
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Blue And White Thank You

Good morning all!  I was hoping that this post would be going live right about the time my plane is touching down, but they delayed our flight 8 hours!  Hopefully, I'll be home by late afternoon but until then another labels 20 card that I made but combined with several of the fun Heartfelt Creations dies.  I started with a piece of coconut white card and the border from the Heartfelt Butterfly border set.  This die is unique in that it is rather small and the ends of it do not cut out.  I used that feature on this card to cut two borders on either side of my card. I embossed a piece of blue card using the Couture Creations Houndstooth embossing folder.  Once embossed, I slid it under each border so it was actually being held in place by the borders.  You can see this more clearly in the pictures below.  I cut one of the Heartfelt Decorative Oval Windows in white to use as the backdrop for my focal element.  Next I cut a labels 18 in dark blue.  The swirls from the window tucked around the edges nicely.  I stamped the small Justrite Labels 20 Thank you stamp using a clear perfect medium pad,white embossed it and cut it out with the matching die.  I stamped the sentiment in the centre open area.  I used Stormy Sky distress ink to go over the stamped piece and inked all the non embossed areas, but left a small white area in the centre as an accent.  I added this piece in the centre with mounting foam to complete my focal element.  I added 8mm pearls to the borders on each side and pierced the top and bottom sections of the main piece.  I added the border piercing on the bottom layers to complete the card.  I like the cleanness to this card, easy to make and can be used for a number of occasions too.
I see that Sam Poole is offering free shipping on orders over £10.00 so if you need any last minute crafty items for yourself or gifts, hop on over to her shop!  You can find her name on  the right hand side of my blog, just click on it.  I think she even has some micro beads left if you hurry!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Lovely card suitable for any occasion. Welcome home Sue

  2. Hey Sue - may just be the first today. Sorry you're not back yet
    but look out of the plane over Wales and you may just see a union jack in a labels twenty shape!!
    Nice card - love stormy skies blue.

    'P'in Wales

  3. Hi Sue...lovely card and nice fresh colors...love the pearls and edging and the houndstooth embossing...might have to get that one.
    I'm moving to Dorset so might not be in touch for a while...going to be closer to my Dad.
    Take care and safe travels. Have the merriest of Christmas and a fab 2013.
    Deborah.H. :)

  4. lovely card and a intersting use for the border dies

  5. Hi Sue, a really lovely card, border dies are fab. Bx

  6. Good Morning Sue,
    Beautiful card, love the colours and the use of the dies. You really make me think about "LOOKING" at all my Dies before I start a project.
    Safe journey with no more delays.
    Have a great Day

    Patricia xx

  7. Hi Sue. Your card is so elegant and beautiful. Great colors and you could use this for so many occasions. Lovely.

    Hugs, Eemeli

  8. GM Sue - nice card again. Hope you arrive safely
    Clare W

  9. Hi Sue, oh how annoying your flight being delayed, especially by 8 hours. Hope you have no more delays and get back safely. Your card today is so lovely, blue and white a great combination, love the design and labels twenty once again.

    Wilma x x

  10. Hi Sue. Beautiful clean and fresh looking card suitable for so many occasions. I love the colour combo. Blues,in any shade, are my favourite. Hope you get home without any more delays. Take care.

  11. Morning Sue, lovely card and the colours used are really nice too but i'm not sure if it's me! Hope your journey was uneventul apart from the delay that is. Hugs Soniax

  12. Good Morning Sue. Lovely card. Really clean and classy.

    Have a good sleep when you get home.

    Val in Spain xxx

  13. Good morning Sue
    Welcome back although later than anticipated. Today's card is clean and crisp looking, thanks for the idea for using the border die I have just been cutting it out and joining it. That's what I love about your ideas you make us think outside of the box. I can never have too many cards using labels 20 it's my favourite.
    Hugs x


  14. Morning Sue,
    Lovely striking card. X

  15. Morning Sue what a lovely carc it looks so clean and fresh. I use these die alot. It must be so annoying when all you want to do is get home look forward to seeing you back on c&c. Take care sue

    Debs Artliff

  16. Very beautiful and elegant card. Hugs! xx

  17. Definitely an all-purpose card today Sue and easily made in different colour ways.Love the houndstooth too. Christine x

  18. It's another lovely card - thank you for sharing.
    I really feel for you re flight delay. It doesn't give you any time really to get over jetlag before doing the shows on Sunday. I hope that you'll get pampered on arrival here.

  19. Hi sue this is another lovely,clean and simple card suitable for any occassion.sorry to hear of your delay it was probably the last thing you needed!! Hope the rest of your journey goes to plan and look forward to your return to c+c love lesley xx

  20. Hi Sue
    Love the borders on this card and also the whole card, what a delay with your plane, hope you get a chance of a good rest before Sunday.
    Happy crafting
    Love Tina X

  21. Hi Sue,
    Hope you are not too jet lagged after such a long delay. Love the wedge wood esque effect of this card & the way you have balanced the design. I'm so excited you are back on c&c and can't wait to see your demos. Pls can you post a reminder of your shows so I can be sure I don't miss you!!!

    Alice xx

  22. Crisp and fresh card, lovely. Hope you've had a good journey home.

  23. Brigh cheery card and beautifully laid out. once again icy colours to fit the season. Safe Journey home!

  24. Hi Sue
    Well your home and i'm off for two weeks (how will i manage without your blog lol).What a fab card . Dark blue much more dramatic but fab play with the patterns of the dies. Wow what huge pearls. Cracking card,
    Born again spellbinder
    Nadine hug xxx

  25. Gorgeous! Safe journey home. Julia xxxx

  26. Morning Sue, Really lovely card today, I love the dies you have used here.
    Sorry your flight has been delayed, hopefully you will be back later this afternoon, safe journey. Looking forward to seeing you on the tv.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx
    PS It's 12.12.12 today, and it's my Birthday too, yippeeeeee xx

  27. Lovely card again Sue,take care,x.

  28. Good morning Sue, Lovely card this morning very clean and fresh looking. Hope your journey was a smooth one. Hugs xx

  29. Hi Sue,
    Lovely colours and layout make this card suitable for so many occasions. Hope your flight will be a smooth one.

    Donna Jones

  30. Would you believe it Sue I have just bought this embossing folder and now I can have a go at recreating this wonderful card. Hope you get back ok and this fog doesn't slow you down. Welcome home.xx

  31. Love this card, in fact love anything to do with labels 20! So sorry to learn your flight was delayed so long - bet you spent your time at the airport planning more cards though! Only 4 more sleeps until we see you again!! Have a safe journey back. YvonneMayxx

  32. Morning Sue sorry to hear your flight got delayed hope you get back soon. lovely card really like the pearls down the side borders xx hazel

  33. Good Morning Sue,
    What a great, all occasions card, Love the blue and white, and the layout of the dies is great.
    Sorry you were delayed, hope you have a good flight back, it is very cold here today.
    Have a good day, and Welcome home.


  34. Hi Sue

    Sorry about your flight delay hope your on your way and will be home later this afternoon.

    Beautiful clean crisp card suitable for many occasions just by changing colours and sentiment.

    Hugs Annx without an "e"

  35. love the fresh blue and white Sue!! lainey x

  36. Ecco of Sheffield12 December 2012 at 08:19

    morning Sue or Good Afternoon
    It's another hit of course with the colour scheme and I love the simplicity of the format - and I agree a card which can be used for many occasions and even those awkward males in our lives.
    Janet x

  37. Lovely card. Have a safe flight.

    Clare x

  38. ooh its gorgeous! I have already sent my son in the direction of Sams shop with my Christmas hints!! xx

  39. Good Morning Sue!
    Its colder still today I hope you're ready for it!
    This has a nice almost Nautical look so fresh too
    Love it

  40. Love the design Sue and the blue and white is gorgeous. xx Flora

  41. what a striking blue and white card, so suitable for anyone just simply love it xx gail from eastbourne

  42. WOUW again a really stunning card here Sue. I love the colrs and the lay out is gorgeous.
    Sorry you´ve been soo much delayed, seems it´s their new style from the US. We were also so delayed, when we flew back from there in October, so maybe they just need some people that´s better to organize, who knows? But hope you´ll be able to relax and enjoy some time, when you finally hit home. I know, you´ll need it after such a trip LOL.

  43. Useful card for any occasion = love the colours

  44. Hi Sue this card is just right for me not too fussy and no big ribbon bow ,i really like it .hope you have brought your thermals with you ,you'll need them .
    looking forward to sunday.
    Love Marion

  45. looks so fresh and clean...really pretty Sue....those justrite stamps really are gorgeous.....and yes I have treated myself to them, you are so bad for my bank balance and so much fun for my crafting....hope you get in the air soon sweetie those airports are so boring!....going off to Ireland for 3days today so setting the record button for Sunday...safe journey hugs Margaret xxxx

  46. Hi Sue What a lovely card! Eight hours delay is bad and all that lost card making time. Have a safe journey home and I cannot wait to Sunday! Take Care Love Michelle xxx

  47. Hi Sue,
    beautiful card love the blue. I have this window die and have not used it yet you have now given me the inspiration to do so.
    Hope your flight was calm and you are prepared for the very cold weather.

  48. morning Sue = Welcome home
    Sorry you were delayed nothing worse when you want to get back.
    Love this clean looking card, I have not seen the Hounstooth embossing folder before and I think I have to start a new to have list.
    Looking forward to seeing you on the TV

    Carol x

  49. Hi Sue, wrap up warm it's bloomin' freezing here! That deep blue is my number one favourite colour. Love the card, thanks for a great start to my day :-) Welcome home. Maddy x

  50. Hi Sue, this is a card for me, good clean and crisp, love it.
    I'm not really a bows and frilly type girl. Plus I can never tie the bows very well.
    Welcome back,
    Gail C x

  51. Hi Sue
    Clean crisp and fresh, the card I mean. The weather is the same !!! A beautiful card suitable for anyone, love the colours.
    Audrey x

  52. 'morning Sue, labels twenty is certainly becoming a Mantra... I haven't got them or the matching stamp....YET.Great card again.Thanks Mabex

  53. Morning Sue

    Lovely card today I love those labels 20 just need the stamps to match now

    What a pain getting delayed and that is a long delay, hope it doesnt tire you too much. Hope you are wearing your thermals cos its freezing here today in the UK

    Sue xxx

  54. Another lovely card. Blue and white always a lovely combination.

  55. Good morning Sue
    What a fantastic card I love anything blue and white so this is another winner in my book.

  56. Hi Sue, always looks nice blue and white lovely card. Welcom back hope you had a good time Jean Zxxx

  57. Hi Sue - love this card. It reminds me a bit of wedgewood china, although the blue is a bit deeper! Hope you have a safe journey home and are not too tired by the delay.


  58. hello sue,sorry about your flight,but the weather is not good hrer. i think your card reminds me of the blue wedgewood china. will you get back to the america for the holiday time. looking forward to seeing you on create and craft.love bluebell-flowerwood.

  59. Morning Sue, a beautiful card love the colours
    and also the window die it is one of
    my favourites I use it a lot and cut
    out the cross in the centre as you
    showed ages ago I have never used it as a window yet
    maybe someday. Hope you arrive safe
    and well. nancyd xx

  60. A nice clean cut card today Sue ,i think the pearls have the finishing touch.

    Elaine H X

  61. Morning Sue, lovely fresh card, again a favourite Labels 20. Hope you can wrap up warm, welcome home to a freezing UK. Take care, Jess

  62. Morning Sue, they have closed alot of our airports due to freezing fog today, but hopefully they will let you land at some point today!! Lovely card and colours, i really must get the labels 20. Emma

  63. Hello. Poor thing. You might be landing soon, hopefully. You'll notice the weather change - it's cold! Still, a lovely card to cheer us up and keep us inspired. Beautiful work. xx

  64. Hope you are home safe soon...a lovely card!

    Mol x

  65. Hi Sue, Lovely card today...Like Patricia I am looking at my dies in a different way, I cut lots of different ones out then just play...I love it... Safe journey home, hope there are no more delays...good to have you back, Look forward to seeing you back on C&C...

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  66. Hi Sue
    Great card, love blue and white.
    Margaret L

  67. I'll wave to you as you fly over Ireland! Have a safe journey home. Love the card too!

  68. Blue and white are a favourite combination, so fresh and clean. The design is lovely too, clear and unfussy. Looking forward to seeing on our screens again Sue.

  69. morning Sue,
    lovely card reminds me of wedgewood china, it is my sons bday 2day on the 12.12.12 lolsafe trip home make sure to wear ur thermals

  70. GM Sue, a lovely clean fresh card! It's a winner in my books!

  71. Hi Sue,

    This is a lovely fresh, crisp card. I hope you have a safe journey.

    Michelle E xx

  72. Hi Sue, I love the colours of this - blue and white are always good together - and the sentiment could be changed to read almost anything, it's suitable for all sorts of occasions I suspect.

  73. Hoping you have a safe flight sue, and best wishes for Sunday, will be recording the show.


  74. Hi Sue,
    Lovely card fresh and crisp that could be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Have all the elements so must give it a try.
    I hope by now you are well on your way back to UK and not to exhausted after that long delay. Lovely to have you back, Love BrenLel

  75. Hi Sue,
    lovely card today.

    Do wrap up warm as it's very chilly here.

    Margaret O

  76. tis is fab have a safe flight Sue when are you next on c&C

  77. Another great card Sue. Hope you have a good journey and welcome back - we've missed you! X

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. lovely card. hope you had a nice journey. thanks for the thank you card

  80. Sue,
    Sorry to hear about your flight delay. This card is lovely, I think the color combination is one of my favorites. Welcome back to England..

  81. Another great card, very elegant xx

  82. Katie-Louise Sweetlove12 December 2012 at 12:22

    Hi Sue
    I really like this card it's a great creation. I like the colour of the blue against the clean crisp white of the background card and the borders and flourishes.

    I hope you arrive safe and sound and can plan some more great cards while you are delayed for so long. I hope you are wrapped up warm its freezing here.

    Take care look forward to seeing you again on our screens very soon.

    Best wishes from Katie-Lou

  83. Great card Sue

    Welcome home, although very cold today


  84. Hi Sue
    Love this card striking and fresh colours.

  85. the borders are brillian - yet another purchase on the shopping list!

  86. Gorgeous card Sue, look forward to seeing you on Sunday on toolshed

  87. Lovely card Sue! Love the blue and white combination and what a great effect with the border die. I love the effect of the white embossing powder on the sentiments too. Hope you're okay sue and won't be delayed very much more on your journey. Take care, xx Love Karen xx

  88. Hi Sue, Lovely combination of colours, I need labels 20, hope Santa is listening. Sorry about your delay, have a safe journey back to cold frosty England, will be watching on Sunday.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  89. Afternoon Sue, great card bold bright and love the colours. Hope you have landed now and got your feet back on British soil. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Love June

  90. fab card sue.. love these border dies

    jen x

  91. Hi Sue love this card ,the colours the dies ,and the borders,it as you say be used for any occasion.Hope ypu have traveled safe,and by now you will be back to cold weather wrap up well.
    P.S. thanks for the heads up on sam pools offer.

  92. Hi Sue, Really lovely card, and the embossed background and colours are fab,

    Happy Crafting
    Jean x

  93. Stunning card Sue, welcome home.

  94. This is such a great card, anyone would love to receive this "Thank you". xxx

  95. Good afternoon Sue

    Hope you have landed safely and not feeling too cold!! I love this card, I have these dies but never used them as I thought they were too small, now I know what to do with them! It is a lovely effect and the colours are lovely too. Love Jean x

  96. Hi Sue.
    Hope you are back safely in 'Blighty'. Love the card. The colours are so cool and fresh looking.

  97. Hello Sue, Hope that you are home by now and keeping warm.
    This is a lovely card so clean and fresh, love the colours and the layout. Will have to get the Butterfly border set.
    Take care.
    Hugs June xxx

  98. Hi Sue, Hope you had a good flight home. This is such a pretty card and love the colours. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  99. Another stunner Sue.

    Jane xx

  100. My kind of card, my kind of colours. Love it! Hope you're home now Take care

  101. Nice fresh colours, and a pretty card.

  102. Very pretty, love the layout! Carole Z X

  103. Another stunning card Sue. You always produce such wonderful creations!

  104. Hey Sue love this one suitable for any occasion like my mums birthday thankyou for the idea Tracy w x

  105. Another fabulous card and suitable for lots of occasions.

  106. Simple but beautiful and as you say suitable for lots of occasions.

  107. Lovely simple design Sue & fab colours. Welcome back. Pat x

  108. I hope you're safely home by now Sue, welcome back to the freezing cold..... gorgeous card, love the colours..... x

  109. Hi Sue, blue and White always looks so fresh and labels 20 are so versatile. Hope you got home ok and look forward to seeing you soon. X

  110. Evening Sue,
    Hope you have safely landed.
    What a fab card, really like it. The colour is super.
    amanda x

  111. Evening Sue

    Another fab card, just love blue shades

    Happy crafting

    June x

  112. Hi Sue another lovely card love the blue & white combo so fresh looking .Lynda X

  113. Hi Sue,

    Another lovely card and yet another labels 20 card - you have managed to do so much with this die! Hope you got home safely in the end.

    Julie x

  114. hi sue nice card those colours are so nice and clean looking
    hugs chris x

  115. hi sue nice card those colours are so nice and clean looking
    hugs chris x

  116. Hi Sue,
    Welcome back. I have these dies and I love them. Great card today.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Joan B.

  117. A lovely crisp, fresh look to this card.x

  118. Welcome home Sue. Hope you're safely tucked up in a warm bed after your long and delayed journey.
    Love the blue and white and I have that houndstooth folder.
    Sue xx

  119. Hope you had a good flight back after such a long delay Sue? Glad you had a lovely visit with your family, but its good to know your back also :-)

    Love the gorgeous blue colour today. Blue is my favourite colour. I'm always drawn to it. Simple & effective layout. Claire xxx

  120. Hi Sue, welcom home, looking forwad to your shows on c&c this weekend, your card Todays was very pretty. Hugs Melody xXx

  121. Hi Sue, welcom home, looking forwad to your shows on c&c this weekend, your card Todays was very pretty. Hugs Melody xXx

  122. WOW unusual colour to use, i don't see many dark blue cards but this looks great, i like it a lot!Hugs, Vick xxx
    My YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary
