
Saturday, 17 December 2011

On A Sad Note

Hi everyone,  I don't usually post much on my blog in the way of personal matters, but I often get emails asking how my family is doing since you know that I have been going back and forth to visit them.  I thought that I should let you know that I got the call last night that my Dad had passed away quietly in his sleep.  It was not unexpected as his health had been steadily deteriorating since I was there during the summer.  I did get to spend some good quality time with him and my Mom at Thanksgiving and I am so grateful for that gift. He was an amazing man and I may post something else at a later date about him, but it is still too raw right now.  He will be so missed.
  I had already scheduled several daily blog posts for the week and they will go forward.  I do know that we have reached our goal for the blog candy draw and I need to draw a winner for the comments game too.  I am going to have a quiet weekend for happy reflection and some more tears, I am sure, and I will sort all of that out on Monday afternoon.  Sue x


  1. So very sad to read this - i`m pleased you got to have the time with your family for Thanks giving as it will be a memory you can cherish and in time it will give you comfort
    Sending you and your family lots of hugs at a difficult time
    Suzanne x

  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear this.xxx

  3. Sue, I am so sorry to read this post and the news about your dad. A blessing you managed to spend some quality time with him and your mum recently and this will help. I lost my mum suddenly six months ago so know how you are felling. Sending you lots of cyber hugs. Cherish those memories. Kym xxx

  4. So very sorry to read this Sue, I am glad you had time with your family at Thanksgiving.
    Huge hugs for you and your family.
    Jenny xx

  5. Dear Sue, I am really sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult time x x

  6. So very sorry Sue to read this...but I too am glad you managed to get over at Thanksgiving to see your family. Love and hugs to all
    Cynthia x

  7. Soo sorry to hear this Sue, and I know, how you feel right now. I´ve just got home from my dad thios moment, where we were all gathered as it´s 4 years today, since we lost my mum to cancer, so it was pretty much the same back then. I´m sooo glad, that you got this time with your dad before he passed away, and I can promisse you, things will get much easier soon, but till then, you just do what you need to do and don´t worry about anything else, and the prizes is the least problem you need to worry about, as we´ll all be here, when you feel better and up to things again, and we´ll also be here if you just need to get something of your chest. And as I said, I for one know exactly how you feel, so just take some me time now and forget about anything else okay+ Take care hun.

  8. so sorry to hear about your loss.I'm sure you will treasure your time you spent recently with your family. Sending you and your family lots of hugs.


  9. So sorry to hear your sad news. May the memories you have give you some comfort. Take care.

  10. so sorry to hear this sad news, Its so important to spend quality time with loved ones I lost my sister a year ago next month we had time to say good bye but it leave a big hole in your life.

    My thoughts are with you

    Jane xx

  11. so sorry to hear this sad news, Its so important to spend quality time with loved ones I lost my sister a year ago next month we had time to say good bye but it leave a big hole in your life.

    My thoughts are with you

    Jane xx

  12. Hi Sue, when you lose a loved one, you reflect a lot and re-arrange your thoughts. It becomes very clear what is important in life - family. May the God of all comfort wrap his loving arms around you right now and give you His peace.
    Sonia - St Helens

  13. Hi Sue, when you lose a loved one, you reflect a lot and re-arrange your thoughts. It becomes very clear what is important in life - family. May the God of all comfort wrap his loving arms around you right now and give you His peace.
    Sonia - St Helens

  14. I lost a good friend today and one last week. I have almost lost my dad too to strokes. I feel your loss and hope you find strength within all your tears.

  15. So sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family. Karen x

  16. So sorry to read your news Sue thankfully you were able to spend time with him recently and when the rawness goes you will be able to draw strength from these memories.


  17. Aww Sue, I'm so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  18. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs Bee

  19. Really sorry to hear that news.
    May the Lord comfort you and your close ones.
    A big hug...

  20. Sue I am so sorry to hear of your loss, only this morning I received a card made by you on c&c, I was lucky enough to be chosen. So with your card I feel I can connect to you and send you my sincere condolances. Take Care, Hugs, Linda x

  21. So sorry to hear of your loss Sue, my thoughts are with you and your family. Look after yourself.

  22. I am so sorry for your lost Sue. My deepest simpathy for you and your family.

  23. So sorry to hear of your loss sue, I sure it will be of some comfort that so many people are thinking of you at this sad time. Edwina

  24. My dearest Sue - I am so so sorry to hear this. My poor husband has been in hospital for the past five weeks very ill and I know how difficult it is to have a family member in very poor health because you are always afraid for them. May God help you and your family through this sad period and give you strength. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I am sure everyone feels the same because you are like a dear friend to us. Sending you lots of love
    lilygee xxx

  25. Aww, bless you Sue. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you

  26. My condolences also to Maryann, Jane and Rosalind for their own personal losses - thinking and praying for you too. lots of love to you all. xxx

  27. Ah Sue,what a sad phone call to receive. I am so glad you had that time with your Dad recently. My thoughts are with you and your family at this hard time. Peace be with you all. Hugs

  28. Oh my goodness Sue, Im so, so sorry for your terrible loss. Im glad you got to spend quality time with your Daddy over Thanksgiving. And please dont be worrying one bit about your blog, you have more things to worry about. To you and your family, please know my thoughts are with you all and I hope you will be ok. Take all the time you need to grieve. Everyone will still be here for you when you come back. Lee x

  29. So sorry to hear of your loss Sue. Big Hugs x

  30. so sorry to hear of your loss Sue my thoughts are with you and your family at this hard time. huggs Amanda

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. So sorry to hear of your loss my thoughts are with you and your family at this time. XX

  33. So sorry to hear this sad news Sue. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. xxx

  34. I too would like to send my condolences to you and your family. Your memories of your recent visit home are memories to treasure and will help you get through this sad time. While we all love your blog some things are more important. Love and hugs to you and yours. Diane xx

  35. so sorry to hear about your loss. my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. carole xx

  36. Hello Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad! I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you and your family. I am glad to hear that you got to spend some time with him before his passing, those hours will always be so precious to you. Hugs, Frea

  37. Such sad news Sue about your father, the only consolation to cling to is that memories never die and are treasured forever.
    Val x

  38. So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you. Much love, Julia xxxx

  39. So sorry to hear of your sad news Sue...my thought are with you and your family..

    Vicky xx

  40. Sue
    so sorry to hear about your dad. Our parents are so special to us. Just take the time to reflect on the happy memories you have of him

    special warm hugs
    Sarah x

  41. Thinking of you and your family at this very sad time. The sadness will eventually fade, but the happy memories live on forever. God Bless you all.

  42. I am so sorry for your loss, take care.xx

  43. so sorry to read about your sad news, thinking of you at the sad time sue xx

  44. So sorry to hear of your loss Sue - my own dad died at this time of year in 1998, also not totally unexpected, and I think even if expected it is hard to realise they are not going to be there. My thoughts are with you and your family - take care and enjoy your memories

  45. I am so sorry to hear your news. Glad that you managed to spend time with him recently. I shall be thinking of you and your Mom.

  46. Oh Sue, I'm so sorry - but how wonderful that you got to see him one last time. I wonder if he hung on especially to see you before he had to go. My Dad rang me very unexpectedly for a chat one evening, (he hardly ever used the phone), and my Mum told me later he had put his arms round her as she stood at the kitchen sink and thanked her for their marriage of over 60 years. Neither of us realised he was saying goodbye and it was very hard at first, but now we can speak about him without tears and we share all the happy memories instead. My love to you and your Mum and family, my heart goes out to you all. Sue x

  47. So sorry to hear of your sad news, Sue. My thoughts are with you and your family.
    Anne x

  48. So very sorry to hear your sad news Sue. Thinking of you and your family at this sad time. I'm glad that you managed to spend some quality time with him whilst you were out there.
    Take care xx

  49. So sorry to hear of your dad's passing, your mum must be devastated. Families are so precious, I hope that you can all support each other and share the heartache as well as the memories, thinking of you, Anne T

  50. Condolences to you and your family, Sue. Take care Karen x

  51. This made me cry. I'm terrible with knowing just the right words to say, but I hope you know that I'm quietly here sending prayers and healing thoughts to you.
    May your weekend of reflection bring you some comfort.
    Lisa xx

  52. Just want to send you all my love at this difficult time. xxx

  53. Oh Honey, I am so sorry! Losing a parent is so difficult. I dread the day that happens. Sending prayers of comfort for you and your family. Big hugs too.

  54. My heart goes out to you and such a difficult time of year for that to happen too. Hope you can be with your mum for the holidays...

    Will be thinking of you both

  55. Sue I feel for at this time. I lost my dad 4 years ago and can remeber how raw the feelings are. Time is a healer.

  56. oh huni i am so sorry my thoughts and prayers are with both you and your family xx

  57. My heart goes out to you Sue for your very sad loss, As My Sister Jane posted earlier, we lost our big sister almost a year ago now, It such a horrible thing to loose someone you love dearly and it leaves a big gap, Im glad that you have fond thoughts and memories with your dad, this helps with the hard process of greiving. Sending you lots of love and Hugs. Warmest wishes Helen O xxx

    PS I think I can safely say that your blog worshipers (me included!!!), will be here thinking of you and patient waiting for your next post. Please dont rush take time for you xxx

  58. So sorry to read of your father's passing. It is time to be with family to gather strength and peace to be able to heal.
    Prayers and hugs for all of you.

  59. My prays are with you at this sad time.Bj

  60. So sorry to read your sad news, my thoughts and prays are with you and your family. I am glad to hear you managed to spend Thanksgiving and other quality time with him so you will have good memories of the last time you saw him.

  61. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
    Sending my deepest condolences to you and your family.

  62. Not very good with the correct words and find them hard to come by, buti wanted you to know that you are in mythoughts and condolences to you and your family.
    You will have the treasured memories of the last few weeks to reflect on.
    Amanda x

  63. Sorry to hear your sad news , love and hugs to you and your family xx

  64. So sorry Sue to hear your sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. God Bless. x Mary

  65. So sorry Sue to hear your sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time. God Bless. x Mary

  66. thinking of you and the family at this time xxx

  67. My deepest sympathies to you and your family Sue.Not a nice thing to happen to anybody at any time let alone around the festive period. I am so glad that you spent time with the family recently and have great memories to carry with you. I lost my daughter 2 and half years ago and its her birthday on christmas day so a difficult period to get through. May god give you all the strength and blessings.
    You share an abundance of your love with us all through your blog and cardmaking. lots of love.xx bali

  68. So sorry to hear your sad news Sue. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this sad time.
    Judith x

  69. So sorry to hear your sad news my thoughts are with you and your family .....In time you will be able to celebrate his life take care sending a hug x

  70. So sorry to read your sad news
    my condolences to you and your family


  71. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family, Sue .... XXX

  72. My deepest sympathy to you and your family sue- Im so pleased you have had some time together during the summer and more recently. God bless you sweetheart.

  73. So sorry to hear this sad news Sue. My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time. xxx

  74. Thoughts are with you at this sad time, hope you are able to reflect, remember and grieve for someone very special to you. As others have said, take all the time you need to.

  75. Oh Sue I only just read your sad news about your Dad, my heart goes out you and your family at this sad time. I am so glad you spent some time with him before he passed away, remember the good things and gain strength from them. I will be thinking of you.

    Heather x

  76. Sue, sending you strength, love and peace.

    Amber and Saffron

  77. So sorry to hear your precious Dad had passed away Sue ...my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family ...Sue xx

  78. My thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time Sue. Babs

  79. So sorry to hear your news but glad you have so many happy memories especially from your recent trip, they will bring some comfort. Thoughts with you and your family, and everyone else thinking of lost loved ones at this time of year xxx

  80. Sue condolences to you and your family from Zachary and me. Our hearts and thoughts are with you during this difficult journey. Like you I was not in town when my mom passed but did get the chance to spend time with her prior to that.

  81. I am so sorry to hear the news. What more can I say that has not been said in the earlier posts.

    My sincerest condolences to you and your family.


  82. Praying for strength and love to you all!

  83. I am so sad to read this. My heart goes out to you and your family. I lost my own father at the end of August and I know how difficult a time such a loss can be. Have strength and spend as much time as you need to reflect, remember and of course grieve. Know that you and your family are in the hearts, thoughts and prayers of many of us out here in the ether. Take care.

  84. I'm sorry for your loss.. i feel your sadness because my grandmother also passed away one month ago,, they are now in God's hand.. they are now much happy to be with Him.. just be strong and always think positive and pray always...

  85. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will be praying for you and your family.

  86. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  87. I am so sorry for your loss. I'm glad that you were able to spend some time with him recently. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  88. So very sorry to hear about your sad loss. cherish your memories and take comfort from them.

  89. very sorry to here of the sad loss of your Dad ,my thoughts are with you and your family XXX Melanie

  90. Hi Sue, so sorry to hear your sad news of your Dad. My thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time. Lots of love Jenny L

  91. Hi sue
    Sincere condolences to you and your family.

  92. Oh Sue, I'm so sorry. I wish you all a lot of energy for the next time.
    My sincerest condolences to you and your family.

    Big hugs, Uta

  93. Hi Sue, so sorry to hear your sad news...it's so hard when you lose a parent, no matter how young or old you are, but you will be blessed with so many happy memories. Thinking of you and sending a warm hug, lots pf love, Carole Z xx

  94. Hello Sue
    So sad for you , thank goodness you have Thanksgiving to remember him by, sad also for your Mum.... thinking of you Sue
    Take care
    Love Marg

  95. Sending you lots of love and hope that the sorrows soon become smiles as you remember the good times, Ali x

  96. Sue I'm sending you lots of hugs.Lol Lynne M

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I am sorry to hear your father has passed away and although I did not know him I shed a tear as I know the loss and pain you are feeling. Keep thinking of the wonderful times you spent with him. God Bless

  99. Sorry to hear your sad news Sue. Take time to gather your memories and grieve.You are in my prayers.
    Sue H(hugs)

  100. So sorry to hear your sad news.

  101. What awful news, it is impossible to get over, I lost my Dad when I was 16, that was nearly 40 years ago. Every Dad is special and yours was no exception. As time goes by you can focus on all the good times. Thinking of you.

  102. So sorry to read such sad news. Love & hugs to you & your family.

  103. Hi Sue, So sorry to hear your dad has passed away , this is a sad time for you and your family. Our thoughts are with you. God Bless Yvonne xx

  104. Dear Sue
    I am very sorry for your loss and you have my sympathies at this sad time. I am so glad you made it home for Thanksgiving to have some time together; I can remember how happy you were that your dad had got out of hospital and you wanted to do a happy dance at the thought of getting home. Your mother will have been glad of that time too, I am sure. Even if a death is not entirely unexpected does not mean you feel the loss any less so do allow yourself time to grieve and I hope you can turn to the happy memories soon.
    You give us all so much pleasure that you must know we are all thinking about you. That is not just because of your amazing talent; it is because you are a lovely person and it shines right through when you are on TV.
    With many kind thoughts and much love, Vee Cassidy xx

  105. Sue, so very sorry to hear your news, you have my sympathies. Although it is some years since I lost my Dad I still treasure the fact that I was with him just the day before he died. Your Thanksgiving memories will help you through this very sad time. It does get better, even if it doesn't feel like it now and for goodness sake don't worry about the blog, as another follower says - we'll still be here when you are ready to return.
    Sending my love and prayers to you and your family.

  106. Dear Sue, So sorry to hear your sad news. I recently lost my sister, who was only 66. It was completely unexpected and I know exactly how you are feeling, expected or not. Memories you can keep in your mind, they never leave you, just the physical being goes. Sending you many hugs with my prayers for you and your family. Carol S.xx

  107. So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you and your family.

    Clare x

  108. Sue so sorry to hear the sad news about your dad
    I know how you feel I lost my husband 3 weeks ago I am still running on auto
    Had a lot to sort out so only just beginning to hit me
    Take your time

  109. Sad to hear your news Sue but glad you were able to see him so recently.Look forward to some news about his life.
    You see you really must start scrapping as I'm sure you would have some great memories to relive.
    Take it easy and hope your mum is coping OK

  110. Sorry for your loss, glad you were able to spend recent time with him - my thoughts and prayers are with you & yours - love Cathie x

  111. Hi Sue,

    My sympathy is with you and I know how you are feeling as I lost my brother this morning to liver cancer. I knew it was coming but it is still heart-breaking. As you say, I wouldn't normally post this.

    I really like this black and white card. Elaine J

  112. So sorry to hear your very sad news, I know exactly what you must be feeling and it especially hard at this time of year. My mum 2nd anniversary was on the 14th of December she was only 62 and we only knew she had cancer for 6 weeks before we lost her it wad such a shock.
    I send healing hugs to you and your family I have no comments on how to get through these next few days weeks and months just to say do what you feel you need to do. I hid under my duvet for days and then took baby step we all cope in our own way so your way is the right way.

    Take care and best wishes, pauline

  113. So sorry to hear your very sad news, I know exactly what you must be feeling and it especially hard at this time of year. My mum 2nd anniversary was on the 14th of December she was only 62 and we only knew she had cancer for 6 weeks before we lost her it wad such a shock.
    I send healing hugs to you and your family I have no comments on how to get through these next few days weeks and months just to say do what you feel you need to do. I hid under my duvet for days and then took baby step we all cope in our own way so your way is the right way.

    Take care and best wishes, pauline

  114. So sorry to hear your very sad news, I know exactly what you must be feeling and it especially hard at this time of year. My mum 2nd anniversary was on the 14th of December she was only 62 and we only knew she had cancer for 6 weeks before we lost her it wad such a shock.
    I send healing hugs to you and your family I have no comments on how to get through these next few days weeks and months just to say do what you feel you need to do. I hid under my duvet for days and then took baby step we all cope in our own way so your way is the right way.

    Take care and best wishes, pauline

  115. sorry to hear your sad new hugs angxx

  116. Sue, so very sorry to hear your sad news, I know how you are feeling right now as I lost my wonderful mother in law this time last year. Any death leaves a void in your life, but it seems so much more poignant at this time of year. Sending you all the hugs and prayers needed to see you through this difficult time.


  117. Dear Sue, so sorry to hear about you dad, but what you must thin k about is all the happy memories you have of him, although there will always be many tears, that is because you loved him so much, my thoughts are with you, and my tears too, as I have lost both my parents and still miss them after 10years but you would not miss people if you did not love them God Bless Audrey

  118. I'm so sorry for you loss, Sue, you and your family will be in my prayers,
    love and hugs,
    Dawn xx

  119. Dear Sue I am so sorry to hear this sad new and my thoughts are with you and your family....Bless,

  120. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. As you said you managed to spend some quality time with your dad at Thanksgiving and for that I'm glad.
    You will always have good memories
    Sue X

  121. Hi Sue so sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts and prayers are with you. god bless you jan x

  122. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad Sue,my thoughts are with you at this sad time .
    But as you said how nice that you made it home for thanksgiving and were able to spend some time with him, and have some memories.
    Take care Thinking of you
    (Hugs) Elaine

  123. I'm so sorry to read this. It's good that you had the time with him on Thanksgiving.

  124. Dear Sue, deepest sympathy on the loss of your Dad - much love Kay x

  125. I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad and am thinking of you lots. My Mum died just before Christmas a few years ago and I always think of her even more at this time of the year. She loved Christmas so I celebrate for her too. Big Hugs. Christine xx

  126. Sue
    I'm so sorry about your loss. You are in my thoughts at this time.

  127. I'm so very sorry to hear this Sue, You are in my thoughts. Jo x

  128. Sue,
    so sorry to hear of your loss, I only joined your blog recently but feel like you are a friend from watching you on C&C as much as I can when you are on. My thoughts will be with you at this sad time

  129. My deepest sympathy at this sad time xx

  130. Oh Sue I was so sorry to hear your news, thinking of you
    Jane x

  131. Your family are in my prayers tonight x

  132. Dearest Sue,
    There are no words to ease your sorrow at this sad time. I can only hope that you feel the warmth of the arms of friendship all around you and your family.
    We are your friends and we will be here for you as and when you are ready to post again. God bless you all. Hugs Linda x

  133. Sue,
    I have just seen this on my return from a break and was so sorry to hear your news. No words can express how you feel but your Dad is at peace. I am glad you were able to spend quality time with him at Thanksgiving and my hear goes out to you Mum, you and your family. Let those tears flow.
    Lots of love and hugs to you
    Elaine L xx

  134. Sue,

    So sorry for your loss, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.

    Liz G

  135. thoughts are with us of your sad loss, take care x

  136. I am so sorry Jusit to say you are in my thoughts and prayers

  137. Sue I am so sorry to hear about your Dad, its good that you have some special memories of him. Take care. Deepest sympathy to your Mum and family too

    Sue xxx

  138. So sorry to hear your news - I'm sure all the followers will understand if you don't blog for a while. Take care.

  139. I think all your followers will agree with Fiona, you and your family come first at this very sad time. Give yourself space and time. We are all thinking of you and the blog is last thing on your mind at this time. We will all be waiting for you when you feel ready.

    Take care,

    Liz G xx

  140. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Take time to reflect on the wonderful times you had together. Hugs xx

  141. So sorry for your loss Sue, its good to know you had some quality time together before he passed and those precious moments will stay with you always. God Bless you and your family (((()))) big hugs xx

    Millie xx

  142. I am truly sorry to hear of your dad's passing, my sincere condolences to you, your Mum and all the family.


  143. Simply stunning. Thank you Sue for inspiring me. xx

  144. sorry to hear about your dad my thoughts are wwith you and your family x x

  145. So sorry Sue, my thoughts are with you and your family.

    Vicki Turner
    Scrap and Stamp Art Studio

  146. i am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My condolences to you and your family. It is indeed a gift you got to spend time with your dad.

    I am pleased to hear you are allowing yourself the break, before it affects you. Take care of yourself.

  147. Sue
    My thoughts are with you at this sad time. xoxo

  148. Thinking of you all at this sad time, remember the happy times xx

  149. Sue, I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you. Hugs, Moni

  150. God Bless Sue to you and your family at this sad time.
    So glad that you had time together last month.
    Thinking of you.

    Sue C

  151. Hi Sue
    So sorry to hear of your loss.

    Eileen x

  152. So sorry to hear your sad news, my thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time.

    Dawn x

  153. So sorry to hear this sad news Sue, our thoughts are with you and your family

  154. So sorry to hear this sad news Sue, our thoughts are with you and your family

  155. So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your Dad, thinking of you and your family, make sure you take the time to grieve properly, Wendy xx

  156. Hi Sue so sorry to hear your sad news even if it was expected it still comes as a shock we all think our parents will live forever he will in your heart and in your memories my thoughts are with you.
    Theresa x x

  157. Hi Sue so sorry to hear your sad news even if it was expected it still comes as a shock we all think our parents will live forever he will in your heart and in your memories my thoughts are with you.
    Theresa x x

  158. Dear Sue,

    Even when expected it is still so sad to lose your dad, so my thoughts are with you.
    love from Jackie D

  159. Hi Sue, sorry to hear the dad news of the death of your father. Even though you know it is going to happen at some time there is no way you can prepare for the emotional effects of loosing a dear one. Praying that the peace of the Lord is with you and your family

  160. Hi Sue, sorry to hear the dad news of the death of your father. Even though you know it is going to happen at some time there is no way you can prepare for the emotional effects of loosing a dear one. Praying that the peace of the Lord is with you and your family

  161. Hi Sue, so sorry to hear the news of your father's death. Take comfort that you had quality time with him and your Mom at thanksgiving.
    It is said that time is a great healer so take time out for yourself and remember the happy times spent with them both.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Love & hugs
    Christine xxx

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Such sad news to hear Sue...you and your family are in our thoughts.
    Love and hugs
    Ange & Clive

  164. So sorry for your loss, it is so good that you got to spend quality time with him though - eventually it is stuff like this that we are able to hold in our hearts and be glad for. Anna x

  165. So sorry to hear your sad news Sue, my thoughts are with you and your family.

