
Thursday, 17 March 2011

POTW Schedule

The new Spellbinders POTW shows start tomorrow at noon and later at 3pm for anyone interested to see the latest releases.  I've included a pic of one of the samples that I am not demoing this weekend, but thought you might like a closer look at some of the new dies.  There are six new dies on this card, two of them are part of the fun new Grand Nestie releases.  It is hard to tell but this card is black and white and yellow, a combination that I rarely use, but I just love the way they layer up so beautifully to make an very simple but fun card.  And yes, that is some of the yummy new vintage ribbon.  It is back in stock and we will have not only the large roll of the neutral (dyeable) eggshell colour back on the show, but we will also be premiering a sampler pack of new colours. If you like what you see, grab it as the stock on the sampler pack is relatively low for a POTW item.  My guess is it will sell out straight away.  I am using it in a demo on the 3pm show to make a lovely vintage ribbon flower if you are interested.

The schedule for Saturday is 8am, 1pm and 4pm  and Sunday is a two hour show starting at 9am.  I am on the Tool Shed show (along with Sara from Crafter's Companion) at noon and the final live show of the weekend is at 4pm.  Jo Channon is doing shows on Monday at 1pm, 3pm and 5pm I have just found out, so be sure to tune in to watch her brillant demos!  Let us know what you think about the new dies!  All for now, Sue x


  1. I love this card! So spring like and I would never instinctively go for yellow either but I think it is beautiful.

  2. Beautiful colours, they look so elegant together. Looking forward to seeing the demos
    Claire xx

  3. Gorgeous card and beautiful colours, they work so well together. Looking forward to seeing the demos and the latest products.
    Christine xx

  4. Excited already! Lovely card.

  5. Beautiful- looking forward to the shows

  6. wow i love that colour combination.I am so looking forward to the shows. The ribbon flower sounds interesting.

  7. Yet another classy card Sue - how do you do it? Good luck with the POTW shows.

  8. Hi Sue,wow the new dies look fantastic.Stunning card.Looking forward to the shows.Take care.Debbie x

  9. This is beautiful, I love your seam binding x

  10. Beautiful card and colors!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Beautiful card, I love the way your layer the dies

  12. What a gorgeous card - can't wait to see the samples.

  13. another great card - you never fail to impress. looking forward to your shows

  14. Really pretty. The recorder is already set for Friday - I will now set it for the other days now I've got the times. Good luck with the shows!

  15. themessycraftroom17 March 2011 at 20:15

    Beautiful card. Love the colours you have used .Reminds me that spring is on the way. Really like all the layers you come up with. Off to set record. Thanks Hugs x ChrisB

  16. Thanks for the timings - I will watch as many as possible so i don't miss all your lovely samples

  17. Arent nesties beautiful...and i love the colour combo.

  18. thanks for the heads up for your show times have just set the sky+ to record them so I don' miss any. Good luck with them all xxx

  19. oh wow this is stunning i love to see the marvelous cards you make when using your dies and i love the colours and sentiment too tfs with us xx

  20. I love the card, colours and the way you using the dies...fantastic! Vintage Ribbon is so cool. Have fun at the shows...wish I could see it in Sweden ;(
    HUGS Susanne

  21. Thoses new dies are looking wonderful and love how you have layered them
    Von x

  22. It's all looking brilliant!! Thanks for the heads up about the times. Cxx

  23. Love this card and have taken your advice and ordered my ribbon now. Can't wait to see what you have designed with the new nestablilities as the dies look really good.

  24. Gorgeous card! Can't wait to get my hands on some new Nesties, they look so pretty :)

  25. I love the use of ribbons on your cards - you're very creative with the colours too. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Thanks for showing this, it's beautiful!

  27. Hi Sue,
    Have just enjoyed watching th new 7 POTW's show. Spotted the gold embossed frame card - just stunning. Right up my street...
    Looking forward to the 3pm show despite having to watch it on the computer screen.x

  28. Great colours! Black and yellow togather! Beautiful!

  29. Love your shows. The card is beautiful. Many thanks for sharing with us xx

  30. The Shows are fab great tips great products !

  31. Sue this is a beautiful card. The colour combo is a treat. Love the new dies just don't know which to buy. I purchased some ribbon from Loobiecrafts last week as it arrived, nice shop will be going back again.
    Looking forward to your shows over the weekend.

  32. Another beautiful card, I hadn't thought of mixing patterned die cuts with plain, it looks really effective, well done Sue xxsue

  33. Stunning! Love the colors and all the layering.
    Blessings Bernie

  34. Your card is beautiful, not a colour combo I would of instantly tried but looking at yours I'm sure that will change, I think its good to try things outside your comfort zone (for me that is). Your demo's are so easy to watch and follow, Thanks x

  35. Gorgeous cards as always xxx
    PS, don't know if you've already covered this but would love to see how you make those beautiful bows of yours... Please :)

  36. What a beautiful card Sue. Really elegant as always.

  37. Really interesting use of colours going to try this combination. Hugs Bee

  38. Interesting colour combination - not one I would have thought of but it really works. Another striking card.

  39. beautifull schedule. i like the colours.

  40. Using the patterned paper with the nestie looks fabulous, very delicate. Nice idea!

  41. Oh Sue your work is just to die for! love all these cards,and am soaking up as much as I can. Keep it coming!

  42. I can see a little of spring in your card!
