
Sunday, 25 October 2009

What A Weekend!

Saturday, I helped Sheena Douglass with her workshop that she held at the Particraft Headquarters in Kettering.  I was the chief baker for the event.  Several of the ladies that attended have asked for the recipe for some of the cookies that I made.  So I told them that I would post it on my blog.  They are called ''Chippy Dippy Bars'' but Sheena has nicknamed them the ''Evil Cookies.''   I have told many people that they are extremely easy to make, but the ingredients are difficult to find as it is a recipe I brought with me from the States.  The only place that I know of that you can find some of the necessary ingredients is the American Foods online or they have a shop in the Milton Keynes shopping centre called ''Let's Eat.''

So here goes:  Melt 1/4 cup butter or margarine and drizzle it in a cookie sheet that has a lip edge to it.  Next crush grahamcrackers into crumbs  (from Let's Eat) and spread over butter until there are no ''wet'' spots left.  About a cup or so is needed.  (I personally want to try this with crushed hob nobs, but I haven't yet!)  Next spread one bag of Nestle butterscotch chips (from Let's Eat) over the crumbs.  Next spread the same amount of milk chocolate chips.  Next chop one cup walnuts and spread over entire sheet of the chips.  Next spread one bag of Baker's brand angel flake coconut (from Let's Eat) over the walnuts. A quick note, American coconut is quite different from English coconut, so do not try to substitute this.   Lastly drizzle one can of sweetened condensed milk over the entire sheet, trying to cover all the coconut as evenly as possible.  Bake at about 150 degrees C for about 25 to 30 minutes.  The edges will brown quicker, so watch, you may have to turn the temp. down a bit.  Cool completely, cut into squares.

Sunday was supposed to be Sheena's show on Create and Craft at 5pm.  She spent the weekend at our house with the workshop on Sat. and then the show.  But, she woke up Sunday morning and wasn't feeling very well.  We decided she might feel a bit better if she had a little nap, but that only gave her a little relief for a short time.  So it was about 1 pm by then and we thought maybe I could go with her to the show and be there in case she became more poorly.  Another 30 minutes, however, and she was very ill  so I had to step in and try to learn her demos for the show.  So for those of you that tuned in expecting Sheena's lovely demos and techniques, I do apologise.  I just feel bad for not only Sheena, but Karen Lines spent so much time making many of the lovely window card samples and due to a very limited counter space issue, most of them weren't even shown!    I did get to meet Joanna Sheen in the green room prior to the show and what a lovely lady she is!  Hopefully, Sheena will be back up and running soon and she can do a proper job showcasing the window and tissue box samples.  Thanks for allowing me to "play'' Sheena for a day.   It was fun!
Happy Crafting, Sue x


  1. Saw the show Sue and you carried it off beautifully - well done - love your demos -i sent in a text message but it was too late ! :) x

  2. You did me proud!
    I know I've thanked you many times today, but this is the big public THANK YOU, which will also be reflected on my blog when I pick up just a little bit more:-)
    Honestly - I couldn't possible have made it, and I SO appreciate your team spirit and bravery to step in last minute - you were first class. x

  3. What a trooper Sue, I haven't seen the show yet but I sky+'d it. I'm sure you did a fabulous job!!
    (those cookies look do look evil, if I made them I know I would not be able to resist the temptation of eating them all!!)
    Sandra x

  4. Sue, if there was anyone that Sheena would want to replace her on a show would be you. It must have been a nice kind of strange demo'ing Sheena's stamps but you did a wonderful job. Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather Sheena by the way - we'll leave Dennice to go into more graphics!!! Take cake, Kym xxx

  5. Hi Sue. Thanks for the recipe. Evil they are and absolutely delicious!!!! Must have a hunt to find those ingredients!
    Sorry to hear Sheena was feeling under the weather, but I'm sure you did a great job. She couldn't have asked for anyone better as her stand-in! I missed the show but hope to catch one of the repeats.
    lol Lynne. X

  6. You did a magnificent job on the show Sue especially at such short notice and it was lovely to meet you and Sheena at Kettering on Saturday too - roll on the next workshop! I must admit I resisted those evil cookies as I didn't think I could take the sugar rush; now if you had made a plate of bacon butties it would have been a totally different thing!!!
    Ali xx

  7. I didn't see the show, but a good friend has taped it for me. I'm sure you did Sheena proud.
    So sorry to hear Sheena is not well - I hope it wasn't her Saturday students who tired her out.

    Sue your cookies are absolutely delicious - it was worth doing Saturday's course for those alone. Hope to be at the next one in January and please bake again.

    Ann xxx

  8. Sue you did a STUNNING job and show cased everything so well , loved the fact you made the box up having never done it before - just shows how easy it is
    It was a special weekend what with meeting you all on Saturday and crafting & cakes , resisted till lunchtime then caved in - but they were yummy , then to have Joanna Sheen & your wonderful show on Sunday just rounded the weekend off to a tea
    Thanks for all the hard work and get well soon Sheena
    Suzanne x

  9. Wow - thanks for the recipe Sue! Hmmm.... I like the idea of making them with HobNobs too... (Making my mouth water as I write this!)

    Didn't manage to catch the show, but I'm sure you were fab, 'cause you always are.. I'll keep my eyes open for repeats.


  10. Know what you mean about Joanna Sheen. She is lovely and has time for everyone. Heard about your cookies from some friends who were at the workshop. They said they were wonderful so I'll have to try the recipe and see if I can get it right. You did just fine on Sunday - and with such short notice too.I love your techniques, so it was a bonus to see you combining your skills with Sheena's. Please gove my best to Sheena when you see her.
    Beryl xx
