
Thursday, 14 December 2017

Tis The Season

Hello there my crafty friends!  I am going to sneak in another Christmas card while there is still some time left.  I am always pretty partial to the shadow box cards, they just sing to me.  I used the Christmas Shadow Box cut in white for this one.  I added mounting foam to the back of it to raise it and added it over a piece of white card embossed with the Wild Poinsettia folder for texture.  I cut the stockings in red and green, adding some Iced Snow to each of the tops before adding them to the long section.  Two red and white candy canes and a silver snowflake to the two smaller sections.  For the largest section, I cut the gingerbread man and placed him so he looks like he is popping out of it.  I added the sentiment in gold above him and hung the wreath from the bottom of it.  I added a holly with red berries as an accent in the upper corner.  I added red Glitter kiss to both the bow on the wreath and the berries on the holly sprig.  White on white mats and layers were used to complete the card.  The finished dimensions are 6 1/4" x  7 1/2" in size.  All for now, Sue x

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  1. Wonderful card Sue. Love it.
    June and Elaine, hope your Chrustmas lunches went well, lots of fun, laughter and good food.
    Lynne, what a lovely gesture to play the piano for the children, I bet they were all delighted to see you. Their little faces would have been beaming and singing at the top of their voices. Lovely day for you.
    Sharon, I hope you are feeling better, if not see somebody please. Hooe you managed to find those churches.
    Rosemary, I hope you are feeling better, please don't stop posting, it is our way of knowing you are okay.
    Donita, you couldn't fail to love Sues poinsettias, they are always so beautiful.
    It's my team Christmas lunch today, we are all leaving work at 1 pm so should have a good afternoon.
    Hope everyone is well and warm, our snow had gone due to a very heavy rainfall but there was frost overnight.
    Hugs abounding in the basket, sending some for poorly and missing friends. Please be kind to each other.

    1. A couple of people need to take note about being kind to each other

  2. Morning Sue.
    Thank you so much a very pretty card.
    Take care all and keep warm Kitty.

  3. Bright, cheerful and very cute card today.

  4. Lovely fun card Sue, I do love the shadow box dies
    Marion S x

  5. This shadowbox i sooooo lovely!
    Have a nice day

  6. Nanny Joo Joo from sunny Scunny14 December 2017 at 06:27

    Morning Sue,

    Ahh, my favourite little Gingerbread Man! He’s just gorgeous.

    Love, Nanny JooJoo from sunny Scunny xx

  7. Hi Sue, a really fabulous Shadow box card today, love the Gingerbread man popping out, a great idea for a fun card. Have a good day everyone. Bx

  8. Oh what a cheery card, love it! x

  9. Hi Sue, lovely fun card this morning, very cute.

    Barbara V

  10. Morning Sue. What a lovely happy jolly sample. Unfortunately my little Gingerbread guys must be making their way to me by foot and I'm so cross I've had to wait so long, but, who knows, I may get a knock on the door today which then gives me a couple of days to get a few cards done ready for Sunday. He looks such a happy cheeky chappie popping up through his 'window' a sample to bring a smile to our day.

    Rosemary - I'm pleased that you could re-read my comment and see that my words were not to offend but as a tribute and also a reminder if you will that no matter how I feel at the start of each day, something positive is bound to come into my day because believe me I have had and do still have my daily challenges and as a few ladies here will confirm, opened up here whilst commenting from a hospital bed ! So I'm pleased you didn't feel I was pointing my finger at anyone, in particular yourself, I'm not a person that enjoys conflict, and I certainly don't go out of my way to leave nasty comments purely to hurt and upset, that's just not who I am and thank you for your best wishes and thank you crewtrish xx
    All that now put away and moving forward, I send my usual love and hugs your way Sue and hope your day brings laughter and happiness xxx

  11. Hello Sue,

    I'm writing this in the early, early hours of the morning here in the States, while watching the snow falling so peacefully outside. Your shadow boxes are so delightful and this one is no exception. The little gingerbread man is adorable peaking out of the top. It just seems impossible that Christmas is less than two weeks away.

    Hope that everyone has a great day.


  12. Great fun card Sue. Keep the Christmas cards coming please.
    Annette x

  13. Good Morning Sue and all. A WOW card this morning. I am enjoying playing with my square shadow box at moment and your card this morning has given me so more ideas. I love the hint of glitter kiss on your card. I think I do need to get the Ginger bread man.
    Sending crafty hugs and well wishes to all.

  14. Good morning Sue,
    A beautiful festive shadow box with great details and a little bling-love it! x

  15. HI Sue
    Oh what a happy card. So cheerful it's adorable.
    Jan x

  16. Morning Sue and all Wilsonettes, oh I love this one, the gingerbread man is so cute but look at the close up of the holly, wreath and stockings you can clearly see the embossing on them from the die cut, I absolutely love it.

    Pam I reiterate all you have said above. Our craft lunch yesterday was brilliant, we had a fabulous time, lots of laughter, fun, and presents all round, I received some wonderful gifts, and cards, I felt thoroughly spoilt, and they all said how much they appreciate me running the group, I was very touched. Now you have a great day with your team lunch today, enjoy it, I know you will.

    Stay safe, healthy and happy, hugs, June Smith xxx

  17. Hello Sue I love the concept of your shadow box designs and who could not falling love with the gingerbread man. X

  18. Morning Sue, I love the little gingerbread man and combined with the shaddow box makes a lovely card.

    Pam,enjoy your lunch today X

    Love Rosemarie X X

  19. I love your shadow boxes and your ideas for them. This is a real fun card again. Thank you Sue, have a good day. Xx

  20. Hi Sue
    Gorgeous card! This gingerbread man is adorable! I love your shadow box dies, and I use the square one all the time. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day everyone.

  21. I love the row of stockings hanging up.

  22. Good morning Sue
    What an adorable card! I love shadow box cards they are so versatile. The gingerbread man looks so cute popping out!
    Hugs x
    Heather T

  23. Beautiful box frame card Sue, love the Christmas theme xx hazel

  24. Hello Sue
    I love your shadow box collections please keep them coming.They along with my happy die play a part in all my card making.
    Pam enjoy your afternoon and relax you haven't said whether your blood pressure is coming down.
    I had a lovely time yesterday at my granddaughters nativity quite a few granny tears were shed.
    Have a lovely day everyone and try to make some me time huggles to all

  25. Morning Sue
    Love the shadow boxes they make .
    lovely cards
    Catherine V94 xx

  26. Hi Sue,

    Santa's going to be busy filling all those stockings! :-)
    Great card!

    Krafty Runner x

  27. Hi Sue
    A beautiful festive card , love how the little gingerbread man is tucked in there too , he looks so cheeky this morning .

    Pam i hope you have a great Christmas Lunch ,we had a very happy chatty time, my friend is looking so well too . Our snow is gone also thank goodness i am off to the hospital today for a Scan ,i have another appointment Tomorrow and then on Monday then hopefully a free week yipee , gosh i am sick of appointments they spoil my crafting days haha ,i just cant get enough of my Gemini it makes my crafting so much easier .Well i must get a wiggle on and get ready for off.

    Have a lovely day everyone
    Big Huggles to all
    Elaine H X

  28. I need to get my shadowbox die out and have a play again. This looks so effective,Sue.

    Anne (Northampton)

  29. WOW WOW WOW Sue you have made the most amazing unique Christmas card ever, love it. Have a great day, hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  30. Good morning Sue. Beautiful card, love your shadow boxes and the gingerbread man is making me want to bake (and eat)!
    Pam, enjoy your Christmas lunch. Hugs to all. Sue xxx

  31. Good morning Sue,
    My favourite little gingerbread man in a lovely fun card. Yvonne xx

  32. It really is a fabulous card I love how the little gingerbread man is peeking over the top

  33. Hi Sue,

    Love that cheeky gingerbread man, so cute...and having invested in the Celebrations Shadow Box last month I can give them a big thumbs-up - they are so much fun to work with, choosing the elements from my die arsenal to fill all the apertures - so if there is anyone out there still dithering as to whether to buy a Shadow Box just go for it...you won't regret it


  34. Hi Sue - a really great card and such a good reason to have the shadow box dies. Who wouldn't love to receive one like this. Sending best wishes

  35. Good Morning Sue. Such a lovely bright and cheerful card especially on a horrible morning like this. It is really dark and dismal this morning and we have just had a really bad downpour of rain. Just hope it doesn't freeze. We are going out for the day today with my husband's brother and his wife. A little shopping and then a bite to eat later in the day then home about 4ish. They are a lovely couple and he is just a wonderful man We do this every six weeks and have a real good catch up. Best thing about it is I don't have to cook when we get back yayyyy. Best Wishes to all. Kind regards Ann Toppcards Leeds

  36. Hi Sue,

    a fabulous Christmas card. The gingerbread man looks so funny...

    Rolf xxx

  37. Hi Sue, Gorgeous card love it. love Jean Z xxxx

  38. Love the card sue these dies are beautiful the whole concept is brill hope we will see some more. I too went to my great grandsons concert yesterday Bailey is 7hes autistic and to see him dancing and singing so well tears were shed thank you sue
    Love always June Horrocks xxxxxxx

  39. Good morning Sue Oh such a lovely jolly card I love the little gingerbread man peaking out he's so cute!
    Pam I hope you enjoy your Christmas lunch
    Elaine hope your appointments go well
    I went to visit a friend yesterday & was so touched when she showed me a Christmas card I had sent last year pinned up on the wall she said it was too pretty to throw away & was going to put it up on display every year Isn't it lovely to think that our crafting is appreciated & brings so much pleasure Sue this is all down to your inspiration the card I had made her was one using your holly octagonal frame
    Sending good wishes to all

  40. Good morning Sue, there's always time to make Christmas cards!!!

    Have a good one!!!!!!

    Loopy Lyndaxxx

  41. Morning Sue,
    Lovely card, love the shadow box sets.

  42. A lovely, cute and fun card today
    Doreen R

  43. So cute with the gingerbread man and the little stockings hanging up.

    Hugs Helen xxx

  44. Hi Sue and all the Wilsonettes
    What a gorgeous shadow box card and I love the gingerbread man so hoping my one has arrived while Iam away so I can have a quick play before this Christmas.

    I reiterate all Pam has said above and send love and healing hugs to all that need them XX

    Pam yes Iam feeling better than I was still not 100% but hopefully getting there. Yes I did find a couple of lovely churches there are so beautiful out here so am going to find another today then sit on the beach for an hour before coming back, and tomorrow hoping im ok im looking at an excursion to see ruins and lots of historic bits and bobs so that should be lovely (just have to find my way there 1st lol)
    Have a good day all

  45. Good morning Sue this is a stunning card I love it those dies are gorgeous. There are so many for my ever increasing wish list. At this rate I will have to get a job. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  46. Hi Sue, I too love all your shadow boxes and I particularly like the way you have mixed collections to fill this one. It is so bright and cheerful and the gingerbread man looks very happy to be living in his box :-)


  47. Hi Sue,
    Your card is absolutely beautiful and fun. The colours just sing to me and the design is fabulous. This DOES put me in the mood for holidays, thank you Sue, for sharing.
    Hugs, Rose

  48. Hi Sue, a gorgeous and fun Christmas card. I love your cute gingerbread man and all the small elements you have used in the shadow box.

  49. Dear Sue and Caring Crafters,

    Cheery card! I have the distinct impression from seeing all these cards that the holidays are jolly.
    That's my takeaway.

    Beverly Fuchs, did I hear you bust a rhyme yesterday? Are younpracticing to be a hip hop artist? Can you breakdance? I bet the cheeky Gingerbread Man can breakdance.

    Stephanie Cotterill, I needed your reminder to put more energy into the positive. What we feed is what grows. I forget that too often. I would still encourage anyone who is going through a hard time to speak up or reach out to someone whose email address is on their Google Plus profile. Or Facebook. Despair can disappear when subjected to light, and this group has lots of light.

    And an abundance of hugs.


  50. Hi Sue,
    I love all your Shadow Box cards. The gingerbread man is so sweet!
    Thank you for sharing.
    Véronique L

  51. Morning Sue
    Brilliant card,love your shadow box cards,I must try harder mine never look this good!!!
    Best wishes
    Karen M

  52. This beautiful card is just what I needed today! My day started out horribly and I just can’t stop the tears from flowing! How does someone who you have given 30 years of your life to turn into somebody that you just don’t know or understand? The face he shows to the world has nothing at all to do with the real person (monster) hiding behind that facade! I am hurt deep in my soul and my head is spinning rapidly! I am screaming inside to please let me off this crazy ride but it continues and is gaining speed.
    I am a SURVIVOR and will make it through this as I have made it through cancer three times and many other health issues that have tried to keep me down! I am putting on my happy face for the world to see and will take the pain out again when I am ready and able to handle it!
    Thank you Sue for a bright spot in my day! You never cease to bring a smile to my face!

  53. Hi Sue
    What a gorgeous festive card, I have lots of your shadow box dies but don't have the Christmas ones so will have to rectify that soon.

    Went to Sarah's school nativity concert yesterday and it was wonderful to see all the children with special physical needs singing and signing their hearts out

    Sending love and hugs to everyone

  54. This is so gorgeous! I love my gingerbread man die set! I have the gingerbread house set too! xxx

  55. Hi Sue and everyone

    A cute fun card today. I love the little stockings.

    I’m glad that everyone is once again happy and harmonious on this wonderful blog. I too am proud to be a Wilsonettte, even if I do keep disappearing when I’m ill. I always return though as I get enormous pleasure from all Sues wonderful samples and tips and tricks and really enjoy reading everyone’s comments.

    Barbara, so very sorry you are going through a horrible time. You obviously are a very strong lady and will get through this, but it will not be easy. Thinking of you and sending hugs x

    Love Helen xxx

  56. Hi Sue, now I have next year's Christmas card sorted for the children. Love the stockings but your gingerbread people always make me smile. Hugs xx Pauline

  57. Such a sweet Christmas card!
    Love your shadow box dies :))

  58. Hi SUE
    Very sweet card l also love ur shadow box dies very Christmassy
    JOY Xx

  59. There's that cute little gingerbread man again!

  60. I agree - shadow box cards are always a winner. Love this elegant design. I have a couple of "special" Christmas cards left to make and a few gift tags. Lilly x

  61. Hi Sue, This card is so so cute!!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  62. Hi Sue,
    Always love your shadow cards- they are such a fabulous idea and so versatile.
    Pam hope you have a lovely afternoon,
    June pleased your craft lunch was so good. Isn't it nice to be appreciated as well?
    Sending love and hugs to all, Alison x

  63. So many pieces to look at but I love the stocking all hanging up. xx


  64. Hi Sue. The gingerbread man card is beautiful. Love the
    stockings hung up. wish it was hung on my fireplace. Mavis L x

  65. Love this card!!!! So cute with the stockings and gingerbread man.

  66. Hi Sue. These cards are great at showcasing all the smaller dies and you can almost tailor them to suit the recipient.


  67. Hi Sue
    Love this card especially the Gingerbread Man peeping out from his box!
    Lesley S x

  68. Fabulous card. Love Shadow boxes.

  69. Hi Sue
    This is a dream card for me!! I love everything about it!! Shadow box cards are my favourite!! Gorgeous!!

  70. HI Sue,
    So festive, cute and fun card today! The adorable Ginger Boy always makes me smile. Thank you, Sue.
    Hugs to you all,
    Still a newbie to Craft / not longer the newest, or the only across the pond Wilsonette

  71. Hi Sue, well who wouldn'tlove this pretty card - Iit just screams Christmas.
    Love Val in Spainxxx


  72. Such a lovely happy card today, you could
    use all types of Christmasy things to it.

    Doreen x

  73. Lovely card full of festive fun and cheer.


  74. To My Wonderful Dear Friend Sue,
    Another Truly Outstanding Christmas Card I Will Be Extremely Sad To See The Last Of Them,
    But Then There Will Be A Whole New Year To Look Forward Too......
    I Love The Shadow Box Collection They Are So Extremely Useful I Love The Collection Of Cutting Dies You’ve
    Used To Fill Your Shadow Box...
    Thank You For Sharing Today’s Exquisite Card, I’d Really Love To See A Few More Christmas Cards..............
    Today I Made Another Of The Cards You Shared Recently With The Noelle Cutting Die In Navy/White I’ve Done It Also
    In Silver/Navy Pearl Lustre.
    I Was Going Through Video Tutorials On YouTube I Came Across A Christmas Card
    I’d Forgotten About, I Just Had To Make This As I Have The Tremendous Cutting Dies It’s A White/White Card
    With A Vellum Background Plus Exceptional Vellum Poinsettias, (I Made Two) I Think The Way I’m Making Christmas Cards
    I Will Have Quite A Few For Next Year, The Only Thing Is When You Release Your Christmas Dies In 2018
    I’ll Probably Be So Spoilt For Choice As This Years Christmas Dies Have Been Truly Tremendous, A Real
    Pleasure To Work With................. I'm Sure I’ll Purchase Just As Many Christmas Dies In 2018, The Great Thing
    Is You Can Mix The Festive Collection...........
    Thank You For Sharing Today’s Extremely Exquisite Card Also For The Daily Inspiration I Truly
    Appreciate Everything You Do...............
    Take Great Care My Wonderful Dear Friend
    Wonderful Warm Fond Wishes To Colin Also Heather
    Sue, Lots Of Love Also Huge Hugs 🤗
    Love From Sam xxx

  75. Good evening Sue and everyone
    Aww what a cute shadow box card I’m loving the little g inner bread mah peeking out. Christmas is definitely on its way
    Pam hope that you enjoyed your staff lunch
    Elaine hope your results are positive ones
    Rosemary hope you are ok
    I send my usual good wishes and hugs to you all take care folks
    Theresa G xx

  76. cute card,Laura O Springfield

  77. Lovely card Sue. Thank you for sharing this. Having problems leaving comments on blogs at the moment so will just echo all Pam's comments today.

  78. Good evening Sue,

    Beautiful card, always Gingerbread men pleases, yes I do like this card very much ....shadow cards are always so versatile.

    I too like the detail on the holly and I love the little stockings hanging up.

    Love n hugs to everyone and Healing Rays to the ones that need it.

    Dorothy from Baldock.

  79. Sue this is a beautiful, fun and festive card.
    I love this and the shadow box dies are one of my favourites along with the cute gingerbread man.

  80. Evening Sue
    Oh how I love all your Shadow Boxes. Got them all x
    This is such a cute, lovely, adorable card x
    I can't believe how quickly Christmas is creeping up on us! I feel so disorganized - it'll all come together in the end - I hope - it usually does x
    Sending you all lots of love x
    Crafty hugs
    Yvonne x

  81. This shadowbox Christmas card is soooooooooooo cute!! Love the gingerbread man.

  82. Evening Sue. Gorgeous card to inspire us. The little gingerbread man is very cute peeping out of the frame. xx

  83. Hello Sue,
    I’m late again as it has been another busy day! I always peek in early but don’t comment until later - don’t ask me why!
    This card is a real cutie! I love it. I’m presently making a card for one of my grandson’s. It’s his birthday next week. Hopefully it will be ready for Sunday when we are all going out for a family lunch. I’m so looking forward to it as I don’t have to cook!
    I started commenting on the this lovely blog just around the time Steph mentioned today. I remember her daughter’s wedding , the search for outfits etc. We need to stick together and be positive but caring for one another too! We are all different! I’m so thankful you are not all like me!!! Lol!
    Pam - I hope you have had a lot very time today - you deserve it.
    June - so pleased all went well for you yesterday.
    Barbara - so very sorry life is difficult for you! I can’t imagine what that must be like! However you are a brave, positive lady! God Bless you!
    Laine - you have been missing for a while and I miss you lots! Hope you aren’t suffering too much! x
    Love to all,
    Myra, Friend of Maureenxxx
    Oops forgot the brackets!! Lol!

  84. Hello Sue,
    This is just too cute for words, but I'll try anyway lol! Love your shadow box dies, they lend themselves to such a variety of styles and concepts. Your little gingerbread man has such a cheeky look, I think he's peeping into the stockings to see what santa has brought. You can sneak in as many Christmas cards as you want, I wouldn't mind seeing them all year round.

    Pam hope you enjoyed your team lunch and the way back home wasn't too slippery.
    June, glad you enjoyed yours, you deserve to be spoilt for all the effort you put in.
    Crewe Trish sounds like you had a proud granny moment, I bet it was lovely.
    Elaine hope all went well for your scan today, sounds like you are having a lot of tests done, hope it's not anything serious.
    June Horrocks a proud great granny moment for you too, well done Bailey.
    Donita, you have such a way with words, I love your posts. Over here in Germany we light our advent candles on each Sunday in December to symbolise the Light which came into the world on Christmas Day.
    Pat L, another proud Granny! I am so jealous, I arrive home too late at Christmas to see my little stars shine. I bet Sarah was the star of the show.
    Barbara Macaskill, I am so very sorry, you sound like you are having an awful time of it. Wish there was something I could do to ease your pain but all I can give you are hugs from afar. I hope you have someone near to give you them for real. xxx
    Love and hugs for all
    Saba xxx

  85. Hi Sue
    I’m late today; it’s been a busy day here. Lovely card today, your gorgeous gingerbread man looks so cute and always makes me smile. I think he’s uptko mischief! Thank you for sharing.
    Love Diane G xxxx
    Pam echoing your comments today. Xxx

  86. Such a sweet, happy card. Love the shadow box dies. I think after Christmas, before I pack up my Christmas cards for another year, I am going to use up some scraps and make a few of these for next year. Sam has the right idea by getting ahead.
    June, glad your party was a blast. Pam I am sure your lunch will be a happy occasion also.
    Elaine, glad you are enjoying your Gemini. I went to a card making session today and the die cutting machines were really awful. Makes me so thankful that I have my trusty Gemini here at home.
    Everyone, please stay safe and warm.
    Stephanie K

  87. What a pretty card. I love the look with the openings each with there little scenes.

  88. Hello Sue and all
    Shadow box and gingerbread man, what a fabulous combination. He does look so cheeky peeking out there.
    Muriel c

  89. Jolly card with the Gingerbread Man. Love the Christmas stockings.
    I was AWOL recently as my DH has been ill. We had an evening out a couple of weeks ago and a few hours after we got home he was in hospital having I.V. antibiotics to treat septicaemia. A very worrying time but he's home and on the mend now. All thoughts of Christmas went out of the window for a while and now it's a frantic rush. I'm still on the naughty step as I haven't started on my Christmas cards yet!!!
    Take care everyone.

  90. A lovely make smile Christmas card. Love this window box card.

  91. Marie from Longridge15 December 2017 at 08:56

    Good morning Sue. A quick comment today as my Daughter will be here very shortly to take me to a hospital appointment. I love the card and love the comments.
    Love to all.
    Marie P.

  92. Deb E Isle of Wight15 December 2017 at 10:25

    Missed commenting yesterday, but please I caught it today - fun post for any member of the family or friends of any age...

  93. Love, love, love this fun card


  94. Hi Sue and everyone.
    Love your boxes and to have a ginger bread and stockings etc. in
    it makes it so lovely and Christmessy, a lovely card Sue.

    Many hugs to all
    Maria x
