
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Pick A Winner Time Again!

We have reached that incredible number of 1100 followers, I can hardly believe it!  It is time to draw the winners names.  As always, we will begin with the third place winner's name, then second place and then finally the first place grand prize winner.  I just want to say that everyone has been fabulous, leaving so many warm and thoughtful comments on the blog.  It really does brighten my day to read what everyone has to say.  Please, please. please keep 'um coming!

Without further delay, the winner of the third prize, an A5 stamp set is.........................

The winner of the second prize, an A4 stamp set is...................................................................
Deanna Cosgrove

And finally, the winner of the Grand First prize blog candy is.....................................................
Zoechaos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A great big congratulations to all three.  Please send me an email and verify your shipping address so that I may post off your prizes to you.  Thanks ever so much for all your support.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Many congrats to all the lucky winners x Hilda

  2. themessycraftroom7 September 2010 at 12:16

    Congratualtions to all the lucky winners have fun playing. x Chris B

  3. Congratulations to the three winners..

  4. Oh my goodness Thank you! Hilda had posted on our forum to make sure I knew I bless her but do come and see when you post a new item. Was just watching the repeat last evening hope to catch it again to see how you did the ribbon fold the result is stunning and the glue pearls WOW. Will email you when I get home and once again Thank you very much xx Zoe

  5. Wow, what a fun suprise to wake up to! Thanks so much Sue. It's been fun watching your blog grow! I will definately continue watching your posts---have been inspired with everything I have seen!

  6. Congratulations to the winners :)
    You will love playing with your winnings, I do and I am still learning how to use some of them :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  7. Congratulations to the winners!!!!!!!!

  8. Lucky you, ladies; congrats !!

  9. Congratulations to all, enjoy your winnings. I just had to come here and say that I enjoyed both of your Creative Expression shows. Vintage and Cutesy ones. I loved the ribbon technique, and the pearl technique.

  10. And the spring on the card making the presenter jump was a very inspiring idea, and it made me laugh.

  11. A big congrats to all the 3 lucky winners!

  12. Congratulations Ladies, enjoy your lovely goodies :D xx

  13. Congratulations to all you winners. I know you will enjoy the prize as I won a while back and am still grinning from ear to ear. You will have months and months of playing ahead, so enjoy. Thank you Sue for giving us this chance to win such fantastic prizes, I am still smiling about my win all this time later. It has cheered me up loads as I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and get a bit fed up. Every time I use the freebies it brings back that delicious feeling of winning. Thank you for giving us all such a great opportunity to win you are a star!! Love Kate XXXXX
    Ps Keep the posts coming I love them!!

  14. Well done to all but especially Zoe as I know her - great goody bag once again

    Fab show this morning too xxxx

  15. What a lucky lot - congratulations ladies.

    Sue, would you put the instructions on the blog for the confetti throwing card please. I would appreciate it as I can't tape programmes just now. Thank you in anticipation.


    And if I may I'd like to participate in the next drawing as well, I am already a follower though....


  17. Congratulation to the three winners, I'm sure you'll enjoy your goodies x

  18. Congratulations to the winners, been looking for the repeat of the cutesy show that was on this morning but it appears it is only at 3am tomorrow morning not sure I'll manage that one

  19. Well done Zoe :) and congrats to the runners up, your 3 lucky ladies
    Von x

  20. Congratulationas to you all, have fun with it all. Sue, loved the shows, great ideas and inspiration again, Thanks. Nicola x

  21. Yahoooo, gals! Enjoy all those marvelous goodies!

  22. Wow! This is one of the handful blogs I visited that have more than thousand followers! I just become one of the statistic and posted about this giveaway as well. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Evelyn @ Message Keeper

  23. Congrats to all the lucky winners and congrats to you Sue on your fast growing blog following x Its growing because its one of the best out there, regular blogging, great inspiration and ideas .....and not forgetting the best blog candy on the web! Keep up the good work.
    Dawn x

  24. Congrats to the winners and thanks to Sue for offering such wonderful blog candy!!!

  25. Wow, thank you all for the congratulations!

    I got my prize in the mail today and it is simply adorable. I cannot wait to go play in my craft room. Thank you so much!!!!!
