
Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Biggest Blog Candy Yet!

Good morning blog friends!  Today I am posting my biggest ever blog candy to date!  The amount of crafting goodness here is mind boggling I think!  This is a contest that will end when we reach a milestone of 2000 followers so I felt that the goodies should be fitting to that goal.  I must say that when I began my blog a few years ago, I never imagined that I would ever get to this stage, so thank you so much for your support and wonderful comments since this all began.  I would like to give back to you in the form of a really nice candy so here is what I am including.  There are five A5 stamp sets, a Cut 'n Dry Foam pack, an embossing folder, THREE SETS OF SPELLBINDER DIES which have never ever been included in any of the candy prizes that I have offered, an Special Touch mask, two Adirondack pigment pads, two Tim Holtz Distress inks, Cosmic Shimmer film, a Clear Perfect Medium pad, a white pearl PVA and a black PVA glue, a black Archival ink pad, three Cosmic Shimmer glitters and three Cosmic Shimmer embossing powders and a huge pile of assorted ribbons, everything from frilly edged organza, polka dot organza, American seam binding, assorted colours of vintage ribbon, and satin reversible ribbons in various colours!!!!!!  So let me know what you think of this spread of craft goodies?  What would you do if your name is picked?

Now, you say, what do I have to do to win that lot of crafting goodness?  Well, I think this definitely needs to be earned as well as won so here is the plan.  This contest will be drawn when we reach the 2000 follower mark on the blog, but to be entered you need to do a few things.
 1.) Be signed up as a follower on the blog and send me your postal details. You only have to do this once.
 2). After each new post  I make, leave a comment.  Every comment will earn you another chance in the drawing.  Tell me what you like about the post, tell me what you don't like about the post, tell me anything you like,  your choice. 
 3).  If you are having any difficulties leaving comments, then just send me an email at sue@particraft.co.uk
I just want to know that you have been by the blog and either of those two ways will do the trick!  I want this candy to go home with one of the good blog followers that have perservered with me to get my blog going.  It's that simple!  I will draw a winner from the names of those who followed the three steps above when we reach the magical number of 2000 followers!
If you have any questions, email me at the address above.

All for now, Sue x


  1. Oh my goodness! What is not to like about this post :O) I would passout if I won this candy! I would love to be able to give away candy like this, can't even imagine. You are so close to 2000 WOW!!!! I am a follower already! Thanks for the chance to win!!! Hugs! Leah Ann

  2. Goody Goods Gosh! One big giveaway Sue. I was thinking if I can give this big giveaway myself hehehe. You got a lot of lovely followers, congrats! Thanks for the chance.


  3. Sue your generosity knows no bounds, what fab candy. I have been a follower ever since I found your blog, will post in my side bar to spread the word.
    Hug and stuff
    Jenny x

  4. Wow! Fab candy. Someone is going to be very happy. Love, Julia xxx

  5. Hi Sue,
    what a great candy give away, loving your blog, keep crafting,
    Heather & Bronwyn x x

  6. Oh my gosh Sue. Awesome candy for an awesome blog.
    If I won this I would think I had gone to heaven! Thanks for the chance. xx Jan

  7. Oh my goodness! Sue your generosity knows no bounds, what fab candy. I am a follower already! Thanks for the chance to win!
    Hugs, Tanya x

  8. You are a very generous and talented lady Sue, thank you so much for your inspiration (I've now gained some confidence to make cards with my Spellbinders dies after watching you on TV and this blog). You truly are a gem. If I was lucky enough to win this candy I would be on cloud nine for a very long time! Thanks again Sue xx

  9. Great prize would really like to win this one.

  10. Wow, das ist ja ein riesen Candy. Danke für die Möglichkeit es zu gewinnen. Hoffe das Glück meint es gut mit mir.
    Gisela from Germany

  11. Goodness Sue, you've really pulled out all the stops!!!
    Good luck to your followers.
    Sorry to have missed the dabble day, saw the results of the classes and feeling very jealous, thanks for your good wishes.x

  12. WOW a generous prize from a very generous lady not only with your candy but also with your inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
    If i was fortunate to win i would share the wealth and have a crafty day with the children in my street.
    Hugs Amanda x

  13. WOW!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm speechless...
    Thank you so much for the chance to win this huge candy!
    Of course, i'm a follower for some time now and I love your work.
    Hope you send worldwide, I live in Israel.
    If you are and I'll be the winner (I wish, I wish), so I'll send you the postal details by mail :-)
    Hope you'll get to the magical 2000 soon!
    Oh, and last thing, if I win this, the first thing I'll do is probably shout happily and dance and jump (like a crazy person) all over the house, then when I'll get the goodies, I will pat them for days and only after a will stop drooling (yak) I will start using them for my albums and cards.

  14. WAUW what I would do, if I won this awesome lot here? I probably wouldn´t believe it at first, as I have never ever won anything this big, and when I finally found out, it was true, I would go totally bezerk and create like crazy ha ha ha. There´s so many awesome thing, I want to try, but aaaaas craftstuff has become so exstremely expensive here, where I live, it certainly put some limits to that all the time, so to be so lucky, that would be a dream come true ha ha ha, but it probably never happens anyway, but it´s always nice to ddream isn´t it? ha ha ha
    Thanks sooooo much for your generousity Sue, it´s truely amazing, and following your blog has been one long fantastic journey always, and I have learned sooo much from you over the past many months here. Thanks sooo much for that and have a wonderful day and week ahead, and I hope, I´ll be able to follow you for many many more years to come.

  15. Wow, what a fantastic prize. You're a very generous person Sue. I love your cards and would like to say thank you for sharing them with us.

  16. YOU ROCK!!!! I have never seen such a BIG CANDY before.... Oooooh my you are so generous!!!!! If I win this... I´m going to think happy thoughts all days and I´m not be missing any christmas presents... Thank you for the opportunity to win!!! Wish you good luck!!!! Hugs Susanne

  17. Wowzer!!!! What an awesome selection of craftable delights! I have been enjoying your blog for a long while now & have learned so much.....you have inspired me via this blog & your tv appearances. If i won this prize i would.....well, to be honest i can only imagine the excitement & joy i would experience!!! Sue, you are an incredibly generous lady not only with your gifts but also with your talent. Thankyou so much for sharing xx

  18. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy. I have been a follower for a long time....

    Crossing my fingers and hoping that I'm the lucky one :)


  19. OMG! What a wonderful candy! I'm your follower for some time and often visit your blog :)
    I'm a little bit shy to post a comment, but now get the motivation to do so :)

  20. Such a wonderful candy. Thoroughly enjoy your blog and cards. Look forward every day to seeing your latest creation.

  21. Wow, this candy is so fantastic. You are so generous. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

    Hugs, Uta

  22. Yes, wow, I agree with all the previous comments, how generous. I will keep my fingers crossed. Thank you Edwina

  23. So yummy candy!!!! This is so generous... and those dies are a real temptation to me as I just bought a Big Shot and don´t have to many dies...
    I'm a follower since you were trying to reach 1300 followers :)
    I hope to win this time... hahahaha (LOL)
    Congrats and hope you reach the big 2000 very soon!

  24. An amazing present and thank you for letting us all have the opportunity to win it. We have a present every day with your lovely cards which you share with us. You are truly a very special and generous person, thank you

    love from Jackie D

  25. Woo Hoo, what terrific Blog Candy Sue, you absolutely spoil us you know. If I won it would be like winning the Partycraft lottery. I can dream though. Thank-you for giving us all a chance to win. Hugs Rita xxxx

  26. What an amazing candy!
    Thanks a lot for the chance.

  27. Wow, this candy is so fantastic.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  28. Wow that's certainly a lot of candy. Thanks for the chance.

  29. What an amazing offer as a regular addicted visitor this is just another reason to keep popping back Thank you

  30. oh!what a prize now if only I am able to win, I can dream, all the goodies look great
    I will keep fingers crossed keep up the fantastic

  31. What a fantastic load of candy from a fantastic and generous woman. What would I do if I won? well after the medics had left I would PLAY PLAY PLAY with my Granddaughter (I might even share my goodies with her lol) seriously though Sue thanks for the chance of winning such a huge blog candy and for all the inspiration you give everyone

  32. Hi Sue, what an ABFAB goody stash, its like birthday and christmas wishes all in one. Thankj you for your generosity. Good luck to all. As you can see Sue my laptop is behaving at the moment finges crossed. Lol Lynne Mills

  33. apologies, my laptop may be working but my ability to type words correctly seems sadly lacking. Whoops. Lynne M

  34. Sue you are a very generous lady, so much to give away - if I was only lucky enough to receive

    thank you again for all your inspiration

    Vie Carter

  35. Wow what a great prize I would so liove to win a prize like that but never win anything
    I can't wait every day to see what the new card will be and then have to go and buy another nestie set to have a try at what you have made
    Sandra collis

  36. What a great candy give away and i dont have some of these products, love your blog i get so many ideas from it , it keeps me inspired, Thanks sue x Yvonne

  37. WOW!!! What a great candy stash. Love the idea that you are posting a new card each day now - always something to look forward to.

  38. How big.....loving this giveaway sue the possibilities are endless to make so many cards and the best bit is choosing amongst it all what will go with what and making a blank bit of white card look amazing . I have been following a while and it has become my fix on what your daily card will be well done for all the followers you deserve it your cards are beautiful . Mandy x

  39. Wow, what a giveaway!! Well done to the ladies who won the previous one. Fingers crossed that my name is picked.... Good luck everyone!!

  40. You're not joking, that's an amazing stash!

  41. Hi Sue,
    You're spoiling us with all of this candy. I'm wishing everyone good luck, but am also keeping my fingers crossed.
    Love and Light.
    Suz x

  42. Hi Sue
    What an absolutely fantastic prize so good luck to everyone.

    Eileen x

  43. OMG - its like all every birthday and christmas for the rest of your life. Good luck y'all!!!

  44. What can I say - firstly love to see what you are creating. Would like to see more of your other techniques and tips for other style cards.
    Incredible candy - how fabulous for the winner - Christmas will definitely have arrived. Wow imagine opening this parcel!
    Best wishes and good luck to everyone.

  45. WOW!! I had to re read that the amount of candy is right. Sue this is so kind of you to give one of your followers like myself a chance to win such a large amount of candy. If I was to win I don't think anyone would see me for a while. I would be so busy using it all. Thank you xx

  46. Wow, wow, wow,
    How amazing would it be to win this amazing prize.....
    Love your fantastic cards you give me so much inspiration......
    Fingers crossed............

  47. What a great prize, Sue, who ever wins this will think all their birthdays have come at once.
    The big question is, what will you have to give away next time!!!
    good luck to all.
    Janet Babar

  48. Amazing candy Sue it all looks wonderful but my eyes are drawn to all that fabulous ribbon:) I'm not surprised you have so many followers your cards are so inspiring!
    Val x

  49. Fab Candy Sue. Grat day on Sunday too at Loobicrafts.

  50. Hi Sue,
    Wow, what fab candy for the lucky winner,and Spellbinders as well. I will certainly keep everything crossed that is possible to do so without causing an injury to myself, lol.
    Hugs, Rose x

  51. Gorgeous candy! I want...LOL
    xx and tks for the chance to win

  52. Fabulous Blog Candy Sue. Can't wait 'till you're next on C&C - you rock!!
    I have ordered a Caliber and it's due to arrive any time, so I'm building my die library. I put a bit of a tutorial of hoe I store my dies on my blog.

  53. What a fantastic prize Sue, I would just love to win it.

  54. Wow well done on the followers so far 2000 that's a great Target hope it doesnt take you too long .
    Thanks as always for the fab Candy you offer Sue .

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Right try again!!
    My ghast has been well and truelly flabbered!!

  58. Wow that is a real basket of goodies. After seeing you at a few craft demo's and knowing how good your work is, I am sure it will not take you long to get to the 2000 followers.
    Next time you are on Creaft & Craft give out your blog address, other demonstrators have.

  59. wow wow wow! That is some fearsome candy! I would be totally blown away to win all of that! Actually if I did win I would keep a couple of bits and share the rest with some of my blog buddies, Thanks for this Sue xxx

  60. I can only say WOW!WOW!WOW!what a lot of blog candy ,Sue
    Sandra x

  61. OMG As I think someone else has said I would passout if I was lucky enough to win. What I would do with it--thats easy I'd lock myself away for a week and play. I'd have to buy the GC to make the most of the SB and masks they are just too hard work in my lickle CB. I guess being able to leave a comment on here means I've hit step one and the others should be fine as I come on most days. We should take bets on how long it will be to hit the great 2000, I think Chrismas!!
    Kindest Regards

    Sue C

  62. Totally awesome candy! Been your follower for ages and trying to give you my love every once in a while (think your style in cards is just great!) Thanks for the chance to win and hope you will get the fabulous 2000 followers soon :)
    Hugs from Finland, Eemeli

  63. Wow, what a yummy candy. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. lol. Thanks for a chance.

  64. Hi Sue,
    Ohhh we are so luck what a great blog prize this time. What I could do with it.
    Carol x

  65. I am in amazement. Your generosity is boundless. In answer to your question of what would we do with the candy if we won, well I would call my neighbours daughter, so we could share it and design her Christmas cards together. I have been teaching her papercrafting for a couple of months now. She also loves your work, so I will have to encourage her to become a follower. Thank you Sue for giving so much to all of us. Regards Linda

  66. Gosh that is fantastic!! What a stash. You are incredibly generous Sue.

  67. Hi Everyone - I'm sure just like me, you all look forward to seeing the new posts everyday so I don't think there is anything to dislike but it would be nice if we could speak to each other - I mean sometimes comment on someone else's comments if appropriate or flag a question etc? Anyway, if I win that candy I've decided I'll start my own ebay shop or something like that.
    Lots of love to all the followers - wish you all luck too - whoever wins!!

  68. You're spoiling us Sue..whooopeee! Thank you....and Illygee....Hello to you! xxx Carole

  69. Oh my giddy aunt!!! Sue you are really spoiling us with all these gorgeous goodies. Ohhhh Im all excited. Thank you for being so generous. Yeah...I cant wait to see who wins. I love every single item in your candy.....and dont have any of it in my stash which would be an amazing prize to win. You'll hit 2000 in no time Sue. Off to email you my details. Lee xx

  70. Gosh, if I were to win that amount of crafting goodies i would HAVE to tidy out my craft room!!!! Not a bad thing. I do have several friends who also craft so I am sure that between us we could find a home for all of the goodies.
    Thank you for your generosity.

  71. Amazing selection of crafting goodies.Have emailed details.

  72. What fab candy. Sue you have gone mad (in a good way).

  73. Ohhh... been a follower for quite some time now :) That is really a big candy!

  74. What a fantastic prize! i'm so pleased for you Sue, that you will soon get the 2000 members, we all can't be wrong in recognising your talent, and i want to thank you for the photos of the cards and the inspiration you give.
    It's a pleasure to share your ideas.

  75. Wow Wow Wow...what a great opportunity Sue, thanks for the opportunity. I,ve been addicted to your blog ever since I found it.Ive also recorded all your shows on C&C your so talented. Keep up the inspiration your fab.
    Hugs Anne x

  76. WOW fantastic blog candy, good luck to all and just think what a lovely early christmas present it would make!

  77. Already a follower. If I do win this awesome lot, I will be dancing & hugging everyone at home with excitement as I don't get any crafting supplies here.

  78. Hi Sue what a generous lady you are....not just talented!!!! there are so many of your fans just like me who get inspiration every day from your blog....do we need candy well we all NEED stash....thank you take care Margaret

  79. Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy!
    I hope to be the lucky winner.
    (welcome to my blog-Linked candy to sidebar.)

  80. Fantastic candy you are offering, fingers crossed. I am using more ribbons in my crafting, as a result of your inspiration, so the first thing I would do if I was lucky enough to win would be to stroke the ribbons before relenting and finally using some of them on my cards. I would then have to extend my newly created ribbon storage area too :)


  81. OMG Sue, almost 2000 followers, what an incredible amount of people!! How on earth do you keep up on reading all the comments? And your candy is just dazzling! Never seen anything like it, what do you think I would do if I won this one?? I think I would give my two poor doggies a heart attack with my shriek LOL, and my husband would probably come running into my craftroom to see if it finally happened and I lost my sanity completely hahaha!!! Anyway, I'll post your candy right away and hope not too many crafty girls spot it so I stand at least a reasonable chance of winning LOL!! Hugs, Frea

  82. What a great candy. I'm not even sure how to use half of it. Definitely wanting the Spellbinders - I know what to do with those. :) Thanks for the chance to win; you are very generous.

  83. Barbara Phillips8 November 2011 at 21:56

    Thank you Sue for the amazing blog candy, I absolutely love all Creative Expression products especially the stamps. To win this would be nearly as good as visiting the warehouse!!! I check out this blog every day and look forward to seeing what new creation you have made.

  84. WOW what great stash. I would love a chance to win this. Can I ask you to try and bring back the chocolate foundation papers next time you are on C+C as I really want them and missed out this time.
    Gill A

  85. Oh wow - I think that's a comment that's been used a few times under this post LOL What a fabulous candy, thank you so much.
    What would I do if I was ever as lucky as to win it? Well, after I'd finished screaming fit to burst I'd pick myself up off the floor & play with it. Just play & play & play! And then I think I'd play some more. Eventually at some point I'd have to figure out how to store it all (I have very limited stash storage capabilities), but I'm sure I'd manage it somehow. Oh & then I'd have to make hubby a sumptuous dinner or something to try & make amends for abandoning him & the kids for so long while playing LOL

  86. amazing giveaway Sue. So many wonderful crafty goodies. I would share these with all my ladies who come to card club.

    hugs sarah

  87. OMG!!! Sue what a Huge lot of yummy candy Congrats on all your followers,I,ve been one for some time now.Thanx for the chance.
    Trish (-:

  88. Wow! What a huge giveaway! Anyone would be happy to win that! I think I would scream for joy if I found out I won it. I've been a follower for a while now. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.

  89. OMG Sue what an amazing christmas pressie for one very lucky follower this really is the best candy i have ever seen you are so kind to us I have followed you since i first started blogging almost two years ago and you are still one of my most favourites i just adore your style and you give me so much inspiration thankyou so much for the chance of winning this mega fabtastic prize huni xx

  90. That's an awesome blog candy... Hope I win ;-)

  91. Wow! Love the blog candy. It just gets better and better.

  92. Wowsa, you said that you had a biggie planned, but that's amazing! What would I do if I won it? Well, first I wouldn't believe it and would need to read the post a zillion times...then I'd start screaming like a loon and scare my poor hubby half to death, wondering if I'd gone stark raving mad. Nah, I wouldn't be at all excited about it, now would I? lol! Somebody is going to be Very Lucky! Fingers crossed,

  93. Wowee! Fab candy. Thank you for the chance. :)

  94. wow very generous blog giveaway, thanks for the inspiration ang

  95. So generous Sue, a wonderful prize for a very lucky person xx

  96. This is FAB!! Would love to win a stash lIke this - my cards would totally bling!

  97. Wow Wow Wow what fantastic blog candy Sue. I put each of your daily designs into my favs. so that I can re-look when I need inspiration. Also record all your C/C shows. Keep on crafting. Ann W.


  99. Wow Sue, you have pulled out all the stops with this one. I find your cards such an inspiration. I love to watch your shows aand have recently bought your DVD. Hugs, Jac

  100. felididades por el exito de su blog , y que llegues a los 2000,un saludo Magdalena.

  101. Fabulous Blog Candy! Thank you for the chance

  102. wonderful blog candy wish I could leave wonderful long comments but ill health restricts me Hugs Bee

  103. Good grief what an amazing collection of goodies!! You are a generous lady both with your candy and your brilliant ideas. Thank you :0)

  104. WOW! How lucky I would be to win this!!

    Emma - The Sparkly Fairy

  105. Awesome candy, someone is going to be very happy!!! Hope it is me!?good luck to everyone, trace x

  106. OMG, such a lot of fabulous candy. You are so generous Sue, someone is going to be very happy winning this.
    Keeping fingers crossed it comes my way.
    Christine xx

  107. WOW! What a gorgeous yummy big beautiful giveaway! Anyone would be happy to win that! It's my birthday today, but it will also be a good "Sinterklaas" present for me ! LOL I've been a follower for a while now. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
    I will put this on the sidebar of my blog!

  108. Hi Sue

    This is a super, uber, great blog candy. Thanks for the opportunity to win it. I'm already a follower for a while now.

    Have a great day!

  109. Wow Sue - this is great and what a wondeful Chrissie pressie it would be.
    Fingers crossed for 2000 followers and thanks for all the lovely designs you bring us

  110. I'm drooling just looking at this candy so no idea what would happen if I was lucky enough to win it but I do think that a crash team would be required for resus.(only joking)
    Thanks for the chance of winning such a fabulous prize......

  111. WOW Sue this is the best Candy I think I have ever seen. I'm already a follower but I'm one of the silent visitors - not any more. Congratulations one you following and thankyou for the wonderful designs you bring us.


  112. Hi Sue

    If I won this candy I would think I had died and gone to crafting heaven. Wouldn't it be marvellous if you reached your target followers in time for Christmas.

  113. Wow what a candy, thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  114. Hi. love the card and thinking outside the box using tartan paper.

  115. Wow Sue! This is some incredibly yummy candy! How sweet of you to bless one of us with this! I am a longtime follower of your blog and I am now following by email. I follow a lot of blogs and don't always see every post from each one so don't want to miss this :) Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs!

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  116. Thank you for the opportunity to win the candy and thank you for all the amazing inspiration.

  117. Hi Sue, Thanks for the inspirations and new ideas that you always share with us new crafter. I don't know what to say but WOW at the generous candy prize...whoever she/he is will be lucky. If I will win, I'd like to share it with other people and encourage them to start making handmade cards. We can raise some money, half to our local charity shop or donate it to the local residents home amenity fund so they can have some really good entertainment for them. And half could go to fund our new hobby, buy crafting materials so we can make more cards to sell. May the best crafter wins...good luck everyone! Thanks Sue for giving us a chance to win this lovely early Christmas presents. Lots of love, Aggie x aggieosborne1104@yahoo.com

  118. Hi Sue, Wow! Oh Wow!! This must be the biggest ever blog candy in the world!! This is so generous of you. I could make so many things with this for the charity I support. It is a Nursing home for the elderley and terminally ill. Thank you for all your inspiration you share with us. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  119. Wow! Wow! Wow!!! What fabulous candy. You are so generous and I thank you so much for giving us a chance to win such a wonderful prize.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  120. WOW!!! fantastic, soon to be 2000 followers...what a great prize pack you are offering...it sure is a celebration..thanks for the chance to win. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and even my eyes....

  121. What gorgeous goodies you're giving away. Thanks for the chance to win. And thanks for all your inspiration. Kim x

  122. Amazing blog candy,
    Thankyou for giving us all a chance to win.

  123. Oh my, This is a bit more than blog candy...It's like the whole store full.Someone is sure going to be a happy crafter and a very lucky one too.

  124. this is mind blowing. what would be even more incredible is if it finds its way to my doorstep. thanks so much for starting your blog and providing all of your followers with a tremendous amount of inspiration.

  125. Oh, WOW! Fabulous candy - I wouldn't know where to start if I was lucky enough to win them. Many thanks for the opportunity. Elizabeth x

  126. Gosh, your candy sure is getting serious!! Someone is going to be very lucky indeed. Thank you Sue for this great chance to win xxxsue

  127. What a great candy. Thanks for the chance. It has long been following your work, just do not know how to write comments (

  128. WOW! che premio generoso! quella che offri è un'opportunità fantastica! Seguo il tuo blog da tempo, ma difficilmente lascio commenti :o( ora cercherò di rimediare
    ciao dall'Italia

  129. Oh My .. such generous and pretty blog candy. Thank you for the chance of winning. Love following your blog .. have it listed on my igoogle page so I don't miss anything.
    Carole x

  130. Wow I need it lol x

  131. I would be in crafting heaven if I won this Blog Candy.

  132. OH, I love your blog, and thanks for the opportunity for a chance at this great prize.

    Jenn Zeeb

  133. Good morning!
    wow! what can i say? incredible! who wouldnt want a chance on this goodies? iv been a follower for some time now.
    ps: i have some 2 year celebration candy over at my place too, nothing like this tho.
    big hugs and thank you so much for the chance.

  134. Wow, what a great candy.
    I have never seen this before, so big.
    Sorry for my english but I will try as good as it gets.
    I become a follower and want to make a try.
    gr. and a lot off succes with your blog.
    gr. Liesbeth

  135. Wow this is awesome, What a perfekt christmasgift!! Och congratulations to all visitors!

    Hugs from Lena

  136. Wow! I would so love to win this Stash! The inspiration it would bring, eh?!!! Fingers crossed! Thank you so much for the chance!

  137. I have just one word WOOOOOOOOW!!
    I love it!
    I'm gona cross my fingers and hope i win hihi ;-)


  138. Oh my goodness, what a lovely candy ♥ You are a very generous lady :)
    I'd love to have a chance to win.
    I have scrolled down your page, and I'm impressed. So many lovely cards :)*happy*
    I will stay on as a follower 4ever :)

  139. wow! this is one yummy candy! I dont think i have seen a bigger candy than this!
    Just wanted to let you know that your candy has been added in the Blog Candies section at Feline Playful! Hope you get lots of traffic via Feline Playful blog!

    Apart from this, I have also included your candy on my personal blog's sidebar and I am already a follower.

  140. hi!!!! thank you for the chance to win this heavennn goodies!! :) i link your site to my multiply.. i'm a new follower!!


    thank you for sharing!!! :)

  141. WOW
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Carol xx

  142. This is a great blog. Thanks for the chance to win

  143. May your generosity return to you 10 fold!
    Thank you so much for this opportunity of candy and daily inspiration.

  144. Wow thanks for your generosity, pity theres not more like you.

  145. Wow, Wow, Wow what a lovely lot of goodies to be won, with all your beautiful samples and tips, all our own samples will look as fantastic as yours and thank you for this opportunity

  146. Good luck everyone! thanks for your kindness Sue....someone is going too be pretty pleased with them self when they win....wow...the prize of a life time.xx

  147. love your work. don't have C&C . so try to watch you on the laptop while crafting.. love all your work.. well done.. what a great gift... good luck everyone X

  148. good luck everyone... all the best.. wanted to win the lottery but would rather win this instead....

  149. good luck everyone... Sue you are one generouse lady, thanks for the chance of this whoop whoop.

  150. Wow! Amazing blog candy! Thank you for the chance to win this!

  151. Thank you for the chance to win such an amazing blog candy, love love your work x

  152. Thanks for the change to win!!

  153. thanks for such a huge prize............adorable candy

  154. Hi Sue
    As a relatively new crafter I have fallen in love with your style of cards. I hav tried to watch as many pick of the weeks shows, just to get some inspiratation. Have now found your blog and will try and to look at it every day. It is a bonus that someone is going to win the candy. As I never enter anything this is a good way for me to start.
    Have a well earned break in America with your family.

  155. oops, its over 2000 already, i just cant remember if i commented or not,lol.

  156. What fab candy....would like to be the lucky lucky one.
    Great to see your creations daily

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