
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Aqua Birthday

Hi guys!  A pretty aqua and white card for today's offering.  I have used the Cupid background from JustRite stamps and inked it with a clear perfect medium pad.  I stamped it and then heat embossed it with white powder for a tone on tone look for the background of my card.  I stamped my sentiment and cut it out with the matching antique tag die and used Broken China to ink through the die as a highlight.  I mounted it on foam and placed it on the bottom of my card.  Next I stamped the largest stamp in the set of the Friends Antique Labels One from Justrite.  Again, I stamped it using a clear perfect medium pad and white embossed it. The Broken China distress ink brought out the detail on it.  I stamped the smaller stamp in the same manner, but cut this one out using two dies to create a frame.  I stamped one of the small sentiments on white card and mounted my frame over it with foam pieces.  I added an aqua mat to my background and used Cosmic Shimmer white PVA glue to make dots all the way around it.  I finished the piece with a double white mat with a pierced inner mat.  I just love the aqua, such a soothing colour I think!  Finished dimensions are 6 1/2" x 7 1/2" in size.    All for now, Sue x


  1. Beautifully clean, simple and elegant. just lovely.

  2. Gorgeous card, great stamping and embossing and love the white-on-white.

    'P' in Wales

  3. Good morning Sue what a lovely fresh looking card i love the colour that you have chosen for use today. Aqua is one of my faverite colours. Just wish i could come up with the ideas that you do. Looking forward to see what you are going to bring us next. Take Care Sue xxx

    Debs Artliff

  4. Stunning card Sue. When I first looked at it I thought the background was embossed with an embossing folder until I read your description. Beautiful colours too.

    Hugs, Michelle E xx

  5. Gorgeous colours and stunning card today Sue.xx

  6. Hi Sue, love the colours today, very springlike. Love the embossing, you are very inventive and talented. How you create so many different cards amazes me. Keep it up.

    Wilma x x

  7. 'morning Sue, beautiful card again , we (the bloggers ) remind me of the plant in the show "feed me" you've certainly got lots of us relying on a wonderful "fix" every day. Thanks as always Mabex

  8. Good morning Sue
    What a pretty card today I love the colour Aqua it is my second favourite colour ( teal is my first). I wish I could stamp and emboss as good as you.
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  9. Morning Sue

    Love this beautiful card! So nice and light and fresh looking!

    Love Jean xxx

  10. GM Sue - lovely it's a must try!

    Well, yday, after reading your blog I tried the faux leather for the first time - woweee! I did an
    A5 piece using tea dye and walnut and then clear embossed it - even for a 1st attempt its definitely usable. Hubby thought it looked like snake skin - I think if darker inks are used and then die cut - it would make a brilliant texture for an easter egg. Off to stock up on masking tape!! Thanks soo much.
    Clare W

  11. Beautiful card love the simplicity.

  12. What a beautiful card so elegant Melanie

  13. Beautiful card and aqua is one of my favorite colors. The die-cut sentiment looks a bit funny to my eye because it is not in center (yes, I do understand why it is the way it is - but it is kinda odd-looking to me).

    Hugs, Eemeli

  14. Hi Sue. What a beautiful, elegant card . Love the aqua/white combo. So fresh and clean. Take care.

  15. Morning sue what a stunning card someone at work just ask for a aqua card and I did not know what to do I do now thanks for the ideas Tracy w x

  16. Simple and understated
    nice one sue x

  17. Good morning Sue,
    I love the color of this card, it is fab. I tried the technique using the masking tape yesterday and found it very interesting and fun. Thanks

  18. Hi Sue, beautiful and simple, love the white on white stamping. Bx

  19. Hi Sue,
    Love the colours of this card as you say very soothing and easy on the eye.
    Beverley W


  20. Hi Sue

    Gorgeous card so elegant and simple white on white and aqua one of my favorite colours combos.
    love the white embossing.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  21. Love the simple layout and the colours Sue! A beautiful card!"

  22. Stunner of a card sue , moved in our new home and gosh i have missed visiting your blog i have had to go cold turkey lol then i have had no computer so using a friends at moment .keep up the stunning work you do to inspire us all . hugs sarah ..xx

  23. Morning Sue, Beautiful card, love the colours you have used, and the background...

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  24. Morning Sue,
    Love this Aqua card, stunning card and no bow just up my street!
    Gail C x

  25. This is such a gorgeous card Sue. Just love everything about it.
    Sorry I don´t know the lady you´re looking for, but hope she´ll see this and contact you.

  26. Good Morning Sue. This is such an elegant, clean looking card. Very beautiful.

    Val in Spain xxx

  27. Beautiful card Sue, love the background, love the colour, love it all! Sorry I can't help you with finding Sandra, but I hope she turns up for you.

  28. Morning Sue!

    This is a very elegant card and how very soothing that aqua colour is, gorgeous yet another to add to my list.:)

    Crafty Hugs
    Heather Rogers xx

  29. Hi Sue
    Love the colours and style of this card, I am juggling baby cots, birthday, anniversary and mother's day cards this week.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina x

  30. Very fresh colours , lovely .

  31. Hi Sue,

    Beautiful card, love the aqua and white colour combo and the simplicity of the layout.

    Donna Jones

  32. Good Morning Sue,

    WOW honey! this is a very simple looking card for you, but all the same a lot of work has gone into making it look so good, I love the clean fresh lines, although not my colour palette, I love it, the embossing powders work a treat here don't they? they make this card, have a great day sweets, Hugs, Vick xxx
    My YTChannels Vixcrafts & SaturatedCanary

  33. Ecco of Sheffield26 February 2013 at 07:49

    morning Sue
    What a wonderful and calming way to start a Tuesday morning. I always think of Aqua as a very calming colour so you have set my day to be a calm one.(whether it stays that way we shall see but it is a start). I love today's format not too fussy but still makes a statement. I bought some Aqua coloured bias binding along with a selection of other colours last week from the monthly market here. They are a fantastic replacement for some styles of ribbon.
    Janet x

  34. What super colours you have used, bright and fresh, love the card

  35. What lovely colours you have used, bright and fresh, love the card xx

  36. Hi Sue
    A stunning card - perfect also for a wedding. The aqua accent is perfect.
    Best wishes
    Anne O

  37. I really like the colours of your card. Beautifully made! Hugs! xx

  38. Morning Sue, love the colours on this. What a beautiful card.

  39. Lovely colour scheme today. Fresh and bright. It must have been hard for you not to add a ribbon!!

  40. Hi Sue, fab card :) lainey x

  41. Great card again Sue. thanks for yesterdays Tutorial yet again more top tips.Thats very kind of you to help with the charity, good luck with that.

  42. Morning Sue,

    The Cupid stamp is one of my favourites, it makes a beautiful background and the aqua and white are a very fresh combination, lovely card!

    Alice xx

  43. Hi Sue

    Fab colourway.
    Love it.
    Val x

  44. Hiello Sue,
    Lovely card very fresh looking, the clear embossing gives a very elegant look. love it.
    Have a good day, Brenda Lel

  45. Gidd morning sue. Love the aqua with the white. Very fresh looking and perfect for every occasion. Xx

    Sue Dunn

  46. Morning Sue
    What a gorgeous clean looking card. Love the colour so fresh looking. Have to make one for my daughters birthday and this will fit the bill

  47. Hi Sue
    Love the card today- very clean, fresh & simple. The aqua is beautiful. Thank you!

  48. Morning Sue,
    Beautiful. elegant understated card today. LOVE IT.

  49. Morning Sue, A beautifully fresh and elegant card today, loving the heat embossing and the gorgeous aqua card.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  50. Hi Sue this is my kind of card clean simple lines ,not too fussy and no big bow.looking forward to your shows .


  51. Hi Sue,

    Beautiful delicate card. X

  52. lovely Sue.....what a soothing card.

  53. simply gorgeous Sue, colours so clean and fresh

  54. Lovely card Beautiful colours Very soothing Another word I'd use is tranquil The aqua is (I dunno) strong? but soft? Does that make sense I can't think of the right words

  55. Hi Sue What a simple no fuss card and I like it! Take care Love Michelle S xxx

  56. Very pretty card, love your pearly border and the layers. Maddy x

  57. Morning Sue

    Sweet,delicate & elegant. I love the card


  58. lovely card very clean looking love it Jean Z xx

  59. Lovely bright and beautiful card reminds me spring is just round the corner!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Good Morning Sue!
    Love the design and the colours!

  62. Beautiful card, love the aqua.

    Clare x

  63. GM Sue WOW what a beautiful, simple, understated, clean and elegant card, love it.
    My project book 2 has just arrived, can't wait to starting playing.
    Gilly C

  64. Morning Sue, What a lovely crisp fresh card, it is simple but elegant, love the colours.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  65. Stunning card Sue love the colours so uplifting on such a dull cold day xx hazel

  66. good morning Sue, I just love the white embossing on the white card its a beautiful effect and the aqua is just stunning with it. Hugs xx

  67. Hi Sue
    Just catching up with the cards I missed, all super cards. Love the aqua today.
    Audrey x

  68. Sue
    Your card is beautiful. Aqua colour is lovely and light. I love the background stamp it is so versatile - don't have it - must look for it and get my crafty mitts on it. Perhaps it'll make an appearance on C & C soon!! Looking forward to more shows too.
    Caroline MacH

  69. Morning Sue, lovely card again, love the embossed background stamp. Emma

  70. Belinda Raven said...

    Hi Sue, lovely colour combo. I love the cosmic shimmer 'pearls' together with the edge pricking to frame the card.

    Hugs, Belinda X

  71. Good morning Sue - another beautiful card again. I use the white embossing quite a lot now after seeing your samples and I am always pleased with the result. The aqua is such a fresh and clean colour too and is so nice to see on such a damp and dreary day. YvonneMayxx

  72. Morning Sue, lovely looking card, aqua and white are so clean together. Take care, Jess

  73. clean and simple card ,gorgeous

  74. Lovely simple card but so elegant.

  75. Fresh and simple. My first thought before I focused on the card itself was 'A Sue card and no bow' LOL! Then I saw why. It couldn't possibly have one. It is elegant and simply lovely. Hugs Annie

  76. Hi Sue
    What a beautiful card, so clean and elegant looking. I have the cupid stamp so look out I feel a craft session coming on lol.
    Love Jan x x

  77. A beautiful card as usual Sue - such a pretty colour. Pat x

  78. Love color combo! Great card!

  79. Beautiful card Sue. I love the colours and embossing. I hope you are bringing some lovely stamps with you on your next T.V. show.

  80. Clean, simple, elegant and very adaptable card today, just lovely.

  81. Morning Sue,
    A lovely cool, soothing colour for today's beautiful card.
    Erica x

  82. Morning Sue, I love the freshness of this card. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  83. What a nice way to use this stamp. I have stuggled to use it as I felt constrained by the heart shape in the middle so I will have to have a go at this style instead, thanks Sue


  84. Stunning Card. I have this background stamp and its great to get different ideas. Thanks for sharing
    Michelle M

  85. Hi Sue, a very simple elegant card
    love the colours.
    Nancyd xx

  86. Love the simple cleanness of this one!

  87. Lovely clean cut card today Sue, really love this colour choice always looks fresh and always brings a smile to my face xx gail from eastbourne P.S. i tried your faux leather demo from yesterdays card and was chuffed to bits with the results thank you Sue for this xx

  88. Hi Sue
    Lovely colours and stunning card today. So elegant, just love it.
    Margaret L

  89. such an elegant card, just yummy!

  90. Hello Sue, A beautiful card. love the background, thought it was an embossing folder until I read on, gorgeous. I agree with you aqua is a soothing colour, this clean fresh card has cheered up a dull dark morning.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Hugs June xxx

  91. Hello Sue, thank you once again for a lovely card. Have a nice day. Sheila xxxxx

  92. This card is simple but striking as well. Really need these stamps Sue. Do you ever do workshops in Norfolk area as we are a little starved this way? Kathy xxxx

  93. Good morning Sue a beautiful simple but very elegant card love the aqua its a gorgeous colour. Hugs Lynda xx

  94. Hi Sue
    what a fresh and clean looking. LOve the depth you have got in this card. Smashing font on these stamps, and i managed to buy some. Wonderful job
    Born again spellbinder
    Nadine hug xxx

  95. Good morning Sue this cars sings to me,the colours are fantastic,and I think it could make a very nice baby card by changing the colour to pink or blue.Sue when you put the size of the card at the end of your blog, is it the decorated page or the base page??
    Smiles Ita

  96. Love the aqua and white together and the card looks stunning. I'm not sure about the larger sentiment though - the die is a little small for it I think!

  97. Hi Sue,
    lovely card - I just love the white embossed on white. And the focal point is gorgeous as well.

  98. Hi Sue

    Another cracker, very pretty and clean looking.

    Best Wishes

    Julie Bee

  99. Hi Sue, fabulous and a great Sue card lovely, clean and bright. Love the colours too.

    Love June

  100. Hi :) I love the simplicity and elegance here. The colour is beautiful, and the embossing really adds a lovely finishing touch. Hope you have a lovely day, Debs x

  101. Fabulous - clean, fresh and simple!

    Thanks, Susan

  102. Lovely colours, nice background too xx

  103. In my opinion, the white embossing helps make this card. x

  104. fresh, bright and simple, lovely card
    Wendy xx

  105. Lovely. Really fresh looking.

  106. Lovely. Really fresh looking.

  107. Love the simplicity of this Sue and the colours are fresh and clean. Love that background stamp.
    Val C xx

  108. Very pretty Sue - I find the colours very soothing :)

  109. lovely card Sue,the white embossing is beautiful .Laura O

  110. Hi Sue
    Lovely fresh looking card today.Look forward to seeing you on C&C next week.

  111. Lovely card Sue,
    I think it's missing one of your fab bows though.

    Margaret O

  112. wow, a beautiful clean card, I just love those colours put together, its so refreshing. Every day is an inspiration can not wait until tomorrow.. x

  113. Beautiful card, Sue... lovely colours... love those label dies...
    Kim M

  114. Sue

    Such a fresh looking card with the touch of aqua - got to be a favourite of mine. I just love the look of these two colours together. The white embossing on white adds such a good texture and finish to the cardstock, it makes it look like a luxurious card.

    Overall, a favourite colour scheme of mine.

    I much prefer when you do cards using the prettier colours, whites, aqua, pink, coconut. Those colours are like a breath of fresh air - the darker grungy colours can be depressing at times, so this is such a refreshing change.

    Paula x x x

  115. Hi Sue, this is gorgeous! I love the colour and the inking through this die is really lovely, China Blue was a great colour match :) Carole Z X

  116. clean simple & stunning. love it

  117. Lovely card, clean and fresh


  118. Hi Sue, I really love the fresh look about this card. Very pretty. Love Sam xx

  119. What a stunning card! I love it. The colour combination is just perfect.

  120. How fabulous. This is a treat for the eyes and I bet it feels good too. Such a great fresh colour. xx

  121. Wow Sue, this card is wonderful. I love all the white with the aqua touches, and the pearls look great. Hugs, Hanneke

  122. Hi Sue. A lovely card for today !! Simple but elegant. I love the dies and colours you have used. The white emossing you have used makes a great background. I really love this aqua colour too. A truly lovely card. Lots of love, Tres x x x

  123. Hi Sue

    Just love the colours on this card. Is the Aqua the one you use on your cards that you do for C & C?. just love all the inspiration that you you give us all.
    Pat S Witney

  124. Hi Sue
    Wot a gorgeous fresh looking card today I love it, the aqua and white look so clean and crisp. Everything about this card is perfect.
    Love Maxine xx

  125. A gorgeous card, love the teal card stock. x

  126. This is a very pretty card, it looks simple, but elegant, and the colout is beautiful.

  127. Evening Sue,
    Love the white on white with a hint of aqua. So cool and sophisticated. Very elegant.
    Amanda x

  128. Just divine love today's card.

    Jane xx

  129. Lovely, I do like the backgrounds stamped and embossed in white, so elegant.....

  130. Just love, love, love this colour combination stunning
    Sue x

  131. Hi Sue,
    Another lovely card so elegant.

  132. This is really lovely and looks deceptively simple.

  133. Love the white embossing on white card, its so pretty and has prompted me to have a go.

  134. Hi Sue, beautiful card today, love the colour so clean and fresh x

  135. Hi Sue, love the card and the colours used, very elegant
    Hilary x

  136. Lovely clean look to this today, and really refreshing colours. Good for men or ladies too so this is a real winner.

  137. hi sue like this card very much love everything about it
    hugs chris x

  138. I love the white on white - but gosh - that's a big stamp to try and get right! Love the aqua too. X

  139. Good evening Sue, such a beautiful card, I love the colours I like white on white background as well. Sandra xx

  140. Birthday wish bring a happy moment for a man.and birthday gift is a seen of love.there are very beautiful card.

  141. I love this one, the colours, the simplicity everything is just perfect. WHite on white is a dream.

    Carol B

  142. What a lovely card, Aqua is my favorite colour and my birthstone is Aquamarine so obviously i love this card. Thank you Sue for such a lovely elegant card.
    Looking forward to seeing you on Create and Craft on Monday.

    Take care

    Jacquie xx

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. Gorgeous card again, love the backing and the lovely embossing.

    Linda xxx

  145. Hi Sue
    This is my sort of card aqua is my fav colour and white on white is a great look wish I had your imagination
    Take Care

  146. Beautiful Delicate Colours you have used on this card Sue. Another stunner..Take care xx

  147. Love the colours, the white embossing, the swirly sentiment - beautiful. Elegant too,
    Sue xx

  148. Hi Sue, phew only just made it ,a beautiful fresh elegant card I love it x

    Jean D

  149. Hi Sue,

    Really, really lovely card - love it.

    Much love,

    Shirley T. xxx

  150. Hello Sue

    What an elegant card. Just lovely.


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  153. Love the clean look of this card.

  154. Love the clean look of this card.

  155. Love it, clean fresh yet detail to enjoy x fabulouso

  156. Hi Sue
    This card is so stunning and elegant
    Sue XXX
