
Friday 11 March 2011

Off And Running Again!

The title refers to the new blog candy contest and myself!  I have just been told that I am doing the POTW (again!) starting next Friday the 18th on Create And Craft at noon.  So I have been crafting like a mad woman in order to get enough samples for the upcoming shows as this is an all new never seen before POTW and I am starting from scratch.  I am very excited about this one as it is covering five new Spellbinder release bundle sets and they are absolutely gorgeous!  Here is one sneak peek at a sample that I've made for the show so you can decide for yourself about them.  This sample shows five different dies and a couple of different sizes of two of them.  What do you think?

On another note, I have been given a blog award from two of my followers, Valerie Nolan and Gill McCall.  I want to say a great big thank you to both of them for thinking of me for this award.  It is very rewarding  for me to know that my blog is appreciated.   I am supposed to list 7 things about myself though, so here goes:

1. I always read a book while I am walking on the treadmill (I love to read so this is how I get myself to exercise!).
2. I have a monumental sweet tooth! (But it has to be sweet, even sickeningly so, none of this "rich" stuff!)
3. I don't drink coffee or tea (I am a water girl, always have it with me)
4. I have to have a hot shower every morning (that is because of No. 3 and not drinking coffee, got to have something to jump start the 'ole body in the morning!)
5. I have a daughter, Heather, who lives in California, where I'm from, and she works for H & M there (how funny, I live in England, but she works for a company that is everywhere here!)
6. I love to bake and I always make cookies and goodies for the workshops I teach (never really sure if people sign up for the cards or the cookies!)
7.  Before getting into crafting, I was a sales rep for a wholesale plant grower for 17 years (I know all the plants in California, but there are some here that I have never seen!)

How's that for a lot of weird and strange facts about me!  I have to admit that I think that is quite fun to make those kinds of lists.  I love reading them about other people too!

I will get the new blog candy picture posted soon too, but since we are heading towards a milestone  of 1500 followers, this contest is going to be based strictly on those followers who leave comments after each post until we reach our goal!  So if you leave a comment after each and every blog post, you will increase your chances of winning the next candy contest.  So let's get started!  All for now, Sue x


  1. Your card is beautiful!!! Thanks for the chance to win blog candy again!!!

  2. I love that card and as I don't have any nesties just yet, I will look forward to next week's potw with glee.

  3. great to hear you are back with another potw and look forward to getting some new tips - really liked the ribbon flowers you did recently with the dye it yourself ribbon

  4. I'm loving your card..... I really enjoy reading your blog.. and the interesting facts about you when you get awards... especially that your grandfather was born in the 1850's.. that's mindblowing!!

  5. Ooh I am liking the look of that fleur de lis die. Fabulous card and I loved hearing all the facts about you. I have never been to one of your workshops but I have heard from everyone at jayz craft (MK) and Looby Crafts (LB) as to how good your cookies are one day I will get to try them
    Max x

  6. Love the card Sue, like the shapes they give.
    Nice to read all the unknown facts about you, if you have to keep thinking up new ones when you win we soon will know all about you.
    Look forward to the shows.


  7. Fab card, sounds like a great POTW lined up too :-)
    Claire xx

  8. This is gorgeous Sue! I love everything about it. Have not been doing much paper crafting lately as I have been busy with my daughter's school musical but that ends tomorrow so hopefully I can get back to crafting soon :)

  9. Your cards is stunning! <3
    And thanks for sharing some fun info anout yourself.
    Kind regards
    Susan in Sweden, where H & M started! ;)

  10. Sue you are very welcome. Love the latest card and look forward to the next POTW.

  11. Card is fab as usual, they are surely working you hard on C/C, all good for us, but a lot of hard work for you. The nesties look real good, can't wait for the show and its great to see so much of you on C/C. Hugs Annette x

  12. My word Sue, this card is absolutely Stunning. The colours are so perfect. Looking forward to the show next Friday too. Hugs Rita xxx

  13. Sue, great card, cant wait for the next POTW, love your shows.~Debbie

  14. I love the style of this card. Your choice of papers is sublime and the antique ribbon is a real revelation. Just loving the dies too. All in all a real winner! Keep up the good work Sue.

  15. Wow!! I love this new card you designed! Normally I'm not a fan of black but I am now because of the way you incorporated it into the layout!
    Love the new spellbinders and black roses look soooo kewl!
    Have an awesome weekend!

  16. You are very welcome Sue. Love this card which incidently matches your blog perfectly! Can't wait to see these new nesties they have such a romantic feel.
    Val x

  17. Wow!! Sue, your are one busy lady, loving the new Spellbinders and your sample card is so gorgeous, fab black roses too.
    Christine xx

  18. nice to learn more about you! And what a great card you've made!

  19. This card is gorgeous! I love the flowers!

  20. Loved all the shows and samples made lots of notes. You will be busy with the new samples looking forward to the shows already. Really interested to read your potted bio I am gaining an LA daughter in law in 5 weeks. Hugs Bee

  21. Hi Sue, Loving your sneeky peak, they are certainly keeping you busy.Looking forward to your next POTW show.These dies look beautiful as do the colour combinations you've used.Very inspiring.Take care.Debbie x

  22. That is fantastic news Sue. Looking forward to seeing the new POTW. Also loved reading your new facts.

  23. Through a link on the Personal Impressions sites I saw that there were some new dies due out the end of March and now you say you are doing the POW on them - cannot wait to see what you come up with. I personally liked the cogs etc dies and the two new bloosom dies. I also see that there a several new larger dies for the A4 die cutting (which I don't have). Will keep an eye out for you and your shows - if I don't I won't know what they are talking about at Craft Club.

  24. themessycraftroom11 March 2011 at 19:56

    Oh my Sue, what a gorgeous card. Those dies look beautiful.I love the nesties and the colour combination you have used. Looking forward to the show. Hugs x ChrisB

  25. Oh no! Not more new dies that I'll probably HAVE to get! You're very bad for my purse but a terrific crafter!

  26. This card is lovely - the ribbon and flowers as well as the nesties!! They're certainly keeping you busy - looking forward to the next POW. Cxx

  27. Love the card and have made a note to watch next Friday - best of luck with it

  28. congrats on your much deserved awards sue love your work speaking of which this card is so elegantly beautiful i love the way you uase your dies and make such pretty flowers xx

  29. Very stylish. Enjoyed your recent POW demos. Looking forward to the show on 18th.

  30. Yippee!!!! I've got the day off work so I get to see the show. This card wouldn't need much changing to send to a guy. Super new die.x

  31. Your demos are so good and you have so many new ideas, no wonder they want you back next week.
    Barbara Phillips

  32. I love your card Sue, looking forward to the new POTW x

  33. Gorgeous Card - What fab dies. Can't wait for the POTW.

  34. Beautiful card...love the flowers and new dies! TFS

  35. Love the card, can't wait till I get my dies!

  36. back from hols and catching up on my fav blogs. How much to read, Card looks fantastic, I dont have the grand calibur, wont be able to afford it either but the demos r great, I just make them "fit" my other nesties!

    Thanks for all the hard work

  37. Gorgeous card - looking forward to the show.

  38. Hi Sue

    Another fab card. Where do you get all your ideas? I would love to know what or who inspires you. Looking forward to Friday

    Julie x

  39. I love the card and the new die looks fantastic.........looking forward to your shows xx

  40. Great card, fab more shows to look forward to. It is in my diary in my head! Nicola x

  41. Gorgeous card! I luv the black flowers, so elegant :)

  42. Fleur de Leys dies.....I'm defo gonna have to add those to my stash.....as long as there is flexi pay of course! Loving your use of black lately and that burberry style paper looks fab.
    Dawn x

  43. Soooo excited to see that you will be back on C&C again so soon. Your shows are always amazing as you share such great creative tips! Would love to be at one of your classes and not just for the cookies, althogh they do sound yummy! xxx

  44. Very striking. The dies look fab and the black flower - WOW!

  45. the spellbinders are beautiful!! great card, i love the ribbon flowers they are stunning, tfs

  46. Another beautiful card. I am always on the lookout for nice tartan or plaid card but that is really gorgeous with the new shapes. Looking forward to the 18th. I get more tips on one of your shows than in a week of other shows so it is great you are doing the POTW! As I am a relative newwbie I love the inspiration you bring.
    All the best

  47. Wow, what an elegant card! The new shapes are so beautiful- I think I can not resist and will buy them as soon as possibe! Thanks for the inspiration.

    Best wishes ILo

  48. Stunning card, love the black flowers. Hugs,moni

  49. Looking forward to Friday as I know there are some lovely new spellbinders coming out. Can we please have more of the background paper on the shows - love this plaid and would love to get some.


  50. Man your cards are fantastic...love your style and added detail you use. Not overwelming and just enough to embellish. TFS!
    kimbob27 at hotmail dot com

  51. I love the this card, the roses are just stunning. Very very nice.


  52. Congrat on your award. Love your work


  53. Thank´s for the chance to win again... You make fantastic cards! I like to read some fun info about yourself.. You give me a laugh about the plants... I have moved down from the middle of sweden to the south in Sweden and have the same problem to recognised the plants. I thinking if I have moved to another country...gosh...I dont think I rec. any plants :) Hugs Susanne

  54. This a a gorgeous card, I love the colours and the ornate border.

  55. Such a great card!!! I love that punch, it's really good on the top of the "especially for you"!

  56. Beautiful card, has a Scottish feel to it, loved watching you on tv today - great POTW,loving the demos, pity it's all gone!! xxsue
