
Saturday, 29 May 2010

A Few More Wine Samples

Here are a couple more wine card samples but this time they have been made using the images from the second plate of stamps called Wine Labels.  This set will be part of the the multi buy and it will be shown on Monday's show for the first time.  These stamps are lovely and have been designed by Sam Poole to go together nicely with her Vintage Wine set. 

Just a little teaser about the show on Monday, not only is it a premiere for this new stamp set, but they are also going to be offered as scrolled stamp sets.  That means that the rubber has already been mounted to U mount and the images have been cut out so all you need to do is peel away the backing paper and put them on your acrylic block to stamp them!  How easy is that!  All the work has been done for you so you can get right in there and have a play once you receive them!

I have really enjoyed having a play with these as they lend themselves to so many styles and techniques.  These two samples lean more towards a softer less grungey look, but I love that you can get both distinct looks from the same stamp sets.  More value for your money!  Let me know what you think of the different styles. Favor the grungey or do you lean towards the more elegant look in a card?  Love to know!

As I have been frantically getting everything ready for the show, I haven't had a chance yet to put together the new blog candy prize.  Don't worry, the contest marches on and hopefully I will be able to show the pic of the new prize in a few days.  Remember, you get extra entries for leaving comments so that I know you have been here.  All for now, Sue x

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Winners and A Wine Sample!

I am about the draw the names of the blog candy winners for this contest.  So if your name isn't drawn, then maybe you will enjoy seeing another vintage wine sample so it won't be a complete loss, right? I have really enjoyed creating with this stamp set so I may have to bore you with more samples of them in the coming week or so (no complaining now!)

Anyways, without further ado, I will announce the winners of the blog candy contest, starting with the third place winner.  The name of the person winning third prize is............................................................................................................
Karen T.

Second place goes to............................................................................

The first place grand prize winner goes to.........................................
Amanda (dog avatar)

Thanks for everyone who has become a follower and played along.  There will be a new blog candy starting soon.  To the winners, please email me your contact info to confirm your shipping addresses (I won't be in the office until Monday, though, just to let you know).  All for now, Sue x

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Create and Craft Wine Show Coming up!

Since my computer is playing nice with me this morning and allowing me to upload a few pictures, I thought I'd show you a few of the cards that I have made from the vintage wine stamp set.  This is the set that I will be using in my June workshop.  By the way, there are only a few spaces left for the workshop so if you are interested, please book quickly.
The first card features a crackle background technique that uses product from a new Eco Green line that we are carrying now.  It is simply fab and really adds to the vintage look of this card I think.  The grapes were stamped on a piece of  broken press wood board in case you are trying to figure out what it is.

These stamps are incredibly easy to use and they really lend themselves to virtually every stamping technique out there.  These two cards have a rather arty, grunge style, but I have made several other that are quite elegant and they are quite effective too. 
I am scheduled to do a show on Create and Craft with them on Monday May 31st at 11am so if you like what you see, please tune in and you can see the rest of the samples that I've made with them.  Just a few sneak peeks for now, though.  Please let me know what you think.  Happy stamping, Sue x

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Workshop Date and Details!

I am having an all day workshop on Saturday June 19th from 9:00 to 5:00 open to all.   The workshop will be based on the wine plate shown here and each person that attends will receive their own set of scrolled stamps to use that day and take home with them (as well as their lovely creations from the day of course!)  We will be doing four cards with an additional one planned depending on the time. (If we don't get that far, the card packet and instructions will be there to take home).  Each card will be technique based and you will learn different and varied ideas that can be used with other stamps in your collection.  The workshop will be held at our premises on Kettering and the warehouse will be open for shopping before the class begins, during the lunch break and after the class is over.  The warehouse is seldom open to the public so this is an incredible chance to come and see and play!  The cost of the workshop is 50 pounds for the day and as stated, the scrolled stamp set is yours as part of the cost of the workshop.  If you would like to attend, but already own this set, then bring it on the day and you will be given a voucher for another stamp set of your choice.  Tea, coffee and water will be available throughout the day as well as home baked cookies and treats, but there are no food services available on the weekends so you will need to bring a sack lunch with you. The warehouse is located at Vernon Court, Henson Way, Telford Industrial Estates, Kettering, Northants, NN16 8PX.  The Kettering train station is only minutes away and we can arrange for you to be picked up at the station  (and dropped off after the class) if you like also.  Space is limited so you will need to book by emailing me at sales@particraft.co.uk  or calling me at 07825 380422 or 01536 514770.  If you would like to attend but cannot for scheduling conflicts, drop me an email and let me know as we will add another workshop on Sunday the 20th if there is enough interest.  If you have any questions, please email me or leave a comment and I will get back to you. All for now, Sue x

Friday, 7 May 2010

Coming Soon! An All Day Workshop

Just a little teaser to let you know
 that I am going to be holding an all day workshop soon. 
Keep watching the blog as the details will be released 
 in the next day or so!

As promised for now, a few more pics from the under
water life samples.  I just love that diver, he has such personality, doesn't he?!   On the first card he is suspended from a piece of acetate from the top of the card
so he moves when you hold the card.

On the dolphin card, I used a piece of acetate to overlay the card, but I ran it through my wizard in an embossing folder to get the texture that you see.  I really liked the effect.  It does obscure the background a bit though, where I tore pieces of different coloured card to create an ocean type scene.  I used the new ''glints'' both on the four corners of the diver card below and I used the large clear glint to magnify the ''Oceans of love"' text on the dolphin card.  They are very versatile embellishments as they both magnify and they accept alcohol ink to colour them to make your project.  I hope these have given you some inspiration!
All for now, Sue x

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

A Few Pics

Here are a few pics of the underwater life cards that I made for last weeks show.  I was hoping to put a few more up but my computer is having other ideas lately.  So the best that I can hope for is a few today and maybe a few more in the next day or so.  I'll have to see what my computer says about it all.  It certainly has a mind of its own lately!  The first pic is another "water card" made with hair gel.  Too bad you can't smell it through the computer as it has quite a light and lovely scent to it. 
The second card has an embossed background on decorative striped paper. 
The third card has an acetate cover wrapped around the card with half of the turtles on the inside and half attached to the acetate layer on the outside.  I had a lot of fun making these but I am looking forward to working with some of the other new stamp sets soon too.  All for now, Sue x