi Sue what a stunning card I love the teal theme the die look great thanks for all this week cards Tracy w x

  5. Hi Sue, my favourite colours teal and white, your first photo shocked me at first, it looks a dirty peachy colour but looking at the close ups reassured me that all was well. Gorgeous card and lucky winners.

    Wilma x x x

  6. Hi Sue
    When I re read the break down of what you did to make today's card I saw it was coconut white and teal, but on my monitor it looks peach and teal and that's why I said I wouldn't have put those two colours together.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  7. Oooh how very pink - what a shock!!
    Luckily teal-and-white emerged on scrolling down. Very effective use of extended layering and altogether an elegant card.

    'P' in Wales

  8. Hi Sue, as with others the first pic looks peachy/pink with teal, so wasn't quite sure. Then scrolled down further and saw the smaller pics showing my 2nd favourite combo of all Teal/White. Love the layout of this card and have to say that now after looking at the first pic a few more times the peachy/pink and teal colours are growing on me . Lol Lynne M & fur babies who unfortunately for me don't recognise Sunday's are for extra hours in bed !!!!!!!!

  9. Belinda Raven said...

    Hi Sue, thanks for the idea to use the Posy dies to make the teal mat - love all the 'out of the box' ways to use the dies.

    Hugs, Belinda x

  10. Morning Sue, just woke up and thought it was my eyes and then realised it wasn't. It's either 2 different cards or the lighting, anyway I love the teal and white, lovely lay out. Well done to todays winners.

  11. 'morning Sue, what fab variety with all your dies I can see we'll be getting different combo's for years!! Thank you so much,Mabex

  12. Beautiful card, imaginative use of the dies!

  13. Beautiful card, imaginative use of the dies!

  14. I can understand why people are saying PINK! Just goes to show how photos don't do items justice Love the colours

  15. Gorgeous card Sue looks like more dies to buy. x

  16. Ecco of Sheffield24 February 2013 at 07:46

    morning Sue
    Now you have me confused today! - I see Teal but on the full photo everything else comes out Pink but on the small photos the close ups are White - anyway I'm going for Teal/White which is a beautiful colour scheme - I also really love the format for today and I cannot think of anyone who would not love to receive today's offering.
    Janet x

  17. Morning Sue!

    First of all thank you for my prize and congratulations to all the other winners.

    Your card is lovely and a lesson to all to scroll down to all the pictures! LOL!

    The coconut white and the Teal are lovely together if you get the balance of the white being predominant as you have as the Teal is a very strong colour and can be too much if used a lot I feel.

    I can't wait to see the pastel colour cardstock you are bringing us.
    Thanks again
    Crafty Hugs
    Heather Rogers xx

  18. GM Sue - lovely card - I think you need to find a stamp that says 'I am simply the best' for your blog cards - the Wilsonettes would not disagree with that sentiment I think!
    Clare W

  19. More lovely work Sue Happy Sunday!

  20. Good morning Sue,
    well, that's what you are - simply the best. I have used the elegant swirls to create an oval but the outcome was nothing like as beautiful. Shall unashamedly copy.

  21. Hello Sue
    Good Job I scrolled down... I thought I was reading the wrong instructions!
    Its such a Salmon Pink, but in fact its Beautiful and Teal!
    Love it!
    Well done to the lucky winners!

  22. What a fantastic card love the colours have got your teal card but will look good in other colours .Melanie

  23. Morning Sue, like everyone has previously said, the first photo didn't look like it was teal and white, it looks very peachy but on scrolling down you see the true colour. Love the card, funny last night I was sorting out my dies and came across these ones and thought it was time I used them! It is so nice when you use some of the older dies, makes you get them out again and use them! Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

    Love Jean xxx

  24. Hi sue
    Love this card and the colour is delightful
    Looking forward to seeing you on c&c
    And the potd
    Thanks jsyne

  25. Beautiful card as usual Sue. Love the dies too. I will have to look for those. Have a great Sunday. Xx
    Sue Dunn

  26. Morning Sue,
    Well done the winners!
    Colours confused me as well, but on scrolling to the end I could see the true colours.
    Gail C x

  27. Morning Sue,
    Lovely card in gorgeous teal.
    Erica x

  28. WOW this is so beautiful Sue, and in my fave color even. All is sooo beautiful made and fit soo perfect. Stunning work again hun.
    Congrats to all the lucky winners here, hope you´ll all enjoy your awesome prizes.

  29. Good Morning Sue. Wonderful card today. I'm running out of adjectives to describe all your fantastic creations.

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Val in Spain xxx

  30. wow super work very elegant and love the colours ... well done ... just doing a bit of blog hopping ... have a great day ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  31. Hi Sue,

    Love the 1/2 dies so you can extend to create a larger mat, beautiful card.

  32. Good Morning, Sue,

    I cannot believe my luck - to be on your winners' list! Thank you so much!
    Today's card is just such a beautiful symphony. Of all the spellbinders I do so love the Heartful Creations scalloped posy and Window dies, so very versatile.
    I can see that we are in for a wonderful treat when you appear from 4-8 March.
    Lis x

  33. Morning Sue, A beautiful card today, as always, the main card piccie looks pink on my laptop, but the others show up white and teal ha ha.
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  34. Hi Sue I too was thrown by the first card ,but liked the teal and white further down ,you are the best Sue .

  35. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card when the correct colour emerges further down the blog thought I had eye trouble at first.
    Love the teal and white combo.
    Congratulations to the winners.

  36. Hi Sue, i like this card very much looks beautiful Jean Z xx

  37. Love the card in white and teal, but the first picture looks dark peach and navy on my screen, it was only while reading your description that I scrolled down to see the colour you mentioned. Congratulations to all the winners enjoy your goodies. Linda xxxx

  38. Hi Sue
    Just a stunningly beautiful card today.
    Congratulations to all the winners
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  39. What an usual colour combination.It works really well.Love this card XX

  40. Hi Sue What a lovely card very refreshing. Congratulations to all the winners, you are so genious Sue. Take Care Love Michelle xxx

  41. Hi Sue, love the teal and white colour combo, very pretty and elegant card. Congrats winners. Bx

  42. Lovely card Sue-at first thought it was pink and navy looking at the photo before i realised it was teal and white but it would work easily as well with both,take care,x.

  43. Beautiful! I love the colours, the embossing and all the dies. Husg! xx

  44. Very elegant card Sue and the colours are beautiful - and the sentiment just about describes you! Congrats to the winners. Pat x

  45. Beautiful card Sue, very elegant! Congrats to the winners :) Carole Z X

  46. I love the teal and white together Sue and this is such a pretty card.

    Congratulations to this weeks winners

    xx Sandra

  47. Couldn't understand the post as the first picture looks pink! Love the effects and those dies are great and of course it makes sense when you see the later photos. Congratulations to all the winners

  48. This is a really super card - it looks peach in the first picture which I just love and then the other pictures show the teal and white which also looks stunning. The embossing always looks so classy. You are so clever Sue in coming up with such different cards each day. Many congratulations to all the winners.

  49. Hi Sue
    what a lovely girlie card. Like the idea of half going the dies. Just doubled the uses for the dies. Like to get my moneys worth out of them. amazed at how well they fit. Clever.Yep 10 out of 10 card.
    Well done to all you winners.
    Born agian spellbinder
    Nadine xxx hug

  50. Morning Sue
    Wow beautiful card again, my favourite colours teal and white, little shocked at the first picture but very elegant.Love how you have put the layers together
    Congrats to all the winners.


  51. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card love the teal and white. The first piccie made me think it was pink and navy so we have two colour choices today...

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  52. Morning Sue what a stunning card i love everything about this card i have these dies so i will be having ago at this one. Ive been asked to make a mothersday card for a friend and you have just given me a idea on what to do. And well done to all of todays winners. Looking forward to seeing you back on our screens again. Take care Sue xxx

    Debs artliff

  53. A beautiful card, love the colour scheme.

  54. Morning Sue, gorgeous card and my fav colours, love all the texture and detail. Congrats to all the winners. Emma

  55. Morning Sue

    Was reading your post and read that you had used Teal card and I thought the card is pink!! But saw that you had used teal card which looks stunning. Love how you have used the dies

    Sue xxx

  56. Morning and happy Sunday, Sue. This card is gorgeous. I am bowled over (again!) by your imagination and skill with manipulating shapes.
    The first picture I think is one of those annoying trick of the light things that cameras do occasionally. My computer was slow today so I was reading while waiting for the pics and knew it was a teal and white before the odd pink peachy hue popped up! The other pics are all clear and show the teal beautifully.
    Hugs Annie
    P.S. congrats to all the lucky winners!!

  57. Very beautiful card! As always.
    Have a nice sunday and congrats to the winners.

    Hugs Susan

  58. Hello Sue, This is a beautiful card, so elegant. Like others the first pic looked navy and pink, thiugh my eyes were playing up, until I read and scrolled down. Love teal and white so clean and fresh. The sentiment says what you are to the Wilsonettes. Congratulations to all the winners.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  59. Good Morning Sue, Another fantastic card, the colours are great together. Congratulations to the winners.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  60. Hi Sue
    Another lovely card. I too thought at first the card was pink until I read the details but in any case it looked really good either way. Congrats to all the winners. Have a great Sunday everyone.
    Love Jan x x

  61. Morning Sue,
    What a fabulous card- Teal and white super combo and my all time favourite. This is a very elelgant cardand a super sentiment.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Amanda x

  62. Such a beautiful card that would work for birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Love the ribbon as usual. Well done to all the winners - I still live in hope!!

  63. Another great example of your techniques extending the use of our dies, making the oval shape on this card. I have just enjoyed a day of crafting with the dies along with a friend and we are both delighted with the lovely results we have achieved, thanks to your many tips and examples.

  64. Shocked at colour first, but Love the teal and white. Lovely card.

  65. Lovely card Sue love the colours lovely.

  66. Morning Sue, I was having withdrawal symptems, as we haven't had Teal for a while! So thank you! Love the elegance of this card. Stunning. hugs, Carol S.xx

  67. Morning Sue, I also thought the colours were weird, but as usual they re not, the card is lovely. Take care, Jess x

  68. Good Morning Sue,
    Great card I really like working with Teal and White.
    Like others I was a bit shocked when I saw the first picture......did not like the Pink & Teal mix but scrolling down we did get our Daily Fix of your beautiful creation in Teal & White.
    Congrats to the lucks winners
    Have a Great Day

    Patricia xx

  69. Beautiful Card Sue!
    I really like the teal and white together and I love the Posy Scallop Die that you've used, very pretty.

    Happy Crafting! !, X X

  70. Gorgeous card Sue. Well done to all the winners xx hazel

  71. Hi Sue Clever cards from a clever lady stunning Hugs Corinne

  72. GM Sue, oh dear I thought 2 cards on the run that didn't float my boat, then I scrolled down and WOW that's more like it.
    Love the teal and white.
    Have a good day.
    Gilly C

  73. Good morning Sue, gorgeous card this morning Sue love everything about.Hugs xx

  74. Love the way you have used circles and extended them to stretch into ovals Sue, it's very effective. Congrats to all the winners, I am dead envious.

  75. Hi Sue
    A stunning card today.Nice to see the teal back!

  76. Hi Sue,

    Like some others I thought the card was pink and dark green until I read the text!! Either way it was the embossing folder that really caught my eye. But I have to add that the extra pictures showing the teal anfd white really made the card come alive!! Have a good Sunday
    love from Jackie D

  77. Hi Sue
    Beautiful - gorgeous colour combination.

  78. Beautiful card, love the colours.

    Clare x

  79. Hello Sue,
    This is simply one of the sweetest and elegant cards that you have given us! You are simply the best inspiration, teacher, guru, and a wonderful friend (I do hope you won't mind)!!! Thank you for everything!
    Lots of love, Aggie xxx

  80. Really gorgeous, both samples today Sue

  81. Hello Sue. This made me blink, the photo says pink/peach and you say white. What a difference a picture makes. White and teal, now that really works and it's a lovely card. Of course. xx

  82. Gorgeous card Sue - I think I can follow your instructions but I would love to see a demo.. it would make a great 'male' card (minus the ribbon of course) tfs.

  83. Hi Sue

    I do like this card, so preety, congratulations to all the winners, i will uncross everything till next time. Hope you have a good sunday, prehaps a rest?.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  84. I do like this, it's really pretty.

  85. Good Morning Sue another beautiful card and love that the teal is back in use,the first photo looks pink,but the smaller ones show the real colour,congraTS TO ALL THE WINNERS

  86. simply the best says it all, it is absolutely gorgeous
    Wendy xx

  87. What another lovely card, though, as with many others, I was confused by the colours at first! But when I worked out that it was actually white, I realised just how much of a lovely card it was. And I was thrilled to see I was one of the winners!! Well done to the other winners, too. I can't wait to recieve my card!

    Love, Lilly xx

  88. love color fab card

  89. Hi Sue,
    Love the teal and white.
    I just got a supply of teal coloured card so I should be able to take inspiration from you and start to make lovely things.

    Margaret O

    ps Congratulations you lucky winners.

  90. Hi Sue,
    Like everyone else I was a bit confused by the colours but realised eventually. Simply stunning card really lovely. Well done to all the winners -I live in hope.
    Beverley W

  91. Ah! That's better! Just read some of the comments about the colour so went back for a second look. I'm glad it isn't a lurid shade of pink! Teal and white is lovely and the card would be suitable for lots of occasions.
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners,
    Sue xx

  92. Hi Sue
    hope you made this card for yourself as you are amazing beautiful card but like others today thought this was peach & black so gives 2 looks to 1 card you often say most colours would work LOL
    hugs Ruth

  93. Hi Sue. Such a pretty card. I love the scalloped Posy die. One for my wish list! Take care.
    P.s. Congrats to all of the lucky winners.

  94. Another stunning card Sue. I love this colour combination. Very elegant.
    Sue x

  95. How strange the way it looks pink and green on the first photo! Much nicer when we see the white and teal ;).

  96. ONE day I will one something hey ho BUT well wishes to all the people who were lucky enough to get a ' prize '.....anyway back to the card....i think i can make something similar for mum in law for mums day [ dont have one myself ].....love the card BUT usually love all your cards .. happy crafting x

  97. This is absolutely gorgeous!!
    Congratulations to all the winners.
    Love and hugs. Hilary xxx

  98. Hi Sue
    You really have woken us all up this Sunday ... then I realised its really Teal and White. Love the colours and what a good idea for the oval. Your second posting is also fab, have been working it out as I have the dies. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Caroline MacH

  99. I can have a go at this one I have these dies, really pretty love the teal and white, love the bow.

    Jane x

  100. Hi Sue beautiful and elegant. Agree with Heather and would not have thought of putting those two colours together. Have a good day. Congratulations to all winners.

    Love June

  101. Hi sue I'm really glad you put the close up shots at the end as I thought I was going mad!! This is a wonderful card and I will definitely be using the posy die to create an oval as it looks wonderful so thanks for the inspiration and can't wait for next Monday now!! Love Lesley x

  102. Gorgeous card Sue. Well done to all the winners Sue x


  103. Hi Sue,

    Love the dies. They help make a lovely card. X

  104. Hi Sue,
    Another beautiful card love the teal it really sets the card off. Thanks for all the different ways to use the dies

  105. This is a gorgeous card. Who is the maker of the majestic embossing folder? Louise

  106. Hi Sue
    Great card, bit unusual at first till I saw the correct colours below. Did wonder how coconut card turned into such a pink colour.
    Lovel though.
    Margaret L

  107. Gorgeous design and my favourite colour. xx Flora

  108. Lovely card again Sue - really like the teal and coconut combo!

    Thanks, Susan

  109. Hi Sue, Love this card, especially the teal colour. It's really a pretty card. Love Sam xxx

  110. Lovely card. Not normally fond of blue on cards, but as this is more a greeny blue (teal) it's OK.

  111. Hello Sue

    A beautiful card again

    Congratulations to all the winners :)

    June x

  112. love this card Sue and its given me a great idea to use my heart felt dies so thank you.congrats to all the winners. hope my name is there one day x

  113. Hi Sue
    What an elegant card I do like the white and teal much better than the first picture that appears to be pink! Don't worry not your fault, I am sure it is these new up to date laptops!

  114. Beautiful, Sue...I love the colour. I have some teal card, but haven't used it yet. I will now!!

  115. Hi Sue,

    Love your card and well done to the lucky winners.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  116. Beautiful card Sue, looks very pink on my screen but its gorgeous.
    Congrats to all the winners.

  117. Congratulations to all the winners. Another beautiful card with the sentiment reflecting the feelings of many, I'm sure, when we say 'You're the Best' Sue.
    Val C xx

  118. Hi Sue,
    When I saw the first photo I thought '...surely Sue would never put these two colours together'. As I read on though it soon became clear that the first pic was probably caused by a lighting malfunction casting an unhealthy-looking pink/orange: Phew! It's a a beautiful card in WHITE and teal.
    Really like the embossing and the way you've used the dies.

  119. Hi Sue, Stunning card, love the colours you have used and the dies.

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  120. I do love the teal card,so classy

  121. Afternoon Sue, as promised I have just come to comment on todays card, beautiful as always, I have not tried these dies yet, they are still sitting waiting to be used so as always you have given me the inspiration to use it.
    Excitement is definately in the air having been picked as on of your lucky winners.
    Lindsay x

  122. Wow another lovely card. Congratulations to all the winners this week.

  123. Hi Sue, I thought the card was pink at first until I saw the bottom photos.I love the colours Teal & White STUNNING! Congratulations to all the winners.Sandra xx

  124. Absolutely stunning Sue, I love Teal and white together. Congrats to all of todays lucky winners.

    Hugh, Michelle E xx

  125. Good afternoon Sue
    Loving this card, it's gorgeous!
    The embossed pattern is so pretty..and the dies...in fact everything about the card...(even the pink version in your 1st pic) beautiful!

    Many thanks for sharing your crafty gift...and for allowing me to win a prize!!

    Have a great day!

    Lara xxx

  126. A really pretty card Sue, although the first picture looks pink and navy on my pc. Changes to teal and while in the breakdown though. Both versions look good.

  127. Hi Sue, I adore your card. For me this is 'classic Sue'. With love & light Theresa. H

  128. What a lovely card Sue, this is lovely, very pretty. xxx

  129. Hi Sue, This second comment is to say how much I love your black & white card posting for tomorrow :-) It has gone straight onto my inspiration wall. With love & light Theresa. H.

  130. A lovely card as always congrats to the winners

  131. A beautiful card, the first photo threw me at first as it looked so pink, but I guess the camera was playing up. Love the teal and white combo. x

  132. Hi Sue
    I thought the card was PINK lol, and didn't like the look of it but when I saw it was white I loved it!! Amazing how the colours make such a huge difference.
    Max xx

  133. Hi Sue, I really look forward to seeing a new card each day. And I totally love this one. I adore the combination of teal and white. Can't wait for your new embossing folders!

  134. Hi Sue
    This is really pretty, another inspiring card !
    Lorraine x

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  136. Hi Sue

    LOve it love it love it.

    No more to be said


  137. Lovely card. Congrats to the winners.

  138. Gorgeous colours, read the post your using white card, thought I was looking at wrong one! Then saw second photo!

    Mol x

  139. love them especially the teal/white card x

  140. Hi Sue,

    Today's card is stunning I have the teal card and will definitely be re producing this one , had to do a double take when I saw I was a winner in the weekly draw thank you so much .

    Jean D

  141. Loving the fabulous layers on this gorgeous card. Congratulations to the winners, I am sure they will love their prizes. I celebrate my 2nd blogaversary today, doesn't time fly when you are having fun.

    Linda xxx

  142. I like the card in both colour ways - the sort of peachy one that the first picture shows and also the white and teal of the next lot of photos. I know it's just the camera but amazing how you can show 2 cards totally different yet exactly the same. Spooky!

  143. HI Sue, I never get tired of seeing how you will use the dies today. You give us new inspiration each day and for that all us spellies fans thank you. Whats tomorrow going to hold for us i wonder. Norah x

  144. Hello Sue,
    Lovely card LOVE these oval dies.
    Congratulations to all of the winners.
    Love Brenda Lel

  145. Total genius as usual! Who else would have thought of extending the cut like that. Great colour combo too.

    Alice x

  146. Stunning card as Always Sue. I do love that Colour- Teal- it's lush
    Would never of thought on using the Posy dies like that. Thank you for sharing with us all..Take care x

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    hugs chris x

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  154. Hi Sue

    I take pictures like that all the time - one mis-timed click, camera lighting not ready and subject a completely different colour to what it is - I take loads of pics of mine them fiddle to the enth degree with them.. prob why my blog is out of date - because it takes me too long faffing with the photos i've taken!

    That aside, the teal and coconut card is fab, so soft but smart.

    Love what you did with the dies to make something completely different! I also soooo need that label die you used too.

    take care, hugs

    Paula x x x

  155. Love this gorgeous card Sue! That teal gets me every time :) Congrats to all those lucky winners!

  156. One word - Beautiful

    Congrats to you lucky winners


  157. A lovely card.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners :)

  158. Katie-Louise Sweetlove25 February 2013 at 21:43

    Hi Sue,
    Sorry this comment is late I'm catching up after being ill.

    I really like this card it's so clever I didn't quite follow the description of how you made it but that's just me. The finished result is amazing and really pretty.

    Don't worry about the card looking pink I enlarged it on my iPad and it looked fine and the smaller pics show it as white on this blog.

    Sorry again to leave this late,
    Best wishes from Katie-Lou sweetlove x

  159. The pearls look great on this card and I love all the details! Hugs, Hanneke
