
Thursday, 10 June 2010

Exciting News!

I have some exciting news to tell everyone.  We are carrying a brand new line of ink and paint products called Eco-green which are environmentally friendly.  The woman responsible for this incredible new line is Julia Andrus and she is coming here next week to premiere the line on Create and Craft TV.  Julia has quite an extensive background in the crafting industry as she developed the clear perfect medium pads that we carry from Ranger as well as the perfect pearls line of products.  Julia has been published widely in magazines and books, of which my favourite is her book called Paper Transformed because it covers so many techniques that I use everyday!  Julia will be in the C & C studio on Thursday the 17th for two shows at 9am and 11am and then again on Friday for one show at 11am.  If you get a chance to watch her demo, she is amazing.  I sat mesmerized for over an hour watching her at the CHA wholesale show earlier this year.

I have more news too.  I have just been given another show to do on Create and Craft myself.  This one is scheduled for June 28th at 6pm.  I've been hard at work making samples for this show, but I don't think I can show any of them yet.  The reason is that the show is for their Christmas in June upcoming theme!  I know, I know!  I can hear everyone saying UGH!  We have just barely gotten the memory of all the snow out of our minds from earlier in the year!  I'm hoping you will watch the show anyways, but I think I will just post a few more of my wine samples in the meantime and hopefully work up to the ones for the show next week!  Hope you enjoy! 

The first card was made using a technique called ghosting which is one of the techniques that I am teaching in my upcoming workshop.  The topper was made using the mosaic technique.  For the second card, I had a bit of fun with the Cosmic Shimmer aurora embossing powders in an assortment of colours.  I've also used some of our new paper line on this card, but I've covered it with the wine stain stamp so it is difficult to get a good look at it.  I'd love to hear your comments.  All for now, Sue x


  1. Oooh thanks for the heads up on the up and coming C&C shows, will look out for both Julia's and yours xxx

  2. Look forward to seeing the shows, love the wine samples!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love the first one!

    I like the mixture of bright colors and the black

  5. Both cards are great. The first is really vibrant - reminds me of Spanish wine. The second has the look of dusty old bottles from an estates cellars.
    I will watch the craft shows and will probably watch the Christmas show just to see you demonstrate, however Xmas in June!!!!! What are C&C thinking of, I never start Xmas cards until at least the end of October at the absolute earliest!!

  6. all sounds very exciting. Love the cards and have just ordered her book.
    Ann xxx

  7. Gorgeous cards, very beautiful :)

  8. super cards Sue. Thanks for the info about the C & C shows - they sound fascinating!
    Look forward to your next show too.

    Edna x

  9. Fanatastic samples they sre beautiful. Just love watching you on C&C and all the stamps you demonstrate. Thank for the info about the shows will try and watch.


  10. Oh got to make a note of this as I'll be away from the 17th but will be able to watch the 1st but might be able to squiz in the 2nd one as well, I will record it anyway. I love the wine set and I have to have it lol

  11. I love the wine bottles. I never quite know what to do with coloured embossing powder, but now I do. Thanks again Sue for your brilliant work. I just love all your products and if its Christmas in June, this will not matter a jot. The inspiration we will gain from the demonstrations will carry us throughout the year. Looking forward to watching both you and Julia.

  12. It's great to hear that you are coming back with lots more inspiration and new products, can't wait xx

  13. Oh these are such cute cards. I know, Christmas in June, oh what fun it is.

  14. Like both of these cards. Esp the background in the first!

  15. Love the second card especially! Having various embossed wine bottles is soo cool!


  16. These are such great cards. I love the embossing on the wine bottles too.

  17. Can't wait to see the eco paints in action. Looking forward to all of the shows, just wish I could come to the workshop.

  18. Fab cards Sue. I will be watching with awe as I will miss her workshop at HQ on Tuesday :-(

  19. I love the bottles, they look amazing.

  20. Having seen Sheena use these paints, this is a definate for me to watch. Cxx

  21. I too like the bright colours paired with the black.

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  23. whoops, sorry I did it wrong-I will try again!
    Programme sounds really interesting and I'm looking forward to watching (hope it doesn't clash with any of the world cup). Your show sounds good too, can't start too early with the Christmas cards!! You are on my sidebar:-)

  24. love the cards, and enjoyed watching you demo today at the craft barn event. I look forward to trying some of the techniques you showed me with my wine stamps i received this week:o)

  25. Hello
    What we do is very interesting
    I read everything with great interest

  26. Your cards are so pretty...love the bright colors on the first one and the embossing on the second..TFS! Look forward to more on the new paints.

  27. I have been saving my scraps from rubber stamps to try the mosaic technique. Your's looks like a work of art! Beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  28. I really like the little view one get from the paper! :)

  29. semplicemente fantastico... ciao

  30. have just set the recorder for the shows! I love both cards, but particularly the second, going to give that a go and see how mine turns out, wont be as good but I will try anyways. Lots to look forward to on C and C, I dont mind christmas stuff early as I tend to buy early for it but still end up doing the cards last minute lol.


  31. Watched the eco green shows, must say my flabber has never been so gasted Julia is wonderful, sure made me start to play again.

  32. Great to meet you at the Craft Barn weekend, you were really helpful and I couldn't help feeling guilty when I saw your lunch waiting for you.You bravely carried on demonstrating, I was so impressed:)
    Looking forward to the next show, even if it is Christmas:)
    After your intro I looked up Julia Andrus, so impressed, such an inspiration and a lovely lady, a great idea to have eco friendly paints and ink pads:)

  33. Julia's show was fantastic, tho only saw it by accident! -will have to look her up.
    Will look forward to your next show, even if it is Christmas themed - would seem to fit in nicely with the weather at the moment!

  34. I love the wine bottles card

  35. Gorgeous cards, fantastic stamping! I envy your talent! And congrats on your show! :D

  36. I so enjoyed the shows Julia has done and look forward to the next :)
    oLove the cards and how do you do the techinques?

  37. Fantastic cards and rellly enjoyed your workshop on Saturday, learning how to make them. So much fun and so informative. Can't wait for the next one.

  38. I loved the Julia shows - how inspirational! And love the wine bottle samples. Very different from what you normally see.
