
Sunday 17 June 2012

Simply Wonderful

Happy Sunday!  I hope everyone had a nice long lie in this morning!  I had an email asking to see this card on the blog so voila!  I have to admit that this was really a quick card that I made one night while I was in Florida and my daughter was there visiting me for my birthday.  She said she had some school work that she had to get done while she was there and did I mind if she took an hour to finish it up.  I told her that it gave me just enough time to put together another card for my shows so off I started on this one.  Turns out it didn't take me an hour at all (but you just never know, do you!).  I started with a piece of Graphic 45 paper that was 6" x 7 1/2" in size.  I covered the top half with a sticky adhesive sheet and then peeled the backing paper off and added clear micro beads. I just love these micro beads, but they are a bit difficult to get a good picture of.  I have a closer view below for you.   I added a strip of goldenrod coloured card on which I stamped my sentiment.   I then used one of the edgeability inserts and cut a lovely decorative design out of the card directly below my sentiment.  I put a thin strip of black card directly behind my insert cut out, but matted the entire piece with pale yellow and black card.  Before attaching it to my background, I cut one of the Vintage Lace borders out of the pale yellow and glued the edge of it to the bottom of the sentiment strip.  I attached it to my background and added a black crocheted flower (from my stash, sorry Vee, I didn't crochet this one!) and a couple of leaves from the Bitty Blossoms set as accents.  I couldn't resist adding some black rhinestone swirls to the top of the card and paper piercing the edge to complete this quick card.  It still looks like a simpler version of a "Sue" card, don't you think!
Let's get you some winners of the comment game for the week now!  First names drawn from all the comments left were:

Joan Dickinson!!!
Carolyn H.!!!
Jean Butler!!!

We had a few more qualifying posts this week so more winners!
From the post of June 14th with over 200 comments , the winners are:
Jane Gray!!!

From the post of June 15th with over 200 comments, the winners are:
Patricia Howarth!!!

Congratulations to all the winners this week.  Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your postal address and claim your prize!  I promise to catch up on the, not one, but two Blog Candy Contest drawings on Monday, so be sure to check in then!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Beautiful jx

  2. Morning Sue wow what a lovely card, I've got some papers very similar. Can't wait for my dies to come. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to bring us on Wednesday. Are we going to get a sneaky peek of them.

    Take care Sue

    Debs xx

  3. Morning Sue, lovely card and you say a quick make bet it will take me a while longer to do. Can't wait for my dies to arrive and what else can you bring us in your next shows.

    Thank you, I received my stamp gift for the comment draw and will make good use of them when I begin making Christmas cards. You are so kind.


  4. Lovely card today Sue and that crochet flower is adorable. Unfortunately I never mastered the art of crochet so I would have to make do with a paper flower.

  5. Good Morning Sue,
    First impression was oh! that`s a bit dull for me. BUT looking again its great, I think the camera did not pick up the shine from the beads in the first shot.
    I really am looking forward to getting my dies to be able to play.
    Have a Great Day


  6. Loving these beads and another of your fave colour combos. Congrats to the winners. Have a lovely Sunday.

  7. Morning Sue,
    I think this has a nice vintage feel to it.
    Love and light.
    Suz x

  8. love these colours, I keep saying I don't need the edgeabilities dies but they do add a lovely finishing touch. Mabex

  9. Very attractive and vintage! Thanks Sue

  10. Morning - Happy Sunday everyone.
    What a superlicous card. Even though you say simple it still has your stamp on it Sue.
    WIsh the postman would hurry with my happy parcel so that i can play.
    Amanda x

  11. Hi Sue, sorry I don't like the colour scheme but love your dies - the other ladies seem to love it - you always have something for everyone - keep up the great work Sue. Tracy x PS Need to get your beads - next on my list.

  12. Morning Sue

    What a very pretty card, where do you get your ideas?

  13. Congratulations to the week's winners. This must be your version of CAS, huh, Sue? If so, I love it and would like to see more. That paper looks yummy enough to eat. I agree -- the microbeads are fun, though I haven't used them in a while. What's old is new again, I guess....

  14. Lovely card Sue and it doesn't look like a quick make at all! Happy Sunday and congrats to all the winners! Carole Z X

  15. Morning Sue

    Must say I do like all these background papers you have been using lately. I am a big fan of the micro beads too so all in all, I love this card. Love Jean x

  16. Morning everyone
    I quite like this colour combo although I did one very similar the other day for a birthday card in Navy blue and lime green as I had found some striking paper in my stash that wouldn't really go with much else. It turned out brilliantly thanks to you. To the person saying they dont think they need the edgabilities. GET THEM you wont be sorry

    much love


  17. Morning Sue and congratulations to all the winners! A quick card you say, it would take me ages just copying it LOL! A lovely card Sue and I need to get some edgeabilities but someone keeps bringing out more beautiful new dies which are a must have LOL! Have a great Sunday everyone and to all our Fathers near or far Happy Fathers Day, hugs Christine H xx

  18. A lovely card again Sue. I've never thought of covering an entire piece of paper with micro beads.

    Carolyn B

  19. another beautiful card suexxx

  20. This is different. I like it. Just when I think you must have exploited everything, you do something different :-)

  21. Morning Sue
    Firsty thank you so much, I have received my stamp set from the comment game, now cant wait to start my christma cards. the stamps are amazing.
    Todays card, not my colours unfortunately but love the card. Micro beads are a gift from god.

  22. Morning Sue,

    What a striking card. I have the edgeability die and you have given me another great idea of how to use it. Many thanks Chris X

  23. Hi Sue
    A fabulous card love the colour's
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  24. Gorgeous card today.. simply stunning.. May x x x

  25. Beautiful card today, congrats to all the winners. A x

  26. WOW the card today is maybe a dast one, but none the less it´s absolutely gorgeous, so it just proof, that it´s not always the ones, that takes the longest, who´s the best, cause this is so beautful, I just love it.

  27. Val in Spain xxx17 June 2012 at 08:23

    Good Morning Sue. Another cracker. I just the love the effect of the microbeads. Congrats to all the winners. Looking forward to Wednesday. Have a good Sunday everyone.

  28. Really lovely card. Very rich looking.

  29. Hi sue love the card classic colours any occasion card

  30. Gorgeous card, as always. Love, Julia xxxx

  31. Very lovely card Sue, love the micro beads xx

  32. Lovely card, love the colours.

    Clare x

  33. Hi Sue - love the colours and the layout but I'm not sure about the pearly swirly on top of the microbeads. Bet it looks good in'real life' though so I may try it. Congrats to all the winners and thanks for all the ideas you come up with. Kathy x

  34. i like this one love the crochured flower and the sentiment strip really sets the whole thing off

  35. Love the colours and easier to post than some of the more ornate cards which I love. Enjoy your Sunday!

  36. i love this card the colours are just so well matched but i think that the browns, creams and blacks are always what i tend to go to i do try not to but fail most of the time ..... i also like the way the micro pearls mute the colours down really need to try them as haven't done as yet xx gail

  37. Another beauty Sue, Just purchased some of the micro beads and can't wait to give them a try

    xxx Sandra

  38. Ecco of Sheffield17 June 2012 at 08:53

    morning Sue
    yet again a 'less is more' card - the colours match perfectly and I would never have put them together.
    I will be absent from your blog for a couple of days as I set off tomorrow morning for my summer in France but will be back on Wednesday - I will be having withdrawal systems by then.
    Janet x

  39. Morning Sue,
    This has a lovely Gothic/vintage feel without been overworked, really elegant and trendy at the same time.

  40. I love your Vintage Lace dies, and the border here is so delicate and effective. Lovely card today again.

  41. What a clever idea to use interesting paper and the micro beads. My Sue Wilson dies arrives yesterday but they sent two of the same so I am half excited Thanks. Happy Sunday

  42. Love the simplicity but effectiveness of this card Sue. Love the colours too and my beads will be coming out again today!! Can't stop using them! Yvonne xxx

  43. Quick card..when you show us how it's done! Love the colours, thanks very much for the inspiration x

  44. Very Sue! Another lovely card.

  45. Morning Sue lovely card. looking forward to seeing more of your creations. loving your new dies too xx hazel

  46. thank you Sue.....I fell in love when I saw this card thank you so much for posting it when my dies arrive I want to do a card ....I have been learning how to crochet flowers and thought they would look wonderful on a card like yours!!!!!! you are a treasure
    rest up this weekend.....see you on C&C wednesday! take care Margaret MP

  47. Good Morning Sue
    The Graphic papers are lovely Well done to all the winners.
    Lovely card Sue!
    Love Marg

  48. Good Morning Sue, I love today's card - more micro beads!

  49. Loving the Graphic 45 paper!

  50. Morning Sue,
    Great card love ie all in other colours suitable for all anybody or occasion.
    Congrats to winners.

    Have a good day everybody

  51. Hi Sue, such a lovely, quick card. This design would suit any occasion and any colour combo. Love it! Happy Sunday, best wishes, Lesley x

  52. Good Morning Sue, I love this colour combo. I am getting addicted to micro beads - they do give a lovely finish and sometimes take the harshness off a otherwise bright paper. Enjoy your Sunday.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  53. Hi Sue,
    and good morning. I hope it's bright and sunny where you are. I'm a lot later this morning. Well now to your lovely card, well I've already said it's lovely, just lovely.
    Congrats to the winners. Have a great crafty day everyone.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  54. Quick you say gosh, it would take me half a day at least to make this,anyway another beautiful card is the outcome Sue hope you have a nice day . Congrats to the winners. Elaine H X

  55. Hi Sue love the card .
    WAITING FOR MY DIES TO ARRIVE. Wish i could make a card in an hour. lol

  56. Hi Sue, a lovely card, great colour combo. Bx

  57. Class real class so beautiful. Do hope my dies don't take too long to arrive can't wait to try them.

  58. Hi Sue. Another lovely card. Simple and quick but impressive. I love your idea of stamping the sentiment on a strip of card and using a decorative edge-ability die underneath and then the vintage lace border. More great ideas!! Have a nice day love Tres x x x

  59. Morning Sue
    Yes Simply but still lovely. I have started crocheting little flowers while watching the footie to go in my stash of other crochet bits LOL! They do come in handy but don't use them on my cards but will from now on.
    Thank you
    Lizzie (serial copycat)xox

  60. Good Morning Sue
    Love the background paper, it is a lovely 'Sue' card. I love the Black and Cream crads, the seem so rich.
    Looking forward to Wednesday, (threw me when I saw nothing listed on Tuesday).
    Congratulation to all the winners.
    Hope you all have a good Sunday.

  61. Congrats to the winners
    Im not sure on the bkground 4 this card but dun in diff colors it wud b gr8

  62. Hi Sue, Quick & simple you say? It would take me an hour to find all the elements required! I like the way you have used an edgeability, it really lifts the sentiment strip.

    Congratulations to all the winners.


  63. Hi sue love the new dies can't wait for mine to arrive I love lacy ones

  64. Graphic 45 papers work so well with your designs. I'm so glad I have a stash of them so that I can have a play. The simplicity of this card just says it all. Thank you. xx

  65. Morning Sue, love the dies and the colours you've used in this card. Must have some micro beads they look good. Your dies are lovely.
    Congrats to all the winners.
    Lv Sue M xx

  66. Fabulous card Sue I love the colours you have used

    Sue xxx

  67. Mary at Doghouse17 June 2012 at 10:13

    Morning Sue

    Wow just love the card its beautiful those papers are great. Have a good day

  68. Morning Sue
    I have the micro beads and they work well with all papers. Card looks anything but quick.

  69. Hi Sue

    This is an amazing card, really stylish, dies on the way, can't wait ! Lynn xx

  70. Morning Sue, Another beautiful card today.

  71. hi Sue, lovely card, I love the look of the vintage lace dies. Definately going to be a future purchase.

    thanks sue.

  72. Good Morning Sue you may call it simple but it is still lovely.

  73. Hi Sue
    I love the way the micro beads change the papers, and even a 'quick' card can look like you have taken hours, have set the sky box for all your shows this week so I am getting all housework out the way before the craft days.
    Love Tina x

  74. Good morning Sue
    I love the colours used here. I would love a peek at your paper stash, you always come up with such lovely decorative papers...and the rest!
    This card is gorgeous!

    There are many thinks on my wish list...as I've said before...'roll on payday'!!!!
    Have a great day!!
    Lara xxx


  76. Hi Sue
    Love the paper. Less is more card. No ribbon and still looks smashing, nice bit of detail to keep u interested. Love it.
    Born again spellbinder
    Nadine xxxhug

  77. Hello Sue, what a fantastic card. Can't wait to play when my dies arrive and can't wait for more inspiration from you. Have a lovely day, Karen

  78. Good morning Sue, and congratulations to all the winners. I like this card today and the idea of just using the edgeabilities insert as a decorative strip across the card is genius. Sometimes the most obvious is not the most obvious if you get my drift. I shall be pinching that idea hope you don't mind lol. Love Linda, have a good day. xxx

  79. Hello Sue,
    Lovely card and the Micro Beads really give any paper an extra wow.

  80. Hi Sue another wonderful card from you
    I love the colours, the pale lemon works so well with the black

  81. Another stunning card, which looks easy to replicate, until you sit down and try, the only thing is mine never ever look as elegant as yours.

  82. gorgeous card sue as always, hope I am the ang out of your majic hat in this weeks draws thanks angxxxxxx

  83. I love this one, i love the look just using the edgability inserts give, especially with the black behind. The lace border matches well with so much.

  84. Love the colour combo here Sue xxx
    Congratulations to all the lucky winners this week too x Hugs vick
    YTChannel Vixcrafts

  85. Good morning Sue
    Another fabulous card a style you can adapt for many occasions.
    Hugs x

  86. A different style for you but still very stunning and eyecatching. xxx

  87. Simple, quick and lovely. Just what we did in our crafting arsenal!
    Thank you, Sue

  88. Hi Sue,This card is beautiful...I love the way you've put the edgeability pattern on the strip. I forget to use these on their own, so will have to make a mental note to do this...:).Love the colours and Layout and the crochet flower makes up for no "Sue bow"...lol..Enjoy your day...xxx

  89. Hi Sue
    What a really lovely card. I love the colour combination and also the layout. Like a previous comment I also forget to use the edgeability dies on their own & this is something I will be doing in future. Love the crotchet flower too - might even have a go at making my own.

  90. hi sue
    Lovely card sue fab crochet flower.
    the microbeads work well on the paper
    have not tryed them yet.also the edgeabilities folder for the edge looks great love the colours.it's not what I would call a quick card it would take me a lot longer than you sue.congrats to all the winners today.

    Love Carol xxx

  91. Hi Sue
    Great card, amazed all the ideas you come up with.
    Margaret L

  92. Hello Sue, The colours are so rich and the micro beads a perfect finish. Love the crochet flower. The Vintage Lace border is gorgeous, mine have been despatched, hurry up Mr Postman.
    Congratulations to the winners.
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs June xx

  93. Gorgeous card Sue this die list is getting extremely long lol.
    Love and Hugs
    Rizwana xx

  94. Hi Sue,
    A very elegant card which lends itself to adaptation for use with dies already owned, as well as your delectable new ones. Also use of some of those busy papers we all have hidden away because we love the colour. Thank you.
    Sonia x

  95. It certainly is simply wonderful Sue, absolutely love it. Congratulations to the comment winners x

  96. "Talk to the Tail"17 June 2012 at 12:50

    A lovely colour combination on this super card Sue. I'll need to stick to paper flowers as I can't crochet ;0(

  97. Morning sue

    Yet another simple, but effective way to use up any "busy" papers, which I have a load of!!!!!

    Take care for now

  98. Beautiful card today Sue, very simple for you but it really works. Looking forward to more shows, cant wait for more of your brilliant inspiration. Hugs xx

  99. So beautiful, I am really into the colours, doing quite a few black and cream myself at the moment

    You never cease to amaze me

    Tracie xx

  100. Hi Sue

    Gillat a fab card today thank you

  101. Hi Sue
    What a loveley card for Sunday
    Keep up the good work.
    Regards Gill

  102. Hi Sue
    Did not know if I liked this at first but the more I look at it the more I like it
    Hope you have got over your jet lag nice to have you back

    Take Care
    Theresa x

  103. your title says it all Sue, love it!! fab colours. lainey x

  104. Hi Sue Lovely card and the black and lemon/yelow work well together.Can you tell me what size your bace cards are please?????????

  105. Lovely cards sue. such effective with the crouched flower.

  106. really fab card, love all

  107. A reasonably simple card to look at, but so effective..lovely..

  108. I just adore this card, and am really hooked on the black swirls, so must order more as I use them so much XX

  109. Another beautiful creation Sue - love these colours together. Wouldn't have thought of putting them together myself, so there's another thing I will be trying! I will have to use paper flowers though as I don't crochet.

    I love the Graphic 45 papers - don't think I've seen one that I wasn't keen on yet!

    Hugs Sue Pass xx

  110. Another lovely card - clean, simple, elegant

  111. Beautiful just Love this one

    Jane xx

  112. I think this is sooooo elegant, I love the black lace look

  113. This is a beautiful card Sue. Lee x

  114. JUst delightful, loving the luxuriousness of this card,

  115. Dear Sue
    I love this card it is so dreamy it makes me sigh! Oh well, Sue, I think you work hard enough so you are allowed to buy your crochet florals. There are so many nice ones about now.Vee xx
    ps I LOVE the microbeads even before using them they are just so tactile!!

  116. Lovely card Sue, looking forward to your next shows. Lol Ann

  117. Fantastic card Sue. Just right for so many occasions.


  118. Lovely Card Sue. Another great one for substituting colours to fit the recipient.

  119. Another fabulous card and I am sure loving the microbeads on your cards. I haven't used mine yet and hoping to rectify that this week.

    Congratulations to all the winners too.

    Linda xxx

  120. I wish my quick cards were as good as yours Sue!

  121. I have to have a go with the glass beads as they look lovely on your card. The flower is very pretty as well.

  122. Hi Sue
    you are so kind to offer the chances to win the blog candy and play the comment game. Thankyou

  123. Hi Sue
    you are so kind to offer the chances to win the blog candy and play the comment game. Thankyou

  124. hi sue sorry not 2 sure about this card 4 ne personally it doesnt have ur wow factor
    hugs chrs

  125. Hi Sue, Love this card, must get some micro beads ( they were O/S last time I tried). The crochet flower is a lovely idea, I have made them for scrap booking - never thought of using them on my cards, but I will now! Thank you Sue for all your ideas. Best wishes, Carolyn H.x

  126. Hi Sue,
    Another gorgeous card I would like to make when my lace dies arrive. I love the effect the micro beads make. I bought 2 pots at once to bump up my order so it qualified for free postage - not realising the pots are quite a good size and have an awful lot in them. When they arrived and I saw them I thought I'd never use them all up but now I love using them so much I think I might - eventually!
    Hope you've had a bit of a rest this weekend,
    Congrats to the winners,
    Sue x

  127. Have ordered micro beads and looking forward to trying them out. Lovely card....as usual. Kim x

  128. Hi Sue, wow yet another stunning card :D I love the way you mix and match textures with the micro beads and swirly pearls and the way you always inspire different ways of doing things :D. Best Wishes Christine :D

  129. Good Evening Sue
    Beautiful card as always.I do love the Micro beads and love the Vintage feel to this card..Hope you are well
    Take care Hazelxx

  130. H sue another beautiful card i love the microbeads on the background and the crochet flower is lovely
    congrats to the winners. Lynda

  131. Love the micro beads and the flower is gorgeous!!!

  132. Hi Sue,
    Sorry short ones again as I am not so good.
    I adore this card and love the fact that you have left the open space which allows the paper to shine. The microbeads really enhance the paper and your new die has created a lacy border that finishes the card off perfectly.
    All the best Linda xx

  133. Another beautiful card! What is a simple card for you would be an extremely labor intensive, rare card for me. I love seeing all of your cards.

  134. wooow another beautiful card, sue!!! :)

  135. Do you make box envelopes to mail your cards in? Was just thinking that with all the beads and dimension it would be to heavy and thick for a reg envelope. Bet it's a stunner in real life!

  136. Love the way you used the boarder underneath the sentiment, very eye-catching.x

  137. Those microbeads really make the paper look so different. Who knew it could look even better?! Hugs, Buttons x

  138. Fab card and congrats to all winners. Hugs;moni

  139. This card is lovely Sue xx Love Karen xx

  140. Hi Sue very different card but I really like it.

    lorraine - scotland

  141. This one is a little too busy for me, but I am loving all the dies that you have used and also the colour scheme. Thanks Sue. xxx
