
Sunday 18 March 2012

Double Ship Cards and Sunday Winners

Hi guys!  I forgot that I still have the last two remaining ship cards to show.  I decided to put them both up together as they are fairly simple cards (not too exciting on their own) but together they make a nice blog post I think.  The first one here is a really quick card that I put together for Sam Poole's show last month.  She and I had gone out on a trip to a local stamp shop and found this doll store next door to the stamp shop and decided to pop in while we were there.  Let me tell you, what a wealth of fun little things for cards we found there!  The background paper for this card, dollhouse wallpaper!  Complete with the little border at the top.  The ships wheel on the bottom card is from the dollhouse shop, as were a few of the embellishments from some of the other ship cards that I posted previously.  Both of these cards are pretty straight forward and easy to reproduce by looking at the pictures if you would like.  With Fathers Day rapidly approaching on the horizon or just a male birthday, these cards could easily be adapted to suit either occasion.  Sam has both of these stamp sets available in her online shop if you are interested too.  

As it is Sunday, I have randomly drawn the weekly winners from the comment game.  They are:
iRene M!!!

Please email me at americansue1@gmail.com to confirm your postal address and claim your prize.  As I am still in the States for a while longer, I need to postpone the blog candy drawing until I return.  Any comment game prizes will be sent out when I return also.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Morning Sue, these are lovely. I am not usually a fan of nautically themed things but I might have to rethink having seen your cards.

  2. These are lovely cards so a good day out was had by you and Sam and an inspired use of dolls house embellishments for us to see. Thanks Mabex

  3. Good Morning Sue,
    You see what a day out can bing you!!
    I am not really into Nautical BUT hey! with a little tweek here and a little tweek there I can use the ideas. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful talent.
    Glad you are still with your Mom but missing you on the television.
    Have a great day.

    Patricia xx

  4. Love these two cards Sue especially the red and blue themed one - something about red and blue and nautical always go together for me... don't know why, just do lol
    Sarah x

  5. Great mens cards Sue and yes love the papers, so where is this shop? Sounds like we could all do with a trip there. He! x

  6. A couple of nice cards there, not usually inot ships and stuff on cards but these work well. Like the doll wallpaper too.
    Jenny x

  7. Hi Sue, these are lovely cards. I adore Spellbinders (and have lots of them) but would love it if you could incorporate more stamping in your demos as well.
    Chris x

  8. Stunning cards I have these stamps set have made one up already for a 90th birthday at the end of the month X Melanie

  9. I love the nautical theme as I come from a family of sailors - but raiding the dolls house - eek! Still, the result is lovely.

  10. Good morning Sue, both cards are great and just lend themselves to being adapted for other occasions. Have a great Sunday with your mum - its Mothers Day here although I know not yet in America - but hey... you could have 2!
    Sonia - St Helens

  11. Both fab cards, will be looking online for dolls furniture sites now for more ideas! x

  12. Extremely masculine in detail a bold and daring blog for mothers day LOL ha ha. I actually love this card. I have a lot to work with from the blog.
    BTW do you email your name every time you post a comment or just the once? Just in case I'll send it again.
    Celina - Waterford

  13. Good morning Sue
    very nice. just right,
    my dad would have loved your second card, hope your enjoying your stay back home take care x

  14. Morning Sue these stamps are just wonderful for the men cards and your samples are wonderful.....love them. Glad Mum has you for a while yet enjoy...take care Margaret

  15. Hi Sue
    well the cards are lovely and some male would be happy to get one for a birthday , or fathers day.

  16. Great theme for the males in the family! Possible fathers day cards for a couple of months time! Hope you are enjoying your trip in the USA, safe journey home, thanks for sharing!

  17. Both cards are just beautiful, thoug I admit, I´m NOT to the orange color, but except from the color, I think the card is brilliant and would be so cool for a male. The second one I just absollutely love, and that is one, I would like to get too, that´s for sure. Great work as always hun.

  18. Great cards Sue. I really want to get those nautical stamps.

    Clare x

  19. Given me some inspiration for some music stamps I have. TY Sue they are stunning as usual. Happy Sunday

  20. Morning Sue two more stunning cards. Loving the dolls house wallpaper on the first card, really like the colours you have used in it. The second card is lovely with its red white and blue theme would be great for the jubilee this year. xx hazel

  21. Morning Sue and everyone. Can't believe I'm a winner! I love these two cards Sue. My late husband would have loved them as he was into everything nautical. Have a wonderful mothers day all you mums out there.

  22. Good morning Sue I have both sets of these stamps and I use them all the time. I too have been buying doll house embellishments for my cards. I have not thought about using the wallpaper though but will in the future because it looks amazing. I love nautical themes and love looking at what themes you and Sam come up with. hugs x

  23. I've looked at dolls hiuse stuff before but never found anything useful unlike you. Two fab male cards.

  24. Morning Sue, Love both of these cards as they are great for our lovely men! As I have built my own dolls house, I still have lots of things I raid for my cards. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  25. two nice mens cards or lady yachters colours look good

  26. Great cards for the men in my life, who are always a problem when thinking about card ideas. Thanks for the inspiration.

  27. Morning Sue, lovely cards my brother in law would love one of these would be right up his river. Love the tip about wall paper just wondering where a local shop will be, that will be a wee job for today lol. Congratulations to winners, we are all winners seeing your cards daily such inspiration. Hugs and happy mother's day to all mum where ever you are, Fiona P xxx

  28. Beautiful cards again Sue. Great what lovely finds you can come across sometimes.

  29. Hi Sue

    I love the ship designed cards they are so stunning and very close to my heart.

    Have a great day

  30. Hey Sue i think these cards are Fab. Congratulations to the winners. Elaine H X P S , have a nice Mothers Day.x

  31. Sue I like these cards love the colours nice for the men

  32. Hello Sue
    I tried to find the Ships Wheel for my cards but I never thought of a Dolls Shop ! Love Nautical themes
    I hope you are enjoying your stay in the States
    Take care
    Love Marg

  33. Love today's cards Sue, the nautical theme is so useful for men's cards. Anne x

  34. Hi Sue,
    Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mum. Lovely cards today. Pity they were not a ladies ones today as it's Mothering Sunday. Happy Mothers Day to all.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  35. Happy Mothers Day to the mother of spellbinder cards, your cards are lovely. Hope you have an extra special day with your Mum today. Love the wallpaper.

  36. I love nautical theme and these cards are perfect masculine cards. What a wonderful idea to use the doll house wallpaper.

  37. Lovely cards. I adore these stamp sets. I shall look out for Dolls House shops! Love, Julia xxx

  38. Fabulous card Sue. Those papers are superb and really show off the artwork. TFS. Have a lovely day. Hugs Rita xxx

  39. Morning Sue, It is surprising what we can use on our cards isn't it. Like the nautical theme.

    Love Rosemarie xx

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hi Sue
    and land loving crafters lol Card 1 I see no ships (only hardships lol) but still a good card for all the sailors among us. Love the sentiment on the backed with nice texture on the bow. 3 Anchors midship more then plenty, yes ready to set sail i think, were ever its bound.Card 2 Ship ahoy and anchors away starboard. Ships wheel port side a navel success. Run up the ensign,red dusty penant(put the flags out in other words) Grand cards
    born again spell binder
    Nadine x hug

  42. Hi Sue, great idea using dolls house miniatures. I am also into them when I have the time. You can get some fab stuff, great miniature musical instruments too. Have a look on ebay if you aren't near a shop, particularly the mixed lots.
    Great cards again Sue,
    Vicki :)

  43. Hi Sue
    two lovely cards, has given me some idea's/inspiration for Hubby's Bday card, as he has a boat so am sure he would love a card similar to yours.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  44. Hi Sue - lovely cards again, though I prefer the second one (must be the blue which adds to the nautical). Thanks for the tip on dolls house shops for mini embellishments. Kathy x

  45. so refreshing to see brighter colours for a mans card!! though I do love the grungy too :) lainey x

  46. Fabulous cards Sue, I love them both! I am a big fan of the nautical themed craft stamps etc! and you've done a fabulous job as always, Happy Mother's Day, Hugs May x x x x x

  47. Hi Sue,
    2 great cards and posted just at the right time for, as I have just received these stamps to complete a card for my son, so thank you very much for the ideas.

    Colours are good too instead of the brownie shade for mens cards.

  48. Hi Sue
    Great designs- first one would look good in blue/white too!
    Eileen x

  49. Nice to see these super non-frilly cards. Great for men.x

  50. Hi Sue
    What great simple but affective mens cards love them.
    I can see doll house shops sales going up lol!
    Thank you
    Lizzie (Serial copycat)xx

  51. Morning Sue two lovely cards and ask where did You get the stamps from as my son as my son as just passed his entrance exam to go in the royal Navy just thought it was fitting for him xx

  52. wow these are lovely cards and love the backing paper you bought next door!!

  53. Nice to see bright colours for our men.

    Happy Mothers Day to all

    She x

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hi Sue Wow I love these cards,But I like the three anchor one best.
    Carol x

  56. These are lovely mens cards!
    Thanks Sue.

  57. Great idea to use dolls house embellishments. These would indeed make great cards for men! Thank you.

  58. Well, I will never walk past a doll's house shop again! lol I think we still have one in our town, so guess where I will be going next week lol. Great cards for men. Enjoy the rest of your stay with your Mum. It's Mothering Sunday here in England today x

  59. Hello Sue, Great male cards, love them both. What an inspired idea using dolls house embellishments, sounds as though you and Sam had a good day out. Enjoy the day with your Mum.
    Hugs June xx

  60. These are not your style Sue, I think it is very hard to prize yourself away from your own style but sometime you have to and I think you pulled it off. I love the ship stamp it is superb. The colours are very fun and uplifting.

  61. Morning Sue, I love nautical cards as my husband has a great interest in ships. I shall look into buying the stamps.
    Your cards today are great.
    Congrats to the winners.
    Sue M

  62. Hi Sue, Ilove the ship cards, clean and simple lovely. Enjoy the remainder of your visit with mom. Best wishe, Lesley x

  63. Happy Mothers Day to UK Mums - These are both lovely cards Sue but the second one is my fav - the stamps are really must haves - they are on my list now. Wishing you all a lovely day.
    Lots of love
    lilygee xxx

  64. Your cards are stunning, I love nautifal themes especially for the guys, they look splendid!!

  65. Lovely Sue especially for the so hard to do mens cards. Not all men are into sport or the pub so these are a great alternative.
    Enjoy your day.
    Beverley W

  66. Hi Sue. I bought these stamps when Sam was on c&c but they have yet to see any ink. Shame on me! There were some lovely cards on the show and I have a few male birthdays coming up soon so I will make sure that they get used soon. Enjoy your time in the states but do hurry back soon and give us even more inspiration on c&c. Karen x

  67. Hi Sue, these are wonderful masculine cards and the colours are just great. Getting withdraw symptoms not seeing you on the tv so bought your DVD to keep me going. I know it's not Mothers Day in the States but thoughts and wishes are being sent to you and your Mom from the U.K. on our Mothering Sunday so have a good day both of you. Take care, keep up the good work.
    Hugs Christine H x

  68. Love both these cards, Sam is very talented as well as you

  69. hi Sue
    Cant believe im a winner Happy mothers day 2 all the mums on here have a gr8 day love the cards mite do my dad 2 4 fathers day thx agen 4 ideas

  70. These will make brilliant birthday cards for men, I have just sent my Brother in law a boat card as he likes fishing! I hate card shopping for men they are so awkward so I will keep these designs in mind when I make my next one!

  71. Both cards are so beautiful. They are perfect for men. Great!

    Hugs, Úta

  72. Hi Sue & a Happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. Congratulations to the comment game winners also.
    I like both of these cards and the idea of using doll's house stuff for embellishments is a great one.
    Have a great day.

  73. Hi, another lovely card. Great colors. Hugs, Frea

  74. Hi Sue
    Love the nautical theme of your cards today.The colours are great and I love anything stamped. (more please)

    Carol at Henlow

  75. Hi Sue a very different card but very nice.It is a card I can make for my son as he is a ships Captain,thanks for the idea

  76. mmmmm I do like the ship card very much :)

  77. Great cards, love the nautical use of colours together.

  78. Oops Sue I forgot, Happy Mother's Day from us here across the pond!

  79. Love the cards and congratulations to the winners of the draw. It's UK Mothers' Day but not yet for those of us ex-pats so we have to wait until May. Meanwhile I'm trying out the pinwheel design and re-discovering why I'm hopeless at jigsaw puzzles! LOL :-) meg xxxxxxxxxxx

  80. Both are great cards, love the nautical theme. Zo xx

  81. Ho Ho very nice good men cards, love the ship stamps

    Jane xx

  82. Particularly like the second card as it is very appropriate to Golden Jubilee and Olympic year with its patriotic colours

  83. Particularly like the second card as it is very appropriate to Golden Jubilee and Olympic year with its patriotic colours

  84. You just never know where you're going to find the perfect paper, do you? All the doll shops will wonder why there's a run on them. ;-) Beautiful cards that are truly creative.

  85. Great idea using dolls house wallpaper for the cards and the emellishments are fab too. love Linda xxx

  86. Afternoon Sue, These cards are lovely,especially the ship one,
    mant thanks vanessa. xx

  87. Love the cards Sue, I have these stamps and have fun using them...as with all Sam's stamps, they are brilliant..well done to the winners! Carole X

  88. Great cards Sue, got both sets from Sam and love them. I am always searching for mini embellishments to put on cards and have looked at dolls houses before. M&S is good for free fabric samples like curtains and sofas. Got lots of free wallpaper samples from Homebase. I am always on the look out for things to put on cards!!!

  89. Great color-combo and those anchors are fabulous! Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

  90. Really nice cards suitable for males, almost an oxymoron. Well done! Thanks Sue.
    Christine x

  91. Hi Sue,

    Great cards love the colours.
    You had some good finds.

  92. Fabulous, love them brilliant as always x thanks for sharing

  93. love the male themed cards Sue as usual great colours and inspiration take care Tina xx

  94. Hi Sue, Brilliant as i have these cards and now i have more ideas thanks to you. Yvonne xx

  95. these are fab sue , good job

  96. Hi Sue..Love the colours on both of the cards!!...:)They look nice and easy to make...I might just have to get these stamps...lol...xxxx

  97. Nice to have some more ideas for mens cards.You are amazing!
    Grimsby Chris

  98. Great cards!
    I love the red :)

  99. Hi Sue, two lovely samples today. I remember Sam talking on her show about intriguing bits & pieces you had found in the dolls house shop. I will have to try this! Thanks, Ann W

  100. I have used the same design of dolls house paper but in blue! It was left from my dolls house. I've also used scrap book paper for dolls house wallpaper! I love your cards. I wonder if I could tie little knots for my dolls house??? LOL

  101. How lovely, Sue, you've treated us to TWO great cards today :)
    The nautical theme is good for a man's card any time.
    Whooppee, I am very happy to see I am one of your Sunday winners.
    Thank you!!!! An extra treat for me on Mother's day :)

  102. Love both of these! I am definitely going to be checking out this set! I need it!

  103. Evening Sue

    Love these two cards, not too distressed, just right for a male card. Love Jean x

  104. Like both of these cards a lot, brilliant for the men in the family

  105. Just googled dolls house wallpaper and there is a site that does free downloads! Lots of other fascinating stuff too. What a great idea to look in this kind of shop Sue & Sam, I can see a whole new avenue of shopping ahead - as if I needed any encouragement! Love the cards - and Sam's stamps. Sue x

  106. Hi Sue
    Fabulous wallpaper background and gorgeous cards too its surprising what you can fnd in non crafting shops just need to think outside the box lol

    Maggie H

  107. Fabulous! love the colours and congratulations to the winners xx

  108. Can you guess which of Sue's cards have inspired mine?


    Keep up the good work Sue

  109. Hi Sue
    Two great male cards I will really have to get these stamps from Sam's shop.
    Steam punk is such a good way of doing male cards and now the ship stamps is right up there with it.

  110. Hi Sue, Love both these cards. Thanks for the dolls house tip. We have no craft stores / art shops to speak of in our area, but we do have many antique stores selling traditional dolls house furnishings. I will have to go in & have a good rummage around. With Love & Light Theresa. H

  111. HEY HO AND AWAY WE GO....

    Shiver me timbers....sorry got caught up in the mood of those lovely cards.


  112. These are really fun cards. I think they are both great but I especially like the second one.

  113. Wonderful cards. I love the second one.
    Nikki x

  114. Well Sue I think they are lovely my Dad is in the Navy and think he would love this as a Fathers or birthday card. Well done as always xx

  115. Love them both, great manly cards.

  116. These are both great cards. TFS.

    Congrats to the winners.

  117. love your nautical cards sue perfect for the men in our lives xx

  118. They are both brilliant Sue, Ive got the ship stamp with the map on but havent used it yet, thank you for the ideas, Im saving it for fathers day, I cant wait to use the map, it looks so good on all the cards you have made with it. Congratulations winners, happy crafting Helen O xxx

  119. I so love the nautical theme of sam's new stamps! The doll house shop was a good find, I would have never thought of looking in one of those for ideas and embellishments.
    Take care and enjoy time with your Mum Sue
    Crafty hugs
    Sandra xx

  120. Hi Sue,
    Firstly, as it was Mothers Day here in the UK, I hope you and your mum had a lovely day. I know the American Mothers Day isn't till later in the year but at least you get to spend one Mothers day with her for certain!
    Two lovely cards today Sue, but my favourite has to be the second one.
    As you know, at the moment the stores here are gearing up for the Queens Diamond Jubilee so red, white and blue are everywhere and I love it. Even though I am Welsh (and love my white, green and red), I am still British and therefore love the colour of the Union Jack, which your second card reminds me of and is probably why I prefer it.
    As to shopping for dolls house pieces, I am a little like you, I go shopping for things to use in the oddest of places. A few weeks ago while shopping with my daughter, I found some wonderful bracelets in the sale at H&M and they provided me with oodles of beads for my pins @just £1; at a home store I found 6 mini canvases for £2 (normally £8) among a myriad of other bargains, can't wait to alter them for some wall hangings. All in all a great afternoon out.
    Hope you have a great week.
    All the best Linda

  121. Hi Sue, great cards, must see if there is a model shop near me to raid. Lol Lynne M

  122. Lovely nautical cards! Great colors. hugs, Hanneke

  123. Lovely for the men in our lives.x

  124. Loved these cards, my fav is the second but both great


    Hope you are having a good time with your Mum

  125. Love both these cards they are terrific!!! I can't pic a fav because they are both so good! Mimi

  126. Lovely cards and now I might just have to browse in dolls house shops LOL

  127. Beautiful male card. Really liking it x

  128. Stunning cards Sue - Love the colourway

  129. great cards for men ,love the colours

  130. I love this card Sue. Love the colours, the design....I love it. Well done to the weekly winners also. Lee xx

  131. that second card with the ship stamp is lovely. I like the way you and Sam shop!!!
